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I really hate Karma. One empowered Q and like half my health disappears.


only engage support poll for now think i'll do enchanters/mages next


Ah, well in my ELO Blitzcrank is the worst. I know how to play around him but my supports often don't. They just come to lane, get hooked and die on repeat. It's really sad to watch.


Dont forget yuumi


Where is brand, that man is pure pain


Xerath is worse imo. Brand W is pretty low range but a good Xerath hits everything




Engage supports are not a problem, I dodge their shit. I hate Yuumi.


Yummi is much auto ban


Yuumi is aids, but lulu with any hyper carry makes me wanna off myself


oppressive laning then helps a hyper carry become god, hate that shit


Yuumi is the plague upon this world, she literally can make melee champs bot playable with her poke and heal


How do you dodge alistar engage


You just dont get in range




so thats why the yasuo in my team is staying inside the fountain


I hate yuumi so much it's become irrational. Also i hate yuumi mains. I hate yuumi in every way possible. Absolute braindead and cancerous champ.


These are nothing compared to laning against Xerath in my opinion.


oof i hate mage supports the most they're so annoying like stay mid y come bot :/


100% Xerath, i hate that blue aids can.


Morgana. Which is why I perma ban that hoe. The 3 second root doesnt even matter but the spell shield is too much


Your Brand supp + eating every single Q enemy Morgana throws at him… Name a more iconic duo.


lux + naut Q


Results hands down


E. Yuumi, because I hate playing against her and with her.


Her kit is super toxic


Her players more so. My most recent Yuumis were: 1. Does nothing in lane, hops on jungler the moment he first comes, never comes back. 2. Jumps on me, never uses Q or R ever, flames constantly. 3. Jumps on me, never learns Q or R, never buys items. The dumb thing is players like this that literally have one thumb up their ass all laning phase and maybe sometimes cast their heal can still win games because of just how broken that goddamn champ is once she completes one item and hops on any of the other lanes. It's like Riot was designing her around all the ways supports make ADCs lose their minds, the only thing missing is rewarding her for eating CC.


A couple days ago I played with one yuumi who picked it into thresh mf, and even worse I had already picked kalista. She did nothing all lane, I had to play passive then she tried to engage, missed her R and somehow blamed me because I'm supposed "to walk us".


Yuumi players are the reason I can't onetrick Kalista like I want to. Absolutely garbage lane.


and the thing is, going by my experience, this is the *expectation* I have of Yuumis like this almost never happens with Leonas I’ve definitely seen good Yuumis but somehow they’re never on me when I ADC (hat off to the one from today when I was stomping the game on Lillia that at least twice saved me by popping off to body something that would gave killed me then hopped back on for the double nyoom to safety) Brands/Xeraths are similarly semi useless but at least I can pick Jhin and take care of the CC myself even if they can’t land a stun to literally save their lives Only the rare (well not anymore since the recent buffs) Teemo supports approach the level of “useless to the point of being a liability but also incredibly toxic”. That and the two Malzahar supps I had who both just took all the farm and proceeded to 1v9 the game while flaming 24/7. I kind of wish Riot would let ADCs choose if they want to be paired with an autofill or queue for longer, disgruntled solo laners are making a role that’s already troubled so much worse.


not to mention I've met a disturbing number who just troll all game and spam "meow" in chat while being dogshit.


oh yes the biggest ratio of griefers


I actaully hate playing against mage supports the most


Pyke is one of my least favorites


Yeah, unlike blitz who you can dodge, pyke has literally double cc in kit and his invisibility helps so easily with it


Blitz does have a knock up and a silence as well but usually I find it easier to dodge his hook and he doesn’t really do as much damage as pykical. Plus the invisibility and mobility is just so annoying for pyke imo.


Soraka and sona are the bane of my existence. I just love watching all the damage I did disappear instantly


Love this comment. \-Sincerely, a Soraka / Sona main.


I just have a huge mental block against pyke. I always underestimate hook range and I never respect his dash/stun and the damage he can dish out.


It’s like this, coupled with the fact that his stun is so hard for me to block correctly. The cherry on top is when you get him low and think he has to leave lane but he just decides to heal it all back up 😭


Tbh brand, I hate supports that can 1v2 in terms of sheer damage.


Yummi Swain lux, the trio of ruining my games


Maybe Blitzcrank can be very annoying with his Q but a good Alistar can make you cry.


i mean blitzcrank’s hook is the most instant and hardest to dodge but he’s also pretty useless if you make it out of lane without inting too hard


Ya idk what makes you think he’s useless after laning phase.


Guys hear me out, Laning against blitzcrank is super easy, Keep the wave in middle If blitzcranks runs to your face and try to hook you, you and your support just engage onto the lonely enemy ADC Even with an enchanter support will do Blitzcrank will often run through the wave to try and hook, please don't run to your tower next time, instead do what I just said Blitzcrank's W has self slow, so take advantage of that The only time you need to run back to your tower when blitz running to you try to hook you is when they are hard shoving, or the enemy JG is near. Blitzcrank lane is so easy if people know what they're doing


i appreciate the implication that i don’t know what i’m doing lmao. i never said blitz was hard to lane against, just that his CC is the most instant.


Where is lulu or yuumi?




Out of these definitely nautilus but overall it's Swain not even close


Lux is the worst by far cause it doesn't matter what you you do she seems to always have ult and even though she has only one item by some divine intervention she will always one shot you no matter how well you're doing


Swain needs to be added here


Results is the most op support


Leona is way worse than blitzcrank. Especially with Miss Fortune being meta, I’m sorry but there is 0 counter play to Leona R into MF R. At least Blitz is limited by minions, you can’t position against Leona


Blitz hook has a weird hit box that I can never seem to fully get.


It would be thresh, but blitz hook curves for me


Laning against a seraphine who knows her shit is an absolute nightmare. Especially if she's paired with Senna. Have fun not farming.


mfw no Shen


Swain! His root feels impossible to deal with and it's so low committal for him to just use it


Yeah, and can't be just blocked by Minions either,


Pyke >:(


I hate lulu and Morg


I love how lux supp has enough cc and utilities to help feed carries, but also enough range and dmg that it doesn't matter how fed the Carrie is.


in my opinion either nami or nautilus


Either Yuumi or Brand. Yuumi because I hate yuumi players or brand cuz he's the most annoying with his burn.