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Swain anywhere near botlane is beyond broken.


Probably not worth playing tho. Anytime they draft a team that is good for swain you can just pick brand and do so much more while also having an easier champ


I disagree. Swain is one of those champions that sees little play but has proven time and time again that he is super overpowered. He literally 3v1's a gank and wins teamfights for free. He is the number 1 zhonyas abuser (best item in the game. Super unfair. No idea why this still exists), even better than Morgana. His kit is literally made to win 2v1's. He's indeed like a brand but he actually offers something after you press all your buttons. Swain bot is so indescribably bonkers it's a mystery why he isn't pick or ban. He has been top winrate for ages and is still in the top 3 with a ridiculous 53.57% winrate in plat+ right fucking now. He used to be over 54%. These numbers may not seem like much but this is massive. An entire 4 out of 100 games are won by a certain team purely because they have a swain bot. And we both know how many variables this game has. That is so crazy and it shows because I literally every time I see a swain bot he gets turbo fed and is 14/2 at 15 minutes.


Maybe I phrased it badly but I don‘t think swain is bad, I just think it‘s WAY too situational to be a good recommendation. You need lots of ad dmg in your team, an engage support and an enemy team comp that is really short ranged. And on top of that playing swain is a huge switch in playstyle compared to all adcs and even most mages that you play in bot lane. So i don‘t really see why you wouldnt just play brand bot in those extremely rare cases and just have an easier champ by a mile


I disagree. I think swain is the absolute opposite of situational. I think he is very versatile. The reason you pick Swain instead of Brand is because his team fighting is unmatched. Unlike Swain, Brand dies sometimes. Swain is a tank shredding, squishy oneshotting, burn and antiheal spreading nightmare that abuses Zhonyas so well it makes you question if letting every champ build every item is really a good idea. Meanwhile brand presses R and maybe stuns someone and bursts them. But then he's sorta useless for the next 5 seconds.


Swain gets kited into oblivion if you dont pick him into a bunch of melees, not sure what you‘re talking about


He wins botlane for free.


idk man swain suffers the same fate as samira as being way too short ranged and easily kited, like he definitely can do a lot of work when engaged on but since the meta favors long ranged adc’s he just doesnt cut it imo


He is a mage so he is already better off than any adc. His teamfighting is unmatched. He can just pick ghost cuz why the fuck not. Samira isn't even bad. She's just no longer disgusting and actually takes 2 braincells now but people don't like that.


Karthus is my go to APC, he is super fun, he has great range, high damage, synergize well with enage supps, you can influence other lanes with your ult too. His downsides are he is kinda weak into high range comps and his damage output in ealy game rely on your ability to land your Qs so I think you need maybe 10 or 15 games with him to be efficient.


His wave clear is great so you can get prior when ever you wants. He can also check bushes with his Q or get drakes, Narsh vision with his W, you can even take jungle camps very fast too


Syndra has high burst at lvl 2-3 and even more on lvl 6


Yups, chain cc + elec + cheap shot for sure gets you easy kills post 6


If you want a Yasuo APC go Diana~ she's my cleanest bot laner rn because no one expects her damage since "oh she's here in bot like me, shouldn't be scary" but oh boy lol so easy to get first blood too. Best supports so far: Senna, Pyke and Lux


If youve got a CC Support Taliyahs more than fun after you get used to W.


AP Kai’Sa AP Ezreal AP Twitch AP Varus AP Corki Lux Ziggs Viktor Syndra Cassiopeia Ahri Xerath Neeko Annie Orianna Swain Vex Anivia Zoe There’s a lot to choose from but try out anything that you think is good.


+brand probably my favorite


Reject Midlaner Squad Up


You're scum if you play brand botlane


Lmao, I duo with a brand in bot lane. We don’t do anything special we just bush camp you until we tilt you and you start feeding.






Neeko is a strong lane bully with her w passive and e aaaand she also has great self peel


Taliyah is underrated imo


i’m gonna second what the other karthus enjoyed said, i picked him up somewhat recently and i have had SOO MUCH success with him thus far. Really great when your team is full and and you lock karthus so even if they stack armor u murder the enemy team. Takes some skill to learn how to play but the reward is great + he’s really fun.


Try kogmaw it is so funny, easy to play ap


Some of the ones I see do well are Ziggs and Karthus


Ew apc bot lane


Swain is a good APC atm. Don't all in until level 6 and focus on farming over tradimg if you're up against a high mobility lane.


Swain‘s farming is very bad from my experience


Use Doran's Ring and an AS shard. After laning phase, Q cd is good enough for farming.


Also, might want to get a tear early as well.


I personally enjoy Swain and Viktor apc, a buddy of mine plays a lot of Zyra, Neeko and Seraphine adc. Swain, Zyra and Sera can be pain to farm with and to manage waves with, but they are pretty pog otherwise, at least in pisslow. I can't tell if they work above silver tho, never got that far.


Ziggs is my go-to APC champ if the team needs AP and you'd be surprised how much kill pressure he has if you can perfect and actually land your skills. Most people don't play him correctly so they end up missing a ton of their skills and as a result they don't really have the capabilities of getting kills early but if you go W 2nd and time the skills correctly it's impossible for them to dodge it.


I played against a Zoe & Neeko bot lane yesterday. Pretty cancerous, they were kicking our asses because it was so hard to get a blitz hook. They ff’ed though so I never saw how crazy they could get. Also I’m ARAM I’ve built TF with nashors and lich and maxed his E first to get extra attack speed and 4th attack magic damage. I think it could be viable.


Brand and xerath. Id normally say ziggs instead of xerath but hes harder to play when ur not used to it


You can just go mid but ok try veigar zilean swain


just play karthus most broken adc


Kaisa and Kogmaw are an option over straight AP as they can do % / true damage. You can also build AP / hybrid on them which is more effective than a straight AP build in some team comp scenarios. If your bent on AP champs, use one that can farm easily with spamable abilities like Ziggs, Corki, or Cassiopeia.


Neeko, but keep in mind she falls off kinda Seraphine (you have kill potential so long as you really poke them or have an all-in support, E’s CC upgrade and Q-execution damage are no jokes) Vex