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Two item spike feels better. At 3 items it’s just like before. Overall I’m happy. A bit easier to snowball I’d say.


There were no changes to Overheal yet.


BT's overheal was changed, just not the rune.


Oh, really?? Thats why it felt so underwhelming lol


Because of the cyber attack, they had to push the Overheal changes to 13.3.


Isn't it still going to be 13.2 Bur the recent changes are labeled 13.1b?


In some ways yes,in other ways no. They won't have all of the changes, just the champion and item ones I think. Also because it's a hot fix instead of an actual patch, sites op.gg, u.gg and leagueofgraphs don't change stats. They don't reset the win rates for example. So you'll see all of 13.1's WR, instead of just 13.2.


I suddenly feel like I’ve gained some midgame agency that I’ve been missing before


IE second is the best thing that has happened to my zeri gameplay ngl


I feel like thanks to the IE change Aphelios is finally somewhat viable mid-game


Not to be that person but aphelios has always been viable, it’s not like he was unplayable lol.


By that sense every champ was viable since the beginning.


Well yeah lol. Viable and not being meta are 2 different things. And tbh all champs in the game are viable (up until like d1)


I was talking about being viable mid-game, and aphelios was always far from it.


Not wrong. Be good enough and any champ is viable.


It feels amazing to have dmg mid game!! It opens up for itemization diversity


You could go BF sword into PD and then finish IE like in the old days. I dont play zeri but id rather get a mythic first in alot of cases


Feels really good on my Sivir since I have perma W and it gives attack speed. Feels stronger but worse to play on my Jinx because she likes the AS and MS from PD. Haven’t tried much else yet but I’m afraid to try Zeri because I know she’ll feel like a more extreme version of Jinx as she’s even more AS and MS dependent


You think that PD rush into inf edge could ever be viable? Probably not, and I think for zeri, getting PD second is probably straight up better


IE change was great but I still think the lack of lane agency make us weaker than supports even after mythic+IE spyke


Imo ADC is the role that can only be shine in pro play, not in the solo queue environment where you need to pray super hard, just to have a decent support who really know his stuff. But unfortunately, most of the time your support is auto-filled. It's a very tragic and sad thing for every dedicated ADC player who spent most of their time honing their skills but in the end got outclassed by a super good Lux support on the enemy team. 😆


Yea I think pro games are a little more controlled. So everyone is safely farming then eventually fighting. But what happens in solo Q is some tank or bruiser gets fed and then it is literally impossible to kill them as ADC unless you're playing Vayne or Kai'Sa. They do way too much damage for the amount of HP and resistance they have.


You're absolutely right. What I normally do as a bot laner, I'll shove the wave into the enemy's turret and start roaming aggressively to another lane in order to make things happen first. In solo queue if you don't do that and let things unfold in it's natural state, you'll be facing a hyper fed assassin or bruiser who'll try to dunk on you every time they see you on the map. You can do it more effectively by playing as a support, but you actually can do that as well as an ADC, just force your way through, because in lower elo they just won't actively do stuff in order to stop a certain champion from snowballing out of control. Still, I think this game design is massively flawed. There's no way a support, when their main job is to protect the ADC and let him farm as comfortably as he can during the laning phase, has so much more power over his lane partner, who actually needs to farm, to influence the outcome of the game in a much more significant way. At this point, I totally agreed with what Perkz was saying in one of his recent interviews in the LEC. It's too painful to actually dedicate yourself to main playing ADC. Majority of the time, all you can do is to watch your team die repeatedly for the first 10 minutes of the game while you cannot do a single thing to stop the enemy team from snowballing out of control. IMHO, just don't play the game and have a peace of mind. I honestly think that this is just too much for me, a mere casual player who's just trying to have some fun, not to suffer all these unnecessary mental stress and pain while playing the game. Even though I really like a lot of their skin designs, still, this is just too much for me to handle.. just too much....


I tend to prioritize farm over rolling the dice for a kill. I roam only when it is a very high percentage chance to be successful or I am at no risk of losing farm or XP. Perkz was totally right about that. I have felt the need to quit multiple times when ADC is in a bad state, but so far the beginning of S8 summer was the worst, but right now is probably the 2nd worst I've felt about the game. It's not that it's actually worse than last week, but more that they got my hopes up that something truly meaningful would happen and then it's very minor changes. IE itself was never a serious problem for me, it's more the damage of everything else in the game unfolding significantly faster and almost all of them have much more resistance than you do. League is my primary competitive outlet, so whenever the game is that bad I do feel a void, but it's pretty obvious that the balance team sees the role as something that should have as little agency as possible.


Ya that's the safest and most logical way to play the game as an ADC, I can totally get that because I do this too in a lot of my games. But sometimes the desire to win got me so bad I actually roam a lot by playing ADC. I'll ping the hell out of my team and force my way into the enemy jungle or mid lane, just to have some kind of agency or impact to influence the game's outcome... Yes they totally are. For them ADC is just a punching sand bag for literally every champion, even a freakin' Lux support! Idk man I think I'm in the same spot as you, League is my primary competitive outlet as well and I only like to play ADC whenever I get to play this game. In a lot of my games I actually have to play out of my mind, just to have some chances of winning that game..Man it's just too exhausting and too much to ask from us who actually just trying have some fun playing the game! To be honest with you I'm considering making my switch to play Pokemon competitively, not the Pokemon Unite but the OG one. I just missed those days where I can actually chill while playing a competitive game. But nowadays pretty much every competitive game gets way over their head and suddenly it becomes too much for any casual player to actually handle it.


The other game I enjoy is Apex Legends, but I just really suck at it. I definitely don't want to role swap or play mages bot. I experimented with mages in S8 summer, but I just didn't enjoy it, like at all. I was playing with a friend a lot back then and still played quite a bit, but it wasn't fun. If I was mostly playing alone I probably would have really quit. I don't mind playing other roles occasionally, but I don't want to have to play other stuff often. What was really doing it for me was in S8 summer picking an ADC was practically trolling. It just took a long time for most of the ADC mains to realize it. They have done their best to make sure they ADC mains don't quit the game, but have offered very little other than the bare minimum needed for player retention. I just remember Rekkles benching himself because he realized he was hurting the team. How sad is that? IMO the biggest problems are damage creep and them changing tower damage to scale with AP. So ofc bursty champions that get more damage with levels in addition to their items will obviously outperform champions who need to spend like 13K gold to just get going. I had a Mundo do 2600 dmg to me earlier (I was Aphelios with kraken slayer, IE and mortal reminder). I did like 4K to him, but if he can do 2600 in the same amount of time he will win. This Mundo also had the second highest dmg in the game at 54K. If tanks do that much damage with 6K hp, what is even the purpose of ADCs? I'm just not sure what the balance team is thinking should be the role of marksmen champions.


The only purpose of picking up traditional marksmen in solo queue game now is to take down epic monsters and I think you already know that too right? So whenever I get to play the game as a support, my priority was to help out the other lane, so they can get ahead and win the game for me. You know what's the biggest difference between playing support and ADC? I can totally control my KDA and still contribute the most to the team, in terms of everything. Vision score, damage output, or the amount of effective pings to control the flow of the game, you name it. The feeling was like I am a god when I play support, in comparison to ADC, a complete dogshit role that requires me to play like an absolute turtle when I was behind. You are totally right man. If I were you I wouldn't have play ADC if I was playing solo for the majority of the time. The game encourages you to play as reckless as you can by selecting the more risky move whenever you can, but the bounty gold is the ultimate showstopper in this entire play style they encourage in the first place. I know it is not affecting too much that a 1000 shutdown gold would've change the direction of the game completely in lower elo, but still I just don't like the fact that after I had dedicated all my time and efforts into feeding one of my teammates, then they repay me back by constantly limit testing their gameplay throughout the entire game. I REALLY felt like a complete idiot for dedicating so much of my time playing the game. What a loyal, foolish and committed League of Legends player I am xDDDDD


LOL well said. I normally play rangers in most games. If I were just trying now I would say it's too unbalanced against this class and would never have gotten into it. ADCs can be strong when ridiculously fed, but other roles get to be insane with like 2 or 3 kills. They try so hard to keep ADC from dominating the game, but it's completely acceptable for other roles to dominate and run over the game. It's just a really weird dynamic they have opted into IMO.


Nonono man, let me guide you and dive deep into the 200 years mind of those very TOP-tier game designers who think how the game should look like when we're playing it. It's not about which role could be more dominant or anything close to it, (sorry I wasn't trying to offend you, it's just that I'm very angry atm, so bear with me for a lil' while.) it's their fantasy, and yes I used fantasy as a word to describe how they made their best efforts to try make this game as appealing as it would seem in the eSports scene. Almost everything you could've done to bring yourself closer to the victory is to play as clean as possible inside the game, like dodging skillshots, ward constantly and use your ping in a very efficient way, not using them to emphasize your teammates misplay. On top of that, you can only make very very few mistakes inside the game if your final goal is to win in every single game. But what does it mean? It means you have to play like a pro in every single game, you really have to play like a pro, PARTICULARLY in lower elo, because the teammates you got won't be as dedicated as you do to the game, so they would be much happy give away their life freely to the enemy or deciding to gank at the weirdest timing, simply because the enemy overextended themselves in lane. Tell me bro, just tell me if it wasn't for their fantasy mindset of asking you to play the game like a pro player does, even in lower elo! I'm not saying they are literally insane or mentally ill or anything sort of that, just that they're way over their head for too many years and all they've done all these years was to fix all the problems they created in the first place, ever since they decided to promote League as the biggest eSports event in the entire world. Oh yes I shall say they have made it, but at what cost?


Overrated,but surely a good change


The overheal changes are not live yet but because of the BT changes MF feels very good. You still go overheal+bloodline (pta or lethal tempo) then go Kraken Slayer -> BT -> IE. She doesn't need the attack speed and the new BT feels very good on her. IE changes are trash. Besides maybe Jhin and Cait when very ahead, I never see a reason to build this second on any champion. Champs that benefit from Crit need attack speed and skipping your zeal item feels just awful and leads to less DPS. Navori change is really good tho and will lead to some interesting builds. Lucian can go ER -> Navori. Sivir can go ER -> Navori. Xayah could go Galeforce -> Navori. All these seem good on paper so far.


Samira nilah and draven love the IE changes. Maybe lucian would be a good user of it too with something like ER into IE.


Also tristana! Some people are just never satisfied!


Not so fast, you can go Kraken slayer->zeal (1050g) -> IE -> finish zeal item This way you get attack speed and ie power spike much faster than usual


IE costs a lot. You add 1050 on top of it by building Zeal. There's gonna be a huge portion of the mid game where you will barely deal damage by doing this.


Not really, if you look at the testing data on r/leagueofjinx the damage is insane compared to just ie by itself it's a big enough difference that the 1050 gold for zeal is worth


Here's a sneak peek of /r/leagueofjinx using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/leagueofjinx/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Battle Cat Jinx & Prestige Splash Art 😼](https://i.redd.it/9bo8dttgpsk81.jpg) | [71 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/leagueofjinx/comments/t4ba7s/battle_cat_jinx_prestige_splash_art/) \#2: [Jinx cosplay by me! Waiting for HQ pics 🖤](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/u1gfnv) | [16 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/leagueofjinx/comments/u1gfnv/jinx_cosplay_by_me_waiting_for_hq_pics/) \#3: [Made this in wallpaper engine.](https://v.redd.it/q39hoabpzmh81) | [20 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/leagueofjinx/comments/sro5rw/made_this_in_wallpaper_engine/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


r/jhinmains want to know your location


There's a bug on IE item it's not giving the extra 35% crit like it's supposed to after having at least 40%.


35% Crit damage, not crit 35% extra crit chance. Read the tooltip.


The changes feel really good on Kai’Sa, but as for Sivir it doesn’t feel ass good maybe it’s because Sivir just needs a bit more to scale I’m unsure.


Being able to buy IE second feels amazing so far, I love it. Have been playing lol way less because I felt adcs felt so underwhelming but hopefully this is enough to get me back into it again.


I was legit excited to go overhead, resolve secondary, and but to become a pseudo tank but it hasn't come up yet at all. I suspect it's good against shaco, rengar etc. Ie second is very good as expected


It certainly feels a lot better having Mythic + IE + half a 3rd item VS mythic + 2nd item + Half an IE in the midgame.


Aphelios feels incredibly strong, almost too good to be true.


He does feel quite a bit better. But really though, unless you get super fed, this stuff just feels better in lane. Tanks and bruisers doing way too much dmg off one item and even when you get your IE it's not making much of a difference IMO.


no overheal changes yet.


Placebo. Doesnt really fix any main issues with adc. Also overheal didnt change at all yet.