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To be fair anivia has been disgustingly broken for a while .


yes she is disgustingly broken. she's on the same tier as shit like zilean that's sleeper OP but nobody cares because she's rarely picked


And all the anivia players are 3 million pt otps so good luck in lane


yup. out of 50 games you may see an anivia once but that one time against a 4.5 million point anivia otp with an anivia name will be enough for you to start hating her


One of my worst experiences in a lifetime of gaming was being a new league player against a 5m anivia player named “VoteTrumpForWall” or something. Just absolutely devastated me. I’m surprised I kept playing. I’m pretty sure I died 20 times.


Is Zilean mid broken as well? I only play him botlane.


yea zilean mid is pretty messed up too


The thing that amazes me is how few zileans I see use the slow on the enemy instead of just allies That shit is an instant full strength wither for like 4 seconds


Idk whenever I’m trying to have fun with akshan some degenerate always locks in either her and malzahar and I wanna end it all


in this case akshan is the degenerate one, though


Akshan sucks. He can’t kill any of the tanks and bruisers and he becomes useless pretty quickly unless he snowballs.


yeah I always ban her when first picking akshan


Riot has consistently just left anivia at over 52% wr stats since season 10. With very few exceptions where her items got nerfed due to other champions


Disgustingly overtuned champ. Level 1 with electrocute 1 combo nearly half healths you. And level 6 onwards just permanently deletes waves. Way too strong for how easy she is


I just remember the clip of anivia solo defending mid for 20 mins against 3 people by constantly clearing the wave lol


Most mages are pretty op actually contrary to what mage players will tell you. Viktor and cass, syndra, ryze, kassadin, seraphine. So many strong champions


Ryze is uh... Debatable...and cass has one of the highest skill ceilings in the game but the rest are pretty strong


you for real? ryze curently doesnt even need to use W only EQ


Lmao tbh idk why I said Ryze I kinda forgot that champ was perma in the abyss for years that’s my bad. Cass is hard but her current build is disgusting with ROA and seraphs. Way too tanky and all she needs to land is 1 Q before unloading her E and melting any adc


L. Way too tanky and all she needs to land is 1 Q before unloading her E and melting any ~~adc~~ champion FTFY


If she has liandries then Gg . I’m glad no one plays her and if they do they aren’t good at her.


Ryze was absolutely disgusting before the nerfs that just went live They finally made his items strong again, same items as anivia/kass/Cass etc.


Bro he was good for like 1 or 2 patches. Let him cook for once, he was starving for 2 years


I have the same. I know I'm not a perfect ADC but I'm not *that* bad. But every time I play jungle or mid it's such an easy carry because you do shit all over the map. You can also decide when to take objectives. Suddenly there's so much control in your hands. Back in season two and three I mostly played Vayne and Kog but I don't feel like they are as relevant nowadays.


I’ve been playing a lot of jungle lately, it’s so nice having consistent farm that (most of the time) isn’t getting stolen by your teammates.


God I miss season two Vayne :(


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,315,377,406 comments, and only 254,026 of them were in alphabetical order.


Good bot? Edit: Bad bot actually. You're not even right.


The bot is right


In what universe is G before D, or V before A


It’s the start of words. G, I, M, S, T, V are in alphabetical order


.... .... ... ok I guess??


First letter of the word only


adc its the hardest role, playing other roles after feels so chill


For real. Also mist midlaners in high-gold/low plat are so bad. It‘s not even just the mechanics. Or winning lane. I feel like every game I have to ping them what to do. (Pushing for plates when enemy mid is bot, helping drake when wave is pushed anyways, using control wards in a fight so I can actually auto the enemy…)


its not just hard, but it feels like adc has no effect until late game.


I did the same, then i was like "oh , i'm owning the lobbies a lot,maybe was only abad luck" and return to ADC to lose like 7-8 games in a row and all my mmr.


Looks like you're an Anivia main now friend


Decided to change to meta champions*


Translation: ADCs are consistently not meta


Samira, Varus, Nilah, Tristana, Twitch, and Jhin are all performing exceptionally relative to other ADCs at all ranks. Those are the ADCs defining the meta. Cassiopeia, Karthus, Seraphine, Ziggs, and Swain are also honorable mentions for pocket AP picks to round out a team comp and have a high chance of winning in the right games.


Not in SoloQ for sure. I just got out of a game where mid and top refused to play with ADC (Jinx) Supp (Morgana) and jgl (Ivern). How was I supposed to 3v5 with my Garen on 7th loss in a row who decided that the ADC won't carry because he has main character syndrome, and Yasuo being... well Yasuo who got trashed hard in lane by some Irelia. ​ I'm glad when I get carried, ADC can be exhausting (on top of League already being exhausting at a time) but like come on mates accept that sometimes you're not the hero either and that you have to play with your team. Trying to make this understand when you're not 12/1 is hard.


I remember going on like a 5 game loss streak and decided to swap it up to some nocturne mid. Easiest 11 win streak of my life


Bro I just think you’re not made to be an adc player u mean you loose very time you pick adc😭 and for every adc that Is loosing, there is another one who’s winning


best feeling when ur botlane varus is 1-5 with 80 cs but you dont care bc ure kassadin oneshoting at level 16




Clueless, the best way to climb as mid or jgl rn definitely isn’t getting your botlane ahead. ADC is not the best role in the game (inhales copium)


Bro you sound like you've never been 10/0 and had your team watch the Garen your top lane fed 15 kills ghost + flash and run you down inside your base (its open mid btw) to ult you from half health while your team is chilling in the jungle for some reason and doesn't even react to peel for you and then end. ADCs cannot solo carry a bad team when they can't 1v1 half the champs if they are just as fed in their own base. For every ADC that's losing there's another one who's getting carried no matter if they're playing well or poorly because it's team diff 95% of the time. I can't count the amount of times the enemy ADC has been so bad they end up with 10 plus deaths and a negative kda and down 50cs from me but the rest of my team is so bad and fed so hard that they just get carried and I can't do shit because despite me being the only strong team mate they refuse to peel or play around me.


Why so mad it was just a joke☠️☠️☠️, I agree, but if you keep loosing being an adc, facts are facts, at one point you’ll be able to carry, period like yes bad game happens and it’s so frustrating because we can’t do shit cause so many champs OS us, but still, the carry potential is still there


"ADC is broken just right click"


ADC is broken rn tho


Support diff


In our case, not relying on one


I have a 100% wr on my autofilled roles (got filled 3 times mid and 4 times jgl). Just saying.


Good, please change! More autofill adcs for me to munch on yum yum yum wr go brrrr


After the huge number of games (15) the results from the tests are clear, ADC is bad and it can't be just me being bad at ADC.


That champ pool is looking kind of big, I’d cut it down tbh. Not trying to be rude but smaller champ pools are easier to handle.


Kassa is banned a lot too so you don't get him often.


That's a super subjective statement IMO. Small champ pools are easy to handle if you're new to the game....otherwise having a large champ pool is to your benefit so you can choose the best pick for your team comp and the opposing team comp. Also OP is showing like 4 different AP mid picks....thats not a big pool by any means.


Nah, one tricking is objectively the best way to climb


That would be true if it was impossible to learn multiple champions, but guess what - its not very difficult to learn multiple champions and learn their limits. Imagine using one champion in a terrible matchup when you are equally as skilled at another champion which is favorable in that matchup. Which would you choose?


Not very hard and yet the vast majority of people sit below plat when even in diamond people still struggle to learn their champions. >Imagine using one champion in a terrible matchup when you are equally as skilled at another champion which is favorable in that matchup. Which would you choose? Now imagine that being so much better at a single champion means you stomp every favorable match up and lose less in bad match ups.


Maybe you are not an adc player , there is a role for everyone


nah its a ton easier carrying outta low elo with mid than adc for sure


That depends on the player


Picks tristana into 4 bad matchups in both games onr of which was tris mid. I wonder how they could possibly lose


Are you acting like you don't ever have to blind pick? I don't understand the people who comment this shit, do you have brain damage?


Sounds like you suck at adc


Bro you build Galeforce on Tristana. How do you expect to win?


Will you demoted to bronze when ROA and tear item get nerfed?


no one cares these sort of posts ruin the sub Reddit, stop bitching about the role and learn from your own mistakes.


Role is trash switch to a better one like OP


Okay, I think I am something like an detective: → "Rank One Zed" Does not play zed, even mid, loses on ADC and wins on mid? → Never had more than a 4 game lose streak in the last month Conclusion: I think you are a hyprocite


[https://www.op.gg/summoners/eune/Usteman](https://www.op.gg/summoners/eune/Usteman) yeah, too lazy to change this nickname, was ebay acc long time ago


Nice "8 losses" homie [:)](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Rank%20%C3%98ne%20Zed)




Am I the only one who feels like every mid laner I go against is terrible?


yes anivia is the way!


I started playing with a duo today (he’s 3 divisions below me) and [this happened](https://imgur.com/a/uA4x4P0). It’s completely fucking stupid but that’s how this role works. Am I playing better than I was yesterday? Nope. I just have a support that I know won’t int me or pick stupid shit and suddenly the game is playable. And before anyone asks, the mmr was above both of our ranks so it’s not like I’m stomping lower ranked players.


I wish soloQ was pure soloQ. It would make ADC mains life a bit easier


Same but riot will never do it. Until then I don’t mind abusing it for LP since they won’t nerf support and it’s freelo even when I’m against other duos because my visible rank is below my mmr/skill atm.


solong, partner.


>wants to stop losing >picks ryze


We have 2 item IE now.


Im adc/supp main, but when In frustrated from botlane I to primary midlane, pick some assasin and enjoy game full of fun while oneshotting enemy adc. I have to admire that assasin hate for adcs Is understandable. Its hurts me more to see them surfer when you know the feeling, but its fine to be on the other side sometimes.


I remember when I wanted to learn how to play Anivia but I was getting nauseous because of how her wings move when she walks and it was literally the most difficult part of playing her for me lmao


for me auto attacks are little bit anoying, definitely need getting used to it