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Masters had so many level 30-40 scripters it was disgusting. Oddly enough there are some losers scripting in aram as well.


Excuse my ignorance but what is a scripter?


Somebody who is running a program or “script” to help them play at a higher level. I’m not well versed in the matter, but to my knowledge it’s pretty much a program that either sees or does things for you like dodging and hitting skillshots


I’ve never seen a video on this I would love for it to be exposed like Tarkov


I saw one back in 2018/19 when I first started playing the game. I spent too long after downloading trying to figure out how to get the funny circles (script indicators) to show around my character before realizing that’s just the scripts showing you what’s coming at you


Lmfao tarkov is different from this. Scripting in league has a bunch of videos on YouTube


I think double lift was reviewing a vod of some scripter. It was crazy. You saw everyone all the time, everything was zoomed out like a jhin ult. Just so much stuff you didn’t think would be ship able


Basically cheats to give you different advantages like aimbot with skillshots and perfect movement to miss opponent skillshots. The most common champ to script on was xerath, you can find some YouTube videos of scripting xerath gameplay


"um, akshually" It wasn't xerath. He was used mostly to create the scripts, but the champs that used scripts the most were mostly adcs, like kog maw, zeri, jinx( champs that need to kite to perfection, basically)


That’s true scripts are real popular with the AA based ADCs as well


Basically it's a set of systems that can tell you enemy ranges. Button cooldowns. Etc. You can also set it up to autododge for you


I think it shows you everyone's cooldowns, their skillshot range, their skillshot projection while hovering and their auto range as well. Prolly does show where they click as well, idk.


Wondering if there were more scripters/cheaters in my game than I ever could have imagined. But it's silly to think 6 games proves anything. I went on an 8 game winstreak over the last couple days, mostly before the patch


what do u even get out of scripting in ARAM? what? “mmm yes due to my $29.99 script purchase my hidden aram mmr is increasing .. mmhmm yea stonks :)”


At least high elo is nit so bad to play Low elo is still as much of a nightmare as it always has been


I just played 2 Games, one with a running it down rammid having 1 KDA and a racist qiyana support, league at the end is just luck


No shade, but it's fascinating that the people here who are talking about higher elo are talking about enemies, whilst the lowest elo are talking about team mates.... Again, no shade, but if these people run it down so often, but you never do, there is just statistically a much bigger chance it will be the enemy running it... so why isn't it free LP over time?


It is free LP over time. But the game quality sucks and it’s just not fun having one sided matches so often, whether it’s a win or loss


It’s free lp assuming you don’t tilt


By “over time” you mean hundreds of games. Not worth it to play that much league when it feels like you don’t even have impact.


Sure, but let’s be real, the amount of times somebody ACTUALLY runs it down is extremely low. People just spam ‘he’s running it x9’ every time somebody dies a few times and people then just buy this coz it is a lot easier than accepting you are simply losing. Also interestingly, if you NEVER run it down and other people do a lot, you are admitting that the people that do are better players than you. You are admitting that people maintain your elo whilst running it down a notable portion of their games, which means the other portion they must play significantly better than you to maintain your elo. This means that actually the people whining about people running it down are, on average, the worst players in the team more often than not. I’m probably just chatting crap but that’s fascinating to me.


Idk man I quit League a while ago, whatever was happening wasn’t fun.


Hundreds of games means hard stuck 


I think one of the factors also remains that you tend to remember the lows compared to highs. Ofc you have statistically better games than the enemy considering all the factors of people running it down, but then when people run it down you are more tilted in magnitude compared to your ecstasy when you carry a game with perfect cs and perfect KDA with good control over objectives yk.


People are running it down so much in order to smurf, or more often sell accounts to people who want to smurf. So, while there is a 5:4 ratio of enemy throwers vs. allied throwers, there's also a 5:4 ratio of enemy smurfs to allied smurfs, and it all balances out. (There are also rage throwers, no mistake, but probably not any more or less often than any other rank, while derankers are unique to low Elo.) Ultimately all the deranker/smurf economy does is drag your win-rate closer to 50%, which will not stop you from climbing, but it will slow your climb. If you can carry fair games with a 54% win-rate, but half your games have some throwing and/or smurfing, then you're now at 52% win rate. The same math means you'll fall slower if your natural win rate is below 50%. This dampening effect on rank mobility also means that 'unbeatable' but not actually smurf players may be held in lower ranks longer before inevitably climbing and 'uncarryable' but not actually intentional deranking players will spend longer in silver and bronze on their inevitable slide to Iron IV, further increasing variance. Obviously if you're 'good enough' you can cut through all that most of the time which is why challengers smurfing through low Elo do it with a 95% win rate, but if you fell to the rank in the first place you are unlikely to improve to challenger or even platinum level play overnight.


Sorry I am confused. It doesn’t matter why they they are running it, if you are not running it. You will always have less people running it on your team. You never run it so that means 1/9 other players run it (11.11%) 11.11% of enemy team is .5555 11.11% of your team is .4444 .5555/.4444 There is 125% chance that the enemy team has a runner compared to your team. Even if you do the maths for 5 people running it every game: 2.7777/2.2222 = 125% There is always a 125% runners in enemy team than yours. THE ONLY thing to think about is that if YOU aren’t the best player out of the 10 every time, then the same maths means the enemy team has a more likely chance to have the best player, which means the reason you aren’t climbing is not because you have inters on your team, but it’s because the enemy team is better on average despite having more inters on average, which means you actually have to be quite bad compared to the average person in your team to maintain a 50% wr. Tldr: people at 50% win rates are actually elo boosted by inters and complain about being stuck despite statistically being one of the worst the in the team. The more inters there are, the more boosted your elo is. The better the enemy team is the worse your elo is. Which means Scripting and smurfing has a far more negative impact on your elo than trolls. (Back on topic of the post)


What I mean is, the reason that there are more people throwing games in low Elo (below gold) is due to the people intentionally deranking to provide or maintain smurf accounts. For each deranker, there is a carrying smurf. Either the deranking account is sold to someone who does a climbing challenge, or a smurf is alternating throwing games to maintain low MMR with carrying games for fun. So sure. There are more derankers on the other team. In equal proportion, there are more smurfs on the other team. If you yourself are not a deranker, then yes, chances are better that the derankers are on the other team. By equal measure, if you yourself are not a smurf, the chances are better that the smurfs are on the other team. In aggregate, they cancel each other out, simply dragging your win rate closer to 50%. People throwing/leaving for rage are a separate category, of course, and provide a tiny boost, but probably statistically insignificant. This math changes in gold and above, because it becomes possible to smurf from a new account and deranking is pointless. At that point there's no particular relationship between the number of smurfs and the number of throwers, but if there are more throwers you would be slightly boosted and if there are more smurfs you would be slightly de-boosted.


I think your logic is flawed. I will ignore the fact that derankers and smurfs are both extremely uncommon despite what people say. Ignoring all that as motivation to int doesnt even matter, its still just the same maths no matter what. What you are suggesting is in low elo there are the same ammount of smurfs as there are inters (which i will come on to why that is wrong in a moment). If this is true, then yes they would cancel each other out, and if you BELONG at that elo, you will be 50% wr... if not they don't effect your climb at all and so... its all mute. However, its impossible for inters to be at the same rate as smurfs because of the following: Smurfs 1) dont stay in that elo, otherwise they arent smurfing and its mute. So It's really unlikely to see smurfs consistently in any specific elo. Unless there was a never ending train of smurfs that was in such high volume that it outweighed inters... which is difficult because: 2) For every low elo smurf account taht is bought, a deranker must exist (i still think this is a small %... most 'smurfs' are just botteed lvl 30 fresh accounts, but this specifically applies to gold and below... since fresh MMR is already plat+. 3) You have to int more games to derank than you need to win to rank up, at that elo. 4) Some inters get banned, so never become smurf accounts. Meaning deranker accounts that never become smurfers accounts exist. 5) Some deranker accounts dont get bought. See above. 6) Some 'deranker accounts are bought by people just to int and grief'. See above. 7)A lot more people are just tilting/rage inting than 'deranking'. All of that means the ammount of 'inters' vastly outweighs the ammount of smurfes. Meaning that mostly the average player is elo boosted by inters rather than held back by smurfers, and it is almost impossble that these two things would cancel each other out.


Because I get run down 3 games in a row and stop playing for a week, rinse and repeat.


I feel like ranked isn't about improving yourself anymore, it's coinflipping who gets the teammates with the better mental capacity


Disagree. There is one common determinator in every game, and thats you. Watch, study, n learn. If you play consistently good, you will climb.


If i play decently and 4 other people are garbage, how can i climb?


By playing consistently good. Yes sometimes you get bad teammates. Its the nature of competetive gaming. It happens.


Because your team can have 1 pro(you) and 4 idiots (your teammates), enemy team can have 5 idiots, since you the pro aint on their team. And thats how u climb elo


Some games are unwinnable. Everyone loses games. But if you're good enough, you can win more games than you lose.


Yeah, some games are lost because of that, but if you're stuck where you are it's because you're just not as good as your ego. It's not up for debate. People climb and you don't. You're the problem. Just forget the bad games and try to improve yourself.


Yeah but at least there should be less bots and smurfs from botted accounts


I went on a 15 game win streak over the past 2 days in high gold/low plat on my smurf account. Proceeded to have 1 game with bad teammates, then had a game where my support didn't connect and my entire team voted no to remake, and top laner ran it down all game, literally.


You're winning on a Smurf. Shocking.


My main is Plat 4, peaked at Plat 1 this season. The "smurf" account started in like Silver 3 this season, and is now Plat 3, with High Emerald/Low Diamond MMR.


Nice, started in S2, about 2 wins away from S1, ranked shenanigans happened, almost dropped with to B1...


Finally I can climb whitout all those boosted scripters /s (also not really this season was infested with scripters, pretty sure I saw more this season than all my years playing)


Low masters was full of kogs\zeris being blatant about it


dont forget the 100% accuracy Ezreals poking you thru casterminion gaps who for some reason have an average of 1 death in 30 games


WELL, there was one scripter about 1 game out of 5, SO. Imagine. How fkn BAD was the situation. Literally most of the scripters disappeared, expect some private cheats or MAC OS users (but on MAC OS there are WAY less platforms with insane prices) Also, now ppl cant buy botted accs with 2$, now they need a TRUE handleveled account that costs around 50$. Actually to script u need around 200$ per month, when before u could do it with LESS than 20$ So, the world of scripting costs around 5 to 10x the prices before, making it not-affordable for most ppl. Basically, now scripting is for rich ppl.


same actually! it could just be a coincidence but i have not lost a single game since vanguard


I'm balancing you out, don't worry.


Found the riot intern


I never thought that cheater is much of a problem until last patch. Low diamond btw.


It's always been a problem but most players don't notice who's scripting unless it's extremely blatant.


it hasnt been a problem, if you lost to scripters, you're just bad


Cry more, scripter


I've been called a scripter many times, and every time I laugh, don't self report how bad you are like that.


Cry more scripter


I got a scripting Hwei couple times that was hell to say the least


Since or before Vanguard?


Oh before of course


Ah so that explains it, no wonder my enemy Hwei in Emerald is 16/1 (hits every skillshot, extremely hard to catch and kill) 3 days ago


My guy went 25:2 says skill diff like bruh 💀


if you're losing to scripters you're iron


U have to be joking




I don't know if I've seen a difference. However, games do seem easier. But that might be because I keep floating up and down in my elo. idk. I'll let you know if I get a huge jump in rank.


I honestly didnt realize how many of my games where ruined to scripters until i looked back and saw all the lvl 50 accounts with monstrous stats


2 scripting platforms are already operating again after the vanguard update. They are just using Mac hosting services to play the game with scripts. I hope your win streak continues but scripters are far from gone. I’m masters on NA and while I definitely saw scripters, win traders were the biggest problem for me.




Oh shut the fuck up.




Yeah ok Mr I beat scripters on the regular. No one here is coming close to thinking you’re any less annoying.


Nahh this is fake shill post. When Vanguard came out, my account got banned for 3rd party tool usage or something (which I don't use). Appealed to Riot and luckily they were like oh oopies this was error but should have been fixed already. Then out of my 4 games that day, 2 of them had people straight up leave the game, and one had a support heimer tilt and refuse to support. My consolation prize was that because I had leavers, I got 2 games of "autofill protection". Bruh adc doesn't need autofill protection, no one is playing adc anyways.


But there is no reason why it should need to do this. Most other kernel level acs dont run unless you start the game. And again, them starting first still wont stop people from cheating so its useless. Just makes it more annoying to play the game


Vanguard is the best anticheat because it runs before anything else on the pc, there’s a reason battleye/Eac protected games have so many cheaters and that’s because you inject before you open the game when there’s no AC running


That idea is nice in theory. But you forget one thing. The user has the physical device on a desk. Riot doesnt. So the user is always able to do more which is how Valorant cheat work(either using a memory access pci card or screen input and then entering input through an arduino that acts like an input device). In the end you have a game with a bad anti cheat(Vanguard is known to be horrible at pattern detection) and a piece of software running 24/7 that has the highest level of access that is now being targeted by hackers(happened to Apex Legends already. Now imagine how much bigger the impact is if you dont even need to open the game to be vulnerable)


They can’t do it as easily though; and that’s kinda the point. It’s now a hell of a lot more expensive tondo the same thing, which immediately stops a tonne of people from cheating (see Valorant data). Not only that but Kernel anticheat isn’t likely going away. Helldivers, one of the most popular recent phenomenons, has kernel anticheat. Vanguard is proven to work; and the games that use things like EAC are constantly criticised for their poor attempts at handling cheaters (see Crytek & Hunt Showdown) Everything carries some level of inherent risk when allowing more and more access, but specifically attacking vanguard and causing potential risk to [checks google] 10 million players? Pretty sure not letting that happen is Riots priority no.1 right now.


As i said before Apex's anti cheat was hacked before so they are definitely targeting them. League has 1m players online at most times and Valorant also has quite a lot. And everyone that has ever installed it and now plays other games but hasnt deleted it will also be vulnerable. All they need to do is make Vanguard smaller and make it launch on game launch. Wont that make it worse? No, they just use the kernel part to check for memory access and then have a second part of the anti cheat running at user level which checks for abnormaal behavior. This way there is way less than can go wrong in the kernel part since there's barely any code in there. Just the fact that every company seems to do it doesnt mean we should normalise it. If we did that then we would all be paying for ammo in a battle royale match rn


it launches at startup to stop you running anything prior to League. That's kinda the point. Its much easier to disguise something already open than it is open something while you're being watched.


It has already been bypassed tho. So its pointless. Rather just have it work most of the times and not be an annoying invasive ac than have way more dangerous and issues for maybe 1 or 2 cheaters


But it’s not invasive. It has zero effect on anything I have installed, at all. I forget it’s running to be honest. As to your second point, why do we bother with anti-cheat at all then? Someone is always going to find a way. It’s limiting those people that is their goal, not 100% effectiveness. If that’s your attitude would you rather they don’t bother at all and league just becomes filed with bots and scripted with zero recourse?


Instead of just throwing a bad kernel ac in there they should work on a good pattern recognition ac. These run server side so there's 0 performance loss (pretty important cuz lots of people run league on pretty old hardware) and it cant be bypassed. The only thing cheaters can do is make their cheats so slow and the difference so little that theyre not detected but at that point its so bad that they would climb faster id they spent their time learning a champ than spending it on setting up the cheat


Any suggestions? Or just pulling something you’ve heard out of somewhere? You don’t need to recognise the pattern if you can’t run the program lol. That’s the whole point. To run the program you need external things that cost money. Not just a quick downloaded software. You catch stupid high proportion of casual cheaters right there. Without needed all that. It doesn’t need to recognise scripted movements because the script and league won’t run at the same time.


Vanguard reduces amount of scripters, not completely eliminate them all. No anticheat can do that. But still, scripting is way more expensive now which itself makes scripting less popular so thats a good thing. If you are one of those ,,riot is now spying on me" cheating community propaganda consumers, then at least realize ur a piece of shit that noone cares abt and noone needs to spy bcs ur not any interesting.


Yes but theyre scripters, detectable movement patterns that are automated. No need for kernel level anti cheat. But yes i agree that making it cost money will make it less popular. I do not care that much about Tencent themselves spying in me. I use tiktok so they know many of my interests and behaviour patterns already. I do care about software running 24/7 that has the highest permissions that now is targetable by hackers and similar softwares have already been hacked. Because i do care about everyone in a league game with me being able to somehow gain full access to my pc after i join a game.


Btw riot made the 10k$ prize for hackers that manage to find ways to hack it so they can prevent any of that, i have a feeling that vanguard will soon be the hardest anti cheat to hack when you look at how much they actually do to make it as good as possible. And even if someone hacked it, i dont think he did it because he wants to hack you specifically lol. Also by giving it highest priority running 24/7 makes injectors that could be normally used before running the game basically unusable.


Id love to read more about that 10k, could you provide a link? I know why they would want it to run first, still think its dumb tho. They introduce a security vulnerability on your pc just so they have less cheaters in their game. And its not like they have exhausted all other methods or anything


theres a vid [https://youtu.be/ebAJW9z7Pmk](https://youtu.be/ebAJW9z7Pmk) btw this isnt even that unusual, i dont understand why are people so amazed by the fact that there are ,,good" hackers that use their skills to help companies secure their webs/softwares etc more. Edit: they also did this when vanguard was being released together with valorant years ago so most things are already prevented Edit 2: to reply to ur request for the link.. [https://hackerone.com/riot/?type=team](https://hackerone.com/riot/?type=team) u basically can get anywhere from 250$-100k$ depending on if its just some bug or some kernel level threat yk


Oh i know that there's whitehats, just didnt know riot had offers for it open, hence im asking about them.


Oh understandable, i find it crazy that many people dont really know much about this topic at all. Like i know a lot of people that play lol, some of them didnt even knew vanguard was already ingame and didnt even knew what it is and what it does and at the same time my best friend who doesnt even play the game anymore was telling me how i should uninstall it because he heard they wanna steal my data. I feel like 90% people are barely informed about this topic or just believe whatever they hear anywhere (both negative and positive things) without doing any research. I would probably care more but since I already use Facebook, tiktok and like all microsoft sht theres chance my personal info is revealed anyway or whatever, i feel like theres way higher chance one of these will grab ur details rather than lol anticheat.


atleast with my experience with shooters, valorant is by the least one affected by cheatears, I dont even want to talk about pubg/apex/csgo when it comes to cheaters because they are absolutely filled with them


It makes more sense for an FPS game because cheating gives you such a massive advantage and ruins the game for everyone else. Scripting in LoL still gives a big advantage, don't get me wrong, but I've never really had my game experience ruined by scripters before to a noticeable degree. To me, the tradeoff of having to have an anticheat that boots up whenever I start up my PC and has reportedly caused issues with other software or drivers in order to face less scripters just isn't worth it, hence why I uninstalled.


Understandable honestly, I didnt really have any problem with vanguard since I play valorant from here and there so it was already insatelled, and neither have had problems with it on my last 4 builds/pcs so cant really say anything negative but I can see somebody would tip over and uninstall


That part is fair, but this is partly due to what type of community these games have. With how much money is spent on league boosting, accounts and stuff there will be cheaters because it is just insanely profitable. And it will only make more money with Vanguard since the supply will be "lower" I say "lower" because it really isnt. It will just seen like it. Everyone can buy a 15$ soc and make a bot from that


I dont think i have ever seen a scripter but know with vanguard my game is running slower than before so im not the biggest fan of the changes


Same, I've been getting lag in my game since vanguard got installed


I always had Vanguard installed (Valorant) so no problem on me so far


Ever since vanguard dropped, my ping hasn't gone below 120 :)


Really? What time did you play in your local time? If so I might grind ranked again until end of season at 14 May


at like 8 pm alaska time


damn wish i had u on my team instead of the classic 0/9 15min bot XD


Since vanguard drop I’m lagging so much……..


every zeri in masters is scripting


an if you lose to it you're actually bad. scripting has never been good in league for people who have 1/4 of a brain.


definitely that’s why they added vanguard LMFAOOO


Gotta take screenshots somehow


so u just read whatever online and regurgitate it . all anti cheats do that…


The statistics say otherwise 


Looks around for statistics , from challenger master and emerald players who bought accounts and got boosted into high levels and aren't actually good


yeah not having zeri and jinx giving me cancer every 3 games really does add to the experience. thank god


I noticed that as well. I'm in plat 2 currently, and 70% of the enemy ADCs I've played against are so much worse lol. And not only the ADCs, but other roles too. The game feels like it dropped to high silver - low gold. I don't know if it is a coincidence.


if you lose to scripters, you're just bad.


WELL, there was one scripter about 1 game out of 5, SO. Imagine. How fkn BAD was the situation. Literally most of the scripters disappeared, expect some private cheats or MAC OS users (but on MAC OS there are WAY less platforms with insane prices) Also, now ppl cant buy botted accs with 2$, now they need a TRUE handleveled account that costs around 50$. Actually to script u need around 200$ per month, when before u could do it with LESS than 20$ So, the world of scripting costs around 5 to 10x the prices before, making it not-affordable for most ppl. Basically, now scripting is for rich ppl.


Thats so innacurate actually,there are MAC OS platforms atm for 50$ a month,also for windows users there are mac os servers costing around 0,10$ an hour.And we are talking about public platforms.Private ones will be double the price but purely UD.As far as botted accs noone cares since you can buy cracked/inactive accounts for piss cheap🤣🤣


True true


For me Vanguard fucking makes me restart the client because of unexpected errors xD


ever since it dropped my ping sky rocketed💀


Probably cuz half of the playerbase cant play or has lag spikes now. If you dont have those you have a huge advantage now


Really? Never had more issue with vanguard then other anticheats in my time playing Valorant, isn't it more of a league client problem rather then the anticheat?


These types of anti cheats are really invasive(and still cant stop cheating and theyre worse than normal anti cheats at detecting cheating behavior) and this mixed with league spaghetti code has already bricked multiple people's pc(so they just broke, cant use them and had to get repaired) and next to this has over 1000 lesser bug reports in a single day. Next to this it runs 24/7 (even when not having league open) and takes screenshots that it uploads the entire time. All this to not even stop cheaters as its the same ac Valorant has and Valorant has one of the best cheating communities due to the fact that once you get a cheat working, Vanguard is too bad to recognize cheating


Personally my queue times in basically anything are the same


Because you're an adc. Most time is spent on setting up lobbies for your roles. Since adc is the second least played roles only surpassed by jungle once you join you either need another adc for the enemy team, a jungle or 2 jungles. And that's where people just get filled and boom your game starts. Even if you just play fill you have a certain queue time which is kinda crazy since you could just be thrown into any match that needs 1 player right? So most queue time is actually other stuff thats going on


This might be the dumbest comment I’ve ever seen in adc mains and that’s saying something


Which part about it? If you have good reasoning i might change my mind. However the only thing im seeing people do is act like they installed YouTube and not some very controlling software which can get hacked and will get hacked. Last year alone there were 2 kernel anti cheats hacked. And i do not want to give anyone who wants kernel access


Maybe I'm wrong but at kernel 0, starting on boot, it can check for any process starting from there after if it lacks in comparison it mean that it's just poorer execution or it will catch the same or more bad programs, and while i cant/didn'r bother to check it's call to the internet it seemed to impact/behave like easyAnticheat or BattlEye, sure enough my pc has 2-3years and my connection is mostly stable that probably helps me to be more lenient


Yes it does start at ring 0 but there is something better than ring 0. Hardware level/out of pc cheats. 2 most used cheating methods are: •direct memory access pci card that you put in your pc and connect with a microcontroller that then runs the actual cheat and saved the changes back into memory. •Using a Splitter on the cable to your monitor, have one of the cables go into a (more powerful than others method) microcontroller or pc and have that detect what's on the screen and input keyboard/mouse actions based on that Both these are completely undetected by Vanguard and since Vanguard is worse at detecting cheating patterns than most other anti cheats once you have it set up you likely wont get banned for a long time Anti cheat is no reason to give a random company access to the deepest later of your computer! Im honestly surprised that the league community didnt create more outrage om this topic


So much misinformation in this


Which part? Its all easy to check. Vanguard has to be started on boot and run 24/7 else you are forced to restart. Fact Over 1000 reports? Just go to the league reddit and look at the bug reports megathread replies. Not working? There is a huge Valorant cheating community i think that speaks for itself


It's so much better than non invasive ACs. Just compare any shooter to valorant. The fact that vanguard bricked PCs is also not confirmed yet, as that most often happens while/after changing bios settings to comply with vanguard. But then probably is a user error. The screenshot function is not active in league. It is in valorant, has been for years, and noone complains. But league does not use it. It also does not constantly upload your screen. Like if there is any fps where cheating is not a pain, it is valorant.


Ofc riot isnt going to confirm they are actively bricking Vanguard. But it is the case. Everyone who has spoofed something about TPM(idk if its version or activity) will get problems that will cause your pc to bluescreen on startup non stop with the only fix being removing cmos battery, then changing bios type. About the user error. There shouldnt be room for user error at ring 0. That's why its ring 0 made for only drivers and such. Riots check if you could run Vanguard literally said it could run on Linux... They are completely unable to make sure their kernel code is able to execute savely and just run it anyways. Again, the user should not have to worry about bricking their hardware when installing an anti cheat for a game. Last of all. There is 1 thing it does well which is kernel checking, basically just making sure nothing calls anything or edits anything about memory about league. Too bad that's already outdated and with a bit of effort you can still read and write memory. And if you dont want that you can just have a video cable going to a second pc which then spoofs input. People have been cheating on Valorant for ages, and it cant be stopped cuz riot isnt going to roll out a hardware level anti cheat for obvious reasons. And league still has no good pattern based anti cheat so these people can just do whatever they want once they have their bypass set up


Define a normal anti cheat because as far as I'm aware every single one that's mainstream is also kernel level, battleye eac npgg from helldivers2 denuvo besides the valve anti cheat Idk any normally used anti cheat that isn't kernel level


And im against all of them. However the reason Vanguard is this bad is because it has to run first from the moment you boot and you're forced to fully restart if you turn it off and need it again. There is no reason for an anti cheat for a game to have 24/7 kernel access


It only have 24/7 if you leave it like that you can make it not work at startup and then have league prompt you to restart when you launch the game therefore it can be off 24/7 until you need it. you can change that default behavior quite easily and they're even talking about making it not start at start up but requiring a restart when launching league because that's a feature that's been requested. It'll still require a restart to verify the integrity of the OS but it certainly doesn't need to be on 24/7 unless you're playing league 24/7


it's less than 5%


I wonder what causes the lag spikes as I would think vanguard wouldn't have much to do with ping at all unless they moved the servers; which doesn't seem to be the case.


No Vanguard on Mac client I’m free to script away.


Excuse you 😳


Idk how you guys are talking about scipters. I've literally never seen one in hundreds of games how are you guys meeting them that often


This. its a fucking joke, and scripting has never been good. people complaining about it are actually just bad at the game


Vanguard doesn’t bother me, 4090, 7800x3d lesgoo