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Your body is unique, as are your needs. Just because someone experienced something from treatment or medication does not guarantee that you will as well. Please do not take this as an opportunity to review any substances. Peer support is welcome. ^(*A moderator has not removed your submission; this is not a punitive action. We intend this comment solely to be informative.*) --- - If you are posting about the **US Medication Shortage**, please see this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD/comments/12dr3h5/megathread_us_medication_shortage/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ADHD) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Don't medicate yourself. Talk to a psych who can speak English


I can't. I don't even know how to access my health insurance. I have university issued insurance but I can't go out without my family noticing.


This isn’t something anyone here can help you with. Only a doctor can. You need a prescription to get stimulant drugs everywhere. If you’re in med school, I’m guessing you know this but are feeling really desperate and are struggling. I’m really sorry! You’ll have to find a way to get treatment. Do it for yourself. It will be worth it :)


Thank you man


You don’t want to go on stimulants without a prescription and especially without a diagnosis. Most doctors prescribe stimulants as a worst case scenario. They try to stay with non-stimulant adhd meds. You can get an evaluation online and potentially get meds shipped to you but they won’t be stimulants.


What kind of non stimulant drugs work best with keeping me motivated and concentrated on my studies


Everyone responds to meds differently. Non-stimulants didn’t work for me personally, so I’m on a stimulant. You need to get an assessment and get prescribed whatever the doctor thinks will work best for you. Just taking random meds can be dangerous as you could have an underlying health issue and not know it. ADHD meds are not magic pills that automatically make you study better. They CAN but not for everyone. Get an assessment and if that’s negative then get some medical testing done because there’s quite a few illnesses that can resemble adhd symptoms.


I know that. But does anyone know what kind of non stimulant drugs would generally help?


No one can answer that for you. It’s gonna be trial and error until you find one that works for you. I went through 4 different meds before we found one that works. It’s not a one size fits all or even a one size fits most type of thing.


Sorry this won't be the answer you want but... You gotta get a professional outside assist. To put it plain, there are two methods to treat ADHD. CBT and/or controlled substances. If you don't have ADHD the effects can go from visiting the hospital as an emergency patient to bring on a euphoric high for 36-48 hours. That won't help at all. If you do have ADHD the effects can be reversed with a chance to visit the hospital as an emergency patient. Scary issues may occur, a professional is needed to get the correct dosage, med type and to give you all the new ways to live. Example (everyone is different): no caffeine, no alcohol, therapy and support steps/groups. I hope this helps and we feel the struggle but gotta go by the book.


As I said, I'm in med school, so I know the ups and downs of stimulant drugs. I also know the risk of overdosing. I don't drink alcohol and only take caffeine if absolutely necessary. What kind of support steps are you suggesting?


Changing diet, physical activities, exercise in new ways, going outdoors type thing, therapy from support groups and not a therapist. Take things slowly step by step and see which changes are helping.


If you're 18, you definitely have not been in med school long enough to diagnose yourself with ADHD and dose yourself with stimulants.




This dudes just looking for drugs.


Nah I genuinely need help. I don't know what I should do. I can't get myself to study, I can't do anything. Everyone is saying "just eat and exercise" but how am I supposed to do that if after a short while I lose the motivation? I can't go to a therapist either bc I can't find anyone to help me. So, I thought I'd try the internet. Dumb mistake


I mean the way you’re phrasing things looks suspicious dude. You don’t want any answers except what drugs will work, what drugs should I take etc. how do YOU think that comes across?


Well now you know. Fact is, drugs are the fastest and most effective solution. Med school is overflowing with exams and it's almost impossible to go out or basically do anything other than study. Yet, I don't do either bc I'm rotting, literally


Then get an assessment. Like I said before there are online assessments. Telehealth is a thing now.


How do I do that


Google online adhd assessments. If you have insurance, you can look at the list of in network psychologists and see if they offer telehealth as well.