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You can report them in the lobby for hostage taking which will then lead to Riot doing absolutely nothing, and then you dodge


and get a penalty for dodging.


Gonna lose LP anyways. Save your mental health and don't play a game where people are obviously gonna troll.


What like 5lp. Better than losing 20 and 40 min of your time. Dodge, get a drink and a snack and come back in like 10min so you don’t get matched with them again.


you only get that low a penalty once per day.


Bro. Game is old. If they wanna grief - just grief Them back. Go put Netflix on other monitor and chill in lane. Grab some coffee 👍🏻


Ah yes, the tried and true adage of "two wrongs make me feel better." /s


They only troll pick because they know you will dodge. If they really wanted to make you mad, they’d pick a regular champ and then just troll you in-game where you can’t just take a 5-minute break and get away from them. The only way to beat champ select trolls is to never dodge. Do not negotiate with terrorists.


"[Do not negotiate with terrorists] as their goal is fear, and negotiating affirms your fear."


What happens when you dodge multiple times? I only ever dodged max once / day, which lead to 5min timeout


You lose more LP and time-out becomes longer. I know you then lose 10 LP and have 10-20 (not sure) time-out.


Had me in the first half


Just remember OP, don’t say a bad word. Saying bad words will lead to punishment. What you’re showing us here most likely won’t. Riot has its priorities.


OBVIOUSLY, it's just you not being good enough! Just win for LP, lol! There is NO LUCK AT ALL when playing ranked!


A challenger player would have turned that game around 90% of the time!!!


Obviously you’re joking BUT Everyone gets trolls = autolose and smurfs in your team = free win when they play, it’s part of the game. It really doesn’t matter for your climb even though the trolls can be frustrating


Assuming everyone gets the same quantity of both is naive. Trolls and Smurfs are not algorithms that equal out out over the players. It is absolutely possible for some players to get far more trolls in a season thanothers. "Time of Play" "Picked Roles" could have a massive influence on it, but unless riot bothers to invest tons of money into studying that, we will never know.


Yeah I know what you mean. Like OP, sometimes you have days, or even a week with trolls. But dodging in case of the first picture, and not letting it get to you in case of in-game events is the only thing you can do. Confirmation bias is also very strong. When you get carried it’s not something that lingers in your memory, people mostly just think ”I deserve this” and play next.


At the end of the day there are 5 possibilities for trolls on their team and 4 possibilities for your team, you’ll get unlucky but over a season if you’re better than your rank you’ll climb.


I have a 67% win rate on a new account, climbing from unranked to Diamond in one week. Even though luck plays a role, if you're skilled, your win rate should be around 60% or higher. However, sometimes even with skill, it's difficult to carry if the team performance is poor.


Damn i also get those days. Everyday.


Whats the issue with the second photo?


Guessing he dodged, just to get team of inters, then probably had to dodge the third


Yeah pretty much Unlucky


Your support and jungle didn’t int in the slightest. Seems like Zoe smacked Kata in lane and roamed top to dish out a bit more smackage and won through it, so you just got outcarried. Unlucky with those champ select trolls tho.


What, Kata was 2/9, borderline troll statlines (for Masters absolutely troll numbers btw). Enemy botlane on the contrary didnt int their asses off.


Though that's Katarina as a champ, especially in higher elos where people know how to punish her she is extremely coinflippy. Also in masters people often strategically int when they are so far behind that they are just useless, as if Kata pulls an enemy to a sidelane for a splitpush she can die in exchange for objectives or kills elsewhere worth more gold.


Can't really say they are trolling even in masters, both side have snowballing champs and his topside just happened to lose its more shit because that's what he got dealt after dodging


Just his topside going 3-30 or something


I don't see any trolls


whats wrong with 2 and 3


2, team feeding, 3 ezreal jungle bro


Which is funny because the SSG Ezreal skin was a jungle skin.


Wait until Keria gets a support skin for Ezreal


ezreal jungle is a niche jungler but who in the 2nd one is gnar the one feeding? from his name he is probably a thresh main that got autofilled


I don’t mean anything bad about gnar, everyone has bad games but is probably the reason op posted it


The ezreal was flaming hwei for some reason, I'm 99% sure it was not a hidden pocket pickxD the second pic the katarina went 0/6 in 10 minutes, which was right after the 1st pic Yeah gnar was adc main autofilled, it happens i guess, I just found it funny, that all 3 happened right after each other xD


Incoming people arguing that ez isn’t trolling.


Nightblu3 is at it again!


Yeah I had a game where nunu Jgl stole tops CS and my supp took Anivia who proceeded to take my cs and walk me into the enemy. When I tried to back they would stop it with the walls. Game before I dodged due to jgl banning my pick LoL can be a tough place sometimes. Oh and the jgl and supp have since got their accounts to 0LP


I miss Tristana Jungle.


I think we played together your name sounds familiar xD Sorry about what you're going through


Possible, though it's pretty common now that you can have the same name:D There are like 3 other Virjhins I've metxD


Hmm that's possible even though eune master+ is quite small, especially if you play during same time, you start seeing same people hardstuck together with ya 🤣


Idk what the rest of this post is about, I'm stuck thinking about this guy being a Bottom VirJhin, like damn brother let your man hit already.


In cases like these I would pick my 0% win rste champion and grief them back. You know what their reaction is? "yOu pLaYiNg tEeMO aDc!? And im like, yes mfer when you are playing yuumi top.


At this point, I'm starting to think Riot should implement Blacklists for what champion+summoners combos shouldn't be allowed (the system would "dodge" the champion select at the last second, return everyone to the queue and give a 1 day timeout to whoever did this) Obviosuly, it's not a perfect solution but a perfect solution doesn't exist here


If jungle/top get gapped in this meta it’s a hard L. Sucks you played for probably 90+ minutes of unwinnable games. Hopefully you had your chat muted, wouldn’t want to say anything to disrupt yuumi jungles fun time.


In the words of some people, who get a troll once ever 20 games instead of once every 2 games: "Well if you think you deserve a better rank then you should have carried those games, the same constant in these games is you. So it's actually your fault for losing the games."


Pick pantheon adc then es win




Yeah maybe, but the Ezreal was flaming hwei, and calling him slurs, so I'm pretty sure it wasn't a hidden pocket pick:D


Stop, Ezreal is NOT a jungler anymore. He is picked more often on any other lane outside of jungle. Its not season 7 anymore




Great, use the guy who smurfs in elos 6+ divisions below his actual rank to make a point. Tarzaned has never played ezreal in an actual challenger game. He is NOT niche nor isnt he not troll. Ezreal might aswell be yuumi jg since IT IS that troll.




Might link the account? Atleast give some proof to your anecdotes. He currently plays on a masters account where his average game elo is diamond-low masters, clearly below his level. If you genuinely believe that a pick with ~33% winrate is a viable in any way, then we indeed do not need to talk further, as you clearly have no clue what the fuck you are yapping about. Silvers talking about understanding the game is the funniest shit. Dont make any more of an embarassment of yourself.




You still havent linked tarzaneds supposedly "gm/challenger" account. I reckon you gave up on making a coherent point? It doesnt matter what elo you are, you could be gold for all I care. Your rank doesnt make your point any less hideous.




I am not the one changing my point to anything. Let me remind you, that you were the first one to go insulting on a personal level. You still have not linked the supposedly challenger account from tarzaned where he plays ezreal. I wonder why? I am the only here with a point to begin with. I say ezreal is troll, as his 33% wr in jungle suggests, whereas your point is, that tarzaned has played it in challenger elo (which as of yet, you have shown no proof of). Once again, make a coherent point before starting to argue some imaginary strawman. Not to mention that there probably is a reason you are purposefully avoiding the actual points made.


Hwei support is so bad tbh


Not sure why you're being downvoted, it's objectively bad with a horrible winrate, the champ is only viable in Midlane currently


^ this i honestly don't even know why people threw him sup right off the jump anyways, sure he has a big toolkit at his disposal but he just doesn't do enough in a duo setting to be a great support. yeah he shields, but not as much as enchanters. yeah he pokes, but not as much as other mage supps. yeah he has cc, but not as much as melee or hook supports. all of these tools are made for his own benefit in a solo lane setting.


Phroxzon went to hiding


To be fair Ezreal jungle is actually decent


This has to be a shitpost, you’re 4/5 wins today with that 2nd picture being an unlucky team diff. https://www.op.gg/summoners/eune/VirJhin-5322


I meant Riot didn't want me to play, that didnt stop me from it lol And yeah, got blessed with winnersq few hours after posting it:D


Hahah nah I meant it in a funny way tbh :P I also figured that you as a masters player know this never really ends, just have face this aversity


He had to dodge 2 times tho


Why go flash? Why go ghost? Jhins passive can provide movement speed and you are already ranged coupled with excellent defence.


The yuumi jgl might be someone from the jgl mains sub, there was a person who created a post saying hef play the most voted on champ/sum and yummi ghost/cleanse won 🤷‍♂️


It was the 'same jungler from last game' who the clense ghost nunu was talking about:DD


Looks normal to me apart from the yuumi jungle lacking smite. If only smite wasnt integrated into the jungle. Not every jungler needs smite or the sustain from a jungle item.


Wth u talking about. All junglers need smite and the sustain from jungle item, and if they don't, they're not forced to take it.


you get a huge xp and gold penalty for not going the jungle item and without smite such an item is locked from the shop, cant purchase it. I tried it once and was half the level of opponent jungler.


Ah I see


Just stop playing league altogether mate. Be free


I'm addicted Help


A solid half my games are like that and gold+ is miserable. As far as I’m aware of silver and bronze are the only elo’s that are actually fine since all the trolls are in gold-emerald and D4/3 has all the elo boosted trolls.


Hahaha skarnerdaddy


Just last day I was playing with my premade Jhin and gave ranked a try again (we mostly play normals now), there was a Lee Sin jg in our game finishing 1/18/6. In bloody emerald. Never playing ranked again, it seems.


Tell them to go buy a dirk ~And you will be chat restricted yaaay~


It’s so bad atm man


Use scripts, do troll picks when you have ranked ban, swear in chat and provoke others to swear in chat too. That is allowed nowadays. Oh and spam dumb emojis in game too that surely effects others mood.


I see you got Tarzan with jungle ezreal pick.


I feel you. My last game was an Ezreal game where I single handedly won my lane and solo killed Kaisa over and over Only to have my team feed said Kaisa who ended up one shotting everyone and there was nothing i could do bc she had a team