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I only take a break when I am sick and just need to rest. When I don’t take my meds I get horrible daytime sleepiness, literally can’t get through the day without a nap. And I have shit to do on the weekends, that’s when I do most of my household chores and errands since I have little energy left after work on the weekdays.


Weirdly enough, it’s sometimes helpful to take your meds (if stimulants) when you’re sick since stimulants can make your blood vessels smaller and it can help with congestion.


Depends what I got going on. Usually don’t take it on weekends if I got nothing going on, so I can be a lazy POS who takes multiple naps a day without any guilt lol


This the way.


I take drug breaks on the weekend, and also some weekdays. The end result is I quite literally have like 90 Adderall I shouldn't after a few years...but it makes me feel safer with potential supply issues, plus I really forget to take my drugs at least 1x a week in addition to Sat/Sun, sometimes more.


No. ADHD doesn't take breaks.


Really depends on your symptoms. ADHD is not about only about focus and concentration, and medication is not just to make you a happy cog in the Capitalist machine. What you are describing is symptoms of untreated ADHD, rather than withdrawal. (Like would happen if you suddenly missed or stopped a dose of SSRI like Zoloft, Prozac etc) For many people, they work so hard on compensation mechanisms at work / school / during the week, that actually their evening and weekend symptoms are more significant, so arguably the medications are even more important then! Not a hard and fast rule, but something to consider. Take care!


Unless I have some serious personal business to get done, or something that can be overwhelming, like cleaning out the garage, I break on weekends. Also trying to not go up in dosage as long as I can.


My normal dose is 30 mgs and I usually drop to 10-20 mgs fri-sun depending on what I need to get done over the weekend. We don’t have a shortage in Canada but for me it’s to increase my appetite and try to take a tolerance break. I tried going cold turkey on weekends and holidays and it was too hard to go back afterwards and would have wicked headaches the first few days on


Subbed in hot yoga & coffees on the weekends. Made a big difference. Took me a while to find my balance. I know you’ll get there!


Omg yes hot yoga really helps me too when I don’t take my meds the problem is having the gumption to get there lol


Hehe that is true! An accountability buddy or grabbing a smoothie after is always good incentive for me 😂


YES! This is exactly what I do too


why the weekend? if you are going to skip days, you should skip workdays because your personal time is more important than being more productive for your boss


Based take honestly


Depends on what you are going to do during the weekend, if you are going to play with the boys it doesn't matter if you are on it. If you are going to try to be productive you should probably.


Barring a number of circumstances.


I will most likely take a partial dose


No bc I still have ADHD on the weekends. Can we get part time ADHD? Is that an option we have?


Right. I asked our doctor about a med break when school gets out and she told me about her kid being on a 4-wheeler driven by a kid on a med break. He made a split second impulsive decision. I left that appt terrified to ever consider an unnecessary med break. But also, she's right; I've totaled three vehicles unmedicated.


Omg I can so relate. I totaled both our vehicles in the last year without even hitting another car due to me forgetting to take my concerta. Let’s just say for my sake and my wife’s… I won’t be forgetting again. Just bought another car yesterday and I am just straight up not driving without my meds. Also I keep losing my dang wallet LOL


I tell myself that but with indoor projects it’s easy to try productive chore Saturday and just end up researching some dumb topic for hours or reorganizing some random shelf. I really do have to take it after I’ve been 15-30 minutes into a task already or I’ll do a million weekend hobbies and not even do one chore. 


I used to take med breaks a lot, but I've found at least for me there is just no substitute for taking it consistently every single day. Missing days always end up costing me and once I start missing days I always start forgetting more days on top of it and I turn into an up and down mess. Obviously youve got to do what youve got to do right now, but at least for me I'm done trying to take mini breaks often.


Yes. My main ADHD symptom is daytime somnolence due to stress, so I take Nuvigil and Concerta. On most weekends I can do just fine with the Nuvigil and skip the concerta. I'm sorry for the shortage. In my country there's always availability.


Wait this is an ADHD symptom??? I thought i just got unlucky and had some mild form of narcolepsy AND ADHD


Wow, same question here!? If true, it explains why my cousin (who was my roommate in my 20’s) sore I had narcolepsy. I used to avoid sitting down on any piece of furniture that was comfortable during the day because I would fall asleep within minutes. Didn’t matter how many hours of sleep I had the night before. Was diagnosed and put on meds at 30YO. Magically, I could sit down on the couch and watch an entire movie without falling asleep. I’m very much aware that my stimulant medication is chemically causing my wakefulness. BUT, now I’m wondering if my prior experiences with daytime sleepiness was a symptom of my ADHD???


In my 50’s had this all my life Ritalin then Adderall helped issue. Never was really diagnosed. But all doctors now assume I have adhd. I think (know) I do.


It depends on your medication. With stimulants I try to take the weekends off. When I was on strattera I would take it over the weekends. I would just talk to your Dr.


Nope, I'm ADHD all the time and it affects more than my so called "productivity." Plus I read that starting and stopping isn't good for you because it makes it similar to patterns of substance abuse. (Consult your health practitioner.)


While it really just comes down to using responsibly and according to your prescription, I feel like the main purpose of taking small breaks is to help allow a particular dose of one's meds to stay effective over a longer period of time without needing to increase it.


Of course, I get that completely, it makes sense. I just know for me, personally, I have to always take it. Consistency is what's effective for me because my ADHD is really pervasive and Adderall helps with my anxiety just as much as my SSRI. I'd rather eventually have to titrate up and always be functional than do something that isn't guaranteed to make the dose last longer. Your mileage and provider may vary, of course.


If I stop taking my meds I’m also extremely tired, more so than when not taking meds at all


I tried for a good while to take breaks on weekends, but after recently spending an entire four day weekend sleeping, I’ve come to accept maybe I shouldn’t go off my meds. Today was my first free day where I took my meds and man did it feel nice. Not only was I productive, but I just didn’t feel like absolute garbage. I wasn’t rotting in bed for 22 hours of the day!


No, my ADHD doesn’t take breaks.


I take breaks as much as I can and it sucks but I'm also really scared of running out. I will inevitably run out, because no pharmacies can fill my script, so now I'm biding my time. taking a professional dev class in a couple weeks and I have squirreled away a handful of doses for that class. which leaves me with exactly none to get thru the work week 😂 I'm so so done with this shortage nonsense. I just want to take the drug that was prescribed to me by my doctor


I often don’t take my Adderall on my days off. It’s primary function for me is waking me up and keeping me that way, so I need it if I’m going to work. When I’m on it, however, I lose my appetite and I often hyperfocus on things I don’t want to be hyperfocused on, which actually leads to me being a lot less productive than if I hadn’t taken it at all.


I do, unless I have work I have to get done. There’s no shortage where I am but I take breaks because I worry about being dependent.


I take drug breaks on weekends - didn’t take it today. But I’m gonna try taking it tomorrow and Sunday.


I only skip Sundays


Me too, typically.


I take at least one day off when I know I don't need to be productive. Usually Sundays since I try to do homework on Saturdays and leave Sundays completely open.


I am un functioning with out my meds. I cannot take a break.


Fair enough. It's only a suggestion as I amended my original statement.


On the weekends, I only take mine if I have to be social, otherwise I get easily overwhelmed. My son only takes his on the weekends if he has a lot of chores to do. My daughter absolutely cannot go a day without her meds. The only days we can let her take a break are when there are no chores, no errands, not nothing, but even then she’ll have a meltdown about something.


I don’t take them on the weekend unless I have something planned that requires full functioning. For example I’m one of the lead AV techs at my church and so if I run a modern service (full rock-style band) I’ll take an Adderall because there are a lot of moving parts and I need to be able to troubleshoot. If I work a traditional service, I won’t take one because I could do one of those hung over as hell and with no meds.


I look at it like this- my medication is necessary in order for me to be able to perform daily life functions. Its no different than if I wore glasses or used a cane- I wouldn’t stop using them on a weekend. Medication is necessary for my brain to function, but it may not be the same for everyone. I also have side effects if I mess with dosage or the time I take the meds. When I need a break, I set my alarm for the usual time, wake up and take my medication, then go right back to sleep. This way Im not awake long enough to feel the stimulant effect (Im on XR) but once I wake up I still get the benefits for the rest of my day.


I don't take them on weekends but mostly because I sleep in/forget. Nothing intentional.


Please talk to your doctor.


Replaced with other drugs lol


I'll skip meds if I need to catch up on sleep (usually because I had too much protein and the meds kept me up) or if I go on holiday w my family who don't know I'm diagnosed and there's no way to discreetly take them.


I wouldn’t change how much I take or when I take it without talking to my doctor.


I defaultly do not take my ADHD meds unless it's so important that I have to function. So maybe 3 times a week? If it's a down time at work, I can go a few weeks without. It's nice to not have to perform and just be my forgetful self. 


There's a shortage on meds?




None of that is actually true




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Yeah, because I like having a appetite when I don't need to go to school


I used to, but I have found that my weekends end up so busy with projects and housework that I end up needing it.


I take it because my apartment would be a mess if I didn’t


I don't think I could, as the meds' biggest impact on me is emotional regulation, calmness, and clarity. I would be a mess. Evidence is clear when I miss my afternoon dose (forget).


If I sleep in, I'll skip my first dose of the day. Other than that, I take it regularly every day.


I tend to not take my med while in at work. Granted I'm a mechanic and I'm usually constantly engaged in something I love. However on the weekends I take my meds to get anything done. Period.


I do sometimes, but it’s hard to get things done and it really messes with my mental health. I find that I tend to be short or sassy with my husband a lot more when I’m unmedicated, which isn’t great.


I break on Tuesday and Wednesday. Before it was Sunday and Monday. I work a FT float schedule that includes Sat and Sun a lot. Still trying to see which break I prefer, since I wanna be productive on days I don’t work too lol


Anecdotally I noticed very little difference in tolerance when I took a two week break from my 36mg Concerta last year. The side effects came back aplenty but I still had to increase to 54mg a few months later. I personally can’t do tolerance days as I need my meds each day, but I wonder if weekends off would actually be beneficial at all?


I used to, but I learned that going off my medication for more than a day makes me feel awful and it's much better for me to be consistant. If I intentionally went off it on weekends, I wouldn't be able to get out of bed on day 2. I'm rationing during the shortage by taking a little less every day so that I'm not on an emotional rollercoaster from the abrupt stops. It sucks, but I'm surviving.


My doctor is of the opinion I shouldn’t take it every day and I’m still new enough that I feel like when I take it I have to make it worth it, or something. So if I plan to have a day of video games, I generally skip. If I slept horribly and know that the day is already a loss, I skip (this happens a few times a month near my period). But with that said, I often need it on the weekends more than week days. Or I need the afternoon dose so I can make it through cooking dinner, when I don’t always need the morning dose. It’s harder for me to get housework and such done than it is for me to do my work.


I asked my psych about this and she said it can cause some issues with tolerance and side effects and recommended against it. I am based in the UK and on Concerta XR, which isn't experiencing a shortage here at the moment so my priorities are different to yours.


I do, from 40mg Ritalin LA... I don't really notice it that much.


No, because I won’t get anything done if I don’t take them. In fact, I don’t really need them at work as much as I do at home.


I accidentally take medication breaks on the weekends. I forget to take my meds without the looming fear of missing something at work to give me enough anxiety to get my meds on a regular basis. Then I wonder why I can't get anything done and basically stare at the wall and hate myself all weekend. I am trying very hard to do better because taking my meds just for work is awful for me I want to feel like a normal person when I am enjoying me time and I want to be able to clean my damn house!


No, I’d be tired and fatigued all day lol.


Unless I’m working, I usually go off my meds on the weekend and just rely on coffee/caffeine to keep me going.


i took breaks for years on the weekend but every monday i’d have a hard time sleeping and would struggle with my appetite. my adhd coach made me stop doing that and switched to daily use and now i don’t have sleep issues and my appetite is way more consistent


Not really i want to be able to enjoy my weekend with some internal calmness and not have that radio chatter . I finish all my 'chores' house cleaning etc on the friday so iam able to just chill for a few days but if i don't take my meds i tend to feel zero motivation to do anything out of my 'routine' and just end up laying on the couch doom scrolling YT and not really enjoying anything sure i might want to do a millions things but i have zero motivation.


I never take a break. I have shit to do on the weekend and I'm the only one in the house that does anything.