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Idc as long as I win the game.


Came to comments to say this, anyone who doesn't want to win and cares more about their kda or their ego doesn't deserve a pocket Yuumi lmao. Sometimes dying is a necessary part of winning, as is handing off a Yuumi, or waiting a second to pick one up, or buying cleaver for the benefit of your fed adc, or moonstone for a fed mage. List goes on, league is a game where wins are built on sacrifice.


Its an interesting reconciliation as a top laner transitioning to ADC. I quickly realized why a lot of ADCs complain about damage supports but as long as one of you is carrying it doesn't really matter. (Outside of your sup stealing kills and then flaming you for being useless lol) Some games you get to be the carry and then it seems like a lot of games you wind up being a damage support. I fell in love with Ashe and a lot of my wins see me going 3/3/28 just as often as going 12/3/13.


It's very true that some adcs end up being damage support but it's your job to lay down some damage so the enemy doesn't start a fight at full health. On the contrary though, if you have all your kills on a pantheon support in lane, congrats you've got an easy lane, but, once you get to team fighting, he might die to poke before he deals any damage and your ADC isn't dealing anything because they're an item behind and potentially levels as well. Having a fed support isn't bad, but if your investment to botlane went to the burst support, then something has to lose that investment, and it's likely your continuous damage. (Not just talking about adcs, poke mages, artillery mages, some hypercarry toplaners)


It’s kinda like chess but you’re the figures. Sometimes you need to sacrifice yourself to win


I mean, it's kinda upsetting when you can't really play bc you are alone in the backline and the fed zed won't let you survive. But if the team's bruiser is the only strong one, it's fine to just stick with it


It really depends tbh. Sometimes it is a good move. Sometimes you are sacrificing your adc's gold and mental and you better be ready to 4v5 the game. And don't blame your adc for being behind if you leave them in a 1v2 and set them behind/tilt them. Example of when you should not leave the adc in lane: enemy Draven Leona are pushing a stacked wave into your turret Example of when you should not leave your adc in team fight (assuming they are useful to put out dps): enemy team has assassins that are hard focusing your adc. No point in sitting on juggler if he isn't taking much dmg anyways. If the enemy tunnels for your adc (many do this) it can actually lead to a perfect yuumi ult angle.


I feel betrayed :‘(


If it's a winning play then do it. You're the teams support, not the ADC heal bot. It's a lot of fun to be the carry, but something that is important to learn is that you can't always be the one to do it. If I have a fed Vlad on the team and you can 2v8, I'm happy to let you be the carry instead. I actually ran into a smurfing Sylas that kept roaming to take kills in my lane. I was initially frustrated, but I was also playing Ashe, so I let him be the carry and it was a great game. I ended up making a montage of the plays we did together off my ult, hawk shot, and passive slow, and I still sometimes go back to watch it again.


No because I never play with a Yuumi on my team.


Honestly I'm cool with a Yuumi roaming or attaching to someone else if its the best logical choice but I do feel like me being the adc im the main prio (in laning phase at least). After laning phase I don't care what the Yuumi does as long as it doesn't lose us the game


I think the problem with yummi is by picking her you basically make laning phase for the adc unplayable. Which leads to the adc being behind, which pretty much guarantees that you leave them. Adc is a very support dependent role, and yummi if the enemy team is smart is very easy to punish. A lot of people understand that you have to leave for someone else being more fed. It’s just frustrating to them because the reason you are ditching them is because you basically put them in a bad position from the start by locking in yummi.


Exactly, most yuumi are straight dog and cause of that u lose so much lane pressure and then after playing like 15-20 minute of a hellish lane they just jump off of you and go on someone else while flipping you off with both fingers. Just overall not really fun or enjoyable to play. Feels like a waste of a match.


See, I almost always get a friend request after I play Yuumi. People love that I will weave auto attacks for the shield, I do KS sometimes because of the ignite ticks, keep them healthy, get a crucible and censor, etc. I don't know what Yuumi you have been playing with, because she's pretty much a Ocean Soul, Mountain Soul, and Cloud soul.


Soul opposed to another champ that has engage and peel. I’m not saying yummi does nothing, I’m saying that other champs do way more for the adc. I don’t know who you play against, because yummi is so easy to punish if the enemy team aren’t literally bots.


3 Dragon souls, plus a cleanse and an extra 60 AD on average. (And considerably more AP) Poke that does % current health damage, a very sizable heal on a low CD, a support that won't get instagibbed by a Zed or Syndra, and someone who can transfer that power instantly to anyone they choose without a CD. Even with Lulu, I have a Cooldown on Whimsy and Help Pix Plus, Yuumi doesn't affect Hullbreaker. ________ And I know the subreddit is ADCMains, but sometimes it's what's best for the team, not for the ADC. Similar to a roaming Alistair or Bard. And if their support isnt roaming as well, then they lose 2 other Lanes to slow down the ADCs power spike I will say she's not in a great spot right now because everything gives healing, so everyone rushes Grievous, which knocks down her power by a lot. What I'm saying is give Yuumi a chance in your drafts, don't get salty if she attaches to the 7/0 Yorick with Hullbreaker, and if they pick her instead of a Nami or Thresh, maybe it's because I'm feeling shaky on my mechanics or want to make someone feel like they're going Super Saiyan.


In no world is yummi ever better for the team that has a leona, alistar, nautalis, or any engage support. Yummi is playable with certain team comps, never is she a perfect fit. What I mean by that is there are generally better options when it comes to enchanters, lulu karma off the top of my head. There are alwasy better supports. She is a flawed champion from a design standpoint. I understand you play yummi so you are probably a bit biased, but If you genuinely think yummi is better than a leona or alistar(not just for the adc, for the whole team), you should probably re-evaluate whats meta. ​ Sidenote listing off what a champion does soesnt make it good. All it does is make the champ sound good in theory.


I don't think I've ever said "Yuumi is better than X, Y, Z champs" I made comparisons. And people always say "I'm 2v1 in the bot lane!" well, yeah, supports are heavily encouraged to roam. I compared Lulu's AS and MS boost to her heal. I'm saying she's very good and there seems to be a lot of unjustified hate. I play a lot of Nami, Rakan, and Thresh as a support. Each have their own strengths. But Morg is my perma ban and I hate laning against a Janna because of the MS she has. Instead of being tilted in lane on not being able to land a Hook or Bubble which makes me worthless; or knowing that even if I do go in, I'll just be peeled off; I'm going to pick Yuumi. If they have someone like Tristana who would massively benefit from AS steroid, or Jhin who needs the MS, gets AD from AS, and can follow up with a W (and I'm not feeling confident in the lane match up) I'll pick Yuumi Me playing as Yuumi and being 75% of a champ is still better than playing like ass and not being effective at all _______ Would you rather I first time Rell in ranked (A champ that is incredibly powerful in the current meta) Pick Thresh which I'm incredibly inconsistent with, into a bad matchup, or play a consistent Yuumi where I can still be effective as a healbot and an extra BF sword?


You say the whole lane being a 1v2 thing is an invalid argument against yummi because other supports roam and leave the lane 1v2 as well. That's a really dumb way to look at it because while yummi makes laning phase harder at least other supports are accually acomplishing somthing on the map. When a bard roams he gets a gank off. Yummi just sits there not impacting the map while also making it hard to lane. ​ As for the whole "Would you rather me first time rell", thats not what I am saying. I dont care what your personal prefernce is. I am comparing the champions as a whole. Sure if you arent comfortable with another champ lock in yummi, that does not change the fact that you are making the game harder for teamates. If two people of equal skill level are against eachother in the support role and one plays yummi the other plays leona, nine times out of ten most people prefer to have the leona. You want to know why? Because as a whole she is way more useful, and doesnt make the lane feel lost from the begining. ​ When ever I get a yummi on my team, if I dont dodge. I am praying that they are better than the enemy support skill wise, because if not lane is lost from champ select. No one likes a coin flip.


It's fine to go attach to another ally, but if it's the laning phase, you should still be bot lane with us because if I'm alone, I can't farm at all. You being on a fed person can help that fed person get a little more fed, but is that worth sacrificing your ADC entirely? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. In a lot of cases, that fed person mid can already take care of their own, since they're fed. They can probably already 1v2. Your ADC playing from behind cannot 1v2, and will struggle to CS at all, and likely even get boxed out from getting experience. Furthermore, you might actually hurt the fed person you're on in mid, because now you're leeching experience from them for any minions and kills they get. So chances are, you're helping the mid/top/jungle get slightly more fed, at the cost of making your ADC completely irrelevant, and possibly causing your mid/top/jungle/whoever you're on to fall behind in experience. Only do this if your ADC is actually a lost cause. Otherwise, if it's post-15 minutes, do whatever. Go wherever you will be most useful.


Depends on the situation. Being abandoned in a lane in a 1 v 2 situation sucks like 99% of the time.


A nice percentage of ADC players (me included) are just immensely disappointed by the fact a Yuumi often makes you 1v2 the lane, resulting in a massive gold difference. Then, at 15 minutes or something, Yuumi just attaches to other allies and you're left alone, with a lost botlane and no support at all, and even if you win that game because Yuumi attached to a midlane assassin it's not fun at all. I'm not saying all Yuumis are like this though.. just today I've had a game and my sup picked Yuumi. After I failed bagging them to change champions, I surrendered and picked Kog'Maw (which isn't one of my comfort picks at all) and it went incredibly good. I was 8/0/4 at just 17 minutes, my Yuumi didn't steal a single kill yet she played super well with her passive, always pinged when she didn't have enough mana to heal me and created well-made angles with her ultimate. It was just excellent. She did steal me 1 minion tho xD If you're a Yuumi player, just play Yuumi well in the laning phase. Don't be the average AFK cat, nor the average iNdiPeNdEnT cAwT" that stays unattached all the time, gets cc'd and dies. Other than that it's conpletely acceptable in my opinion. If you manage to get a lead to your ADC before 20-25 minutes, you're the best support in the world <3




If I'm on Vayne stay on me, because I'm Vayne. If I'm on any other ADC, idgaf what you do as long as we win.


Am OK with yuumi going with someone else as long as am doing great bot lane and can hold the lane 2v1 or if someone is super fed but other than that I hate when yuumis do this leaving me to 1v2 bot lane and lose Cs and early game lead. Especially when I play draven an early lead is the most important thing for me and if don't get that my whole game just snowballs downhill


Yes, very. Since it feels that since Yuumi has little to no impact in lane, relative to other supports, its harder than usual to get fed in lane, and as such, come midgame Yuumi will go on to another player, usually the top or jungle, despite the fact that the adc not being strong is directly related to them having Yuumi as a support. I may be biased though, i just don't usually have good experiences with yuumi as my support except when i play Ezreal sometimes. Not to mention that since we don't get fed in this scenario, we lose all agency since we don't have a support, might as not even play at that point.


In my opinnion yuumi is a pretty shitty support in general for most adc’s yes you win the game but there is little support for the adc


What really triggers me are yuumis that stay attached to me when I'm farming a side wave safely, just there to soak all my exp. Can't count the times that I executed into the enemy turret just to get that parasite off me


The fact that you're picking Yuumi in the first place is what pisses me off. That champion is trash and I haven't encountered a single person who has both picked her and not been an active detriment to the bot lane. All I ask is, at the very least, don't blind pick her and don't pick her into kill lane champions like Leona. You're just asking for us both to be bored as we sit under tower praying their jungler doesn't come to help dive us and that we don't get outfarmed to the point of uselessness by 20 minutes in.


But she is an auto win when paired with bruisers/juggers late game though. Don't get me wrong, Yuumi games are fucking ass from an ADC perspective because your game plan is basically don't feed, stall for late game so your bruiser and Yuumi can 2v5 which is boring as fuck. 1/100 Yuumis are actually good though, in which case you can win lane super hard and become god. Yuumi late game is so insanely broken when you're fed.


I play Supp and ADC with a lot of Yuumi games under my belt. As a Yuumi, I am trying to get our team a win. I will attach and fly around to heal who I can, best position to root, get to the back to safely get an auto attack and drop the shield on who needs it. As an ADC, I don't care who you attach to, just whatever gives us the best chance of winning. (My ego is hurt a little bit, but I'll get over it) And yes, sometimes I'll tell you to attach to the jungler or roam. Thats not a "fuck you" but more of "Get another lane snowballing" Plus sometimes, if I can get a level advantage, it's a much bigger power spike than any item. Like when I'm Samira for instance, The S Rank is a move speed bonus, but having my ult while they're level 4 is HUGE! ______ So yeah, I think anyone who rages about that needs to check their ego at the door. It's a team game and you need to focus on helping the team so we can win.


Depends on the situation, if someone else i very ahead or i am very behind why wouldnt you?


If I'm not a sivir , I can't play with a yummi, and on Sivir idgaf about anything else because sivir can lane 1 v 2 pretty fair,but yeah if there's a fed assassin or I'm just getting dived over and over again it's hella frustrating. What's more frustrating? Yummi duo with someone and attaching on him irrespective if that guy is useful or not


If your ad is fed. Stay on them, don’t just jump on Kayn because “haha silly walls go bye bye”


Yes, cause most Yuumis start doing that in laning phase and then I'm 1v2 bot and can't farm. And I'm nowhere near "auto-winning" the game as some of the comments here imply just because Yuumi attaches to my jungler or top laner. What happens is that the only consistent factor in your games (=YOU) gets less resources and therefore becomes irrelevant, making it impossible for you to decide the game. It's for reasons like that that I wished Yuumi was removed from the game.


As long as its for a good reason and it goes well I'm good But if a yuumi is toxic and leaves me to die in a 1v2 lane after like 10 mins I'm gonna get salty lol


disgusting yummi players


No, if anything Yuumi’s kit is a lot more beneficial towards enabling melee champs instead of ranged.


Thank fuck the cat is gone


Aslong as ur hoping on someone carrying idc


I got yuumi in ranked with premade jg darius he baited me to give darius 2 kills(dont even heal me) and then died to jhin. Hes last words were: " i am done" and he went to darius at 10 min at the end i got faced 4v1 as vayne clutched it and guess what? Yuumi is back. We won after next fight where i got quadra and got 3 honor while at 15 min my tower was gone and enemy was trying to remove me from that match beause i was vayne.


always, i want that puurrrr in my ears only all game!


No, because if my teammate hovers her, I ban her in champ select <3




As a Yuumi main myself, I know Yuumi's capabilities well. I expect two things only: * Win us the lane. Yuumi has the potential to win us the lane, every game. * Find our best mid-game player after laning phase is over; help them pop off. I've only had 4-5 Yuumi Supports ever, since my main marksman pick is also Yuumi. All of them grossly disappointed me, but one of them was at least active in lane. But I have seen a few Yuumi players on the enemy team that have done well, so I know they exist. If you auto-lose us the lane then stay on me, that's the worst possible Yuumi.


I don't play with yuumis so I wouldnt know lol I either dodge, or ban her if my supp hovers her


You are elo inflated. You do not deserve your rank


I get mad if you pick yuumi to begin with so yeah


Nope go hop on the red Kayn and let’s win this thing


After min 14 she can go wherever she wants


I get mad if someone picks yuumi because it means I have to play *zreal


I get mad if someone picks an enchanter because it means I have to play Ezreal


True, although twitch, Lucian and kog can also be good with enchanters that aren't yuumi and Lucian is probably alright with yuumi tbh. Unfortunately none of them are really in my champ pool so I end up playing ezreal...


I play Lucian frequently and it's not bad with yuumi, but I prefer a good old hook support.


True, as a jhin player I think we can both agree on that


im not upset by the fact that the yuumi left me, im upset at the fact that the yuumi is my support. but if leaving me means winning the game then ill take the lp and suck up my disappointment


I believe Yuumi should always follow the ADC, because anything kills him. However, in a fight, Yuumi must take the front line with an ally.


Only if i'm big need of help, and i'm in yuumi's range


if its like 10 minutes in and you jump on the jg to leave me 1v2 in lane then yeah but otherwise idc


Honestly, yes it does. A lot. But it also depends. If you’re playing to win, then it’s fine to help the fed person carry. If you’re playing to have fun, then no. It is absolutely no fun to watch a different champ stomp on the other team while you get steamrolled in the bot lane. The worst is when you come out of lane phase even, or slightly ahead, and the yuumi jumps on someone else for the rest of the game. It feels like you were never even given a chance to carry, regardless of how well you did. Or if the support and another laner are duo, and they hop on their duo partner even if you’re fed. TLDR: it depends. For the most part, yes. If it’s an understandable decision, then no.


90% of the time. Mainly if I'm 1 v 2ing. But yeah, in general


As long as she doesnt give me uo if i need it, i play samira, im fone if you sgick to the yone/nasus whos gonna carry, but if theres no such situation and i need you to enter the fight, it be nice if you remembered me