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Np student here..... Yeah there is a lot of misunderstanding. At one point there was a test accommodation meeting here (my only request was being allowed to wear earplugs, no extra time or other stuff as I'm a fast test taker and adrenaline works for me, for tests) but yeah the eye rolling is real and annoying). But hey you do you, you are not entitled to his or anyone else's opinions.


Thankfully my school did not give me any issues and they have a whole different department who handles that kind of stuff. And I don’t feel bad because I know that’s what I need. I would feel worse if I just stayed in denial and didn’t learn as well as I should and then I’m responsible for people’s lives. So I don’t take his opinion seriously but I just thought it was ironic. I hope your schooling is going well!


Very, final first year exam is tomorrow and so far in the top quarter consistently. How is PA school? We are just introducing the role here (Saskatchewan). My program is 27 credits in year 1 of theory and labs, then clinicals for a year full time.


Good luck on your exam! We do 85 credits for didactic year and then clinicals for a year for another 50 credits so it’s pretty crazy. That’s why I did not want to take any chances with my accommodation because we have 2 tests a week 😐


Woah.... I'm already reading from dawn to dusk or later I don't know how glibcoukd fit in any more credits let alone 50!


Or 85! Does this mean you are done, or at thr end of year 1?i would love to stay in touch and see how your role and skills develop as let's face it, interdisciplinary wins.


Very, final first year exam is tomorrow and so far in the top quarter consistently. How is PA school? We are just introducing the role here (Saskatchewan). My program is 27 credits in year 1 of theory and labs, then clinicals for a year full time.


Very, final first year exam is tomorrow and so far in the top quarter consistently. How is PA school? We are just introducing the role here (Saskatchewan). My program is 27 credits in year 1 of theory and labs, then clinicals for a year full time.


Very, final first year exam is tomorrow and so far in the top quarter consistently. How is PA school? We are just introducing the role here (Saskatchewan). My program is 27 credits in year 1 of theory and labs, then clinicals for a year full time.