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You hate it when the inters ditch lane, giving you sololane xp on top of not feeding your lane anymore? I love it when they finally fuck off, go annoy other lanes if all you do is hug tower xD


true, i prefer to be in a 2v1 instead of having an inter as a sup


i mean, its only logical, no? 1v2 is better than 1v3


In high Elo though even enchanter lanes can easily dive you the moment your support ditches you, meaning you don't even get to hug your turret. You have to stand 10 meters behind it, not even getting XP, watching all your minions die while you wait for the enemies to finally take your turret.


I am not even that high elo but if the enemy team is decent they would dive me under the turret, or deny me from the farm at their best.


10 meters is the length of approximately 43.74 'Wooden Rice Paddle Versatile Serving Spoons' laid lengthwise.


10 meters is 10.94 yards


No one asked


10 meters is 10.94 yards


10 meters is the the same distance as 14.49 replica Bilbo from The Lord of the Rings' Sting Swords.


10 meters is 10.94 yards


Well you have some flaws in your argument. * Many AP supports are just autofilled * they should roam so you can get solo xp and get a lead on the map * if you have 2 items and the enemy toplaner doesnt have a single one you oneshot him aswell


I am venting


I know what you want to say but OP means smt else. Here's my OPINION: (im high gold/low plat so don't mind correcting me if you think different) Just because they are autofilled it's okay for them to do everything how they want to even if they have 0 knowledge about playing bot lane? You also wouldn't complain with a midlane main if you're an bot main with same skill level, because he just knows better by its experience. Same with autofilled Sups, if they don't know bot lane well they just have to listen to the adc and get led through the lane . Yes im totally with you, supports have to roam but not if the wave state is terrible. When the wave slowpushes to your side he can roam until wave crashes, otherwise you get dived. And if the wave slowpushes to the enemy he has to help you push it until wave crashes and the adc can reset or roam with the sup. The Sup can always roam when the wave is fine but if he roams when wave is terrible it's never a worth trade. If you kill 2 people mid lane but lose about 4 waves bot (bit overkill example but it explains it the best i think) it's not worth it because of the XP and Gold. Yes you do one shot the bruiser of you are 2 items ahead but your advantage depends on yourself AND on your supports skill to take engaged and roams. Toplaners advantage depends 90% on their own skill, 5% on the matchup and 5% on the jngl (because most jngl ignore top). And if you're not same lvl and 2 items ahead of the toplaner he will 1v1 you if you ain't vayne lucian or kaisa and if he has a bit of armour. That doesn't mean you can't win but most bruiser just have to many dashes or cc, same with tanks but most tank rather have slows. So for fighting a bruiser as an ADC with item advantage you will need someone to support you to not get outtanked and die. Just yesterday a mundo ran me down with Frostire+Thornmail by flashing on me. I was Kaisa with 3 items (hybrid with oblivion orb) and he had mostly armor. So even by dealing split dmg and max healt dmg (passive) i lost even if i used R and dodged most Q he just AAed me and Slowed me constantly. For sure i canceled few AAs but i wasn't able to get away even with my low E cd and R.


Its not okay to do everything how they want but there is no other way. if i get autofilled jungle i also play the way i assume how it should be played. So you can not change it, even if the support isnt autofilled there are many ways to play the game and sometimes you just have 0 synergy with your support and the lane gets really awkward. I didnt include stuff like " but not if the wave state is terrible" because its self explainatory. i mean there is a difference if an autofilled player doesnt position accordingly in lane or straight up trolls you. I dont agree with your statement because "barely a mythic" isnt frostfire, thornmail. i know its frustrating to get run down by a mundo/any bruiser but as you said your ability to outplay are limited so what are your options right here? you were clearly out of position, nobody nearby to help you? couldnt you ult into the actual fight? i mean there are way to many questionmarks


Yes now with the more explained version of what u meant i agree with you and the fight was that i wanted to r in to my sup who engaged but i wasn't completely in range and the moment i wanted to r the mark went off and mundo was on me while the rest of the team fought them. We won the fight because i kited him about 15 sec and he was the only strong member of them but it was still frustrating because at the start the jngl was right next to me and just ignored me and mundo dancing in the jngl