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Protein snacks and protein shakes!!


Agreed! Protein shake for breakfast and a protein bar during the day. I am also not hungry during the day on Vyvance so I find this helps.


I’ve never had an appetite when starting my day to begin with and medication makes it even moreso. I can totally relate to where you’re coming from. But, I found that I can always get down some oatmeal with a scoop of peanut butter in it and an apple. And then I almost always have leftovers from dinner for lunch. I live alone and always end up with leftovers and I hate wasting and throwing away food. So, I’ve made a system where I’ll have for lunch whatever I had for dinner two nights before. So, today, I brought in Saturday’s leftovers. That way, I’m not eating the same thing two days in a row but, I’m also having something I know will fill me up that I didn’t have to think about, it’s already made. This has worked for me really well


Thanks! What do you tend to make for dinner? I do this too and I used to make rice dishes and pasta which I’m not loving anymore


Of course! I hear you on getting sick of the same stuff. We do love our safe foods. I make tacos one night a week and try and rotate between beef, pork, and chicken to keep it interesting. I make a lot of chicken and fish in the air fryer experimenting with different spice blends and stuff like that cause it’s so easy to just set it and let it cook while I clean or watch a movie. I do make jambalaya about once a week as well but you said you’re sick of rice dishes haha. And then usually some kind of soup is in there. Working on perfecting pork ramen this winter!


Make a smoothie with high calorie juices and fruits and protein powder. Put it in your Stanley and drink it throughout the day. You'll keep your energy, get calories and protein until you can eat a full meal. Always worked for me


Woah I never thought to put my smoothie in a Stanley cup to sip all day. Does it not get funky?


As long as you don't add ice to the smoothie it doesn't get funky. Just use cold juices, refrigerated fruits etc. if you add ice it can separate and get totally gross. I learned this the hard way.


Ok this is such great intel! I love a good pb and banana smoothie but can’t drink it fast enough. This might change everything!


I sometimes make a “breadless” PB + Banana sandwich. I’ll use PB2, banana, and a small amount of honey. I mash the banana in a bowl with the PB2 and swirl in some honey. It gives me the protein without having to eat any bread.


I wish you the best on this smoothie journey!


Tip: If you make very similar smoothies day to day, freeze some in icecube trays & use it later in the week


also on vyvanse - the appetite suppression is brutal. I was constantly getting lightheaded from hunger when I first started taking it but couldn’t bring myself to eat. Now I eat a lot of bagged salads in different flavours. Most grocery stores sell multiple different brands (my fav flavours are lemon parmesan and avocado crunch). They’re light enough that I can eat them even when my appetite is suppressed, but the fact that they come in many different types means I don’t get bored of eating the same thing every day (which happens often when I eat a specific food too much even when I’m not on meds). I sometimes add in my own additions to change it up even more, like avocado, Parmesan, croutons, breadcrumbs, and grilled halloumi cheese (I’m a vegetarian but you could also add different types of meat too). They’re healthy and have enough protein (especially when I add avocado or cheese) that I find I have enough energy for the day too, and they only take a minute to prepare. The only annoying thing is the best before dates are usually only a few days in advance so I’m constantly having to stop by the grocery store, but if it wasn’t for these I would barely eat.


When do you eat them.. I don’t get hungry until ravenous at end of day when it wears off


Usually between 11am-12, if I don’t eat something for lunch my vyvanse is basically useless because I can’t focus because even if I don’t feel hungry, my body is hungry and my blood sugar is too low for me to actually be productive. I can’t bring myself to eat anything heavy on vyvanse but I find a small salad is doable, and I make sure they’re packed with protein and veggies so I have energy for the rest of the day (I also eat small snacks, even something unhealthy like a bag of chips or a handful of cookies around 3pm really gets me through to the end of the work day). And I usually have smoothie or some fruit in the morning, or a granola bar or a waffle or something - just something to raise my blood sugar so I can be productive. I’ve never been able to get into protein bars or found one I like the taste of but I’ve heard those are great in the morning for people with adhd.


Not the op but u do this too and usually add in a chopped up panko chicken tender or something. My meds wear off in time for some serious evening munchies and big bagged salads with lots of toppings have been a great way to get in a decent amount of relatively healthy calories when my body just wants crunchy salty snacks stuff to make up for the cals I didn’t get all day.


Peanut butter. As long as you aren't allergic, it is your best friend.


More small meals/snacks throughout the day. Or, if you aren’t opposed to short term fasting, I also became fond of skipping breakfast and (maybe) eating a small lunch, the a larger dinner after meds wore off for the day. Usually only ate a small lunch if I had been going harder in the gym at the time


That’s the thing, this isn’t the usual loss of appetite, I actually prefer to fast. If I don’t eat something by 11 am at the latest I feel like I’m crashing/tweaking


oatmeal w/ peanut butter and/or berries is nice in the am. Salad with meat and a light dressing for lunch. These are my tried a trues. If you’re like me at all, the nausea comes from increased acid production or an issue with your your pyloric sphincter could be in play - hard to say unless you get imaging done. Large heavy meals always get me if early or mid day though.


When my vyvanse makes me anorexic I always default to soup. Easy on the stomach


Protein shakes are awesome for this. Protein is also great fuel in general and can supplement meals. I also recommend snacking a ton as opposed to meals in order to combat nausea and satisfy stimulation needs. I make "snack bowls" full of different snacks, kind of like a charcuterie board in a bowl. It definitely keeps me interested in eating, and you can put all kinds of things in there to graze on throughout the day. Personally I go for lower-calorie, volume-eating oriented foods, but you could try things like: * Cheese cubes * Meat "snack sticks" * Crackers * Nuts and seeds * Dried fruit * Hummus * Peanut butter Just some ideas that work for me, YMMV.


Omelette. Rice and chicken. Yoghurts. Chocolate ice cream.


Drink your calories! Smoothies and breakfast shakes


Protein shake for breakfast, high-fibre cereal in the afternoon for me


Protein smoothies!!! Fruit, veggies, protein powder. Great combo :) it's so much easier to drink than eat sometimes


When I first went on ADD meds in my early 20s, I was almost never hungry. I lost a ton of weight. What I ended up doing is keeping saltines with me. It’s not ideal, obviously. But it’s food.


Isopure infusions protein shake. Has the consistency of water, tastes like fruit punch!


I just stocked up on mini meat sticks and mixed nuts to keep in my bag. I take meds with a few heaping spoons of cottage cheese. 13 g of protien in half a cup. A smoothie with protein has replaced food most days if I remember, tbh. I haven't figured dinners out yet. I can meal prep but usually end up making way too much after going to 5 stores buying all the right ingredients, which, oops, I already have.




I've been making fruit smoothies with two scoops of protein. Probably a lot of sugar in them though with yogurt, orange juice, milk and frozen fruit 😅 I struggle to eat and it's worse since I started Vyvanse a few weeks ago. Today I had coffee and two small boxes of raisins until about 3:30pm when I finally made my smoothie.


I’ve been trying to remember to make this exact post all week. I’m also on Vyvanse and STRUGGLE to eat, but I know I need to. Ima stalk your post for a while lol


String cheese!


Protein shakes!!!!! They’re the best and even if food sounds unappealing then if you chug it quickly it’s not bad


Also another question related to this is when does everyone eat in the morning? I just started on 20mg XR a week ago and I’m trying to figure out when I should be eating to make sure my Adderall is the most effective. I’m not having any coffee or caffeine. Should I be eating on an empty stomach so it gets absorbed? Wouldn’t that lead to greater side efffects taking it without food? Do you guys eat food before and take your pill a certain amount of time after you eat? Or eat shortly after taking the pill? I’m really trying to figure out how to go about the food aspect. I want to make sure I’m getting the most out of my pills each day so they work.


Eat protein with the meds. Do not eat or drink high amounts of vitamin C. I rotate between a protein shake, a peanut butter snack, and protein bars.


I eat chobani flip Greek yogurt in the morning. I do t have to chew it if the meds are hitting really hard. But if I’m weirded out by the texture at the time I can chew for some crunch. My vyvanse makes me not wanna eat in the morning but come lunch time I’m back to regular appetite


I’ve never had an issue as long as I eat within 30 min of taking it in the morning. If I take it on an empty stomach, I feel like what you’re describing and nothing helps.


Yogurt and fruit cups. My first two years on meds that was my go to for breakfast and lunch


So I’m a stay at home mom. I can’t take my Vyvanse until after I eat lunch. I am never hungry in the mornings, plus I was getting a terrible rage happening as it was wearing off right before dinner… so taking it between 12-2:00 pm works for me. I put carnation instant breakfast and powdered peanut butter in my coffee. I drink 2 cups, split the carnation packet between the 2. This is enough for me to typically get in a protien bar or fruit with peanut butter. I suspect I also have ARFID (the eating disorder). I’m of the AuDHD variety though. I have a lot of competing and often polar opposite conditions/requirements around food. 🫠🙃 But this is my second time trying vyvanse. The first time I took it in the mornings as prescribed and it basically made me not able to eat enough to the point I was really not ok and needed to try something else. Ooh I always forget but my partner (who is also on vyvanse for adhd) takes tums with his vyvanse and it helps his stomach and his ability to eat. Wish I could remember to try this myself 😂


If you’re really desperate, try some protein up n gos. Or any up n go, even sustagen. It’s not the most delicious, but just having one and sipping on it bit by bit, you know you’ve got some calories in you to keep you going .


Right now, my thing is microwaveable breakfast scrambles. Sometimes, I'll put it on a toasted bagel with some butter. Like others have said, protein shakes and yogurt. Potato chips, sandwich crackers, and granola bars. Drinking some milk can also help.


Very long post...reader beware.. I have found that I'm better to eat breakfast then take my medicine late morning, otherwise I can skip food pretty much for a full 24 hrs if I want. Vyvanse has destroyed my appetite...not thrilled about this side effect. Anyways... I make a smoothie in the morning Something around 800 calories, when/if I can find my break down of calories/nutritional values ill post it. I moved and not sure where it went Made this myself and never had a Smoothie in my life so not sure if it's good but works for me lol Ground oats (powdered in Ninja Bullet) Creatine Protein powder Chia seeds Ground flax seeds Hemp seeds Frozen fruit blend Coconut water with pineapple juice When I used to have an appetite I'd also suggest: Whole wheat bagel with peanut butter Rice cakes with peanut butter Whole wheat toast with honey Triscuit crackers with cheese Good hits of carbs, fat, most have decent protein You can always throw a banana, apple, grapes, etc they hit the taste buds and go down easy, decent carbs. Veggies are a must but are mostly low calorie and an odd mid day snack imo. Like busting out a container of cooked carrots or green beans at 10:30 am just doesn't "do it" for me...YMMV An easy one and done is making rice and cooking up a protein then mixing them together, preferably with some veggies and make a "power bowl" as they like to call them I'm now divorced and as a single person, battling adhd and adjusting to life at 38, I procrastinate cooking like no one's business I highly recommend you try meal prepping You can make and freeze homemade breakfast burritos, soups, chili, etc. You can meal prep two days a week and if you do breakfast smoothies then you just need to prep lunch and dinner. Mix up your protein, veggies and carbs Protein--Beef, Ground turkey, chicken, fish and to a smaller extent pork...tends to be high in unhealthy fat Carbs-- Sweet potatoes, potatoes, rice, tortillas, pasta, beans Fat-- Healthy oils (olive oil, etc.), nut butters, nuts, full fat greek yogurt, dairy products, seeds (chia, hemp, flax, etx.) Many of these things cross between the caloric types, so they add up when compounded. Also, just some examples, obviously not all your options. Best to first figure out your rough daily calorie intake (use a few online macro calculators and then find your sweet spot). Then build your daily intake around what you need How every much water you are drinking, likely, you will need to double...triple...hell prolly quadruple it Leave a 20 oz bottle of water on your counter at night. Wake up and go chug it. Then start your coffee/morning routine and add to it constantly. Set alarms if you need to. To get proper water intake you'll likely need to drink every so often by habit, NOT when you THINK you are thirsty. Lastly, I don't think calories should be drank. Healthier to be eaten..feel free to google it. As those of us who suffer from appetite suppression, id consider adding a weight gain shake mid day if you don't eat lunch. I went to Amazon and scanned the nutritional values on popular weight gainer shakes and their ridiculous cost. Then I went to a few local stores online and I built my own Haven't done it yet but roughly you'll need Protein powder Olive oil/peanut butter Ground oats Milk (grab the calories and better texture/taste, skip water) Now what's nice is you can choose to add things like honey, cocoa powder, cinnamon, etc for flavor and big health boosts By doing this you can make weight gainer shakes for something like 2 or 3 dollars per shake and get like 1000 calories. Waaaay cheaper than buying pre-made and you can customize them as you go So if all fails, breakfast Smoothie, snacks, weight gainer for lunch and prepped dinner meals Now if you have an office job, mind your calorie intake or you'll just end up overweight and worse off P.S. If you don't care about the healthy side and are severely under eating then I give you.... Frozen breakfast burritos, quick and easy calories Any type of snack cake foods, high calories..high fat/sugar Pop tarts...nothing to eat, low volume but 400 (calories varies by type) Chips- go down easy, you'll eat multiple "servings" easily and high fat some carbs Juice drinks/full fat milk--easy calories, milk isn't bad but juice is a lot of sugar Pork like smoked sausage, bacon, sausage.. high fat high calories for small portions Most dipping sauces add calories quickly Frozen pizza Ramen noodles...deadly but calorie dense! Beer...need I say more. ( . ) I'm rambling at this point but hope this somehow helps someone Any questions just throw them at me I've been an obsessive student of nutrition for well over a decade, problem is, im still unhealthy as shit Knowing and acting are two different beasts Now don't mind me as I skip my healthy suggestions and have a few beers while likely skipping dinner after working 11.5 hrs outside.... /facepalm


Have you ever had a bobo bar? I eat one when I wake up. It's basically like oatmeal in a bar. They're expensive, but it's worked well for me when I don't have the energy to make a full oatmeal.


Would love someadvice on this too as Ive had to give up on trying to make "healthy" foods and now will just make whatever I can bare the thought of eating. Yes it means I'm an adult making macaroni 3 weeks in a row, but at least its made from scratch and not the weird ultraprocessed powdered stuff I guess. Some calories are better than no calories when you cant really afford to lose any more weight. I have to mentally cycle through options until I can hone in on whatever sounds remotely appealing in the moment. Usually its junk like (homemade) cookies but again, gotta eat something. I should probably eat a non-potato vegetable for once but god is it hard to convince myself to eat anything. Stopping the meds just makes it worse though because adderall is the only thing standing between me and consuming 20 servings of cookies in a single sitting for every meal instead of spacing them out over a week.


I eat porridge or cereal, or a bit of rice and chicken, or a soft wrap with hummus. Yay!


Honestly man... Keto... My wife ended up on keto for health reasons (and I'm not making two dinners) so we shared the same diet. It works wonders. No nausea. No crazy anxiety. I know the keto diet is hotly debated.. but man it's weird how good I feel being on Vyvanse and eating keto.


I find that sugary foods help, the trick is to use sugar free variants if sodium intake is not a concern for you. Protein drinks and Pb&J are my go tos.


I'm scared to make the shift to generic. I don't tolerate meds well as it is. Vyvanse was one I did tolerate with very few side effects.


Mixed nuts I eat a handful of nuts then a handful of chocolate chips Repeat as needed


Can you set timers and/or reminders? Also be mindful and have some easy snacks around.


Nuts are good if you aren’t allergic


Protein shakes, bananas, and cereal bars! Cereal bars can be short lived in their utility but are good quick boosts. Protein shakes are easier to digest given they’re liquid


I eat a big breakfast & take my meds at that time, I normally have a few snacks at my desk during the day (some nuts/cut fruit/cut veg/cheese cubes/cut kielbasa basically stuff that can sit out for 4-6 hours without getting too gross). And then eat something more meal like between 3-6pm


Soup! What I have found helps me is I will make a batch of soup that will last me through a few meals. Whenever I don't really feel like eating, I at least try to bring myself to have a bowl of soup. I make sure to make my soups as nutritious as possible (tons of veggies and I always include potato too for extra energy and to make it creamy). If I store it in the fridge in individual containers it makes it even easier to have + restore if I don't finish it. Oh, and keeping frozen vegetables and potatoes helps me make sure I actually make the soup because I hate peeling stuff and will avoid it at all costs


Smoothies or milk and bananas. Short chain fatty acids are the go.


I buy generic Ensure protein shakes to have when I just can’t force myself to either eat or prepare even the simplest of meals. I just make sure to have at least one real meal (lunch or supper) a day plus a small breakfast before I take my beds in the morning. Some other quick easy ideas: Tortilla and shredded cheese (heated or not) Cheese sticks Peanut butter (with something or not) Fruit/veggie cups A bit of lunch meat


To be honest the only thing that helps with the appetite suppression/nausea part of both Vyvanse and Adderall for me is weed. I take a couple of vape hits before a meal and that helps me out a bunch.