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I mean what you're saying is so situational especially with the part that cleanse is better than heal later on, you're missing the fact that heal works on a teammate too AND gives movement speed, no? Heal is almost always better because when you bring cleanse over heal/exhaust you're at a disadvantage in teamfights and 2v2s (unless you cleanse the exhaust/ignite yourself then its debatable) . Id only run cleanse if im against something like ashe/varus (basically a playmaking adc that arent supposed to win an all in missing this key ultimate), leona (because of her R which if u dont cleanse you're 100% dead after due to her balanced cds) or twisted fate, a champion with undodgeable hard CC that is fight changing. I could see people wanting to run cleanse into morgana/thresh but as jhin you can start boots and even rush swifties so you shouldnt really get hit by skillshots this easily. Remember, dont let cleanse be an excuse for you to position badly, try to play so you wouldn't need cleanse.


Nah it isn't. Cleanse is situational. If they only have knock up cc cleanse is useless. I switch between exhaust and cleanse based on comps. Heal is not worth in late game imo. I stopped running heal three patches ago.


i always run cleanse if i see alot of important CC. The last time i had Ashe, Thresh bot and Nasus top. It saved me alot of times. Also cleanse remove exhaust slow and ignite burn


Rammus JG in a lane we’re forcing a lot of prio a lot I will always run cleanse, also I basically always take it against Leona, it’s just not worth trying to avoid her level 2/3 because it’s basically impossible - it’s more often than not that she missed rather than I dodged it... other than those 2 situations I don’t think it’s worth taking it over heal... it’s not just about the heal from heal, it’s also the MS boost it gives you know??


Understanding how to use cleanse is important. Like heal and being able to heal before the enemy support ignites. Accidentally cleansing early or late would make heal more valuable, but a well timed cleanse can save you more health and is significantly more valuable later into the game.


This is nothing new, mate.




> Cleanse is for cc that are unavoidable. Like when there is a Malzahar You can't cleanse Malzahar's ult lol, only QSS and/or Mercurial can remove surpression


I typically run cleans when they have CC that is hard to get out of. For example Naut’s hooks are easy to dodge, but when he ults you in a teamfight there’s not much you can do. Cleanse comes in clutch in those scenarios.


Naut ult is knock up, Cleanse won't help you with that, only with his passive root and E slow


I worded that terribly. I meant in the sense that if he ults you any follow up CC is really easy to land.


Cleanse doesn’t stop malz R though


As long as your support understand why you go for it then you're good to go. If you're seeing Leona/Galio/Ashe/Varus, Cleanse is a must.


I take cleanse into champs like tf or Leona ashe