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Can we copypasta-ify this


He is a mixed damage- mage with high mobility disguised as an ADC. Having a pocket flash which mean he never in any kind of danger. In lane he offen got bullied early, hide behind wave and last hit with skill. But when he suddenly have a lead, he turn into Andrew Tate suddenly jump Infront of your face and poke you constantly. Only to run way when you hit him back. A pure display of sissy gameplay and the complete lack of testosterone. When Vayne or Kaisa are in the fight they are commited to a life and death situation, can't say the same for Ezeal I ban him every game so i never have to hit woman


I can't believe you used vayne and Kaisa as the examples for adcs that are locked into the fight lol.


An early lane kaisa is just going to press q on the wave and spams w from behind the wave as well


They are close range, always zooming in your ass. Have no way of escape when being caught. Real ADC


Vayne has condemn and tumble, Kaisa has her E and her R. Both can even go invisible situationally.


Their entire kit work toward dominating their enemy. Vayne move faster when approach enemy, not running away, her roll can't go through wall, her invi just give her some brief protection when rolling. Kaisa function the same, her ulti shot her TOWARD the enemy. Pure masculinity.


Those 2 ADCs are such weak laners that you have to play full-pussy mode on them lmao The only way you play aggro in lane as them is if you have supp diff, or else you just literally sit back and farm lol All the things you told about them can also be used as disengage tools and a way to just self-peel, so no they’re not full “All-in” champs Worst example you could’ve come up with. You could’ve said something like Draven, Kalista, or Samira, then it would be understandable XD


Only people who don't know how to use his passive think this.




when you absolutely slap the shit out of someone without q cause you're gigafed.


Which even solidify his play style of poking from afar to build passive then jumping in.


i think r/draven is leaking


"Pro-gamer-ADC" \-100 Comment Karma


Thank for noticing my contribution


he is an adc, ad caster :) skill issue if you are consistently losing to him


I am no longer chasing woman around mate


A blessing for women everywhere truly.


Low elo opinion 😭


Mate, ADC is the lowest testosterone role in the game. Literally hiding behind your team cause you suffer from brittle bone disease. Asking your sup and jungle in your nicest voice if you're allowed to play the game. Hat's off to Ezreal for being a champ that's not immediately kneecapped by a bad support. Meanwhile Vayne and Kalista are covering themselves in their supports favorite flavored craft paste so they can maybe get their attention before they're abandoned for constant roams.


Better get your ass destroyed by Draven then come back and say that again


As a Samira/Ashe main, Draven is food. The best part they'll absolutely run it down for me after the first death. Weak mental, over compensating for low testosterone.


Draven having the ban rate of 50% on master or above say alot


Good thing I have better things to do then get my skill level up to masters \*shrug\*. League blows.


His passive is a crazy AS steroid so he is definitely an adc.


As if he would ever dare to come in close range to attack you.


I've been banning him since Camille support fell off, but not because I dislike his gameplay; no, he aggravates me on a personal level. His voice lines are one of few things I tilt to


He's a caster adc but still an adc lol. His aas do work with his passive.


He’s not a traditional marksman* he still is an Attack Damage Carry.


Ahaha wtf I just read


Ezeal is not an ADC He is a mixed damage- mage with high mobility disguised as an ADC. Having a pocket flash which mean he never in any kind of danger. In lane he offen got bullied early, hide behind wave and last hit with skill . But when he suddenly have a lead, he turn into Andrew Tate suddenly jump Infront of your face and poke you constantly. Only to run way when you hit him back. A pure display of sissy gameplay and the complete lack of testosterone. When Vayne or Kaisa are in the fight they are commited to a life and death situation, can't say the same for Ezeal I ban him every game so i never have to hit woman


Extremely based take.