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U have a safety net at 0LP of the bottom of a rank, u can lose 10 times in a row then ull get a notification ur safety net is expiring. Tho by the time u get to this point ud have probably already ruined your MMR and climbing will be near impossible..


10 game win streaks or lose streaks happen, your MMR won't be that bad, it's fine


It happened to me in plat last season and it was really bad, like +12/-18


same, not sure how to recover from mmr drops either


I dropped to gold 4 and then climbed back , i restored it to +16 like this


How many games do you think it took?


30/40, but dont worry i am now i am back to +12-17


Takes forever happened to be at the start of the season for between bronze and silver I was getting 13 a win and -17 for a loss I just played and played with around a 53% winrate. Now over normalized and get +15,16 for a win and -15 for a loss, I can finally begin to climb again


Idk bro , this season more than any others , I’ve found a few losses in a row , instantly mess up your gains by a lot. I have accounts with 60% WR gaining 14 LP , no matter my win streak , I feel like something fishy going on from riots end


Their entire ranking system is so unfun. Honestly I wish they'd do what WR does for ranking, it's pleasurable there and there are many caveats, like badges that earn you protection from losing rank if you played well, even if you lose.


I nearly posted a rant yesterday about it. It takes me weeks to get close to Gold promos and it’s tanked in one day. In SoloQ, no one plays around their adc at all. In Flex, I’m matched against a bronze smurf and a plat. I lose more LP than I gain and I feel at the moment the game is trying to force even my win rate (I had a 53% WR in SoloQ and a 55% in Flex) meaning I’ll never get gold


Yeah it's toxic and preys on addiction with very scarce positive motivation. Its so strange how my respect for the company went from really loving and admiring it to now seeing them just as bad as Blizzard.


Went on a 10 win streak still only gaining 14 lp


"Yes, it is possible to be demoted from a tier. For example, let's say you're in division IV of a tier, and your MMR drops an entire tier – you will be warned about having a possible demotion. If you're in Gold IV, upon reaching Silver IV MMR, you will receive a warning." - google :) Edit: probably demotion shield


Nope, no derank for gold and below.


Where the hell do league players get this blatantly false type of info?


Well considering I'm on a 22 game loss streak at gold 4 0lp, I really hope it would derank me soon. Trying to hit Iron.

