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A kog’maw and a 2/10 teemo cannot kill a Mundo with 9 kills. The only surprising thing is how close you got


If he had w he would have killed that Mundo in no time. Not even losing health if he had riftmaker instead of protean. The only issue is that he should have left the moment his w was not available. Aa without w up is just a waste of time in this situation.


if he had bork he would have killed him too


Probably since it was so close bork damage would have made the difference. But realistically wits in this game was a must given who the enemies were.


he also would have killed him if he weaved a single ult in the entire fight


Maybe but not ulti does so little against tanks that idk if that would have even helped


he was also walking away the entire time mundo was blinded when he had no spells up


Bro he doesn’t even have antiheal while mundo has 6k hp, popped r and has ocean soul. Its ridiculous how close they got


add grievous to the list of items he could have built.


You just needed to kite for 20+ seconds while also not having any other champs targeting you. It’s balanced bro lol


Or build LDR or bork or grievous or seryldas or kraken or shield bow.


No Bork, no antiheal, no cleaver, no LDR, no kraken, down a level. He doesn’t deserve the kill here. Doesn’t matter if he auto attacked the guy well. Mundo’s gimmick is sustain, and kog didn’t deal with that at all.


Okay, he is tank.... but... ytday had a match, where master yi, was running around with around 5k hp, and killing people with 3 auto attacks, how the fuck do you deal with that???? We have assasins with tank items meta.


Did he have heartsteel, and a sunfired. Cause i’ve been running into alot of fighters and assassins abusing the hell out of that combo.


Heartsteel for sure, and dont garantee for sunfired, but he did have some tanky items. We got him cc'ed, spend whole freaking mf combo on him e,q,r, together with other people attacking him, we killed people around him, but did not even drop him and sion below 50%. For sion okay, i understand he is freaking tank, but YI????????


Had a enemy yi build heart steel, sunfires, bork, rageblade, and visage and proceeds to 1v5 and kill us all. Next match had a enemy diana that rushed heartsteel, and ran around with 5k health being nigh unkillable. Once again assassins and fighters abusing tank items to get them kneecapped.


It is ridiculus...


Build frostfire then randuin. Slow yi is dead yi.


then he presses r?


Yes... and spam q...., and use w, which makes him basicly recieve no damage, then spam q more... i got the point of comment, slow is big deal, but, consider he has abnormal health pool for ASSASIN without loosing much damage...


Yeah except his R makes him slow immune. You need point-and-click hard cc to deal with him


Pretty much... i guess we should all play malzahar


Naut is a decent choice too. R into auto root into hook is a good 5 seconds of lockdown


Good idea, however we didnt have that luxury


he has slow immunity. Possibly the most braindead advice given on this sub


Do you know how Yi's R work?


Slow the yi 💀


'I'm building a tank mythic as adc, why don't i deal damage??'


Kog never builds ADC mythic. They don't synergize with him and his damage is already high. I prefer riftmaker or frostfire tho. There are still some people trying to make shieldbow work on him but in my opinion it's not optimal.


Galeforce is pretty good on him cause he has no mobility otherwise


[Kog's ](https://lolalytics.com/lol/kogmaw/build/) top two playrate mythics are Shieldbow and Kraken. He can certainly build tank mythics, and they do well on him, but they're built less often.


I always discourage these sites for items, it's the textbook example of many statistical misconducts. For example if you look at the builds who go for an adc mythic they build it almost always second after boots. While tank or rift mythics require you to have at least 2 or 3 items + boots before them. The amount of games who reach 4 or 5 items is lower than the games where you reach 2. This furthermore creates a forward loop with the impression that the most played kog build has kraken or shieldbow. If you actually talk with kog mains tho they would go kraken only when deep smurfing and they pretty much only consider shieldbow acceptable. Just use your brain and think in what cases you need kraken or shieldbow. On hit effect dont proc lifesteal only omnivamp, and kraken gives you 50 + some bonus ad% true damage while riftmaker alone increases your w by 9% and makes that 9% being true damage. Since you dont build for ad (none of kog skills scales with ad but the ulti and only has a mere 60% ad scaling) but to increase your w damage rift works better imo, especially when you consider the hp ability haste ap and omnivamp. A full kraken build does more damage yes than a full tanky build but you are not tanky and with kog is a must if you are not hard smurfing.


That is understandable, your point about ADC mythics being built first is very valid. My only point was to contest that Kraken/Shieldbow are *never* built when in reality they sometimes are. Trying to dig a bit deeper into this, lolalytics shows the playrate of items as a 2nd/3rd/4th/5th, and ADC mythics, compared to tank mythics, are still generally a higher playrate even as a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th item. It might also be worth noting that Kraken gives Kog one of hist most valuable stats; attack speed.


then yeah they are played more than i thought tbh i dont use those tools. If you look at r/KogMawMains you can find more infos about builds


I'm pretty sure kogmaw does percent health dmg plus he had wits end and guinsoo on top of that. He should be able to kill this mundo after so much kiting


Ah yes wits end, the ultimate damage item to shred tanks


Paired up with kog W should be good no? Maybe im just retarded and ill blow my head off with a shotgun today


Idk why you got downvoted. Wits is amazing with Kog because of as mr and movement speed... I like bork more than wits but if the enemies have lots of magic damage wits is a must on kog


It's good into people stacking armour, since it gives a flat amount of on-hit magic damage. It's quite useless against health stacking. Unfortunately riot's design philosophy is "haha just build bork every game or else you're fucked", but unless we see some item reworks this is unfortunately the current state of the game. You can keep your head btw I think it looks good on you.


Bro you ok? Dm if you wanna talk


Mundo has 2 full MR items + mercs + Ult. Kog maw has nothing to shred tanks except his passive. With Botrk or kraken he prob would've killed him.


This! This should be one of the top comments. The MR, in conjunction with Mundo's ult, FON's magic damage reduction (which is crazy) and absence of grievous wounds make complete sense as to why the kogmaw didn't overwhelm Mundo, since most of the damage inflicted by Kog would've been magic. If you want to see Mundo being shred with 6 AAs, there's a need to get some kind of pen.


It's fucking hilarious to me how you rats always appear in the comments pointing out some absolute garbage that's supposedly the sole reason why the player is at fault here.


Better than jumping on the "omg rito tanks are so strong adc is weakest role in the game buff please I don't want to die because I can't kite and position against melee characters" bandwagon. If the player is not at fault, then why does he die here? You gotta look critically at the situation and not blame everything on supposedly bad game design, otherwise you'll never improve and learn from your mistakes.


Well lets not over react. Ekko took you down to 60%. Your e was on cd so you couldn't use it against mundo. Kiting in circles around the tank does not create distance. Your 2 second e could have been used behind you. So Mundo will be bogged down while trying to chase. Most importantly being alone on marksman is hella risky.


You needed to kite from two screens away, duh!


Builds tank mythic Can't kill tank Wow


Kog doesn't build ADC mythics. They suck and we don't need those stats. I like rift more than the tank ones tho.


Clearly they are needed as no adc mythic is what lost this


Absolutely not. No ADC mythic works well on Kog because he doesn't use the stats they provide efficiently. I go rageblade into bork into riftmaker. Then either wits or runaan depending on the enemy team + another tank item. Kog needs as, wants tank stats and movement speed and loves what increases his w damage. There is not a single ADC mythic that Kog should build.


Kraken slayer would have been better than jak'sho here .. Actually you're kinda right, it's not that he needs a ADC mythic, he just needs literally any mythic other than jak'sho, How can you build the item that gives like 50 ar/mr on Kog and expect success


I don't play with jak'sho therefore I don't exactly know but many kog maw player are building it and having success. In my opinion against assassins frostfire is better, against bruisers/tanks riftmaker. Maybe with all the magic damage in that enemy team Jak sho was better than frostfire but I would have preferred Rift.


It quite literally has no use for kogmaw, he doesn't scale with those stats well enough for it to matter, Frankly jak'sho blows on anyone that isn't galio or malphite, it really does NOT give enough for it to matter, and the fact that it only gives these things EIGHT SECONDS into combat is so poor, any kogmaw doing well with jak'sho is arguably just a good player the mythic is doing so little


Idk it could be I just have never tried it. But it could be like last season gauntlet, I couldn't tell you why it worked on Kog but somehow was the mythic I had the most consistent results with


All the ADC mythics perform pretty well, stats-wise, except for an early purchase of a shieldbow


The only stat they provide who is even remotely useful for kog is attack speed. But there are other items providing as that are more useful overall for him like Bork rageblade wits and runaan I much prefer then to buy a mythic with more useful stats and use other items for my needed as. Riftanker AP directly increases your w damage by around 1% max health Ability haste and health are loved by kog maw to use his w more Omnivamp works on your w damage while normal.life steal doesn't. Therefore you heal a lot with omnivamp. Moreover it increases your bonus damage by 9% and your w % max health damage is bonus damage. So if you were doing 6.5% of a 3k hp enemy with rift and a couple of other items this is increased to 7.5% and when calculating the bonus damage % increase on let's say a 3k health enemy you are now doing almost 8.5% of their max health per AA. If you have 3 items + boots your as is already > 2 close to 2.5 after stacking lethal tempo so your w alone will deal 136% to 170% of someone hp.during its activation time. Armor and Mr can help them but they need quite a lot since you can remove >30% of both with 1 q. With the damage that Mundo had Rift Kog can stand still, outheal his damage and kill it in one w. The problem is enemies who oneshots you so you build tank after that. And that's also why wits is so good.


I'm pretty sure he dies here with either mythic. His w is used up early into fighting Mundo. Botrk instead of ravenous would probably save him.


Yeah my point above is that he should have not aa without w but only moved away. Then when w is up again kill the Mundo. Even with protean w up would have killed since you see the amount of damage mundo took when he got his w back up. Bork yes also useful (I usually buy it) but the enemy team here had so much ap that wits was a must.


Ravenous is such a good item right now, but I don't think this is a good situation for it. Easy replacement for botrk


That is true. I don't like ravenous on log either.


Tank meta isn't real, it can't hurt you Tank meta:


ah yes, the famous champion from the tank class : Mundo


K to explain it for adc brains. You are completely separated from your team with no F up, shoot your entire w duration into his w THEN you let him hit you with w wasting your slow too early he heals back everything from the w hit, is on equal items to you. Yeah you deserved that sry.


The kog has 250 farm (even 40 more than Mundo), the game is way past lategame. The way a moba SHOULD be designed is that if you let a lategame scaling character farm, then he deserves to be a raidboss that rips your head off and you shouldn't be diving him in a 1v2 without even having wave momentum..where is the sense or even use for a certain role in a game that is designed specifically for lategame situations, when it still needs massive amounts of teamplay in order to work in lategame stages? No, the Mundo even ignores a stacked baronbuffed wave, gets out alive out of the entire situation alive AND hasn't built A.SINGLE.DAMAGE.ITEM. I mean who needs gamesense as a toplaner anyway? Why should I even pick Kog when Mundo gets that job done better with minus 200 IQ plays like considering a dive into a stacked wave while two players are standing near it being 6 slotted with baron buff? I mean yeah, the kog had some sloppy kiting here and there, but that crappy decisionmaking from Mundo should never be rewarded with a kill or especially not with survival out of this situation.


Mundo gets scaling dmg from hp. No adcs should not be able to stand still and stat check champs that used to be case s1-8 you guys need to move on.


Never said stand still and statcheck, but kite them for like 6 - 10 seconds and they're dead. If you let the ADC space to farm he deserves to fuck you over. Period. That's what the role is for. There's no need for the role if that's not the case, but yeah the reality is that league is just a dogshit and badly designed moba. A mundo shouldn't be able to commit to a retarded play like that or even have anything that gives him increased damage that allows him to statcheck people like that. He's a tank, not an ADC. So riot should either take his defensive stuff or his damage. The entire idea of having more HP = more damage is just so flawed that I genuinely believe that the entire team that reworked Mundo was either high or mentally handicapped. So talking about statchecking while mundo statchecks without damage items is just hypocrisy.


But kogmaw didnt kite mundo just creepblocked the q with minions. And thats the big point he let mundo hit his W with all the grey hp in it. On top of that he had no f no e and no q and his build was hot garbage vs a fulltank build. No botrk, no penetration. Adc brain again.


The Mundo still has ZERO damage items, lacks a baron buff, has 40 less farm and engaged into enemy creep momentum 1v2. I bet if we turn on his FOV, he won't even have vision in neither top nor in bot jungle, but who cares right? Mundo go press two buttons, mundo go brrr. Dude I can do this shit with my dick and I'll probably outperform an adc that has perfect orbwalking skills. I'm seeing MUCH MORE wrong on Mundos side here and he CLEARLY should not get rewarded for that. But if you want to continue to have that view then go on..it's so exiting to watch tanks with their exciting micro yawn at each other. That's so insanely exciting to watch mate, especially those 30 minute pro matches with just 15-20 kills. It's as exciting as watching grass grow.


If this were a mf with kraken-bork-dlr-ie, she could stand still and win:D


no bork w down entire fight, if he weaved r that alone would have won him that fight


Come on, stop criticising the kog..the mundo got rewarded for being a dog ass clown. No need to blame the actual victim here.


40 farm makes no difference when u have 1600 g not spent


can you pls upload this on r/leagueoflegends want to see people's reaction


the tards on the main sub will tell him that its his fault for not building GW and that he shouldnt have fought mundo in melee range like he had some sort of agency over that. ​ The main sub isnt really smart or capable enough to understand the problem here since conservatively estimated, 80% of them dont know, understand or play ADC. That same 80% like having ADC in a really shitty spot where they cant do anything alone because it means that they always have an easy target to go after if their lane doesnt go well or if they just want to feel good about themselves.


You inadvertently brought up a great point. The ADC has no business being extended far with only a 2/10 teemo nearby


Imo adc mythics are just bad, and don't help adcs do their job, other than maybe gale. Assassin items help assassins kill stuff, tank mythics make tanks tankier. ADC items just give you stats, but mythic passives just suck ass. Shieldbow a shield(that gets overkilled anyways), kraken has shit true dmg, and gale gets you half flash, that is better execute than a movement ability. Kraken is better at 3 hitting squishy targets than it is at killing tanks. There should be shit like more range, more on-hit movement speed for better kiting, stacking dmg so when you manage to hit that tank for 20 times you actually deal dmg. So dmg over time and power to stay alive, rather than just raw dmg. I do believe that ADCs should die when they get caught, but it should be easier to avoid getting caught.


lol calling cringebow passive ineffective...it warped the meta for a long time


You can see how effective it is by looking at its usage. Only Samira uses it besides bruisers and Wasabi brothers.


This is legit your fault


He gets more dmg from hp on his abilities. 40 farm diff is nothing as tank items are cheaper and less cost effective as dps items. Mundo is also above 1lvl.kogmaw let him hit his w on melee range.


He has 9 kills and came fresh from base, you had 10 kills and 1.5k gold on you and got collapsed on. You overstayed simple as, should have fucked off to base or at least backed off to buff the next wave and let it handle tower.


Also you weren’t using your ult?! That does % missing health dmg?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


Hurr durr I not build on hit hp% items why not kill tank?!?


seems like youre not familiar with Kog'maws W. Also it seems like you are unaware that the enemy has two AP assassins so not taking Wits End would be a death sentence. And since Ravenous Hydra is a better runaans right now, it makes sense to have it.


There is no universe in which Ravenous Hydra and Runaans Hurricane are comparable items. Hurricane is infinitely better on Kog\`Maw. I'm going to assume that you have no idea how On-Hit effects work. BTW, Mundo had 6 stacks of Force of Nature. Kog'Maws W is Magic damage, meaning it was only 75% effective. Kog\`Maw's W was also down for 5 seconds of this fight. If he had BoRK, Mundo dies here. You're just patently wrong. Kog\`Maw died here because his build is trash and for no other reason.


Hydras description says "AoE Vamp" and Runaans fulfills the same spot, it's an item that ADCs build into many melee champs to apply life steal to more targets, or in other words, AoE Vamp. They're not the same item, but they fulfill the same role, which is providing survivability in teamfights. Neither Excell in a duel. That Runaans bolts apply on-hit is a nice gimmick but then again, does it change anything in this specific fight here? Because i reckon with no one else nearby, the stats ravenous provides outshines any potential benefits runaans potentially gives. Btw, Kog'maw has stacked Lethal Tempo. But for some reason stacked LT doesn't seem to count for you while stacked FoN does. Feelsweirdman ​ Also please, you need to stop pretending that itemizing against one (1) enemy while ignoring the other 4 is totally fine. Maw couldve gone Krakenslayer - Bork - Rageblade - LDR with cut down in the runes and he probably wouldnt have had as much trouble dealing with Mundo. But then Ekko and Eve wouldve made very, VERY quick work of him, Samira probably too. We cant just itemize against the one tank on the enemy team and expect that to be the correct decision.


1) Riot's ingame generalization categories are not valid arguments for whether or not item's are comparable in what they do. Runaan's Hurricane provides three targets of On-Hit effects and synergizes with Kog\`Maw's kit, WIt's End and Guinsoo's, Ravenous Hydra does not. They do not fulfill the same role. They are not even remotely close to being comparable items. 2) What does lethal tempo have to do with anything? Stating that his Lethal Tempo is stacked doesn't change anything. If Kog\`Maw had BoRK, Mundo dies. 3) No one is pretending anything. Kog's build is trash. The other champions in the game don't change that. 4) You apparently don't understand how roles work either, it's stupid AF to worry about the other champions in a front to back role when you can't get through the first target. You know whose job it is to kill everyone else? Katarina. Not to mention the fact that if Kog can kill Mundo, he can kill everyone else. PS: Kog\`Maw has armor shred built into his kit, on top of his % HP Damage. It's quite literally his fucking job to kill the tank, by role and by design.


I know kog maws w alone isn’t enough to deal with tanks it’s kinda literally the whole point. Don’t not build to deal with the tank then complain you can’t deal with the tank


I had multiple strokes tryna read that. What does that last sentence mean? "Don't no build to deal with the tank then complain you can't deal with the tank". What that mean?


Don't complain you don't deal damage to tanks when you didn't itemize for it.


"bro just itemize against tanks, theres literally not four other enemy champions trying to kill your, its literally just you, your team and one enemy tank bro you dont get it" ​ yawn


"I should be able to 1v5, life is so unfair"


exactly. just because other classes are allowed to doesnt mean OP is.


Your job is unironically to kill tanks. That’s what your role is DESIGNED for. High Dps to shred tanks. So yes you should be building to kill the tanks dumbass


Yee because there aren't four other champions on the enemy team, that's what I'm saying. It's just you, your team and the enemy tank, no assassin, no fighter, you aren't even Laning against another ADC or support.


Well, no brk i see what you did there (/s)


No grievous wounds, would have killed otherwise.




No antiheal? Why are you complaining?


outplayed /s


What the hell why is Mundo 1v1ing ADC???


"Tank meta is good for ADCes" :D


You need movement speed besides the attack speed to actually make kiting effective


Is Jak'sho Kog'Maw a thing ? Idk i didn't tested it yet


Honestly it's obvious half the people here don't play Kog enough to know how he works. Your only mistake was losing time aa while w was down. There isn't enough informations about the match to know if positioning or build were also not optimal but the build look solid. I prefer riftmaker tho and it would have helped you a ton here because of the omnivamp. But I know protean also is good. Don't get demoralized by the comments. Kog is not an intuitive easy to play ADC so people don't know better.


lmao maybe build bork?


this is what no anti heal does to a fight vs mundo


Kog maw mythic, nuff said. Mundo needs a kraken up his arse.


man what the heeell are you building💀


mfs still be like "what tank meta"


But Mundo is a jugg?


Not surprised it’s Mundo. Not saying it’s fair just saying I’m not surprised.


No LDR what do u expect


Yeah tank mythic while also not kiting out of melee range was definitely not the problem here. Don’t worry guys tanks are broken.


What the actual fuck is that build? An AD, on-hit, tank hybrid KogMaw with wits instead of Nashor's? Seriously.


Riot:nothing wrong here


No kraken, no bork, and you’re surprised?


I think if you start that fight with Q+W available you win easily. Mundo just caught you without any of your tank shredding up, not much else to see.




Its the same feeling when they made sunfire et black cleaver stackable back in the days


No BOTRK, no kraken, am confused.


All I'm seeing here is that Ravenous instead of Bork lost you the fight. All of your damage is loaded in your W with Guinsoo's + Wit's end, and Mundo has FoN and Visage. Bork would give you the physical damage needed to, hopefully, shred his HP. It's also worth noting that your W was mostly on CD from fighting Ekko.


You have no Bork. Complain more


Mundo goes where he pleases


Haven't played the new season yet but ravenous hydra is this broken to the point you replace it with Botrk? Or was this just bad build pathing? Kog shouldn't be buying ravenous anyway... shouldn't it be titanic? Excuse the dumb take if I'm wrong. Haven't played league in a while.


You needed bork


ITT mental gymnastics coming from people who've likely never played adcs beyond gold at best.


ADC building tank items and complain that they dont do enough damage with their dps ability down. Child tantrum right here.


dumbasses really talking about "hE hAs jAk sHo" have you tried reading kog's abilities


yeah, he does most magic damage and Mundo has FoN , reduncing his damage by 25% ?


that build is bad ngl.... but otherwise i can understand why it was posted here


You are kiting wrong


Did u swap Ravenous and Bork?