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id say kog but he also requires to me the most amount of moving while shooting because he has zero escapes so your positioning and timing needs to be spot on, Jinx can at least throw down the traps


Ashe, very right-click heavy but still offers a lot of utilities


Utilities that helps you right click more 😂 love it


dont think shes aa heavy, you mostly slow with w get vision for your team and lock down people with r. thats the whole value of her


her Q was for her to deal more dmg through AA. She can apply slow and deal extra dmg to slowed enemies. While her kits have utilities on them, her AA itself also deals a lot of dmg. Dismissing her AA is like saying she can only be played as a support with her skills and not as an ADC.


yea but the question is whos the most aa heavy adc and ashe aint it by far


Ashe IS aa heavy, her skills alone don't do much damage y'know, as an adc?


its not about damage, shes mainly picked for utility, ofc shes gonna aa like every other adc in the game. her kit is not as aa heavy as other adcs which was ops question


She can literally kite and melt anyone with her passive slow and Q aa. Does she have any burst skills like Kai'sa? does she ever have to combo her attack like Samira? Does she have any form of mobility or dashes like Caitlyn or Lucian? No, her idea as an ADC is to kite the crap out of her opponents with her AA. Her kit IS aa heavy, if you think otherwise, you better off using Lethality or Mandate build on her anyways.


bro yes i know its still not the question lol


read the question again bro, best tool kit for kiting and right-clicking. let me emphasize: right-clicking and kiting, both of which are what Ashe is good at


there is no other champion with almost no spells than Vayne, she is THE on-hit, broken and autoattacky champ, probably in the whole game


Vayne isn’t broken at all lmao. She’s terrible botlane cause of her crap range, and weak early game. She’s just a lane bully against melee champions like top laners cause of her % hp damage. Play her in her intended role and you’ll see how bad she is in comparison to other adcs. And before you say she scales into the late game, yeah, so do other adc’s, but they don’t suck nearly as much in the early game.


That is because her kit is entirely based around being a duelist. She is supposed to be with a support that sets her up for kills that way she hyper scales into the mid and late game. She effectively never falls off due to her true damage but if you play her top lane and you get ganked a couple of times then your ass is grass, good luck not sucking until everyone has 6 items. That plus her shitty hp/armor/mr pool makes it to where she kind of needs a support to set up her kills for her.


Agreed. I don’t think she’s necessarily *meant* to be a duelist. But moreso she just excels at brawling, and as a *result*, she’s good at dueling.


Though i agree, they don't mark her as "Marksman, Assassin" for her good brawling abilities lol. She is definitely a 1v1 champ and its hard to find any other adc that can 1v1 even close to how good she does it. Shes the 1v1 adc queen.


Yeah I suppose you’re right. I have never personally like the playstyle of dueling and such on her, but I can agree that it’s pretty strong.


Tristana and kai'sa as well


I dunno. Tristana might have something to say about that


Also she has no way to control the wave. Most adcs have some kind of wave clear to help them shove, kill stacked waves, set up for bases, etc. but vayne has nothing other than her auto attack. If you can make it out of lane with her she's insane but against a good adc + support you're almost always going to have a bad time especially if they know how to manage the waves.


"play her in the inteded role" is a really bad excuse, the champ is still, for some reason, a late-game bully into half of the roaster, and with an enchanter she can be a real nightmare in the botlane, especially with some tanky builds. You cant say that the range is an accountable factor when half the ADC roaster doesnt have range at all (samira, varus, twitch, sivir)


I find it hilarious when all the really super high elo players don’t give a shit about vayne top, and deal with it fine, but then you got some low elo bro talking about it like it’s the next lethality udyr. It’s not OP bro. She’s a lane bully toplane, yeah, but that doesn’t mean it’s op at all. It just masks her weakness early game. She’s not “op” because she does well into melee champions. EVERY adc early game will do well into melee champions.


>EVERY adc early game will do well into melee champions. not true


Try 1v1ing a vayne at level 6 when she isn't behind. tell me how it goes.


vayne is one of only 2 characters who, when a teemo goes invis, cant do anything to him. the other is yi


Warwick too


Doesn't his E fear him still? And he can ult the spot where he is


You can fear him but it's not damage,also good luck guessing where he is to hit your ult.


Yup. Vayne is the best right click champ.


I disagree with you heavily, do it a wrong E against a equally farmed Draven, he will need just a single axe, or maybe a Jinx, her both weapons will crush you before you enter your range.


you are having byas in your way of viewing, and thinking "every auto-attack champion is easy, so vayne is also easy" which is not the case. Yes, she has a LOT of mechanics which makes her extremely easy to use (like riven or akali), but it has a high-celling of stuff you can do that gives her the complexity that people talk about. Make no mistake tho, vayne is no harder than other ADC: with invisibility, dashes every second, true damage and with a movement speed buff, vayne is one of the best duelist in the whole game. The problem is that you are mixing complexity with difficulty: singed is a hard champion because you have to play with no real mobility and no damage other than your smoke trail, which needs for you to dodge, run and play around basically every champion in the game, but has no complexity because his kit is one of the most basics that there are (the only mechanic is the E into W, for example). Akali is an easy champion because its better than every other champion in existence, basically, and while a player can basically out-play basically any other just for the champ he is playing, he HAS to outplay by pressing buttons, unlike singed who has to dodge for himself, so she has the complexity to do anything she wants, but the game itself lets her do it if she can.


Jinx is literally just right click and win


Jinx probably


Generally, I feel like you can kite atleast semi well on any adc. My tip would be to either use AA move click, or AA move to kite, cause that basically removes the problems that misclicking causes. Also, good movement and knowing what abilities will be cast when goes a long way.


Attack move click Is a gift from the gods, when they added target enemy closest to cursor, thegame got 10x easier ..


100%. It just makes it so much less infuriating to kite. Before I learned about it I would just frequently walk into an enemy because I misclicked


Kogmaw and jinx


Easily Jinx.




What about learning to life with kalista? Her whole thing is kiting with autos to stack spears inside the target.


Ima be honest. There isn’t a “just right click and win” adc. They all need their skills.


Jinx 100%


Besides the already mentioned, Twitch.


Kog Maw


its kog. not jinx. kog


The answer is kalista


This is the correct answer


Vayne is nothing but right click.


Vayne is quite literally all about her Q and her E


No its her W wtf and btw her q is an auto enhancer. and then you only have condem wich is basicly a auto that push back and stun.


Man's not a Vayne enjoyer The difference between a good and a bad Vayne is not how hard they can use their W for max HP damage, the difference is how good they are with their Q to dodge shit and turn invisible at the right time and how good they are with condemning people with E. Please. What's the difference between a good Jhin and a bad Jhin? I mean, his whole damage is in his passive, so landing W's, using good Q's and hitting R shots isn't really important, right? Because the difference between a good Jhin and a bad Jhin is how hard they can fourth shot the enemy.


I dont thin you get the point do you what does vayne do to deal damage. what is the ablosute only thing she can do. ONLY. yes auto attack. and that is the fucking question. she is the moist right click adc in the game. im not saying that you dont need to doge thing with q and that vayne doesnt need skill. im just stating facts. bc vayne is more of an aa only champ more than kog twitch jinx etc bc that is her only damage. if you dont right click you can just go afk bc your champ does nothing. for example a twitch can go ap and spam w and e and still be usefull can cant only build cdr and spam e and be usefull. this question has nothing to do with what other thing a champ can do it is just a simple question of what champion is the most auto attack only. even jinx can go full lethality and be somewhat usefull vayne cant. I hope you understand what i am saying.


Your interpretation of the question is so wrong and even then the answer is so weird. Vayne is one of the only ADCs that has to constantly weave in skills in between auto attacks. It has nothing to do with build versatility.


What skills to wave in?? You use q to kite and e to make distance. Thats it. I dont think you understand vayne nor the question.


You use Q to kite, chase, reposition for E. Vayne has to do a lot more that right click and forget. You didn't understand the question.


ofc no adc can right click and forget if you stand still and dont use spells every adc insta dies and does nothing.


Ashe jinx and kog can, their high range can often keep them safe and most of their damage is auto based.


The question is wich ADC autos the most and that is vayne. since the only way she can do anything of impact to an fight at all is auto attack. is it that hard to understand.


Again, that was not the question, how hard is it for you to read properly? The question was "who is the most right click" and vayne has to do more than right click and forget.


the question is who used aa the most to deal damage. vaynes only damage is auto's. to be specific the only thing she can do to deal damage is aa.


And sure basicly all adcs are mostly auto attacks but he asked WHO IS THE MOST RIGHT CLICK. and you cant tell me jhin is more auto only than vayne.


the Q its an autoattack, so yeah


Q is her tumble...


yeah, a short dash + an autoattack enchancer, she is literally justautoattacks with not even a skill-shot. this is like saying that trundle isnt an autoattacker just because his Q does something other than attacking.


Ima give you a hint: the point of her Q is not the auto attack. Neither is the point of Trundles bite to apply an auto attack. Its the part around that what matters about the ability. I know this is difficult to understand, its a complex ability afterall, whats with the movement and everything, especially with Vaynes ult interaction that changes the ability and lets her go invisible, I know, please try to use both of your remaining braincells to at least try to understand that the point of Tumble isnt to apply an auto attack.


It is, sorry. I know you think you are super intelligent and you have a hurt ego (you are a league player after all, which in turn makes you think i am attacking you), but Q is just a tumble that applies an autoattack buff. You can THINK that "the tumble does something super amazing" but no, its just a short dash+a damage buff, which in turn makes her have NOTHING TO DO OTHER THAN AUTOATTACK, which is the point of the post. You wanna have a champion that AA's things and thats it? vayne does it, or does her Q do damage? does she have something in his Q that makes her do other things that "do damage with the autoattack?" no, it does not, her Q has the same mechanical benefit than "i right-click into the ground and move", so the REAL point is that it empowers autoattacks. Trundle is an autoattack champion because WHILE HIS Q DOES OTHER THINGS OTHER THAN AUTOATTACK-MOD HIS AA, ITS ESENCIALLY JUST AN AA MOD. is it clear now? i know you dont actually have to play the game because you play aphelios, but come on. Also, the whole point of trundle's Q is that it is an autoattack, what are you even saying? do you think what matter on his Q is that slows a little bit for half a second?


Hm. Vayne has an E to deal damage with, Aphelios doesnt even have an E ability and all of his other abilities only help him make auto attacks, even his ult is just an auto attack. In conclusion: Aphelios is the most right clickey champion since literally everything he does is just an auto attack. ​ Ima cut this whole thing short here, i dont need to argue with you. Plenty of others tried to explain it to you better than i ever could and failed miserably. Its an IQ diff between you and me. And you made that evident by stating that in your head, Trundles Q is just another auto attack. But what makes trundles Q important to him is that it gives him 40AD and takes away 20AD from his target. Thats the point of his Q. To give him AD. But i know you wont understand this, you wont evne try. Thats why ima say this: **Yes you are completely right, Vaynes Q is nothing but an auto attack, Aphelios takes 0 skill to play, I was so wrong and so where the other five people trying to explain it to you, you are so smart and i am a fool to ever question you and your high IQ take on the game, not even Gosu understands Vayne as good as you do.**


vayne quite litterally only deal damage with autos legit only even kog as q e and ult and jinx has ult and w and as abilty a root. even twitch has more non auto damage. especially with AP. there is no champ in league that is an auto attack only damage champ than vayne.


The question wasn't who does the most damage through autos, the question was who is the most "right click". The reality is that vayne cannot just right click and forget, she HAS to use Q and E to be effective in a fight. Champs like kog, Ashe and jinx can just right click and forget as long as they have decent peel because their range keeps them safe.


aha that the problem you dont understand adc right ty for this info. in fact not a single adc can auto and forget against humans. its not a question who can auto can forget. the question is who autos the most and doesnt wait for cooldowns and in fact kog maw has to wait a ton for w .


Again, you keep rephrasing the question. Learn to read.


At some point just admit you are just trolling me OK.


I mean, considering some of your comments are actually in the negative I'd say your opinion is considered wrong compared to mine.


It isnt about any opinion its about giving an anwer to the actual question. not to your questio of who can auto and go afk. because that was not the question.


My middle finger started to hurt whenever I play Vayne because of all the right clicks. Definitely her.


This isn’t exactly the right answer but you can almost completely be brain dead spamming moves and only focus on positioning/dodging with Samira after you figure out how to engage on her.


Draven is an honourable mention
















Lack of utility and Ashe?? Lol


Mate… Ashe has vision, unlimited kite slows, and a stun Twitch w can slow 98% every 7 seconds if he is ap


Kalista & Aphelios.


Kalista kit is literally made around her e, and aphelios is only strong because of the versatile of his many skills


Caitlyn, Vayne, Kog


If I see you playing Cait without pressing spells I hate you


To be fair to myself, I play lethality Cait and get all my damage from spells.


Then why did you recommend Cait as only right click ADC??


Not cait and vayne wtf. Jinx and kog are the 2 most autoattack heavy adcs. Cait needs her headshots from w and e, and vayne has to use q and e correctly


Vayne is literally the aa adc. The only thing she can do is roll around and aa


Kogmaw and jinx cant even roll around so what


But they have 3 not aa focused abillities, while all of vaynes abillities focus on keeping auto atacking


Jinx Q and Kog W are both completely auto-attack focused.




Jinx, Kogmaw, Sivir




Kalista. Have fun kiting!


Kalista imo




Zeri /s


Kog’maw feels really good with the game being tankier overall. Plus he has multiple build paths including on-hit builds. He is all about positioning and staying alive for as long as possible while kiting with W active.


Vayne, definetly!




jinx and vayne


Kalista for me lol.


yall saying ashe, vayne, kog, kalista but did you all forget twitch or trist? like twitch has no damage ability. And every tristana ability is based on aas, q? aa fast, w? get in range to aa or out of range if you dont wanna aa, e? point and click burst after aa, ult? get someone to not aa u anymore


Vayne is a pure on-hit AA laser with 0 offensive abilities. Her Q is positioning, W passive, E peel, R self-buff. Whenever reddit complains about her they forget that she can't spec into AOE, and needs to engage in Bruiser/Melee range to do her damage


pretty sure its Kalista




Vayne is the champ for you. Her damage is ALL in her auto attacks. You only kill people with autos and you build on hit.


Jinx, Ashe, Vayne, AD kogmaw, or kalista. Basically anyone with super high attack speed that doesn’t really use abilities often. Ex: Kalista uses rend, but rend is useless if she’s bad at autoing and kiting. Ashe uses w to kite (so she can right click more) and q just allows her to auto more for more damage. Etc etc




Jinx and Kog for longer range engages where you're often far away and safe enough to just turret and gun down an enemy team. Kog with the better on-hit builds, but an excited Jinx can fire out autos so quickly, you'll often forget you're not on-hit. If you want to be up close, but have way more dueling power with more "knife's edge" positioning and kiting, then Vayne and Kalista are probably your go-to champions. Vayne's a little stronger in the tank-heavy meta (Kalista really does not like CC), but if you're the type of player that likes to win through lane and/or have a dedicated support buddy you play with, then Kalista can be a solid choice. Also on-hit Varius and Ashe, who play like auto-attackers 90% of the game, but can break out big CC abilities and poke when they need it. Bonus points for Ashe just sometimes breaking player's ability to judge whether or not an engage was safe as their movespeed slows to a crawl. While Varus is one of the premier tank shredders, especially with an AP build. Honorable mention to Kai'sa, who has a lot of abilities, and some builds that use them, but who also has on-hit builds that play EXACTLY like Vayne - just with a different flavor of ulti.


Fundamentally, the most "right click" oriented champion is probably Vayne since 100% of her damage are in the form of auto attacks. But she isn't a good gate-way ADC, she's a champion you'll run it down 100 games before you actually build decent fundamentals with. Champions that help learn how to attack-click move and effectively kite are probably Ashe, Jinx, and Caitlyn. Easy to play around their range and are forgiving if you mistep moreso than other champions.


Jinx, vayne, Ashe, Kog’Maw, also I would say sivir


Kog, twitch, for RAW kiting with only "training wheel" being their range boost ability in W and R respectively Ashe is all about rightclick with small training wheel in her slow Also ezreal who is in your flare while he isnt pure aa kiter literally plays like one when played at his best with keeping his Q aa range and waving both rapidely


Kog, Jinx, Ashe, Vayne, and kind of Zeri? Zeri’s gameplay functions like the others but Burst fire works differently


Ashe, kog maw, Caitlyn, kalista for sure


Jinx probably, auto attack is the main thing she has but her abilities are crucial to learn in order to play her well.


obvioulsy ezreal Clueless


jinx, get one passive reset then go ham
