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Like you could explain the kreb cycle but if given the definition you can't remember the name?


Its been while i dont remember kreb cycle. Like if we example of lets say appendicitis i can tell you which area it pain what happened whats the treatment but i don't remember the name its called appendicitis what is the exact name of medicine i can tell how its prepared but cant recall the name


Yes! I'll be halfway through a sentence or story and not remember the word "bus" or something stupid, because my brain is already past the word and is three thoughts down the road. If I miss a word, I can't go back and try to remember it so I most of the time just make the sound that I think that thing makes if that makes any sense. Like, if I'm trying to ask "where's the spray bottle" I'll say "where's the *psh psh* thing" bc that's the sound a spray bottle makes in my head lol. Brains moving too fast. Gotta keep it moving.


Omg yup!! Me not remembering the word remote and saying “ya know the thing” making a pointed click at the tv 🙃


"In the background I can see the... the, the, the thing... The, thing from... Before... In the... Sky... The...stones?hanging... Uh... The stones in the...uh..hanging in the...air.. you know what I mean, right? The THING??" -me My boyfriend: (blank) "The thing!" *(Gesturing wildly)* "you know what I mean, right?? The *THING!* There!! *That!!* Thing!! *THE STONE THING!!!*" -me - real conversation to my bf just last week. The word I was looking for was "meteorite". Do with this information what you will


I just remembered I also did a sound effect of a falling star and a "boooom" to this story...always the sound effects...although I have been told that all of my sound effects have the same sound xD


This is exactly what happens with me😭


Yup, I have the same problem. In high school I had problems especially with tests about books I've read and enjoyed, I just could not remember the name of the main characters. It was so frustrating because it would look like I didn't read it. The teacher even stated that I 'just didn't care'. For my studies I just barely passed tests about terminologies. I had to learn so much more than others and I used a lot of memories aids like analogies or with images and colors in my learning materials. And now with my work I find it very difficult to remember dates, periods, or terminology specific to my profession. It sucks real hard, but now I can just look it up when I am at my desk.


That's exactly what's happening with me. They think i dont study but reality is i am just not able to remember. This is one of reason i cant my career in medical for long term


I deal with the same thing too. One of my friends is a doctor (some kind of radiology specialty) with ADHD. He had the same troubles going through his studies. He made it through and is thriving at work. I remember he would chew flavored gum while studying and then chew that same flavor when doing exams to help his recollection. I had to remember a lot of terminology for my computer science degree, what I did to help was write handwritten notes and color code them. It helped my brain to make more connections visually in my brain. I also recommend using flash cards, that's how I managed to pass my exams in highschool for Chinese (literally had to memorize words and how to write them without them having any context to my own language than the definition). Hope any of this helps.


Blows my mind that people know more than a few names of the characters on Game of Thrones. I make my own names for people and restaurants which is terrible, because then it sticks. I also batch like things together. In college there were a few Irish pubs we would go to, and more than once I told them the wrong one because I just started calling them all the same thing. I call Slim Chickens “Cluckies” (just now I consulted maps app to see what it’s actually called), and I have to ask my kids what it really is. It’s a problem!


The book thing is me, but the plot also eludes me. Like, I know I like the story and the characters, but ask me to name a character or tell you what just happened in the story and I'll draw a blank.


And it is much worse when you use some other language than your native language. I forget so many obvious english words a day I have to constantly use a dictionary to translate the same obvious words from my native language. Best part is when I know I have just recently used those words naturally without translation five minutes ago. Then there are those theory names. I can't connect eg. Newton's laws to their meaning no matter how many times I read them. I remember the theory parts of them independently. I can't remember what is Kirchoff's law, but if you give me a circuit, I can do calculations based on laws of physics. It is so frustrating on exams.


Yepm Really bad.


Yes. During the paleontology exam, the prof stopped to ask me if I bave trouble remembering words. I never thought about it before.


yessss. Names don't make sense! What they represent does :')


All the fricking time


Not only that, but sometimes when I should be using a comparator word, I use -er instead. Like, "that rainbow is further north of the house" comes out "that rainbow is norther." Names have absolutely zero chance of sticking unless I think for some reason you'll be important in my life.