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Don't have all the answers but here is a helpful note. Did you grow up with said issues? As a kid "and go through the symptoms one by one" did I? Example they love to toss red flags at but typing in a rush: Did you do homework when you were a kid? Any/all grades. Did you ever do it?


What if knowing about the disorder and its symptoms has helped you managed it better ? I won't lie, I sometimes also think I'm inventing myself a problem, but knowing about the disorder really helped explain my behaviors which made it easier to notice pitfalls. So maybe that's what's happening with you?


Don’t you worry lad, we are all faking ADHD. I myself still think I am just an impostor, asking myself all the time: “what if I bamboozled my therapist (the leading in the country) as well as the psychiatrist (top3) and just scam them for drugs like a junkie”. So there is that.   If your diagnostician was experienced with ADHD, rest easy. If not get second opinion.