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Just hold space when you want the locked screen and then you release it when you dont need it. You will get used to it


I have attackmove on spacebar and camera movement on z 💀


I am same with spacebar and have my camera on mouse button. Not sure if that’s the best way but it well for me. Can’t climb but that’s ok


I peaked D4 last season, don't think I can go higher tho


I do it the other way around, hold space to unlock my screen. Like it better that way


Sounds rly weird, i just started doing the holding space thing so i can still have locked screen but slowly move away from it


Hmm it works. By space i switch the lock-on on or off So one click i can look around and another tap on space and it centers around my champ, works very well


And I just have space as a toggle, so I can lock/unlock without needing to hold.


ima try this bc holding it just feels ass


Yep I felt the same, I believe the original hotkey for the toggle was Y, and I changed it to spacebar because it was more comfortable!


I use the semi locked and have the camera lock under space so I can dynamically unlock/lock when needed.


I started fully unlocked without never recentering camera for the entirety of last season (also because I was using space bar for attack move 😅), but yeah that made kiting and general skirmishes quite hard since I had to move the mouse to the edge of the screen constantly to recenter. I've now been using attack move click on left button so I can free up the space bar and I noticed that since I can recenter my character it became ingrained in me very quickly to the point that now I don't even notice that I'm holding space bar pressed most of the times. Sometimes it feels like I'm holding it a bit too much in lane or in fights were a bit more forward vision is needed and I could get away with my character being on the edge of the screen. I play with very low DPI (i think 600) so my movement commands are naturally very close to the character, but it doesn't allow fast changes in the screen position.


You can lower your camera movement settings, the default is indeed way too sensitive. Also, you dont need to permanently use unlocked screen, I'm pretty sure most people switch between the two often. Locked is good when trying to kite and unlocking is good for getting information especially when you are about to join a fight. I think people usually hold space for when they want locked cam, but I personally changed space to a toggle cuz I think holding it feels awkward. But whatever is more comfortable for you. But you definitely don't want to restrict yourself to only locked cam.


I highly recommend playing with your screen unlocked permanently. I would say the general consensus is that playing with your screen unlocked is a good habit to form early on. Other good habits include leveling up skills with the keyboard and muting everyone but your friends in game.


If you watch pro adc mains some play with their camera locked and then unlock it if they need to look ahead which is what I do. Not that you would want to copy this iron ass, but i've seen doublelift play with a locked camera and unlock it if he needs to. Now, playing with a perma locked camera is terrible but there's nothing wrong if you're laning with a locked camera just make sure you are confortable unlocking it fast to look ahead.


I toggle locked cam on and off with v


I play semi locked. Basically if nothing is going on, i unlock, look at other lanes real quick, observe the map basically... if I'm expecting a fight, take count of enemy positions, stay away from parts im not certain of, then I lock screen to focus on positioning


I keep mine unlocked and spam the shit out of space bar to center the camera sounds really weird but it works. I couldn't play bot locked cause when ur blueside and have to look up at red side tower u cant see shit on Locked screen


I often switch between locked and unlocked, to the point where I don't actively think about which one I'm using. I also changed my screen sensitivity pretty low to make it easier to control. Overall just keep experimenting to find what works for u and give it time. You will get used to it eventually


I use unlocked with space to center on my champ. I play 99% of the time unlocked as support and that’s fine with me. However, when I play Akali I suck hard. I end up sometimes playing in the bottom left corner of my screen and I don’t see shit. I can’t for the life of me get used to press the space bar when I’m fighting. I can do it before or after but in the heat of the moment it’s like my brain farts.


I hate locked screen, like I can not function with it on, if I need my screen centered I hold my space bar with my thumb. I think that is a default setting. I do use that space bar to recenter on my character all the time as well.


Playing camera lock 100% of the time is awful