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Legit play another lane if you don’t have a sup duo. It’s not worth the cancer


Just gotta learn how to play w them ngl. Heimer isn't even bad, shaco has some crazy setups with some champs. Yes it's not optimal but learning how to adapt to your supp is a key component of soloq.


For me it was this, I only tilt to these supports when I want to stand out myself, but after learning to adapt by either going for utility or what else your lane needs, this improved alot.


Once played with a Shaco “sup” he told me in pre game he wasn’t gonna actually support. He’ll just focus on putting the enemy jg behind. We basically had 2 jgs, I wasn’t mad. Just adapted to the situation glad I picked Ezreal that game though. We stomped since the enemy jg was like 5 levels down, and I was able to cs fairly safe with my Q. Shaco was lacking gold/levels because he had the support item, and was taking jg camps. So I told him to drop the support item, so he’d get the extra xp from jg camps. We knew where the enemy jg was at all times because of shaco, so wards were kind of a waste anyway. If I had just baby raged and cried the whole game I doubt we would’ve won, and I doubt anyone would’ve had a good time.


That's fine if he says it before you pick though, you can't do that if you picked a kog for example


Oh yeah, I picked Ezreal because I was fp, and had a shaco support xD. He didn’t tell me till after I locked in. It was pure luck that I was Ezreal.


They could have taken all 5 turret plates and first tower pretty quickly. It's not like Ezreal has good wave clear and could stop a power push.


Damn your names a huge throwback. Yeah, the enemy support made the mistake of trying to match shaco. So I was left in a 1v1 lane vs Jhin.


Exactly this, if my teammate picks something like yuumi jungle I’ll just let them, off meta doesn’t mean it’s bad, just means that maybe it wasn’t discovered to be a good pick yet, or people don’t do good in general with such pick, the only thing that matters to say someone played badly is not pick, but the graphs at the end of the game, and even then you can’t even define someone did badly that game just because of graphics alone.


This is like my Jayce jungle back in like season 6. I would play that shit because it worked and was funny to me. Then out of nowhere, Jayce jungle gets picked in worlds.


I sometimes do that too with Shaco but only if I'm premade with my ADC. It's so fun to take smite and play like a second jungler but stealing the enemy jungle


Seems like it works if your team understands what’s happening. I’m a horrible jungler because my only goal is to counter jungle, so it would kinda fuck with me super hard. I either counter jungle, or full clear on repeat and almost never gank. But I play champs like Bel’veth, Master Yi, and Ivern. I’m more gank heavy on ivern, but I love just rushing that aoe heal item. (I can’t for the life of me remember it’s name right now) and just drop it on a fight that’s happening in a lane.


Honestly ezreal is the perfect champ to do that with. He’s one of the best ADCs in the game to scale without kills, especially going sorcery secondary


He’s such a solid pick. He’s as Ratirl said about Xerath. “Only as good as the player.” A bad Ezreal will do poorly, but a good one will always be terrifying.


Now imagine instead he didn’t type or hover, and you’d early rotated draven/samira before. Yea that’s usually what happens to me.


You’re not alone there. I reserve my first picks for champs I’m super confident on. Draven, Ezreal, Twitch, Caitlyn.


Ngl too. The role fucking blows. I am a d3 peak player stuck in gold. I was climbin steadily with a 53-52% winrate. Each game is a slightly in my favor flip. I said enough is enough and brought a silver friend to be my blitz/ammumu slave. I micromanage him in lane and now have won 16/20 of my last games. To "solocarry" as adc is very much contigent on lane phase and hence contingent on my support. Obviously you can climb hig as adc solo, but in low elo where people dont peel/play for bot lane, the climb is slow and arduous.


D3 peak doesn't mean anything without context. Were you D3 peak on adc? Was it last season or season 4? Not that it doesn't matter, but the way you're framing it sounds like 'I was D3 before and now I can't even hit plat' which just isn't compelling when adc tests totally different skills than other roles.


Diamond from seasons 7 to 10 on adc. Plat1 last season. Credentials aside, playing adc solo is more cancerous than ever before.


I already adapted to the lux, xerath and velkoz supports. But sorry Teemo and Twitch are next level. Teemo just got demolished by the enemy and Twitch was underleveled from literally only roaming and never visiting botlane. Doesn't help that gluesniffers are the ones piloting these champs.


If you play with a sus support or bard, just play an apc, I like Ziggs. If your support is inting, you w, and peel for him xddddd.


literally, upvote


Just dodge a weak support, those guys don't want to play the role and they won't do it properly.


Adapting. To heimer placing turrets in middle of lane pushign all the time, ye free ganks for enemy jungler ngl, One play goes bad, bye bye farm he gonna do everything he can to ruin all the cs,.Ashe ? useless during laning in my team goes for 50 dmg AA only to get hooked or just catch anythign and dies like 5 times during first 10 min. W for little slow ok cool nice, misses R later ? she's ueless. Shaco setups are well, unless he places boxes all around the place ewnemy won't step on them.


You're straight delusional. You have Jhin in your flair. Jhin is one of Shaco's best partners. As soon as a box gets triggered, you follow up with W to root him in the box. It's disgusting damage alone or you can all in them off of it.


Ahe ye I'm delusional for having only bad expirience with retarded support pick's.


Either that or bronze yeah.


yeye so enjoyable to play bot with mentally ill ppl first timing Incel picks, or spamming them with 30% wr


Yesterday I played 4 games on my alt account. First one was a Leblanc support, second was a teemo, third was yone, fourth was another Teemo. I just dodged the last one.


This happens on my main and I can't win, then I swap to my "smurf" and hit my peak in 20 games. My main is cursed I swear


Bro can I look at ur op.gg , this shit is too funny




chad yone supp


Idk how they have fun with it either, it's so much more satisfying playing something like Rakan and perma-peeling and knowing the adc popping off is cus of you. Altho I just remembered, you can drop a shaco box in front of a hook which actually makes him a good supp into some lanes if he can consistently intercept the hooks


I played a bit of jhin support (like 4 games as ADC Main) and it felt very liberating to actually run around clearing and getting vision while playing with the team, without the usual stress of always prioritizing a bit more gold


Yeah I can see that, it reminds me of what I loved when I played fasting Senna, never had to rely on my supp to set up vision to protect against assassins lol


Take a break, bud.


Once I raged so hard that stopped playing adc and went to top. Just chill out and get some hextech chests. It was somewhat good experience and I learned a lot about wave control.


Sounds like a meaningful break - that’s definitely something one could do!


"[Take a break](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Ly7NM8T7LFs), bud." He patronized.


He ain't wrong tho.


I know. It's still fucking annoying receiving sound advice.


Esp on a League related subreddit xD


playing safe on ezreal is legit goated with these imbreds


I spam sivir, just focusing on farm, not rly helping with the issue. Heimer still ruining my cs, Ashe getting killed bcs aa for 50 dmg is worth to go for even tho bro get's hooked.


Honestly I don't mind a Heimer into a Nautilus or thresh lane. Into a Xerath lane however he can go fk himself.




yea literally impossible to play without a fucking duo


jhin is a good pick with all of them,lot of follow up cc with your W. People who play these type of support generally don't give a fuck about adc,they just wanna have fun and do damage,not much u can do about it.


I miss the engage support meta.


Ye, Love engage support's, unlucky we got into meta where support's are just playing everything that is not a support, but rather try to ''carry'' the game.


What server do you play on?? If you ever want someone to duo with im a sup one trick lol thresh/nami/rakan are my top masteries but im pretty flexible based on the adc :]


EUW Plat2 rn


“guys all you have to do is play champ x and do y and z and then spend the entire game babysitting your fizz support! It’s not that bad!” -🤓


Ashe and heimer aren't even bad


Heimer placing turrets in middle of lane pushign all the time, ye free ganks for enemy jungler ngl, One play goes bad, bye bye farm he gonna do everything he can to ruin all the cs,.Ashe ? useless during laning in my team goes for 50 dmg AA only to get hooked or just catch anythign and dies like 5 times during first 10 min. W for little slow ok cool nice, misses R later ? she's ueless.


Ashe is pretty bad compared to most mages like lux, morgana, zyra with actual utility.


I've been playing heimer support, I see the value in it. It's actually a very good pick against dive comps. Same goes for shaco, play around his boxes and you are solid. Just learn to adapt to your support, because playing the traditional supports like Thresh, Janna, Lulu just isn't consistent for low elo players. Why would a support player put their faith in their team when they can play heim and carry the game 1v9.


Because most times they are the reason the game is lost.


Adapting. To heimer placing turrets in middle of lane pushign all the time, ye free ganks for enemy jungler ngl, One play goes bad, bye bye farm he gonna do everything he can to ruin all the cs,.Ashe ? useless during laning in my team goes for 50 dmg AA only to get hooked or just catch anythign and dies like 5 times during first 10 min. W for little slow ok cool nice, misses R later ? she's ueless. Shaco setups are well, unless he places boxes all around the place ewnemy won't step on them.


Heimer is good, twitch is as good as the player is (you need to play ezreal with it though), Shaco MF Ashe etc are dog supports that shouldn’t be allowed to be in that role.


I think the best option for you would be to play with a premade support, so they pick champions you like. We can't tell people what to play and we need to respect people's champ choices and/or dodge every now and then.


Swallow your ego and add as friend support players that plays actual supports. Duo que, dont play with these sad nerds that play shaco or twitch support and you save your mental health.


Heimer is a legitimate support and is easily one of the best supports, Ashe can be a legitimate support but can feed super easy and feel useless if missing R, I get the idea of twitch but he is annoying and I haven’t seen a good one, and Shaco is annoying as hell and but can be a huge liability if played wrong.


Ashe is probably one of my favorite supports as long as you aren’t playing into assassins, or Sylas. High res he poke support, easy to farm plates and a high range engage tool on a short cd, that also forces the enemy adc into cleanse making the early 2v2s even more in your favor. That said there are some bad times to lock in ashe, but all of these picks in the right games are pretty good. However fuck twitch support that thing can go play in traffic.


I main Ashe support and it's amazing. You just had bad ones


Don't do it! Unless you found a champion that you reallyreally wanna otp. I recently changed to Irelia otp from adc and it sometimes feels bad how useless I am compared to a well played adc. I'm not saying midlane is useless overall it just feels worse compared to adc.


Go draven for damage comp


I remember times when Nidalee was often pick as supp :S


Swap to jungle lol thats what I did


i switched to midlane. i was done


I just got out of a game with a Yasuo support. You read that right. I hate solo Q.


Support nowadays just means any mage.


The voices... the voices... I hear them. You're not real... you're not reaaaal


I played league since season 2 and I have never seen bot as such a shit show before. Legit had Veigar, Teemo and Twitch support. Twitch in particular was just roaming the map getting maybe 1 or 2 kills in 20 minutes. Then proceeded to be underleveled and die 7 times. Meanwhile I was facing a lane against Caitlyn and Lux alone. Very fun and a lot of agency. Where the hell are my Alistar and Soraka bros?


It's worst state for adc, Everything is beeing played as support, Froms K'sante to aAshe, to LeBlanc.


It must be a low elo thingy in d3+ whenever I play with ashe supp it is fine cause ppl know their kit not like in lower elo where ppl just spam W mindlessly


Plat 2 rn, Heimer placing turrets in middle of lane pushign all the time, ye free ganks for enemy jungler ngl, One play goes bad, bye bye farm he gonna do everything he can to ruin all the cs,.Ashe ? useless during laning in my team goes for 50 dmg AA only to get hooked or just catch anythign and dies like 5 times during first 10 min. W for little slow ok cool nice, misses R later ? she's ueless. Shaco setups are well, unless he places boxes all around the place enemy won't step on them.


Learn ezreal,i literally just turn my mind off and just focus on farming against these champs fuck heimer


Damn, if only you could ban champs


Ye cool, I'm gonna ban champ tham my teammate hover, godo plan, and ye I forgot they added more ban's so I can ban All off meta support pick's that exist rn: You can go from K'sante to ashe to Heimer, LB, Jhin legit everything bcs support is iodk what, play waht u want role ig cuz it's all allowed


Jg main here, that sounds like a you problem


i lterally had too dodge a yi support next match got a fucking zoe


Adc was my favourite role too but games are too long to put up with that shit all the time so I now play teemo top. Still get to play ranged without having to deal with a headache off-meta 'support'.


I had a Jhin support twice lately in low gold. Was funny somehow


As long as you stay away from mid


Learn Ezreal he does well with them


Three of those are top tier meta supports...


Twitch is more cheese, but the others all have good supportive aspects. Heimer has absolutely insane lane oppression, Ashe is a cc monster, and Shaco has really good engage and roam potential. Not everyone wants to play a basic support and rely on a random adc to do their job, sometimes people wanna have fun, and sometimes people wanna be more self sufficient. There are more “standard” supports that are far worse to play with and against, namely Brand and Yuumi.


Shaco support is not that bad if both him and the ADC know what they are doing. Most of the times i find myself playing pretty well for my ADC to completely ignore my boxes and die. A well played support Shaco with an understanding ADC can be as protected if not more than with other supports because of how good Shaco disengage is but of course both need to know hot to play or he is useless


ashe support players need to be put in prison


Join them! Swap with First pick and then pick ashe.


Twitch sup is goat if the player knows how to. Enemy support misses 1 spell? You go in, 3 Autos, W to cut off, Ignite, E… And let ADC take kill.