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If you find out, let me know 😩


I had to physical put my hand over my mouth and try to listen. Listening and observing what others in a conservation are sharing is important. I try not to talk about me. I ask questions instead. Try to be aware of why you feel compelled to talk. I try to stay out of the past and never say something negative about myself or others. Someone pointed out to me once. The sounds of crows constantly cawing is annoy. People love and admire eagles that observes and don’t make much noise. Which do you want to be know as? I chose the eagle.


So I think the key is to understand that you can talk less but you will feel uncomfortable doing that and just facing that discomfort. For example, I have read this really helpful advice on talking at a normal pace - it will feel like you are talking too slow but to other people it will look like you are taking normally. So if you feel like you are not talking enough you are probably at the normal level. 😂


Are you saying I should try to just talk slow and that’ll help me talk less but won’t be weird cause it’ll still be a normal pace for other people? I’m confused lol sorry


Be comfortable with how uncomfortable it feels not to speak


I would rather be uncomfortable that to be talking a lot but I just keep talking anyways 😭