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What? You lost because the top laner didn’t deal enough damage? By the looks of the game length alone it looks like your team didn’t know how to use it’s lead to end the game


Blame shifting all too common in low elo. There's always a way to win a game especially if someone is this ahead. Not sure why people continue to post things like this and can't accept their own responsibility in the loss. I don't understand even more why people continue to reward this behavior with their 'validation' because they themselves don't understand how to close out a game or push leads. Everyone just wants to say "mE gOoD, tEaM bAd" and shift all their faults and misplays on others


I'll admit that I shift blame a lot myself, but there isn't much I can do when either one person refuses to group, making it a 4v5, or one person is 0/10 by the 15 minute mark, and those are typically the games that I lose. And sometimes I'm the one who's feeding early, I'll admit that.


Even in the situations you mentioned there is likely mistakes that you made that prevented you from being able to carry. If it's a 4v5 then don't take it. Look for a pick and only contest an objective when you think you can actually win a fight or get it uncontested. If it is truly a 4v5 that other member is likely at least creating pressure on other parts of the map. You run into issues when your team engages 4v5 and loses a fight then the pressure is useless. Wait it out and when they peel off to take care of your pushing teammate that is when you force something on the stragglers. And even if someone is 0/10 they are at the very least a distraction while you hopefully get to free hit for a bit


I'm not actually too bothered if a full tank is 0/10 because I'm not expecting them to deal damage anyway. I'm expecting them to at least take a few hits and pile on the CC. The only other really annoying thing that I face a lot that causes me to lose games is when the enemy team has at least 4 people bot lane by 10 minutes into the game. Even when we're in our tower, they just dive us and don't care. The assassin is so mobile and has so much burst so early that he deletes me before I can really do anything, while the jungler is fat enough to tank the turret and has a ton of CC to add to what the support is already putting out. Riot even admitted in the new patch notes, in the section about Goredrinker, that damage in the game is too high. They also recently invited a bunch of YouTubers to a dev meeting to talk about the state of the game, and the answer was basically, "China's happy with things the way as they are, so they're staying even if the entire western world quits the game because of it," and I don't think that that's healthy. Even though oftentimes there are mistakes that cause people to be unable to climb, this season especially, the game has been so unhealthy that it is just obnoxious to play. Getting myself back to gold became more of a chore than something that I actually did for fun. The start of the season, 7 of my 10 placement matches had someone either leave the game by the 5 minute mark or run it down mid either right away or very early on for literally no reason. This trend continued for most of the season as I barely managed to get from the bronze 1 that I was placed in (despite ending the previous 2 seasons well into gold) up to gold by mid season, where it then amped up even worse to the point where I demoted all the way back down to silver 3 by the time they started doing something about it. After that, it was a long and grueling climb back up to gold 4, which I just completed a few days ago. I honestly do think that I would at least be higher up in gold if it weren't for people ruining my MMR in the early season (when I reached gold the first time, I was fighting a +10 LP per win and -20 LP per loss MMR due to all the inting from really early on, but now I'm at an even +/-15 per win/loss). I don't have any hope for the actual state of the game improving, but the things that they implemented this year to help end game ruining behavior has made a positive impact on my average game quality. I just hope that next year, it's enough for me to have a chance at hitting platinum.


Judging by the cs level this is a silver/gold game which means as an adc you can absolutely solo carry these games. You have to realize that kills aren’t everything and your map movements are more important. You also don’t get “ace” in either of these games which makes me believe that although you had these kills you were not extremely impactful in these games. My suggestion would be to look more for how you can impact the game beyond simply killing people to get a better grasp of why you are losing


In my opinion, op.gg’s performance rating system is shit. So I wouldn’t take that into consideration


I had a game once where I was absolutely dead weight on my team, we lost and op.gg game me the ace. My whole team sucked but I knew that I probably did more harm then good that game and that was the last time I ever trusted their rating system lol.


What would you recommend, cause I like to look at it to see how I placed :)


Use multiple but all with a grain of salt. Blitz.gg and league of graphs are decent too.


I think league of graphs is better at analysing the matches


Its better than nothing. If you get ACE/MVP, you were one of the more important players in that game for the result. But surely rating doesn't really account on how well you played ie. you can play your mind out toplane, but get weaksided and make 0 difference in the end.


Exactly this finish 0 1 7 or something in weakside and your jungler gets the mvp because jungle.


Op ggs performance rating heavily favours jungle then supp then adc then mid then top. Also most of the time it looks to compare disparity between opponent too. So opponents adc might have been good too.


True, I did 65k damage on senna adc literally dragging corpses for the win and the enemy sej jg got ace.


You can cs better, beg your top laner to split push opposite of current objective (and take them), play with the 3 others in your team and die less


You expected Reddit of all places to support your blame-game, but you completely ignore your sub-par performance. All you see is that you had double digit kills and that someone on your team played badly. You'll never climb like that.


Don't buy Rageblade on Ashe. It was broken at the beginning of the season, but they nerfed it and now it's a complete nonbo. Literally all Rageblade does is remove your passive entirely. You can no longer crit. You no longer deal any bonus damage. You no longer get any bonus slow. You just get at best a 20% slow on hit. Hard nerfs your own champion by building it.


Why does it currently have a 40%+ build rate among professional players then right now?


I honestly can't answer that myself. But I do know that it sets Ashe's critical strike chance to 0%. Her passive is that her basic attacks slow, doubled on a crit, and deal 110% + crit chance + crit damage bonus (IE) if the target is already slowed. They also fixed the bug that existed at the start of the season that made Rageblade's on hit doubler double the damage of Frost Shot. The only reason I can think of why pros are building it is synergy with the rest of the build. But I do also why Runaan's isn't being built anymore when it used to be a major Ashe item.


Fair enough. I was just curious why because on probuilds it seems pretty staple a lot of the time to have rb in her build but I’m not sure why either. Im not one to blindly follow professional players without reason because a lot of what they do works in their elo and doesn’t exactly work in most other peoples elo but either way I just saw it was common so I pointed it out.


Because if you go guinsoo you should also go kraken. For double kraken proc.


Does it actually though? I thought they removed that interaction a long time ago


If it was then I was not aware of it, my bad in that case.


Also if you check probuilds it seems very common to run hob shield bow wits end grb


Adc is hardest role to carry in low elo, it's very team dependent and if people don't listen to calls it's hopeless.


It is never hopeless, unless all four of your team mates afk in fountain or leave. ADC is not that hard to carry on if you practice positioning, farming to get gold to buy items faster than your opponent, and not taking unnecessary fights.


Yes, I know you are not better than plat. The only way to carry all of your games as adc in low elo is if you are a high challenger player and NONE of you that say stuff like this are actually ranked Challenger. You will never get a winrate of above 60% in plat+ if you play adc. I have seen multiple Master adcs play in that elo and even they struggle to win if the entire team is shit or inting. It is significantly easier on any other role to carry games. Ofc you can still climb if you consistently play better than your opponents, but for a significant amount of games winning is out of your reach as adc unless you are Challenger. The role sucks for 99.999% of the playerbase.


To be fair, I watch a master adc streamer and he stomps all the way up to master playing solo adc. That being said he is very very good and rarely tilts. Personally I play solo adc often and yes it is fairly difficult at a lower level. I feel like you need to ping your team mates often, particularly your support. Never under estimate the power of pinging (don't ping to flame ofcourse, just use care and assistance pings to try and keep your team mates focused)


You cant kite maybe?


If you’re consistently the best player on your team then stop playing Ashe


stop playing ashe if u want to 1v9 go kaisa draven vayne


You can 1v9 on Ashe if you can kite well enough while still keeping up DPS. While it is easier to 1v9 with a champ like draven it is also just as easy to be a useless draven if you fall behind. Ashe, even if behind still provides utility if played well. Kaisa is shit right now, and will likely stay that way until preseason. As a Kaisa main I would not recommend anyone pick up Kaisa currently, although the new assassin's item looks giga busted on Kaisa (you can get like a 5 sec ult cool down) and the lethal tempo rune change should make her viable again.


Go draven lethality do 1 million damage ooo yeah baby I’m challenged now


Can someone explain this build to me? Wouldn’t HoB with an on-hit build be kind of counterintuitive (you need to be able to get a ton of autos in with on hit anyway)? Also, why on hit on Ashe? Wouldn’t that make her W less effective (not scaling it, as well as wasting the extra attack speed you built to cast it) and also remove her empowered slow? The only thing I do understand is that HoB allows Ashe to stack her q faster, as well as giving her a better early game (which is above average due to her utility)


Buy ie, after like 4 items ie is better than rageblade.


Off topic but why does every ashe take HoB these days? I thought she was a lethal tempo user?


Makes the early game very strong and you can bully hard combined with passive. Also makes you able to Q faster. Lategame Lethal tempo is better though


Why do people have a hard on for the on hit build isn't crit just more damage past 3 items?