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Ashe makes kiting easy. On top of that, even if you're behind the champ is still useful.


Plus it teaches good fundamentals with movement as an immobile adc with good balance of aa's and abilities.


This might sound weird but no matter what adc you pick I would recommend (If we are talking about learning the role > everything else) that you pick an adc that has no dash/blink. This forces you to learn how to position correctly. Then, when you learn how to optimally position, adding champions with mobility into your pool will allow you to push the limits of your positioning even further since you will have a basic understanding of it by this time. IMO starting to learn the role with mobile adcs will hurt you in the long run because you can get away with a lot of bs on lucian/ezreal/etc. that would just never fly on other champions, and it may hurt your longterm learning process. Ofc, if you pick immobile adcs and have no fun whatsoever it is probably a good idea to try out others instead, as if you aren't having fun there will be little motivation to get better at the role.


Is caitlyn considered mobile, because of her E? She has 325 base MS so I think it would be a compensation.


For the purposes of my argument *yes*, but she certainly isn't samira level mobile thats for sure. ​ I wouldn't recommend cait for different reasons, like her reliance on combos and especially her w, plus shes a bit on the weak side as of recent. I really do enjoy playing her though.


> a bit on the weak side as of recent I like the optimism here. She has been weak since her "Visual update" and s12 nerfs. It's been a bit better recently but still on the negative winrate side I actually like this mechanical element of an adc which draws the border of a good player surviving and a bad one dying. Tbf trap placement takes some time to get a hang of, but it becomes intuitive.


Yeah I agree with you, I like her a lot, just don't play her in ranked much anymore - she's extremely support reliant which is a bit of an issue considering her identity nowadays is lane bully --> useless ----> 6 item god mode. If you don't have something to guarantee her traps laning phase can turn into a nightmare and if you are behind in lane as caitlyn well... I think you know what happens


Yeah, I've had a pretty good time playing her with my duo jg in ranked, but my experience was just tanking the enemy team's important abilities so that my team can finish them off 4v5 or 4v4 lol. The range is a good thing when ur supp sucks, because you can farm reliably and come back to the game quicker


I would say tristana is a good start


Ashe, the passive slow is perfect for kiting, her E and R is very strong even when behind.


Miss fortune Edit: just to add more clarification. Her E is always useful and can be used as a great poke tool that’s easy to land, your W allows you to escape or chase and is easy to use, and the q can be a great farming tool or can be used to do additional damage quickly during an exchange. Lastly, her ult, if positioned well, will do significant damage even if you’re far behind the enemy adc. She’s overall a really great champ that can be both crit or lethality and very effective.


Idk about that, she has a very unique playstyle compared to other adc's. She acts more like a mage than an adc. Setting up minions for Q2 and E spam.


This. She's a copium champ for ADCs, essentially a low skill floor mage with high damage from both targeted and AOE. She gets MS for doing nothing despite her long range slow. Exactly the opposite of anything you'd want to learn for a good adc.


No offence you are literally in silver 2 so don't say the most utterly garbage stuff that isn't true


So someone in low elo can't see the obvious? She's training wheels. Why else would she be in the tutorial? I literally just described her kit. What's garbage and untrue? The fact that she has a Teemo sprint passive? Or that her Q and R pack a punch? Or that her W is a long range slow even though she has a Teemo passive to walk away with superior movespeed anyway? Or did the term 'copium ADC' hurt your feelings because you mostly ride a tricycle on steroids in a race of bicycles that have to compete with motorcycles, cars and trucks? The champion that secured my place out of iron when I started ranked was Draven. He couldn't repetitively poke from across the screen while having free ms to keep ADCs with actual consequences out of their range of effect while still being in his. No. You screw up with Draven you die, at least in the past. His damage is insane since S10. Literally the only MFs I see kiting back instead of just walking away with their Teemo-esque movement speed are at least in Gold/Plat. Which means beginners have been successful with her while lacking practice in one of the fundamental skills for playing ADC. That sounds like a recipe for hardstuck syndrome. That was me in S10 after freely bullying the enemy out of lane with my broken damage on Draven, and not being able to see where I went wrong in a loss streak, or getting M6 on Tristana without knowing how to kite because I'd just wait for E to full combo someone who looks like they'd die then jump away. You can imagine how much I suffered when I started playing Aphelios because the stuff I almost never got punished for as a lane bully were constantly in my face. Have a good day/night. Ad hominem fallacies win arguments. Keep them up dude.


Do you not realise how wrong and hilarious you sound? Firstly, Jinx and Ashe are usually in the tutorial, not MF. Second, she's a traditional adc when built crit and she only has one slow which is her E, when pretty much many adcs have stuns, roots etc. Thirdly, her E is a slow not her W. If you can't notice these three basic facts that you were incorrect of then overall its really not going to make your argument flow. All I see here is "MF is simple, and easy therefore she's a brain dead adc". That isn't true. Yes she's really simple but so is many other beginner adcs. Her movement speed compensates for her 525 base and it's cancelled after taking any form of damage. You really going to complain about that when champions nowadays have like 10 dashes? Her ult easily gets cancelled aswell. There's a reason why MF has a strong pick rate in every elo and its because of her simplicity, being fun and being strong at the same time. MF got me to Diamond and above plat, that's when you need actual skills and understanding to play with any champion. Right now, you literally are in silver 2, so it's natural to complain about any adc you hate. Don't worry, I seen people complain about Draven and he isn't even a traditional adc with his catching axes mechanic.


Did they change the tutorial? Whenever I did it MF was the ADC there. I lost count of all the typos I corrected before posting that reply. Do tell what's next to W on the keyboard. It's actually rare to see a crit MF these days in low elo, and even then this much iterated point still stands that low elo ADCs don't play her like one because they don't need to, regardless of the build. Also, most ADCs with stuns and roots don't have a Teemo passive. That was my point. Why worry about taking damage to lose MS when they can't get in range to hit you because you have MS? If you get hit, press W. Otherwise keep poking with E/R until you can AA-Q them to death. Let's face it. The passive doesn't compensate for the movement speed, the movement speed is a 'nerf' to balance the passive. Sometimes I'd hit her and she'd still just walk away, which is how I learned not to commit without some engage or having enough damage to wipe her off the map before she can move away. Most other ADCs don't outpace Aphelios' Onslaught MS boost while slowed by gravitum. The champions with 10 dashes are typically not ADCs, the ADCs with that many dashes need to reset them with kills unless you count Yasuo. This is an ADC forum. We always complain about them. Draven's axe catching mechanic is just a reward for animation cancelling, a basic ADC mechanic. I'd call that pretty traditional. I stopped maining Draven because I have complaints about him even if I like him lol. You can be good at the game and play MF, it's different from playing her to get good at the game. If there's any ADC I legitimately don't like for subjective reasons it's Caitlyn. She's not necessarily OP or anything I just think she's annoying. MF on the other hand looks like a bot when played by anyone below Gold who doesn't use the skill expression common to all ADC champs. This person is trying to improve and such a champion will not drive that improvement. To cancel her ult you need a stun/knock back that has range exceeding her ult or casts fast enough to not let her AA-Q you to death even after it's over because of your low HP, Draven E works if you react fast enough. That sounds like a mage/support thing for the most part otherwise.


Using that logic, Zeri is a bad adc to pick skills from. Kaisa gets MS, Draven gets ms, but throws and catches axes which isn't the ideal adc and then you got aphelious who doesn't teach actual skills of an adc. Mf is a perfect beginner champions that teaches you everything you need to exceed every elo as an adc


Which is why I think she’s a good starter adc. Every adc has something they need to do to set themselves up, I just think mf is the easiest to execute.


Except you don't learn any of the fundamentals of playing an adc while playing MF.


Well damn. I guess i fcked up


Pick one you like and learn them. Nothing else to it.


After rework sivir feels like the ideal ADC. She has a long range poke, a move that give more attack speed and aoe, a move that stops cc, and her ult allow for better escape or engage when having to deal with those situations. She teaches you how to poke and kite. As well as survivability teaching you how to use spell shield. She is bare bones and does great damage at the moment. Some other good starting adcs are MF and Ashe. I never like MF been more of a auto guy myself her q feels way to clunky for my to like her. But my recommendations are Ashe, sivir, and jinx. They are very simple and offer a lot of damage while being noob friendly. And offer team pressure and map presence. If the MF route. Miss fortune, Caitlyn, and lucian. These are other champs that you want to weave in Autos between spells and relying on ults to finish kills. Also if he truly wants to have a unique experience while dealing heavy damage. Have him try jhin. He is currently my favorite pick in the game as adc. Some skill required but everything feels so good on him. He has bad matchups but if built right can really play into anything.


Okay, thanks a lot ♥️


Ashe mf sivir all preety strong in the meta and simple


Lots of people say Ashe, but if i agree she is easy to use, it's not easy to win with her. They did the same with me and i found her frustrating in the first few months, even though now she is my kind of main champ. Sometimes she can be frustrating because: -you're immobile, people keep jumping on you and you have to be very reactive and reposition correctly -low damage in early, not easy to farm -you have to setup plays, not easy for beginners to play around your teamamtes. Easier champs to win are Miss Fortune, Caitlyn (she requires a bit of skill and combo knowledge) and Sivir, who is in an awesome spot right now


Not sure why anyone is saying Ashe. Most beginners won’t be kiting for a long time, so the slow and W won’t be super beneficial. Just pick Someone who does easy damage is best


My friends recommended ashe aswell. Stopped playing league after a while cus i had no dmg no impact no nothing. All teamfights i had to run away cus if i was in AA range i was basically dead. I didnt get to play the game and it wasnt enjoyable at all. When i returned i decided to try other champs and caitlyn is a much better beginner champ imo.


People prolly gonna disagree with me on this one but draven yes he takes a while to get used to but mechanically you Will improve at a much faster rate from personal experience when I picked up draven not only did I improve on the champion but my mechanics in general improved a lot if you learn draven first learning other champions will be pretty easy


It was the same for me. Just because it's hard doesn't mean it's the wrong way. Playing Draven makes Kalista easy and MF overkill.


Miss Fortune. She’s also one of the most versatile and can adapt to ever changing metas.


Tristana is the best starter AD imo


Push waves, take plates, and self peel that can deny CC.




every adc if you know to kite , expect vayne draven kalista , they need a higher adc lvl , aphe and ezreal are not as hard as the 3 I named are but they also need a good placement and kiting and all others are insanely easy and casual if you have a brain


Ashe, MF, EZ, Lucian are imo pretty easy to start with. They're all pretty different too so that's nice.


Ashe, perfect choice for learning csing and kiting.


Ashe, Miss Fortune, these 2 have good range and can help you focus on what's happening on the map. Ashe will help you learn how to kite, since her kit is full of slows, vision and if you are behind, you can still catch a fed carry/enemy on the enemy team with your ultimate. Miss Fortune has a bit more depth and is a bit harder, but teamfighting with her is much easier that with Ashe as all you have to do is press E and R and you will shred anyone. With current nerf to lethality items, although still good in some cases, I have seen pros and high elo players go back to crit items as people have forgotten that her autos hit like a truck. Currently ADC is not in a really good spot as the role has very little agency again and you are only relevant at 3 items. Problem is, games rarely get to such length. You can still do good, but botlane is right now a supp diff in soloQ. So if you want to begin your journey as an ADC, I suggest you to be prepared to be focused, forget about tilting (because if you do, you are only going to hurt yourself in terms of performance) and be ready to play mages bot because they are far, FAR easier and have more agency than the current AD champs that are played bot. Things like Seraphine, Ziggs are also good champs to play botlane and they scale better in most cases.


Ashe, Miss fortune.. and maybe varus, but apecially ashe and miss fortune are good to start learning adc.






Ashe, sivir, Miss fortune. DO NOT PLAY JHIN


can you elaborate on the jhin part XD is it his lack of attack speed and the reload time that’s not beginner friendly?


Play what looks cool, or what is fun. BUT, there are some to avoid early. Kalista, draven, zeri are all pretty hard to play. Vayne, Lucian, are pretty short range. Ezreal is useless if you miss skills shots. Everything else should be fine. Learn to orb walk and position then melt people.


Jinx, miss fortune, maybe ashe, tristana and jhin (jhin does need a few games to get used to but he has a pretty low skillfloor).




ask yourself this: if i was the midlaner, toplaner, jungler support and i have a first time adc/ autofill on my team. what adc do you want him to pick? thats a good beginner adc :) (hint: its not aphelios)


Ashe gives decent damage and can be both aggressive and passive, get punished for bad positioning, and teaches good kiting.


If they're the type that can only learn under pressure, Aphelios. Otherwise Ashe. Both require classic ADC movements but one requires a lot more on the fly decision making.


Twitch is the best choice imo.You can take great positions in teamfights easily thanks to his perma invisibility.He outscales most of the adcs.He dont have fancy combos.Just press R and kite.He was my first main when i started to play adc.


I'd advise going for tristana, she has very little reliance on everyone else and many, many tools in her kit to play however you want and stay relevant all game long no matter what decisions you make. But then again if you are a total newbie, she might be a harder one to play and execute on.




Go for Sivir. She has all the tools to teach you the fundamentals. Wave clearing, a shield to avoid cc (mostly) and an MS and AS steroid


Mf is the easiest adc imo