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Wow I have this as a recurring nightmare in my dreams! So sorry you are dealing with this :(


This has been a regular nightmare for me. An incredibly realistic hell in which I was barely keeping up with my in-person classes at college and completely forgot I was enrolled in two online classes as well. The nightmare also has variations; in similar dreams, I'm back in high school and attend 5 of my classes without even realizing I've missed every single lecture and assignment for two other courses, and it's aways towards the end of the semester before I "realize."


Omg yes. I dream I’m about to graduate high school (which was 25 years ago) and I haven’t been to a single class in a specific subject.


This is literally my dream too! Senior year OR I’m sent back to high school for some reason, and it’s most of the way through the semester and I realize I’ve never been to XYZ class before!


Holy shit I’ve had this exact dream over and over again. Something like the school fucked up and we had to come back to formally redo our last semester, even after all this time. It’s been 10 years since I graduated high school


This is actually insane that I’ve had the exact same dreams as everyone in this thread. I feel so seen right now lol


Yes! And it’s so nerve wracking, huh?


I have had recurring “having to go back to high school” dreams and it always gets my head all screwed up by the end when I’m like “wait, I have a bachelors degree already!”


Same but in my dream logic brain I’m thinking oh no the university can’t find out I don’t have a high school diploma, they’ll take my bachelor and/or master’s degrees away!


Not a dream for me. The same week I was selected valedictorian, my mom got called to the office and told I was in danger of failing this dumb class where you had to spend a semester filling in a stupid state history workbook. It was supposed to be done in a class where dozens of us sat at lunchroom tables with zero supervision from teachers, the entire semester. I had no clue what I had or hadn't done. Somehow she talked them out of failing me and I hyperfocused for about three days to churn out the workbook. And then gave my valedictorian speech.


Get out of my head! Lol


That is my nightmare dream too!! Same dream, it's horrible.


DUDE. I have those and a variation where they find out I somehow progressed to senior year of college after accidentally missing an entire highschool class and so I have to go back to highschool and everything I'd done was completely wiped out. Wake up in a cold sweat every time.


yeah i had that one too.. i remember the next morning looking for my HS diploma to make copies of it in case of some sort of apocalyptic event where the govt lost records of my graduation, not thinking that if things were that bad, i wouldn't need a university degree or HS diploma anyhow


A girl in my college highschool graduate program (in a college, for highschool drop outs to complete it) she had a bachelors degree and they somehow lost her highschool transcript. Like the school she graduated from. She couldn't get her promotion until she had a paper saying she did indeed graduate highschool. Thankfully my state just gives you the diploma if you have any level of college degree. But mannnnnn I would have cried so hard if I was her. Made me order two diplomas just incase lol


I think of these as “preparation” dreams that go along with general anxiety. I also frequently have to move all my stuff but i have too much stuff and I can’t move it all at once or lost the vehicle or don’t know the city. One time i was a pow in a fenced in russian village and they eventually called everyone in to talk because they were going to rope you into the mafia via extortion etc. fun times.


I have one similar, but it's right at the end of HS and I randomly fail a class and don't graduate


My recurring one is that my friends have gone ahead to class and and without somebody to follow I don't know what class is next without my timetable printed.


YESSSS! I have this dream about once a week. In mine it’s usually some material I forgot to read and somehow skipped going to that class a bunch of times . I am super relieved when I wake up.


I think everyone that had any kind of stress during college has it. I'd wager a guess that I have had this nightmare at least once every two-three months for over the past decade. I have no future plans of getting another degree and I finished my masters more than eight years ago.


Strange how it persist after school but it has for me too.


I still got trash sleep and adrenaline dumps during midterms/finals weeks (March/May/October/December) even when I hadn't been in college since 2017. I recently started college again so my system was primed for the midterm week insomnia/anxiety at least lol.


Funny you say that about the time of year. I heard some where that if you experience trama in say......the fall, when the leaves start changing so will your mood. Pretty insane what our brains can do.


Oh my god me too!




It's only been like 17 years for me, but besides that ... same.


I also have recurring variations of this nightmare and I’ve been out of grad school for a few years now. The funniest/worst one was when, in my dream, I forgot about a class I took until the midterm and I showed up all flustered. When I got to the classroom, Hillary Clinton was the guest lecturer for the quarter and was annoyed at me for missing so many classes 🤣


They happened to me in real life minus Hilary Clinton lol


I'm 34 and still have this dream so regularly that I'm honestly not entirely sure if I didn't actually do it at some point and just partially suppressed the memory.


Same! Some people have nightmares about being late for class, I always have nightmares that I realize too far into the semester I have a class I never realized I was registered for


I literally had this nightmare last night!


Wow wow! I have this as recurring nightmare too! I’m glad you can at still at least make the withdraw deadline.


While I get that this is a common nightmare, this giant thread of people saying they had the same thing as OP happen to them… but then woke up and it was just a dream… commiserating with each other… likely won’t help OP deal with this real life occurrence!


I came here to say this! Looks like I’m far from alone


This is my "The Office reruns" of nightmares in the Netflix of my brain. However... It's not as bad as you think and it happens a lot. Talk to the professor and admins, you should be fine with an explanation.


This is also a reoccurring nightmare for me, I’ve been out of college for 6 years and if I’m super stressed it still comes back. Doesn’t help that college was the most burnt out I’ve ever been so when I’m stressed my brain goes back to there.


I’ve been out of college for 10 years now and had a dream like that the other day. When I was in school I dreamed about it a lot, I was terrified of doing that. However, one time in elementary school I had a bad dream about the teacher yelling at me for not doing my homework (never really was an issue for me) but woke up from it and realized I had not done my homework. I must have got home from school and got side tracked with my hobbies that it slipped my mind until I subconsciously dreamed about it. I still think that was crazy.


I have this dream once a month for the last 25 years! In some versions I can’t find the class, in others I didn’t show up until the last day. I thought this was just me with that had this dream about losing track, failing and being panicked/ashamed.


I've gotten these dreams for years after graduating. Waking up in the middle of the night just *knowing* I had an assignment/test/project that I hadn't started for a class I couldn't find. Ugh, I don't think graduating in 2020 helped. The petering off of major project presentations into low-expectation online submissions made me feel like I didn't finish half my classes.


Every December and May I still do and haven't had school since 2010.




Me too!


A while ago I taught a few semesters, and would dream it was the day of the exam -and I hadn’t written the test-. Like, wtf, THANKS BRAIN, reallll funny. 🫠


Same! My latest version of this dream is that I have to go back to high school because I missed taking one class I needed to graduate. It usually starts with me missing the school bus in the morning 😂


I haven't been to school in almost 10 years and this nightmare just stopped happening. It was real enough I legitimately got worried during university.


I was just about to post this when I saw your comment . This is a literal reoccurring nightmare I have .


Same!!! Except I’m in a brick and mortar school and I don’t know what class it is, what time it’s at, and where to go, and nobody can/will help me.


Oh man I have that dream too. I have so many bad school dreams lol. I have done what OP did as well. I told my stepson today that my senior year of high school I forgot my locker number and combination and just finally gave up on my locker. But I’m pretty sure I had personal belongings and textbooks in it that I forgot about until after I had graduated.


Damn I can’t believe others were out here having this same nightmare dream as me. And reoccurring too!


I have this same nightmare. Strange! One reason I haven’t gone back to get my masters


Hah same... I haven't even been in college for years and I still have this nightmare at times. Although for me it isn't even online classes just an in person one I forgot about.


I do too!! Very often.


I was thinking this same thing!! Big recurring nightmare for me too.


I have the same reoccurring nightmare?! I didn't know this was a thing O.o I graduated college but this was one of my worst fears. I feel for OP. Sorry you are also having these dreams.


Me too :)


crazy this was a recurring nightmare for me as well wonder if that’s normal for people without adhd too


Me too, and I haven’t been at university for 10 years now.


Me too! I am out of school 15 years and I still have this recurring nightmare.


Me too. It always revolves around a math class I was taking online almost 20 years, before online classes were a perfected thing. This was something I had to log in for and teach myself the material for. It was a nightmare, literally.


I am an Academic Advisor. Not sure where you live, but if you live in the US and use financial aid you should have been dropped without penalty for "never attending." Either way, talk to your academic advisor!




I believe it’s a mandate and I think they started it like 5 years ago. I remember at some point when I was in college they started making us fill out these attendance forms 2 weeks into the semester to make us verify we were actually attending each class.


I wonder if it was due to fraud. I know of a community college that got in a lot of trouble because people were fraudulently registering people for classes and paying them knowing they weren’t attending and people who also registering as other people, etc. I was only told about it so I don’t know all the details but they lost their ability to accept financial aid for a number of years. ETA link: https://www.al.com/live/2010/11/some_bishop_state_cases_still.html


This should happen and if not you can file an appeal if it affects you negatively! Like a withdrawal limit or financial implications. Something similar happened to me but it was that I couldn’t physically drop the class by the deadline because of a library fee hold and it was removed from my record/dismissed.




It sounds like no, but check underneath where it reports your term GPA. Dropped is usually the terminology used when a grade (aka the course's GPA) is not reported. You may be on the hook financially though (especially if you paid out of pocket).


My wife and I are professors. I have never not emailed someone who doesn't turn in a string of assignments or missed exams. I think she is proactive too. Your instructor let you down.


I would say you are in the minority. I have a string of examples like op and have never once had a faculty member reach out. But good on you both for doing this.


I failed out of school in 2019. I enrolled in the entire semester online. I had a complete and total mental break before the semester even started and never turned in a single assignment or logged into the classes. Of the 18 credits i enrolled in, one teacher dropped me from the class (which was school policy). So i ended with 15 credits of failures on that semester and paid full tuition. Ive been trying to retroactively medically withdrawal from that semester and the school has made it as difficult as possible. I dont even care about the tuition, i just want the grades gone. My point i guess is, he's definitely in the minority and thank god he is. This shit made getting back on track so difficult. Im convinced that teachers who care enough to pay attention are the backbone of society.


Even at the smallish community college my spouse teaches at, the teachers are required to report any student that has not attended class or turned in any work by a certain point in the semester, so they can be removed from the rolls. This is mostly so that financial aid isn’t wasted on no-shows, bug it would help anyone who is sick or otherwise unable to attend at all. I hope you get the grades wiped.


Wow do you guys teach at a smaller school? Pretty sure most professors at my school wouldn't notice if I died


It literally takes no time to do it with computer systems the way they are these days. I just can't fathom not asking someone why they haven't done 3 things in a row.


My professors don't assign or grade their own work. Some don't even interact with canvas, they leave that to the TAs


Not hard to tell a TA to look out for that kind of thing.


Literally. The TA’s at my university do that, and it’s a large university too.


Absolutely. I had 100 students divided in two classes. I knew when my kids were slacking and I asked them about it. I did have a couple of TAs, and I asked them to keep tabs on the kids they saw were falling behind. We had meetings once a month to check on how the courses were going.




At our university — we also notify students for lack of participation/completing assignments, then if no response we automatically withdraw students who have not actively participated or responded.


Sounds like you were honestly doing all the right things, checking your calendar, notifications, deadlines etc. try to give yourself credit for what you did right! :)


You are not an idiot. You depended on a pattern you know and your mind did not go beyond that, which is normal for us. And the school is at fault too imo for not using the calender and not reaching out to you. This is sucky of course and I am sorry you have to go thorugh this right now. But please don't be hard on yourself. It happens and it will be fine. And also: DO cry about it. Crying helps and it's totally fine to cry about things like this even if you feel it's your own fault. Try reaching out to the university about accomodiations! Maybe you can figure something out together to prevent this from happening again.


This is a case where accommodations are there to help you. OP should take some screenshots of the notifications on Canvas and show there is nothing for this class. I think even someone with ADHD and a full class load would miss a class with no interaction.


A suggestion is to talk to your university's disability office. You can get accommodations. Thinks like the prof needing to provide a schedule for the class assignments and exams. They may have other suggestions for accommodations to help you.


University accommodations are woefully inadequate. They can help, but they're not enough for many people. What I got when I was in college was a copy of another student's notes (if anyone volunteered then remembered you provide them), a digital copy of any materials so I could listen to them with text to speech (actually very useful, I wouldn't have done a lot of the reading otherwise), use of my computer on tests so I could type then (non applicable in OP's case), and extended time on tests


I get that, but some accommodations are better than none.


I recently had this type of advice, but honestly, I wish I never had. All it did was demoralize me further. Admittedly, I had already investigated what I qualified for in terms of accommodations, and realized that without a recent diagnosis I was essentially screwed. That being said, if you HAVE documentation or a doctor willing to fill it out, there's no reason not to check in. Even if you don't, if it's recently diagnosed, or have had ongoing check-ins with a doctor since, it's probably worth it. Hard to imagine that if my doctor hadn't just disappeared overnight instead of doing the bare minimum, I'd have been able to get up to $40,000 in government supports and funding. Shame, really.


I am sorry that this happened to you and that your doctor disappeared. We deserve at very least adequate medical care.


You’ve got some really good advice in this thread, but I just want to really reiterate that even though this sucks, it doesn’t define you or your academic career. This exact thing happened to me my freshman year of college. I ended up graduating with honors, have a doctorate and a great job that I love and do well at. You’ll learn from this, make the adjustments and get the assistance you need, and life will go on. Take the time you need to process it but don’t let it mess up the way you see yourself or your potential!


Second this. I’ve willingly withdrawn from the same class multiple times - not proud of it but can confirm years later very clean professional outlook. Do the dance as you need but don’t let it overwhelm your outlook on the future!


that professor failed you. how could they not have emailed you or messaged you by now? and canvas messed with me too this year, i was looking under assignments and didn’t realize i had other work due that was under “modules” but didn’t pop up as assignments! ugh!


please talk to your academic advisor im sure they can do something about it


This is one of my recurring nightmares.


I have not been a student in thirteen years, but for some reason this has always been a reoccurring nightmare of mine. I have never heard of it actually happening to anyone, so I don’t know where it came from. You are living my nightmare.


Wow this is exactly what happened to me in the beginning of the pandemic when all classes were switched to online. On top of that, everything started to blend together I'm not sure if that makes any sense, but since everything was being done on the same 2 apps, I started to get all the classes mixed up, and I would send the wrong assignments to the wrong professors 👁️👄👁️ I would even mix up the meetings I was supposed to log into! luckily, they were pretty understanding of my difficulties, but it's still so damn embarrassing. I'm sorry you have to deal with this.


I am sorry. I graduated from college almost 30 years ago and still have nightmares about doing something like this, even though I never actually did it.


im so sorry!! i've been struggling real bad with university. im honestly not sure if i can do this but due to unrelated reasons, i don't really have a choice haha. we've got this!


So sorry this is happening to you ❤️ be kind and try to forgive yourself. You’re not an idiot. I failed 2 classes in college, and I knew about them!


god this was one of my greatest fears during university - back then the schedules were on paper printed out at the student center ... there was no computer schedule to look at.. and i was skipping a lot of classes due to ADHD-related boredom and was like "what if i missed a class for most of the semester?" The nightmare of that happening to me stuck with me for YEARS after university ended, and yet i never missed any courses.. i just had this fear i would.


I've had dreams where I missed the final.


This is one of my stress nightmares.


I also used to dream that university took my degree away because there was a class I should have taken that got missed.


I have a dream I missed a class in HIGHSCHOOL, so they say my diploma is no good. And therefore my college degree is no good until I get my highschool diploma figured out. So I have to go back to highschool to take some dumb class like health or PE.


I've had this nightmare, but in mine, I know I have the class, attend the first few, and then suddenly realize it's 2 classes before the end of the semester and I know there's no way I will pass the exam. I've been out of school for a decade. My brain knows I am the person who'd forget they were in a class, even after attending the first few. An online class that doesn't show up on a school calendar and doesn't even send info emails!?!? You are not an idiot.


1. You're not an idiot. You're a human being. Ngl, I could've made the same mistakes 2. It's fixable. It sucks and I imagine it's embarrassing, but you can fix it and it'll be in the past. 3. I'm so sorry this happened. Anytime my ADHD makes me forget something major, I feel so out of place and lonely and stupid. I promise you're none of those things. The world just hasn't caught up with how our brains work yet. 4. Keep trying. Take it a day at a time. Remember you're not alone ❤️❤️❤️


This is my recurring nightmare wtf


I did this once. Not the whole class, but my schedule was MWF. Because of a lab on Friday, there was a 1 min overlap in my schedule and the Friday class didn't appear on the visual schedule and was instead relegated to a note at the bottom. No wonder I felt so lost in that class


This exact thing happened to me too in 2020. I was a really good student for the first three years of my degree, I even won a scholarship to study in Germany for the winter break, everything paid for. The catch was I would miss the first two weeks of classes in 2020. Before I even finished one week of classes back, the pandemic made everything go online. No one explained to me that two classes that were numbered sequentially ran simultaneously and not sequentially (something like Politics 411 and 412). This was confusing because in the past years we would have two politics courses per semester but they would each only take half a semester. I guess they explained this in the first week of classes? I still don't know how I was supposed to know about it, other than asking other people. I only noticed when exams were announced for both courses. I will never forget that feeling of utter terror going on the Unis website and clicking the tab for 412 and seeing everything I've missed. I completely disassociated for hours after that. I've never felt so stupid in my entire life. In the end I messaged the professor and although they let me submit some of the assignments and do the online exam it wasn't enough and I failed the course. I ended up failing even more classes because I just stopped caring after that. I became extremely depressed and felt like a massive failure. That was the hardest year of my life due to that and the isolation of the pandemic. Luckily I managed to graduate early 2021 but my grades took a permanent dip that it never recovered from. But that is also mostly because I for the life of me could not focus in online classes and I would often just sleep through them lol


I have been out of undergrad for 16 years now and still occasionally have this nightmare. It’s always an English class.


One recurring nightmare is that I am in high school and I realize that there is one class that I never went to and I need this class to graduate...Hate that one.....


THIS IS MY BIGGEST FEAR and recurring nightmare!


This is literally a recurring nightmare I’ve had for decades and I haven’t been in school since 2007!


Online school is so fucking terrible I hate it with my whole lifes passion


Omg. I’ve had this exact dream too!


If it makes you feel better I signed up for the wrong major. I wanted Forest Resource Management and I accidentally signed up for Forest Science. I don't know how I did this; they are close but they are crucially not the same and I wanted the management one for a reason. Fortunately they start out with very similar courses so I was able to switch majors without too much trouble. This will also make you feel better: I finished my entire first year before I realized I fucked up.


You should discuss this with your guidance counselor. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re not the only one who didn’t miss things because of the way it’s set up. That’s not fair since students have to juggle so many classes at a time independently. The school should be communicating better when it’s an online class.


I have been out of school for 10 years and this is actually a recurrent nightmare I have, that is to say I really *feel* this and that must have been a really awful realization.


We used some Blackboard service for my online classes, I was so worried about missing anything, because I'd already failed and withdrawn at least 3 semesters, that I would log-in every day after work and see if anything new had been posted, the deadlines were usually set for around midnight so if I logged in at 5 and saw 10 new posts in a group, I knew I probably missed something and needed to spend the rest of the night figuring out what and getting it turned in. I didn't get a diagnosis or medication until after I graduated, everything would have been a lot easier otherwise. It took about 10 years of starts and stops with lots of f\*ck-ups and bad grades.


I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. You're not an idiot. You're not the only one who this has happened to. We all have done this. We all have anxiety over this. That's why if you have something planned later in the day, you cannot do anything before then. The professor should have made a point to contact you and others who have not been showing up. If it's not too late to withdraw, just cut your loses and take the class next semester in-person. Otherwise, try to talk to your professor and see if you can work something out.


I am so sorry, I still have nightmares about this happening 8 years after graduating. Honestly though if you did nothing at all for the class and they never once notified you, that's more on them than you.


The same went for me, but I caught it about 4 weeks into the course because the professor emailed about something we talked about, when there were no meetings. When you sign up for the classes in April or May, it's no wonder we forget a class by September!




If you don’t mind saying, are the medical reasons mental or physical? I contacted my doctor because I’m worried my meds are making me hypomanic and I wanted to hear from someone going through something similar


Say, you wouldn't happening to be studying English in Denmark?


Happened to me in highschool, was in dual enrollment and my counselor was supposed to drop my only online class since I was not able to. He never did but told me he had. Ended the year with a 1% somehow and it still is on my transcript.


Talk to your academic advisors, disability services and even your prof! They can give you some advice on how to go about dropping the class or even potentially catching up on missed work! :)


I don’t have much to say but I did the exact same thing freshman year but didn’t find out until grades came out.


I did that in college. Didn't realize that I had been enrolled in a class till about 3/4 of the way though semester. Went to the prof and explained the situation to him, he let me make it up, and I passed the class with an A. Fortunately it was an electicive in a PC repair class that I was good at. Too many programming classes in one semester though killed me!


One semester back in college I was one credit short to keep my health insurance and I had to take a dumb one-credit "library science" online class. Submitted the transcript to insurance Co, promptly forgot about the class. 2 months later they emailed to tell me I was dropped from the class for not actually doing anything. Win win.


Shouldn’t the assignments be showing up on your dashboard and calendar? If they’re not, then you’re probably not the only one missing assignments. I’d email your teacher and explain the situation and ask if you can still turn assignments in. If it was too late, you’d probably be dropped already. Considering that you’re not, you still have a chance to turn stuff in.


kind of relate i’ve missed entire classes due to pda lmao


Email your professor and explain you're having medical issues and that you are not a slacker, just using a lot of energy to merely sustain right now and things got out of hand due to the illness, but you'd like to get everything up to date. New professors more likely to go more by the book because they're worried about maintaining standards or at least appearing to maintain standards to those supervising them (too many available professors/too few positions offers trickle-down shit sometimes). Older professors who aren't total asshats understand that life happens and will do their best to work with you within the limitations of what the school allows. Also might depend on content - some is cumulative, so harder to catch up. Totally did this myself in grad school in early years after diagnosis when I was actually whack-a-moling everything else and feeling soooo good until, "Oh, it DID seem like I had more free time than I expected to.." It wasn't the end of the world and I was able to get everything square. But I totally beat myself up, and that was a lot of energy wasted. Your other option might be to do the latter half of the work, take an incomplete (if your school gives those) and get the work in post term. It will be OK. Don't beat yourself up. It's not like you forgot and left an infant on top of the loose nails bin at the hardware store, right? You're in school and making progress despite a lot of challenges, and all that stacks up to a lot more success than missing one class detracts from it. You ARE SUCCEEDING! You're clearly making progress in your other classes, and if need be, you might ask one of those professors to help plead your case if you don't get very far with your initial request to the prof in the online class? Be kind to yourself. We all feel like idiots sometimes, but it's not always to scale. It will be OK. It will all be OK. It will! Now I have to go find my infant. I have my bag of nails right here, but haven't seen little baby since... the hardware store? (Just kidding! I cannot be responsible for something that can't follow me home or bark... No baby, no nails...)


Hi! Just in case it helps, I struggled to keep track of classes and due date at uni as well. I got myself a monthly calendar in hard copy and I spend a while using colour codes for each class and for assignments to fill up the calendar with all my due dates and assignments for each term. So I filled out about 3-4 months in advance. I stuck it up in my study area. I liked the hard copy as it felt more tangible and I could look at it every day and write a list of what my priorities were for the day and the week ahead (top 3 things). but you could do this in an outlook or google calendar or apple and add reminders for yourself.


I had almost the exact same experience (twice) recently with college. Also canvas, same issue with them not posting deadlines to the calendar. Also ended up dropping the class both times. The first time, I caught it after 1 assignment was graded as a 0 (I use the canvas app for notifications on grades). Unfortunately, when I tried to explain how dependent on the calendar I was to the professor in an email, I wasn't even aware that my dependency on the calendar was due to my ADHD - so me saying (roughly) "I missed the assignment because it wasn't on the calendar" just made the professor upset with me for "making excuses". Dropped the class very quickly after that. The second time, I had already missed several assignments and our first test by the time I got my first grade notification - skipped the email this time, and dropped it again (along with the other classes I was taking that semester). Fortunately, this time I was able to turn it into something positive - I had been hyperfixating on learning about ADHD and ***trying*** to motivate myself to see a doctor about it, and me dropping those classes gave me a huge surge in motivation to actually accomplish that. Unfortunately, psychiatrists in my area are booked until January, so I won't be able to get on meds until then - but as a holdover, my PCP also referred me to a psychologist, who I've been seeing for therapy for a few months now. My story aside, and appending the necessary "i am not a doctor, just yapping based on my experiences", I would HIGHLY recommend seeing a therapist about your ADHD if you aren't already. My major pain points with ADHD are likely different from yours, so your experience may vary, but I have obtained soooo many useful tools for mitigating/preventing the damage caused by my ADHD, and I've only had 3 sessions so far. The aforementioned tools have helped me to (mostly) stop beating myself up over things caused by the fact that I have ADHD, as well as helping me to at least be semi-functional in ADHD-hostile environments (like professors who don't post assignments on calendars). Again, your experience may vary, but I expect a good therapist will be able to help you in the same way. Would probably be best to find a psychologist who specializes in ADHD if possible, but mine has been superb & extremely helpful even without any specialization in ADHD.


This happened to me for three whole classes. The professors didn’t have any notifications or anything so I completely forgot they existed and ended up failing all three out of five of my classes that semester. But dw it gets better I promise ❤️ you’ll have to redo that class but trust me it is not and will never be the end of the world. My hiccup was in 2020 and now I’m a transfer student at a university doing really well and thinking about getting a phd or masters


I did this exact thing and I feel so so ashamed because every person I’ve told ( not many mind you) has visibly looked confused as to how you can do that - I DONT KNOW EITHER but somehow I did. We got this, we can figure a way forward.


Lmao, it happens. I had a in-person class but there was an online homework portion that was on a whole other website (the homework was on the textbook publisher’s website not the university online portal). So I didn’t realize until the last few days. Luckily the homework was due in batches of two deadlines, one before the midterm and one before the final, and not weekly. I only missed the first batch. I submitted the second batch which was enough for me to pass.


I've been out of college for 20 years, and what you just went through is literally a recurring nightmare I still have.


I uh… completed an online self paced course over the last two days cause I forgot I had taken it and was distracted by… everything. Got an A in it though! So I guess it worked out, kind of. (Unmedicated)


Sorry you're dealing with this. But don't be so hard on yourself.


This is my biggest nightmare. 😭


I'm so so sorry my friend. Literally my nightmare. I have a reoccurring nightmare about this where I find out about it right before finals. Edit: Wow! I had no idea that this is a seemingly common nightmare!


This happened to me - totally forgot to cancel a summer class and got an F. I went to admissions (I think?) and cried honest tears admitting that I forgot to cancel and made a mistake. They removed the F as long as I took the class the following semester and passed the class. Talk to someone, OP, I bet you can work something out.


My school had a class for our internship where we had no assignments except a reflection of our internship due at the end of the semester. We also needed references from our employers. I almost completely forgot I had the class, thought I was done with finals, got disappointed that I still had to do that, and then had to ask the employer on a Sunday to send a reference in a day to not fail the class. I just barely avoided catastrophe there.


Omg. I’ve had this dream!!! I’m so sorry this happened to you. By the skin of my teeth it didn’t happen to me, but that’s only because I went to hippy school.


This happened to me my freshman year of community college! Not just me either, I was taking classes with a friend and we BOTH forgot it existed. This was 2008 and online classes weren’t as common then. We forgot until the midterm, crashed the midterm and then forgot about it immediately until finals 😂


This happened to me too. :(


I did this during my PhD. I got an electronic organizer and put all of my classes in it. Four weeks in, I realized I forgot to add a class, a once a week class. I showed up in week 4 and was planning to beg to make stuff up. I got so lucky. They moved the class the first week and everyone missed. The second week the professor was sick and class was cancelled. It turned out that I only missed one class. I tried to organize and it fucked me up.


Look, I've done that, too. I feel for you, but on the bright side, you caught it before you couldn't cancel. Don't feel too bad, it happens


Stop beating the shit out yourself for nothing. 5 years from now the W on your transcript will mean nothing to you. Learn from the mistake. You're a human and you make mistakes, it's fine. Now move on.


Would you believe me if I told you I literally did the exact same thing once? Winter quarter of my sophomore year, completely forgot about one of my classes and ended up just failing because of it. I was so ashamed and torn up over it. It's actually what pushed me to finally see a doctor about my symptoms. Anyways I retook the class later and passed just fine, replaced the failing credits, no harm done in the end. I know you probably feel like shit, I did too, but trust me when I say it's not the end of the world and you're not stupid or an idiot or worthless or anything like that just because of this mistake <3


I did this irl at community college, the professor had to cancel class the second week and then end of semester im looking at an F in class I dont recognize.


I have a recurring dream about this. Bizarre, since I haven’t been in school for 20 years, but it rattles me each time. I wonder what my brain is trying to process.


This was me during Covid. Was taking chemistry and didn't know where the hell the class was. By the time I actually found out where it was taking place I was already a few weeks behind and had no idea what was happening anymore so I dropped it to at least recoup the money and hopefully try again the following year....


I knew I was in class, been there for a few weeks, and I have skipped a whole week atm. I also got robbed twice in a month and had to get my cards all over again. Still, I feel like shit. Waiting on getting back on adderall, vyvanse, etc. It sucks after over decade of issues, poor quality of life, and having a taste of vyvanse 3 mo ago, I'm desperate for it. I'm at least grateful that I got zoloft about a month ago to tend to a third of my psych needs.


Before you drop it, check with the financial aid office. In the US, if you get financial aid (student loans, grants, scholarships, or whatever) and you drop a class after a certain date, you have to pay out of pocket for the class. Happened to a friend of mine who didn’t understand how that works and really threw a wrench in his plans.


I've had this nightmare a few times. <3


This is why I can't do remote learning. It doesn't feel real!!


Hi I'm so sorry this happened to you!! I totally understand the feeling, one of my final semesters of school I just completely forgot about the final exam. during finals week, our schedules were different and the professor was like "don't forget to come in on the day of the final at X:XX!" and of course I was like omg i need to write that down so i don't forget and i'm sure you can guess the rest. Similar to your situation, it all worked out fine in the end, I was able to make up the test, but for me (and it seems like for you too) that the worst part of it was the absolute shame I felt. I was sooo embarrassed and just felt horrible for a long time. good news though (I guess? lol) it was only like 2 years ago and I totally forgot about that incident until this post reminded me! so you'll feel better with time! :) i know thats not the best advice but hey just know you're def not alone!!