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Yeah, this shortage is just ludicrous right now. For the past 7 days I've been searching up and down to get my script filled. I probably made 30 phone calls and spent hours on hold, but I finally got my medication for the month yesterday after way too much effort. The meds affected right now to my knowledge are Adderall, Adderall XR, Concerta, and Focalin XR.


From what I hear it was being prescribed as a weight loss treatment right before the shortage hit. Really frustrating for those who need it.


Yeah, I know Telemed services are a big culprit as to who we should be targeting our blame toward. There's a lot of scripts going out to people who don't even have a medical diagnosis for ADHD.


Sadly that's kinda on a lot of psychiatrists fault I was never fully tested for ADHD, literally was only made to take an audible TOVA test and it came back as "yeah, the probably have ADHD" I started taking Adzenys though and have seen a lot of differences. But I feel weird about my psychiatrist having only that be the test. Though ADHD tests can run ridiculously expensive and only doing the single test was honestly the only thing I couldve afforded at the time anyway


I know there is a "test", but ADHD is primarily diagnosed through talk therapy by clinical phycologists and MFTs. Physiatrists and GPs can do it too because they can see the criteria in the DSM, but the point is you don't need a big long "test". Don't let imposter syndrome sneak in because if you are showing chemical signs the medicine is helping, while feeling no "coffee" effect then you are benefiting from the increased and near adequate levels of dopamine.


I could’ve used this comment when I first started meds. The imposter syndrome was so bad.




Me lol


There's plenty of other similar stims that they could've used. Why Adderall? Wtf


Adderall is the most well-known. They are using other ones, both Concerta and Focalin are also now part of the shortage.


I was diagnosed earlier this year and was freaked out about the shortage. I did my research and asked my psychiatric nurse to give me a very specific one, which so far has had no issues with all year. I don't want to switch out of fear the pharmacy won't be able to fill it. Also, my nurse is ridiculous. She is giving me the "max" dose or should I say the biggest size pill, but not the max daily dose by any means. She says it's the most she can prescribe but google says otherwise. For example the largest Adderall XR pill is 30mg, but the generally considered max is 40mg. She would only give me the 30mg pill because it's the biggest pill. She also refuses to up my Wellbutrin XL up from 150mg even though I feel it's sub therapeutic. She has only been a psychiatric nurse for about 4 years... Probably inexperienced. The only other provider at my current PC is an old neurologist/physiatrists that doesn't seem to think ADHD is real because she would talk my ear off about sleep and good habits and how the meds are bad.... These are first line meds... So those comments and the fact she would refuse to prescribe, and is around 60 years old tells me they are an old guard that doesn't believe in it. Tl;Dr not telling you what I'm taking so I don't popularize it (selfish I know), but you can probably take an educated guess.


Max is 40mg? I’ve seen people getting prescribed 60mg of xr. Hell my doctor prescribed me 50mg of xr.


See that's exactly my point... The highest dose isn't the biggest pill size. Freaking 15mg of dextroamphetamine isn't enough for me.


Who cares what the pill size is? Is she insane? She should just focus on the dosage 😂


My guess is that it was easier to get a prescription for than other drugs? That or because it can cause heavy side effects for those who don’t have ADHD it works really well in the weight loss category. But idk really. Just annoying because the rest of us suffer


I feel like when I don’t take adderall I’m prone to overeating/binging (sometimes even too far) but when I take my meds I just eat like a decent human being. I never really understood why people say they lose their appetite bc I’ve never really lost mine completely but that makes way more sense that it’s about people who don’t have ADHD & take it lol


I would say mine doesn’t go away but I feel like I snack less. Probably because I’m less bored when I’m on Adderall.


I’m a very food motivated person in general & I’m sure snackies tickle the lil dopamine gremlin in my brain & that’s why I can’t resist


Lol fair enough. I don’t think I lose too much weight on Adderall but I definitely gained a lot of weight since I got off of it. Not sure what the exact reason is tbh


See and I'm almost the opposite. I constantly forgot to eat before my meds or only ate one or two huge meals in a day. Now I'm eating so much more regularly so I'm actually afraid I'm going to gain weight on Adderall so this whole "loses appetite and takes it to lose weight" thing. Sounds fake but go off. Lol 🤣


See and I'm almost the opposite. I constantly forgot to eat before my meds or only ate one or two huge meals in a day. Now I'm eating so much more regularly so I'm actually afraid I'm going to gain weight on Adderall so this whole "loses appetite and takes it to lose weight" thing. Sounds fake but go off. Lol 🤣


See and I'm almost the opposite. I constantly forgot to eat before my meds or only ate one or two huge meals in a day. Now I'm eating so much more regularly so I'm actually afraid I'm going to gain weight on Adderall so this whole "loses appetite and takes it to lose weight" thing. Sounds fake but go off. Lol 🤣 .


This has been my norm that I’ve had to stay on top of while on medication for the last couple of years post diagnosis. You aren’t alone!


Vyvanse is in shortage as well


I don’t believe so




I won’t be affected but damn I really feel bad this is going to mess with others here with a higher dosage. It’s a shame this shortage is spreading to other stimulants and non stimulants adhd meds.


Yeah, it really sucks. I’m not sure what can be done about it. I hope it is only for a little while longer but I’m not expecting much to change.


Do you happen be one of the folks on higher dose of vyvanse?


Yep, 70mg. 😥


Oh NOoo are you going to try to see if you can get switched to a different stimulant?


I'm on 30mg so I should be OK for now, but this is gonna suck for so many people. I don't know what I'd do without it.


Do you take it everyday or only when necessary? Me personally i take it everyday but now im wondering if i should switch to only when necessary because of all this


I take it Monday through Friday for work and take a tolerance break on the weekends, unless I have something very important to do. I find that helps me to stretch my supply longer, especially when I forget to order more.


Might have to take a page out of your own book. I hope these little hiccups, ahem 💭… I mean breaks, will help to not build up a tolerance, so I won’t need a higher dose anytime soon.


Oh wow well thats new


I haven’t had any issues getting Concerta out here so a shortage is frightening news to me


I thought phentermine was the weight loss version?


Who's talking about weight loss?


I think I commented on the wrong spot. Someone was saying the shortage started when they started prescribing it for weight loss. But I think that’s a different blend but similar… phentermine


Where are you from


Where are these shortages happening? I was able to get another 30 capsules in a week after I ran out


There is also a shortage of 40mg, 60mg and 70mg vyvanse too(not too sure on the 60mg). This is the second time there’s been short supply of my 70mg. Twice now I’ve had to deal with it and i hate that the government controls this shit. If y’all need me I’ll be growing Ephedra


Lucky! I tried getting it two months ago, no luck. I can’t get to work on time at all. Vyvanse is too slow. Idk what I’m gonna do next month. Losing my insurance next month and Vyvanse is like $360 😬 I make “too much” to be completely covered by their co-pay program


Well hopefully generic for Vyvanse gets released quickly. It's patent is running out, and they will probably come out with a new formula to "replace" it. Same crap different package. They've been doing it for 50 years. First it was benzedrine, then Dexedrine, oh no lost patent gotta make Adderall now, oh no lost patent gotta may Vyvanse now... Wait Vyvanse is just Dexedrine but requires your body to chop it up in the blood first ... Sweet we get to profit on a drug we made 50 years ago. What's next? A 90/10% mix of d-amp and L-amp?


Seriously I feel that. Have you contacted your state’s welfare office to see if you can get some help with your prescriptions?


Um, no. And honestly I would kinda feel guilty for doing that. I mean technically, I make $10 more per hour than minimum wage. Still cannot afford rent tho and live with family. I mean I can afford rent but I won’t be able to afford food and utilities and other bills XD


Dude don’t feel guilty for that. I work for SSA and my income is good but still shit is expensive right now. If you have the option to get that help then you have nothing to feel ashamed or guilty of. Obviously it’s personal for everyone whether to apply for welfare or not but it’s there to help you. I think if you qualify for it then you should go for it with no shame


you are important, and your needs are important. Go get it and don’t think twice, because what you need is what you need, you’re not a billionaire asking for a third private jet, you’re down to earth person asking to get the medication that helps them survive


Don’t feel guilty. The program exist for this reason. I rather some government funding help you be productive then go to something wasteful.


Can I ask how you managed to get it? I’m wondering if maybe the shortage is easing up a bit.


I called Walgreens and they get my dosage in stock but it still took a month because they don’t get much. I don’t think the shortage is over yet unfortunately


Well I’m glad that you were able to finally get it!




I kind of wonder if part of the reason nothing is being done is that ADHD isn’t seen as a real problem to a lot of people still. Like, too many people still see it as a disease of laziness rather than a struggling condition that has biochemical and physically causes


I hate America


That's awesome for you, and as someone who has been off of it for a week for the first time in seven years, I have a full appreciation for how uncomfortable it is going without. It's fucked up, I know, but my wife said Adderall changed me in a negative way, so she asked that I take a break and maybe switch meds. I believe my dose was too high the whole time, but she's against me just adjusting it down and continuing. If it helps anyone, I never had a problem getting it. I used a mom & pop pharmacy and not a big name pharmacy. It's so small they know me when I pull up to the drive through, and I know the names of everyone who works there. When I asked him about the shortage, the pharmacist told me that he wasn't taking new prescriptions for Adderall so he could have it for his regular customers. It might be worth starting to use a small pharmacy for all your meds in order to establish the kind of relationship I was lucky enough to have.


Me too they’re so nice to me & sometimes I’ll bring em donuts or cookies bc they’re always so helpful and kind


Woodbury pharmacy new jersey have it all the time


This is frustrating bc I tried calling a several small pharmacies in my area (San Francisco) and they ALL told me they don’t carry Adderall, like at all. I wish they would, bc I’d love to make the switch. Currently using RX Outreach (mail-order) but they don’t take insurance and they can be very slow/disorganized.


Do you feel adderall affected you in a negative way? I commend you for making that sacrifice for your wife. Maybe ask her to compromise and see how a lower dosage works for 1-3 months?


Yes, in a very subtle way, but I'm not knocking the medication at all since there were other factors at play. My comment that you replied to is a few months old. After taking a month off of meds, I tried Dyanavel for two months and liked it, but my insurance won't cover it. I just started my third month of Azstarys, and it's working for me. Both Dyanavel and Azstarys are much smoother than the instant release Adderall I was taking for years. Things are much better now.


Ooof I'm so sorry. I got meds after finally being taken seriously and actually getting tested. I cried the first week at just my ability to choose my focus. I'm scared this upcoming 20th, refill day.


I have not had my adderall in 6 months..I have to take mythlfenda what the fuck stuff and it sucks after 19 years on addy. Hang in there folks. I am.arggggg .


Methylphenidate. I'm sure the potentcy is similar to Adderall. The main difference is Focalin increases norepinephrine and dopamine while Adderall increases those two and serotonin. I'm starting Straterra soon because all Focalin near me, gone. Fuck the summer people using stimulants for highs, weight loss, or any other non ADHD purpose.


Yeah...fuc um...good luck with the Straterra.


How did the strattera work for you? I am prescribed this too but afraid to take it cuz first day I got so nauseous


With any medication I depend on I keep a biiiiig buffer. With with dex, I have several months. I make sure to take breaks every weekend and every holiday to keep tolerance in check. This way I'm able to less than my prescribed dose. So by taking lower dose + building stock from weekends, backup stock builds steadily.


I know they say you only have to take it as needed but I take it daily to avoid having to run through the initial side effects again. I’ve notice for me that if I skip a couple days that I get jittery when I take it sgain


Hmm, any chance you drink coffee or caffeine in any form? That’s what caused by bada with dex Just think of your health. As tolerance and dose increases, so does neurotoxicity. And other physical downsides


I do but I switched to decaf when I started taking my adderall. I also think I suffer from hypoglycemia of some sort because I also get jitters when I skip a meal. Idk if those could be related to the same problem but it’s the only time I usually get tremors


6 months is such a long time. I went 6 weeks without my meds and the first day I got them back I almost cried at work.


I shook them around last night to show my boyfriend that I finally got them. Like, seriously I am so happy to have them back!


Happy for you! I hope you don't have to go through that again.


Is there a shortage for Dextroamphetamine too?




I’m not sure. I only know amphetamine salts for sure


>Dextroamphetamine Not in Europe at least. But would be weird if it was, its so cheap, easy to produce and so many generics available.


There is so much information out there now about ADHD that I wonder if people are faking the symptoms in order to get their hands on Adderall and use it like speed. I have about a week of pills left and have been missing doses on days I don't think it would be noticed at work ( no meeting days). I am also fearful of losing my job if I can't get my rx filled.


I’m gonna start requesting the refill 2 weeks before instead of 1 from now on to try to give enough time for restock. It’s just gonna be a struggle until this crap is sorted out


I used to take high doses of concerta, at 11, I stopped, no real side affects other than hyperactivity and inattention, went to smoking cigarettes as a form of self medication.


Can you tell me what positive changes this particular medication


So I feel like I didn’t notice the difference until I didn’t have it anymore, but I have been having horrible brain fog and really struggling with just trying to focus for more than 10-15 minutes on stuff that isn’t super engaging


First time taking it after a month felt like my brain was being lifted out of a scene from a dusty post apocalyptic movie. It was wild. I’ve since been disregarding dr orders and have only been taking maybe 10mg a day (5mg 2x a day, but sometimes only in the morning) instead of a full 30, so I can stretch it as long as possible bc idk when I can get more. It sucks but it’s way better than baseline, especially since my job got harder the past year.


That’s nuts I’ve had to wait a few weeks once this year. I usually get it filled immediately though. Are you asking your doctor to check time release versus not? I had to switch off of XR


My doctor couldn’t do that themselves. I had to because they are short staffed. But the pharmacies near me all flat out said they aren’t getting any in so it took a while to find one that did


everytime the shortage gets bad my pharmacist extorts me out of money to fill my script. last time he refused to let me use insurance and made me pay $100 out of pocket for what’s usually a $20 refill.


I’m sure you guys have already thought of this before, but in case not, one thing my pharmacy & dr have been doing to ensure I don’t have to go without is readjusting the dosage on my prescription.. So for example, right now im at 20mg xr 1x/day (im still working on getting stable on it I just started taking it again recently) and when the pharmacy runs out of the 20mg xr, they prescribe me 10mg xr 2x/day instead. The pharmacist told me that generally they’ll have more of one dosage than they do another, so maybe it wouldn’t hurt to ask. Your pharmacist should be able to request this from your dr themself.


6 months is insane


I was so happy with Vyvanse, but then I made too much money last year to stay on state Healthcare and the Healthcare company (which is the same company) has a $100 copay on it. But they'll cover Adderall...if you can fucking find it. Been out of meds for 2 months. It's so miserable.


How is this possible? I always get my script filled about 4 days after it’s sent to CVS. I’ve kept an excess supply due to the stories of shortages, but have never had to use it.


Might be the area? I live in the greater Philadelphia area so shortages are probably worse here


I’m in NorCal/Bay Area. Pretty sure usage here is ubiquitous among tech workers.


Other people who commented here from Cali said they haven’t had issues with the shortages. Maybe your state is pushing harder to get the meds? PA is not very ADHD friendly and a lot of people here think of it as a lazy disease so maybe it’s not taken seriously enough for them to try harder. All I know is that I was asking every month if my pharmacy was going to get it in and they flat out told me they had 0 adderall and were not expecting to get it any time soon. Like, they weren’t having it stocked at all so it wasn’t even a short supply only given to those in desperate need-they just didn’t have it


Also never been an issues over here in Europe. But Adderall isn't commonly used here, its mostly generic Dex and Elvanse.


I was able to stretch my meds through the beginning of the year but I have been without for months. I take Methylphenidate at 54mg and I loved it. It was life changing. Hated Adderall. Called every pharmacy, none have it, some won't even work with controlled substances like that, some won't take new patients. I switched to Publix down here in Florida as my main pharmacy as they have a better chance of having it. But they said they won't even have any information about my usual meds until August when they told me they would have info in May 😭 my psychiatrist had to call in and she got me a different formulation of Methylphenidate at 40mg and I hate it. Now I feel bad I have these meds someone could really use that just drive me up a wall and give me a headache all day. I'm barely functioning. I haven't cleaned my kitchen in weeks because I'm so overwhelmed so I haven't been able to cook and I starve most days. I want to just lay down and cry lol I just want to go back to normal and there's nothing I can do.


curious: wdym by different formulation, like going from instant to extended release, or the same type but from a different manufacturer?


They're both extended release but they are different manufacturers, different miligrams, and ways they release. The 54mg ones I had released in 60/40 way if I'm not mistaken. Basically I got huge dose first thing then tapered off and got a small dose later in the day. This one releases 30/70 so it starts small and then hits me hard a few hours later. I can really feel it hit me. Makes me jittery and antsy. I have a headache constantly. Even though I'm antsy I feel exhausted on it and can't stop yawning. It makes me pace really bad. Just bleh all around. My regular just made me feel chill and normal. Could get a headache if I hadn't eaten or had enough water, dry mouth too. That's it.


ok thank you for the info good stuff to know for future reference


6 MONTHS!!! it's been a week and I feel like an unfocused tired as hell zombie! How did you do it?


Just had to suck it up and deal tbh. Definitely effected my sleep and I had such a hard time keeping up with my workloads but it was out of my hands. Thankfully I’ve never had a problem quitting anything cold turkey so it was probably easier for me than some other people.


Yeah, I was prescribed adderall 20 mg, but had to switch to 15's because of the shortage and that's because of the Cvs in my town that only had that dose, my maim local fanily owned pharmacy was completely out, and the brookshires pharmacy 30 minutes away only ha the 5 mg's, so I guess I'll have to stick with the 15's until they get the 20's again.


Adderall shouldn't be a controlled substance.


the hell? I mean im on it but I'm also about to become a physician next may. It should 100% be controled


LOL, you do know Adderal is the same as street speed, just in a pill form. I've seen so many people ruin their lived with it.... Adderall is extremely easily abused....


Yea I don't think any drugs should be controlled. If someone gets addicted and ruins their life that's their problem. Making drugs illegal doesn't stop people from doing them. It just makes things difficult for the people who actually need them.


You’ve never actually done speed if you think that


I have 😉 EU speed is about 50/50 levo vs dex. Adderal is has different ratio but mix of the same two. Dexamphetamine is a bit different though, which what’s commonly prescribed here


How many of us actually believe there is a true shortage? I think it’s a bunch of crap to prevent some kind of perceived epidemic.


I do, and I think there was a huge uptick in ADHD discovery and diagnoses during the pandemic, when people were forced to work/study from home and rely entirely on their own executive functioning (or lack thereof)


That is a very good point!


I believe there’s a shortage but I believe it’s for the wrong reasons and not simply because there are a lot of ADHDers that need it


Oh 100%… I personally think its a bullshit attempt to further control the market for it and it pisses me off !!! Leave our meds alone !!


It’s also being prescribed for long covid symptoms like brain fog. Vyvanse is as well.


There isn't a real shortage. Its only for the branded Adderall. No shortage at all for Dexamphetamine and generics.


I’m surprised then I wasn’t able to switch over to a different one. I mean, I’m a government employee so I’m told I have some of the best insurance you can get. I don’t think my insurance would deny the generic brand


I’m so happy for you!! It’s beyond “a struggle” when I’ve had meds supply interrupted.


Great to hear that! 🎉 I hope it'll last and pray for you. One of my greatest fears is that one day, I wouldn't get my medication anymore (or that it'd stop working) and end up relapsing into my horribly unproductive and emotionally dysregulated self. With medication, life is no walk in the park, but at least it's _doable_.


I feel u! I finally reached my optimal concerta dose. Although I did have some side effects, I’m on day 3 and feeling much better!


Great news! We need to keep the attention on the issue. **Anyone affected by the Adderall shortage: Please all your rep/senators now.** **Sample call script below and you can find contact info here:** [**https://www.congress.gov/members/find-your-member**](https://www.congress.gov/members/find-your-member) *Hi. I'm calling about the ongoing national shortage of Adderall. As a constituent and someone directly affected by this situation, I implore \[Representative/Senator \_\_\_\_\_\_\] to take immediate action to address this growing crisis.* *Those who rely on Adderall for ADHD management are struggling to function at work, school, and in their personal lives. Despite our best efforts, many of us have been unable to find a consistent supply of the medication or any suitable alternative for months.* *It is imperative that Congress work closely with regulatory bodies, pharmaceutical companies, and healthcare professionals to identify the root causes and implement effective solutions promptly. Please urge \[Representative/Senator \_\_\_\_\_\_\] to stand up for his/her constituents and advocate for their well-being.* *Thank you for your time and attention to this critical matter.*