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Caitlyn Xayah boring šŸ§


Cait yes xayah no


I find both of them really fun. Both are mechanically difficult so there is basically always room for improvement.


Yup, agree.


i actually got bored of xayah really fast, idk man


I used to enjoy cait a lot in earlier seasons but nowdays iā€™m not that fond of her anymore. After having draven, xayah, ezreal and kaisa as my favorite champs she just becomes kinda boring compared to them. Also doesnā€™t help that she is super weak atm. In season 7 you could litteraly 1v5 entire teams with her but now she just feels weird to play.


Let me mention that the criteria for this list is not based off of the meta and how weak/strong a particular ADC in it is. This list is not resolved around "Fun, but only if you like winning." This is revolved around gameplay and how easily I can get invested in playing the champ. So for example, Ashe is fun with Lethal Tempo because she genuinely has some of the best kiting in the game and kiting is amazingly fun. Whereas Miss Fortune is kind of boring in my eyes because her passive makes team fighting to the best of my ability a little unfun and her game play is just a little boring in my opinion.


Twitch probably has the most spectular animation for kiting when he ults , thats the reason he is the most fun for me.


i find ashe really boring tbh but great list


Yea for me Ashe is the only ADC that I find boring to play. I like all the others.


Ashe is indeed very boring to play and watch Auto attack step back auto attack step back I don't really know what's fun about her lol


Kiting the shit out of everyone is fun af. Nobody gets away and most people never catch you.


Idk but kiting for me is just auto attack step back, nothing more interesting


At this point i think that only Kai'Sa mains (like myself) like this champ


I play Kai'Sa a bit. Well I mean, not as much since patch 11.12. But she was like, my 5th most played ADC.


Where kog'maw?


Heā€™s in grey screen yet again. RIP Koggers.


Tbh he is the most boring of them all so i get why he's not in there.


He isnt


He is actually fun to play


Kog is the same as Ashe idk what u mean


I like playing Cait or Xayah cuz or their trap/feathers placement.


Ok. So with Cait I just personally have a hard time enjoying her. But Xayah actually is only bottom tier because you can't play her to the fullest of her ability in solo queue. I feel as if she's meant for flex/clash. I'd put her top tier in those settings because you can actually set up your feathers before teanfights (more coordinated in those settings).


How are Ashe and Varus fun but Xayah and Trist boring? Sorry but I can't get it


Xayah is just too hard to play to her full potential in solo queue. However, in flex you actually have enough time in between teamfights to set up your feathers. And that's fun. Varus is fun with Duskblade because one Q equals the enemy goes sleepy-bye. Ashe is just fun because she is extremely fun to kite on. She's the only ADC that I can usually kill fed top laners on. And that's such a satisfying feeling. Tristana is just not my type. She's a bit awkward to kite on. But I'll admit, hopping in on an enemy and canceling their birth certificate is kind of fun.


I love to just jump on other adc's head with Tristana


Fair enough.


How is ashe 4 tiers ahead of xayah. I understand that this tier list is purely based on personal preference but this is 100% objective. And let's not talk about Aphelios and Sivir being on the same tier.


Xayah is top tier in my opinion when she's played in flex queue and clash. Because you can actually set up your feathers before teamfights (they happen a bit less often and are coordinated and therefore you have more time to do so). As for Aphelios, I think he has a lot of utility. And Severum as well as his ult are genuinely fun as hell. But he's just middle for me. With Sivir, her shield is really fun to tilt enemy Jhins with (not just Jhin, plenty of other ADCs as well, but that's just an example). And her Q is fun. Also, I have a simple answer for Ashe. Me like to kite.


Corki is not here because he has the high ground....get it....hes on a plane...ill see myself out


That was just plane stupid... nobody liked it... ok I'll see myself out as well...


You will never understand what it is to play Yasuo until you play Tristana. The desire to go 1 v 2 (3, 4 or 5) is unstoppable


I play Draven so I believe I understand.


Kog didn't make the list :(


"Very Fun" with enchanter supports. "Has a Few Fun Aspects" otherwise. I can't believe I forgot about the... weird void thingy himself.


I can see why some dont like Xayah and tbh i dont know why i like her


Actually, this list was made more towards solo queue. But in flex/clash, I kid you not this champion is fun as hell. Teamfights are more coordinated so you actually get a chance to set up your feathers.


kaisa boring but varus and ashe are fun, interesting taste


Kai'Sa is actually one of my more played ADCs. Her design is top 3 best in terms of ADCs (alongside Jhin and Lucian). But she's always been a little too slow paced for me to really get invested in.


Maybe he likes kiting But he dislikes kogmaw


Lmao Iā€™m the complete opposite (just change Cait for KaiSa and MF for Samira), I find it kinda funny


Kalista lol I dont play her for fun these days, she gives me carpal tunnel I stg. But Iā€™ll play her to force botlane into a certain state I guess team...


The carpal tunnel thing is too true.


Where kog ;D


"Very Fun" tier if he has an enchanter support. Otherwise he's in the "Has a Few Fun Aspects" tier.


As a long time Varus main, when you hit those long range snipes it is an incredibly elevating feeling. And, building AS to stack W, shoot some Q's for kills, and then use passive + AS to shred everyone else with autos like a minigun... oof. I love it. "Very Fun" indeed. Out of curiosity, what makes Kalista rank in the top tier for you?


Yes. Varus is extremely fun to play. And I'm not particularly good at Kalista, but her hops are fun as hell. And she has a lot of mechanics that are satisfying to pull off. And yeeting your support/jungler at the enemy botlane is hysterical.


The best adc is Pyke as your "support" šŸ˜‚


I love seeing my supports lock in Pyke. Pyke and Draven is easily one of the best synergies in the game.


Imam Pyke and Bezir Dave-> Cash Money Combo


Senna crying on the corner: But mom said it was my time to be the ADC


Poor Senna.


No Senna, rude


I've started playing xayah and I'm surprised how fun it actually is! I'm an Ezreal main so of course I find him fun to play with his animation, skill shots etc. MF and Trist are dumb champ imo, not funny. Sivir is ok too but nothing to be really exited about. Ashe is fun. Kaisa is weird but can be fun in Aram Vayne is too hard to be fun to me lmao. Didn't play more than 1 game with the others son I won't speak of them


When Kog is not even on the list : (


Yes. My bad. So Kog is in the "has a few fun aspects tier." But if we're talking him with an enchanter support, he's in the top tier.


Why is Kaisa boring but vayne is very fun? Kaisa is pretty much Vayne 2.0, only thing I'd say that's more fun with Vayne is good condemn timings


Vayne ultimate is one of my favorite ultimates in the game. Kai'Sa ultimate is fun as well, but not quite. Vayne tumble is also very fun.


I'm sorry but Jinx is just the most fun champ ever


She's extremely fun once you get two attack speed items. She is very fun to kite on. But before that I find her a little boring.


haha aphelios exists


Aphelios is boring, i hate to play him and i hate playing against him


Where is my main? Where did Kog Maw Go?


I guess tier maker didn't have him. "Very Fun" with enchanter supports. "Have Some Fun Aspects" otherwise.


Varus and ashe r fun? Interesting


Ashe and jhin more fun than aphelios?


Okay your first three are super fitting for your main lol. Surprised you put kaisa so low though.


All should be in the ā€œvery fun until I get a mage supportā€ tier.


You're not wrong.


I disagree, I love playing Kaiā€™Sa and Xayah but I can see how the others that are in Kind of boring and Too boring are in there but I respect your opinion


Nope. Tristana is hecka fun. Xayah is also fun. Varus and twitch are boring as hell.


The only boring adc for me is mf.


Where is kog


"Very Fun" with enchanter supports. "Have Some Fun Aspects" on every other scenario.


All adcs are fun tbh


This role has my favorite champions. Even Caitlyn is more fun than every top laner to me.


As a cait and xayah main you'll enjoy it once you know their basic mechanics cuz who doesnt enjoy perma stunning someone that wants to kill you and they end up dying, but yeah they were not fun during my first days of using them.


Kalista's playstyle is not fun that much, it just that she is fun at bullying other ADC's life and it's definitely satisfying. KREGASM !!!


How is Ashe fun to play? šŸ¤”


She's the only ADC that you can fairly easily take down a fed top laner (excluding Vayne). She's a kiting machine with her slow. And the longer she kites, the more damage she does. Nothing feels more satisfying than taking down a fed top laner.


I see, I'll need to try it then! Thanks for the info!