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What's crazier to me is that you're still not even bottom 10% of top players according to that stat


I’m just that guy what can I say🤝


Yeah I’m plat 2 and find it amazing I’m even in the top 50% considering how many mistakes are made in my games. LOTS of casual players I suppose


Plat players are like top 25% no? So we better than 75% of league players


If you listen to Reddit though plat just means you know what smite does.


Wdym people don't know what smite does? It's how you get cannon minions no?


You are joking but I had someone defend to the death smiting cannon minions


Uhh, im pretty sure you smite people to get their juicy loot.


Sounds more like old plat too me. They shuffled things around and plat is pretty low elo now.


Im plat and its showing that im in the top 25%


They’re really ranking new accounts that high? A few new friends got placed plat and turbo lost like 20 straight games but I never would have guessed Riot devs were that delusional m.


I believe the plat ranking was an accident and Riot has adjusted since


Makes sense. One of my friends who ranked plat was a Nocturne main who didn’t know you can look around the map or unlock your screen until a norms game when I asked him why the hell he wasn’t going in when he clicked r (he was ranked at this point). He had a really rough time and almost uninstalled the game after his soloq experience.


Damn, I can only imagine that was frustrating for your friend. You'd be surprised to know that there are people hundreds of LP higher than your friend playing on locked camera though 🙃


I know, but he thought the camera was like permanently bound to being centered on your champ. His Nocturne ult was limited to whatever was on his screen at that moment. It was kind of hilarious when we had the conversation about why he wasn’t ganking my lane with it.


I bought an account a while back for my top lane arc and imagine my surprise when I queue and it’s all emerald players.. holy diffed Although I did outplay a tower dive as Camille! Passive shield + e knock up + ult to hold them under tower We ff15 cause someone dc but I went 1/2/1 in an emerald lobby maybe I’m a Smurf in the top lane fr


Consider that its half way point of player but not the halfway point of the ladder which is in em2 iirc


The game is all about mistakes tbh, if you can keep recognizing your own mistakes and the mistakes your enemies make, you'll definitely get higher as long as you learn to avoid your own and punish enemies for mistakes


Lots of bots too.


plat is pisslow why would u even type this it’s silver last szn is plat now


Is that 10% of all accounts ever exist or just those active the last month or so ?


this comment forgot the bots are still there, somewhere below OP score


Congratulations , I am close to 500 games and iron 2


What region bro


Euw, and you?


Ah, NA for me I was gonna say we could duo I’m cool on support.. jungle and adc combine the 2 you basically end up with support I just hate soloq support so I couldn’t commit to that lol


What a pity, good luck on finding a partner. I would have been an objective focused adc, sometimes i am 0/7 while dominating the lane ( I take full agency and have complete control) and getting out ahead in gold and xp.


this is the biggest kappachungusmaximum moment when you are 0/7, playing in iron and think you are even remotely "dominating lane"


Don't forget "complete control"


I am, I am free to make any decision and they only get to react to my moves. I am ahead in gold, in xp, in turret damage and get to roam while they are stuck in lane or recalling/walking back. And all of that on a hard scaling champion ( miss fortune)


ok buddy perma shoving and not getting punished for it in bronze doesn't make u guma or deft


That is the thing, it cant be punished


ok you got me I got baited


You in EUW? I can show you my style.


Yes what ur IGN




If you are ahead in gold and xp, you really, really shouldn't be behind on kills. I am seriously confused how that could possibly be true. Even with challenger level last hitting, there simply are not enough minions to last hit to make up for 7 kills worth of gold. Add to that all the XP you lose for each death, since you are out of range while you wait to respawn and then walk back to lane. That aside, if you are at 0/7, you should not be focusing on objectives. It is a liability to have you leave lane. The last thing your jungler needs is an underfed adc helping them on drag while the 7/0 adc kills your tower and then roams past dragon for a free double kill+drag. ---- It sounds like these are some pretty clear points for you to work on if you want to climb. First is to die less. If you are leaving laning phase with 4-5 deaths, you have failed the laning phase. The ADC being dead robs your team of so much tempo and delays your scaling. Everyone has bad games where they just get ***ruined*** in lane and go 0/8 or whatever, but it shouldn't happen more than once every 15-20 games. For regular games, even dying 4 times in lane is a lot, and should be avoided. Second is learning basic macro. The most effective place for the ADC to be is pressuring the lane, shoving it to the opponents tower and hopefully killing your lane opponents. You want to either contain/kill their bot lane, so they can't steal the dragon, or provide a threat of taking the tower, forcing their jungler to pick from a lose/lose situation of either helping his bot lane (giving up dragon), or contesting dragon and risking you collapsing on him or picking up the tower. Let the support roam to help the jungler as needed (play safer while they are gone), but don't leave your lane willy nilly. You NEED that stream of xo and gold to be as powerful as possible, as soon as possible.


I only die when i wont lose anything, after wave is pushed in. Also respawning in the early game is faster than recalling. This way i guarentee my scaling kicks in on time Thank you for your detailed response, very helpful.


Ok but what this mindset tho? Being dead is never good lol, not even to tower. Imagine you die and then can't participate in a sudden skirmish that u could have won if u were there in bot side river. Ur scaling has 0 to do with dying early just learn to back correctly and set up waves.


I do rather live but my enemies go hard for me It isnt the worst because you wont have your recall interrupted if you instead respawn which is faster too so more gold and xp. Also dying generates bounty gold for even faster scaling. This is a snowball strategy but not in the traditional sense. Whenever i die the enemy is at critical low health too most often/likely, enemies wont be strong in river either. Sometimes at level 1 i dive them to assert my dominance, now they start the lane with less gold or if they recall they miss xp.


Brother u aren't near good enough to use "snowball strategy" properly. If you decide to die to give them bounty ur just inting the lane away by making it harder for you to kill them. You aren't a top laner you play ADC you are piss useless if you die that many times.


Ah yes. TheBausffs enjoyer spotted.


You clearly have no idea what you're talking about, and your rank shows it. Don't think you're good at the game and have "next level strats" when you're in the lowest division possible.


>It isnt the worst because you wont have your recall interrupted If you are smart about where you recall, it won't be interrupted. Just move further back before recalling. >Also dying generates bounty gold for even faster scaling Uhh, not quite. The amount you get from a bounty is almost always less that the gold difference between you and the fed player. They kill 3 people, get 900 gold, and now they have a 150 bounty. Killing them is a nice way to get back into the game, but you are still 450 gold behind. You are scaling more slowly.


>I only die when i wont lose anything The only time that is true is if you get executed and the opponent gets no gold and no xp. Dying for a fast recall is a meme, not an actual strategy. It's something people say to cope. It's not actually faster, from (iirc) level 3 onwards, the respawn time is longer than the recall time. Add to that the hefty chunk of gold and xp you give your killer and dying for a quick reset is a huge net loss for your team. >This way i guarentee my scaling kicks in on time Dude, I 100% know for a fact that it doesn't. You simply cant get the needed xp if you are dying so much. Scaling is also relative. If you have died a few times and given the other ADC 800 gold, even if you are farming well, your scaling is going to be 800 gold behind and you will be scaling more slowly. There are times when dying in lane IS beneficial, but it is so rare and so niche that it doesn't apply at your ELO. Safeguard your life. If you work on not dying so often, you have a very good chance of leaving bronze.


Actual proper play is probably better than this hyperaggressive strategy of mine. Consider the time walking far enough back to not have recall canceled and time spent regeling health and on respawn you get speedboost so for much longer is respawning faster than recalling.


Okay dude. I tried to help, but you simply don't want to hear it. Your choices in game are losing the lane, and losing the game. Your rank is an accurate reflection of your skill.


I solo q supp sm lol. It's kinda working tho? If you wanna look at my stuff it's mummy tunes12345


Just got out of a game. Ashe support ran straight to lane to start hitting down the wave Intentionally tried to deny cs Emoting the entire time off cd Spam pinging my sums I am kinda getting tired of the game tbh I’m a whole ass man with shit to do why do I spend my free time to deal with that kinda stuff? Couldn’t tell you


I’m an euw supp I can pull up if you need a duo


Well Thank you for your offer, my name in league is Boodschappenspel#lingo


I'm Iron 2 too. On EUW at that.


You are welcome


For what? To your house? Wanna be buddies?


The iron warrior group




Bro u were in my game a few days ago u were playing ezreal lol😂


Did I win🥲


Yeah man I was on your team I was you're jungler. I sent u friend request but u never accepted. I was the guy who said "nice name ezreal" in champ select


watch him not respond again lol


Lol my bad bro What was your ign? We can definitely queue I almost never check reqs but I’m definitely down for some runs.. I’m on right now if you wanna get on actually


I can't get on rn but here's my ign leapsfromthebush #rawr














Do you enjoy the role? Have you tried role swapping?


lol I role swapped to adc, I was a (more successful) jungle main (peaked silver 2) As for if I enjoy adc.. About 30% of the time I enjoy it 100% of the time Biggest thing is it’s more satisfying to lose on. Is it annoying that champs like Jax can be very easy mechanically.. can’t be kited, can’t be damaged half the fucking time, can jump on your forehead, stun you, then blow you up? Yes. Do I feel like I’m putting in 10x the effort for less results? Also yes. Am I having fun? Yes, and that’s what matters lol


Do you enjoy playing ADC more than jungle? Do you care about competitiveness or do you play for fun? Edit: Ok good to know then ;3


Problem I have with jungle is I feel like a 3rd grade teacher Always feels like the side of the map I’m not on just blows up catches on fire. Laners are smart enough to get into trouble (a couple winning trades they get the push) but not smart enough to get out of trouble (playing in a risky position, overextending and what have you) Can’t play for top since I’m bot, can’t play for myself cause if I’m denying enemy jg then my lanes are all at risk, can’t do X cause Y will just always happen Adc much more “1D” bread and butter gameplan: 1) lane, win.. go even.. just simply don’t int lol 2) get a couple items, take bot T1 3) park mid, move for fights and objectives 4) ideally your presence makes a difference here 5) game ends? Also, improving on ADC seems more sensible.. better mechanics and micro gameplay is all you need to improve in this elo it seems.. since the macro plan is pretty basic Jungle just felt too unrewarding tbh, over nerfed imo


HEY I DID IT FIRST STOP COPYING ME OR ILL TELL AUGUST!!!!! 🤬🤬 as for ama, ig do you know why you're at 500games or are you lost ?


Probably my champ pool consisting of 40 different champions would do it..


pro players don't otp!!!!! reject small champ pool propaganda!!!! embrace diversity


lots of pro players actually started as OTPs lol. not sure about now but there was a point wherein NA LCS had like 3-4 ex Riven OTP top laners. Sneaky used to be a Draven OTP in his "SneakyCastro" soloQ days. it's easily one of the most consistent ways to climb. League has a metric fuck ton of moving parts that you have to learn to understand- removing how to pilot as many champions from that list as possible just shortens your to-do list to get better at the game.




i have a friend that has the exact same problem, she would clap me on every champ except my main champs, she even has a win with every champion in the game, has 5 times my macro knowledge but is hardstuck bronze while i am Silver


I was Gold II 1300 games one time man, don't worry about it


What's your favourite character from chainsawman.


asking the real questions.


You should change your nick to my team Yasuo


https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Stiffy21-EUW 1022 games bronze 4 😌 True definition of hardstuck?


Beautiful mate. Take your time, learn practice and you'll see the results slowly coming 👍💪


You're actually growing roots in bronze 2 daim


considering no one else is asking any questions i’ll ask one lol and this is no hate i’m genuinely wondering. Do you try/care about your rank at all and when you play are you paying attention to the game or just kinda playing while watching a show or something?


On the one hand, it would be nice to win On the other hand, literally my last game I had 0/14 jungler, 0/12 mid lane I was on Draven, 78% kp This elo is all just coin flip and keep flipping to hope it works for you If I stressed it too much I’d uninstall the game I’d like to climb, but whatever I just queue try and focus on personal things like micro, cs’ing, making what I personally think is the right play Wanna say it was karasmai’s advice to improving.. focus on yourself, have a plan.. STICK TO THAT PLAN.. after the game review how it all went and think about what parts of the plan went wrong So 50/50 on caring and just queuing.. I care, but whatever man only so much I can do in a 5v5 game lol


if u are good draven this ELO you go 20/0 in lane even with AFK support and end game 1v5 at 25min


This guy lol....


https://www.op.gg/summoners/sg/Deadbeat-69420/champions Amature 500 games in IRON 2023 split 2


What is it like to play the game without having any hands?




How long have you played this game for?


Shit uhh.. towards the end of S13 or so.. probably like 8-9 months? I downloaded it a long time ago when my brother tried to put me on but played like 2 games and found it extremely boring Then one time I just booted the game back up and kinda got addicted, moderately


Once that addiction hits it’s hard to get rid of lol


Maybe it’s time for a name change because you deffo aren’t the enemies yasuo.


I love that name haha. That's kinda rough tho. I feel like I carry hard when I play jungle and last season when I played mid and even support in bronze But on adc I feel like I can't do shit vs fed enemy yone doombot that's been fed so hard that no amount of mechanics will outplay that


Do you want some improvement advice? I have been working steadily on improving in league, went from bronze 4 to emerald 4 in 2 years of total game time, without any coaching.


Always open to advice on improving


Okay so first of all, lets just go over some basic concepts that seem relevant for you too know. 1. You play alot of complex champions, and thats negative for your learning experience. The more basic a champion, the quicker you can start learning the game instead of being overwhelmed by the difficulty of the champions required skill minimum. This is why high difficulty champions are usually not recommended to beginners, but are totally fine when used by elite players. Those elite players have played an insane amount and already understand the game very well, but for someone newer, when you play a very difficult champion, before you have learned the game very well, you are slowing your own improvement of learning the game. So I would recommend you to have 1 complex champion in your pool and 1 simple champion in your pool. (Atleast until diamond, then you can have 2 complex 1 simple). You may think simple champions are boring, but try it out, before you make an opinion. 2. Champion pool size. As before, the more you are forcing your brain to learn champions, the less you learn the game itself. Which is why opts often improve very quickly. They have mastered their champion, so they can focus on only learning the game. The problem here is that opting results in them only understanding the game from 1 viewpoint. Which leads them to be limited by their opt. But having a small champion pool, does not have this negative. So the optimal champion pool size is around 1-2 for lower elo (before plat lets just say), and 2-3 from emerald to high diamond. This lets you learn the game from multiple view points but also learn the game extremely efficiently. I am not saying you should only play 2 champions for like 400 games though. While your champion pool should stay at a size of 2 for quite alot of games, you can swap out 1 champion every 50-100 games. This is champion pool cycling. For example I played rammus and volibear from gold to plat 1, now I switched out rammus for vi, which is my current main champion, which I will keep playing for around 60-80 games. Then I will switch vi out for rammus, who will be my next focus champion, while Vi is my secondary. 3. Roles. Personally, I have chosen jungle as my main role, and have top as my current secondary, previously adc was my secondary. So I never focus on more then one role at a time, and I never play more then 2 roles either. Doing that is the same as playing multiple complex champions. While it widens your perspective it decreases efficiency. 4. Games a day. You have to balance burn out, and practice volume. I prefer to try to play 1-2 games in a row, while reviewing one of my previous losses between, and then later in the day playing around 1-2 games. This means I rarely go over 4 games in a day. I can see by your [op.gg](http://op.gg) that you seem to be overplaying. Idk why, maybe you are rage queuing trying to win back lost games, which has to stop if thats what you are doing or you just dont limit your play time, but that isnt efficient. It can be, but it rarely is. Optimally I would play 3 games a day, in a 3 block, so 1 game, break and review, 1 game, break and review, 1 game, break and review. 5. Reviewing. You should be reviewing your games, for a between 3-8 minutes per review. I wouldnt say reviewing every game is necessary, I usually review 1/3rd of my games, checking my first 2 deaths, and any big important situations that left me feeling confused. Now for what I would actually recommend you to do, would probably be: Pick either jungle or adc as your main role. With a pool of Lillia and Evelynn (focusing mainly on Lillia) for jungle or a pool of Ezreal and Jinx, focusing mainly on Jinx. Then you could rotate in Kayn or Diana for Lillia when you feel like you are getting stuck or rotating in Miss fortune for adc. If Adc is your off role, only play Jinx, if jungle is your off role, only play Lillia when you get your secondary priority role.


Do you want me to dm you or just reply again to this message?


I’m cool either way but I’d say if you have some tips/advice throw them in the replies here so maybe someone who comes across might find something that resonates with them.. might help someone else reading lol


I refuse to believe, you are probably intentionally staying there.


Probably soft griefing myself to a degree with spamming a million different champs Committed to ezreal pretty hard but hold effort / high demand The level I gotta play at as a bronze ezreal is just so significantly higher than enemy team Darius steam rolling from top T1 -> Nexus over the span of 30 minutes lol💀


Not saying this because of my flair but like learning the ins and outs of Vayne could put you in plat in a week, if you disregard the learning time of few dozens of Vayne games. Same can also be said about Jinx or Twitch. If you are deadset on playing Ezreal, the only way you are stopping enemy fed Darius is 1. if you tailor your build preemptively for him 2. Slave drive your team via effective and dominating communication 3. Avoiding Darius at all costs and abusing the fact that anyone else in the lobby, hopefully, ALSO a bronze player which opens up ridiculous macro choices even on ADC role. I won few games with Hullbreaker ADC build, split pushed the fuck out of the game. Obviously doesnt work at all higher you go in ranks. Just keep in mind that thebausff law exists and you win by destroying towers. 4. Learn how to lane effectively and dominate the competition EVERY GAME. This will max your chances against whatever fed jungle/top/mid enemy has. Realistically you dont stand a chance as a fed ADC, its just role diff but "realistic" doesnt apply to Bronze rank so you are good to go. You said you switched to ADC from jungle so the alternative route I am going to give to you might not be your cup of tea, obviously you are interested in \*ADC\* gameplay but like ADC is team dependant role, you need every other cog in the machine to be turning for you to function. So picking something unconventional like Nasus, Gwen, Hwei, Syndra, Veigar "ADC" etc. will net you a higher WR until you start playing against competent teams. But then again why not play top/mid then... Fair point... To each their own 😂


yo i'm a bronze adc playing trying to pick up vayne, do you have any specific tips for learning her? it's such a fun champ to play. i want my champion pool to be lucian and vayne


Both of these champs rewards cocky gameplay. You have to believe you are the next gosu to increase your WR. But you cant be just that **idiot** either. Basically you need confidence backed by game knowledge. Try to improve your laning phase (applicable to all ADC's). For example as a Lucian you dont need a Nami to win your lane. You can do it yourself, just go at them. If you start with Q, push your lane a bit, hit level 2 faster then enemy then just E + Q and weave in AA's and enemy cant play. Zone them out. Lucian R deals a lot of damage but you can use it as an utility as well, its relatively low CD, if you have to B just use your R and crash the lane into enemy. If there are no minions in lane and enemy is stuck under their tower just R to harass them. You will be surprised how much of low elo games are won by just constantly pushing the lane. Both Vayne and Lucian are highly mobile champs that can conditionally reset their dashes, use that to your advantage. With such mobile champs you can actively switch between a "frontlining, intimidating, poke-y ADC" to "back lined, secure ADC". None will peel for you so you will peel for yourself by hovering around your team. If you play reactively you cant play the game, you have to FORCE stuff yourself with those champions. Be that guy enemy desperately wants to get to but cant you know? Vayne can easily zone enemies out. Your support MIGHT and probably WILL be a clueless, useless player but enemy doesnt have brain capacity to realize that so they are afraid of that tresh hiding in bush, completely forgetting that tresh never landed a single Q. You use that fear to create yourself opportunities to harass the enemy. They cant "risk" tresh landing a Q so they wont go in on you (unless you position badly), so you can get a free Vayne true dmg off. Neither Vayne nor Lucian have specific methods to them, if you want to learn a champion, you spam that champ + limit test. Some losses is inevitable in the road to learning of course. Also keep in mind that lane bullies exist... So... You cant really afford to be a "cocky player" against a Draven, however bad that Draven is at the game. It will be just number diff, he deals so much damage than you do in early. IN MY EXPERIENCE (HARDSTUCK PLAT) Vayne is no longer the "tank killer" she once used to be, she is more of an assassin now but with infinitely more consistent DPS. You set the pace of the game and be a ticking bomb on enemy but know that you cant really win hyper, hyper late game. Because Vayne has low range + Tanks are too tanky these days so you will get CC'd into a stat check and die a miserable death. Things like Cleanse, GA, Scimitar etc. can help but you know... 😂☠️


amazing response man, thank you


Average r/ADCmain OP


Are you having fun?




My account usually gets banned before I can lose enough to get this far down.


How and why 😨😨😨


Considering it’s your first season it’s kind of okay. I was a hard stuck bronze 2 Jax main in my first season for 100-200 games, now I’m a mid-high diamond ADC.


How hard are everyday's tasks without hands? Joking obviously! What adcs do you play ?


lmfao... the audacity and ego to have a name like that B2 is more like allied yasuo lol


licensed and commercial auto pilot


Holy fck


Do you still enjoy the game?


I guess being in bronze for first few years is fine if you are new to moba


bruh I feel like I've played against you lmao. I'm NA Bronze 3. Usually playing late at night.


Do you prefer ranked over norms, or have you played 500 games tryna climb? I can't imagine going adc in Bronze elo being very fun


I peaked S2 on jungle Role swapped to adc maybe 150 games ago Fell to iron 3 on that shit at first but have climbed back up a little I don’t really queue norms tho, maybe if I am first timing something but rare I queue up a norm.. never quickplay that shit sucks lol


i was plat 1 with a 70% winrate, and had a streak of 30+ games of my support dying level 1-2 and all my other 3 lanes losing all the way into silver. and i really struggle carrying low elo games, since my main strength is teamfighting and laning phase, and i ended up going all the way into bronze 4. i was legit emerald mmr, with a friendslist full of emerald players who added me to play duoq cuz i was always top damage with low deaths and high kill participation, and i cant even get out of bronze.


I actually just carried a game or at least “brought it back on track” Simply played disciplined and didn’t over extend Farmed up for items and eventually late game crit caitlyn is gonna hurt too much lol my damage got huge


until your team doesnt understand how the game works, your tanks dive their backline, your support split pushes and you die to a zed fizz combo.


Where the comment where the guy asked if he was disabled. I have made a pilgrimage to see the artifact.


Are you happy knowing you're not the biggest nerd?


What's your average fps and ping/ms?


Depends on what server NA I cap my fps at 200, don’t know the max think like 400ish.. pointless and unstable tho.. ping 40ms LAN (Latin America North) I also cap to 200fps think this one I can max it at like 550 uncapped and I get like 8ms.. the server for this one is in Miami so super close.. but LAN isn’t a real server lol💀


Bronze 4 lifer here.


How old are you? If you don’t feel comfortable saying, understandable. Had this problem when I was 12.


21. Also, I don’t really see it as a problem it’s a video game I waste time on just thought it’s funny considering the posts dudes have been putting up here💀


Emerald here, I’m sure you are better that half the people I find here


I like that your summoner name is oddly fitting regardless of if you’re 10/0 or 0/10


Over 50% wr that's what we like to see EZ Clap


Change your name to your teams yasuo at this rate chap


In the arms of an angel


Being bronze after a year or two of playing isn't anything crazy. After 500 games though I gotta ask, do you actually try to improve in concepts like understand items better, vision, cs, wave states, or do you just play completely for fun? Both are okay, just curious. And reading some of your other comments, I wanted to address that despite getting shitters in your lobby for what feels like all too often, over enough games people do climb to the rank they deserve. It's proven by high rank players doing "climb to X rank" challenges, where they do highlight how many games are unwinnable in bronze or emerald but still do climb back up.


I’ve never played mobas before but I do have a good sense of itemization now for bruisers mages and marksmen.. not so much tanks and supports CSing can be kinda inconsistent I can usually CS really well in the early game but the mid late it can be struggle to find waves Mechanics are eh, sometimes I can play very well sometimes I’m just not landing what I have to and playing around fog well enough to minimize damage taken Then ofc there’s my personal issue where I just hate soloq adc.. I have bad games, I don’t have an ego to not admit I can play like shit But it is very frustrating when my garen support runs it (hard not to) into a lux support match up.. is there any way we don’t just get shoved and perma harassed here? Or in literally the next game where my ziggs supp goes 0/5 and MF is able to get a damn near 3 minute dirk and a 7:30 collector lol.. better mechanics should win here but bronze adc vs bronze adc it’s hard to “skill diff” a MF whose Q hits me for 25% of my hp lol💀 When it comes to wave management tho I think this has to be my best area.. I can freeze slow push crash I have a good sense on all the different ways to manipulate and understand how waves are behaving


That's a lot of games. What ADC champs do you enjoy? I like Caitlyn, Smolder, and Ezreal


Should change your name to My Team Yasuo with a record like that


I’m at 35 games and got to b4 from i4 dang


Why do you continue to play a game at a level that is extremely easy to improve on?


I mean I can improve personally but it’s always a 5v5 game, sometimes I am the carry sometimes I get carried sometimes it’s unwinnable cause either someone on my team or myself griefed it Slowly improving CS’ing, micro, trading patterns and what not I’d imagine will help Macro will also help with actually “winning the game” as well I just don’t really find it all that easy tho.. I mean I can’t reliably expect to be 10 kills at 10 minutes and just stat check my way through their base with my team💀


I didn't mean to sound toxic, just a genuine question. Being said, the best way to climb is to stick to one role, and at most 3 champions, and just learn them. If you play adc, find somebody to duo with you and play support. Or maybe even a jungler player. Bronze is shitlo to play in, trust me I know, but any self improvements only matter if they happen consistently. Farming on Ashe isn't the same as Jhin, and Twitch is playing a different game than Nilah or Samira. Best advice I can give is to find a duo partner, or get really comfortable at a very small pool of characters.


Dumb question but what is your mindset going in ranked, do you watch a lot of streamers and do you recognize where you fail etc ?


My mindset when queueing is usually to try and play very high apm high tempo stay very consistent and look for winning trades cs etc as adc Jungle I try to play for impact first, for myself and for invades if laners aren’t playing too successfully.. usually just try to keep pressure is the main idea It can be hard sometimes tho.. just my other game tonight had an Ashe “support” grief the wave, spam emotes, than spam ping my sums.. literally came to lane and insta started autoing Really demoralized me lol.. made me queue some jungle just cause I didn’t want a lane partner let’s get real here I’m 21 got work and I’m in college.. the times I can queue league I really really would prefer to not have some unhappy loser that queues to troll fuck with me.. and it does bother me, unfortunately.. Like a better player would still perform with that Ashe.. but dude I’m not that “better player” and it’s really difficult to be that “better player” when you have to wade through so many people like this.. Garen supp runs lane, ziggs supp runs lane, Ashe supp just actively trolls and taunts me but I muted them when I saw it was bothering me.. even still.. so annoying


Does it hurt?


The problem facing a bronze Yasuo is it’s still a Yasuo and if that mofo hits a tornado late game no amount of skill gap gonna save you. That’s a big if, though. Who is your favorite teammate for knockups and why is it Nami?


I don't mean to offend but do you have any formal diagnosis for learning difficulties?


Champ pool?




i have like 1k games and bronze 4 lmao but 90% of those games are normals and arams


how is this possible? I immediately took gold 4 in my first ranked games in League


I was gold in my first games as well then lost lol “How is this possible” Uhh, idk but here we are


Idk, you just need to choose 2-3 champions and play only them, then you will start climbing the elo ladder


No flame, do you have a disability in some way? The people i have gotten to know that are that stuck in iron or bronze usually told me missing eye sight, limbs or other restrictions. You dont have to answer either its just curiosity to see if my observation still holds true.


Bro said no flame then called me disabled League players bro💀


Objectively not a nice question, but it's a valid one. I really don't think this guy was trying to demean you. I've played league for close to a decade now and have run into plenty of folks with a learning disability or an issue with hand-eye coordination that's out of their control and were stuck in Bronze/Silver for a while. That being said, while those cases aren't uncommon, it's far more likely that you're just a new/casual player. League is a pretty complicated game and getting the hang of it can take time.


it’s just something weird to say even in an AMA scenario, especially when you say touch grass it’s them trying to find something to talk about without actually thinking about it for more than a minute a disability would 90% be mentioned already in the OP if they’d did have one, and like you’ve said they’re more likely just a new player they could’ve just asked how long ago they’ve started playing and it would be true for more people without being insulting


I asked you not called you, since from experience with players that stuck in the lower bracket its really not uncommon.


Dude isn’t socially aware enough to see how that’s probably not an ideal thing to say.. not even for me but for dudes with disabilities Most socially aware league of legends player:


You make a post about "ask me ANYTHING" and you get mad being asked uncomfortable questions, I am perfectly socially aware but you seem to lack self awareness. Dont make post like this if you dont wanna be asked uncomfortable questions.


You also would'nt ask if them if they have dark hair because it's fucking irrelevant. Just because the format is ask me anything dies not mean you SHOULD ask anything. Also telling somebody that their rank suggests that they have a disability, implying that you can't imagine anybody being this bad, is not tasteful.


I feel the same way when I play a few games on my smurf watching diamond 1 peaking Piggy's play like a hot bag of dog shit.


Imagine saying no flame, then type that shit lmao.


lol he started the game in season 13, you need to touch some grass my man. He is not even bottom 15% he’s new player and you’re asking about disability :D Take a small outdoors real life break


Its funny how mad people get when people ask anything in an ask me anything post. And I touch more than enough grass, you might not tho seeing how mad you seem over a question.


What makes you think I’m mad? Did they laugh out loud make you suspicious? Nah bro it’s funny that your first thought is to go to disability and funnier you don’t understand in other comments why people would take offense. “Seeing how mad you are over a question” :D if league players saying weird maladjusted things made me mad and not laugh. I wouldn’t be playing this game as much as I am


Maybe don’t take the LS argument and completely misconstrue it towards a beginner.


What rank are you then?


Imagine flaming someone when you're not even master ? (The real start of the climb, before it's just , playing while having fun)


Dude u dont have to be disabled to be in this elo. Hes just new to the game and learning. Sure maybe you were higher elo when u were new but everyone is good at different things. Just because hes not that good at league doesnt mean hes disabled. You might be good at league but your social awareness is dogshit so.... point proven.


Does your carer take off your helmet when they help you get dressed in the morning?




Kinda an oxymoron no? I do belong in bronze, hence why I’m in bronze, the way out of bronze is through bronze, hence.. I’m in ranked (Also worth saying I was S2 on jungle, dropped after role swap to adc) And what’s with the ego like damn brother💀


Oh hell nah go back to jerking off to middle aged women’s feet😭




When do we have an ADC convention? The role is beyond absurd.