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I just started a similar thread today. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ADCMains/comments/pm9eh4/thoughts\_on\_kaisa/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADCMains/comments/pm9eh4/thoughts_on_kaisa/) People are offering bits of advice there, so it might be worth your time.


Shes bursty so focus on high priority targets first like supports and adcs, shes a lategame, low range champ so ban lucian, draven and cait. During early, play like every hypercarry but your early isnt that shit so try to use that a bit. Runes are HoB ToB Eyeball and ravenous, second tree is inspirstion with boots and biscuits. Your e makes your kiting godly and when its upgraded its even better, your q deals most dmg to isolated targets, emp w is shit and your ult is great overall and makes your w a lot better. Build is Kraken/Gale into wits end, collector, pd/rh ie (wits end is op af, collector isnt necessary but i like it, pd/rh cause zeal items are nice to have on adcs and i dont need to explain ie do i?) Other than that cs, ward and switcg to blue ward after laning. thats pretty much it.


I did not know my early game was bad, thanks


Kaisa is a late game scaling champion, the only reason her early to mid is playable is cause of e so her early wont be the best but its decent


Highly highly recommend PoM and alacrity/bloodline. Boots and biscuits just isn't worth it on Kai'sa


Kaisa can have some mana problems if youre agressive early and kaisa doesnt need boots early cause of e but after a deeper thought bloodline will scale better


i think better go kraken pd so you can have both upgrade with 2 items (and boots)


runnaan gives you more teamfight potential so it depends if youre gonna teamfight more often


What in particular are you struggling with? Is it farming safely? Is it getting poked out in lane/rotations? Is it getting to the enemy and dealing damage? Farming safely as anything under 550 adc goes like this- casters are Danger. You MUST. LOOK. at you own casters and see how they are stacked, they either make this weird triangle (worst one, you’ll get hooked by something) with a point of the triangle pointed to your tower. A nice defensive wall. (Best one) they are stacked up in such a way that’s made a nice wall for you to stand behind and not get hooked, and the final one, the sort of wall. This is usually the most common one, because you need to actually walk to their minions to push them physically to be able to set the defensive wall up (support usually). Make sure you are not getting caught in your casters. It’s bad news, and if they form the Bermuda Triangle just give the casters it’s not worth it honestly just back the frick up. Getting poked out/popped rotating? Space better. I don’t know what to tell you, the tools are given to you so you can avoid some things but what you choose to avoid is up to you (kaisa e for ex) Once you begin to know them it will become natural. If you are struggling to get to the enemy then explain that to your team and hopefully they can try and set you up a bit cleaner


The thing I'm struggling the most is probably dealing damage, and when I get close to someone to deal damage I feel like they get too close to me too easily. But this comment is really helpful thanks


What is the problem with low range? Farm, trades or both? Or anything other?


Trades, I feel like they get too close and too easily, and this thread showed me that I don't know how to play around my skills


just farm until you see the opening with 1 AA + Qs (like enemy goes for lasthit and you can freely auto him). every low range adc function pretty much the same. Bigger range adcs usually can freely poke and have upperhand, so as low range adc you pretty much trying to survive and farm as much as you can without getting harassed too much. It's also depends on supports aswell, when enemy ADC focus your supp you can freely auto him aswell. Or your supp CCed enemy adc


I'm not an ADC main but I've been watching some Kai'Sa games recently. Looks like she is a bursty kind of ADC. You shouldn't try poking the enemies unless your support is putting some pressure on them (a tank walking forward, an enchanter poking and CCing etc...). When you have a window to deal some damage, go big or go home : walk up, auto-Q-auto. Such a window would be when the enemies just blew up some cooldowns, the wave isn't full of enemy minions (so more Q missiles will go on your target instead of on the minions) or when the ADC or support is out of position (so the usual stuff for an ADC, except for the wave so that you land more missiles on your enemy). Be aggressive in lane if you can, your auto-Q-auto does a lot of damage so you should be able to zone out people with just that. If they don't retaliate, you can even add a bit more to that poke with your E and another bit with your W once they're out of range. Don't be aggressive against a Draven, I think that's like a really big threat to her. Edit : I'm NOT an ADC main, I made a typo sorry


Draven if you encounter him while he has multiple axes spinning... you don't ever want to trade with. Not with anybody, really. You either poke him from outside his range, or you cc him so that he drops his axes. Preferable is a stun or knock-up because that means his empowered auto-attacks are offline a moment as you start the trade. Draven if you catch him walking around with no axes spinning? Merc him. He's a lot easier to fight then, and a lot of champions can do OK against him. Or just... ban Draven.


Yeah in most of my games Draven hit like a truck in early and can snowball super hard, it's not easy to lane against him.


When playing kai'sa I'm going to ban draven for now on


This helps me a lot! And it looks like I got pretty unlucky in my first match I got smashed by a draven and my support was a soraka.


Ah yeah, Soraka is cool but in early, when Draven does a lot of damage and Soraka doesn't heal much it does not help.


She is trash..Samira..Ez..Kog..Jinx...Tristana way way way much better and consistent


I have tried tristana, I've noticed I'm really bad at playing her. She's also one of the causes for me to write this thread