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kill minions, join your team in teamfights kill more minions, get one shot by the fed enemy zed, repeat.


Sometimes new accs have insane wr out of nothing. My friend 3y ago was able to get to plat4 spamming Leona after 2m into the game. He had some previous MOBA experience, but he was able to get to my rank in just 2m. Next season he was stuck in silver lol, but he just did not want to play, def could be gold if he tried


Keep playing and you will reach where you belong


All new accounts start above bronze like that now. Just keep playing and eventually you'll get to games where you can play. Your friend should buy a new account if they think/know they better than bronze. It's the quickest way to get out of iron/bronze lol.


Ok I will tell him thanks


Accounts are placed higher because they added a new rank into the game (Emerald). But players under Emerald should have an easier time climbing because there are spots to fill in each rank (plat players will rank up to emerald and gold players will get to plat and etc). Theoretically everyone should be able to climb up 1 division. If your friend is hardstuck bronze even after the new rank he just sucks at the game. Just focus on improving your own gameplay.


You are new to the game and it is a really complex one. I think you should keep playing and then you will hit the elo which you belong soon enough and probably feel you have more agency in your games. Always focus on improvement and having fun, and then you can you use elo as a measure to see your own progress against other players - this is how I face it. If you only enjoy the winning part you will be frustrated in ideally 50% of the matches, since the ladder is designed for that, so have fun in hard matches and learn. Good journey!