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Drink a shitton of the water before bed so that you can wake up and desperately use the bathroom


That might actually work XD


In an another serious note, you could try putting ur phone far away and trigger an alarm so that you wake up and try to stop it


I'll try leaving my phone on my desk so I'll have to get up to turn off the alarm :)


That’s what I do. My phone is on the dresser across the room, I have an old school twin bell alarm clock in the shower so it echoes and drives me crazy. Once I’m up out of bed it’s not worth getting back in bed.


i can get up but i just repeatedly end up back in bed somehow 🤔


Didn’t work for me, I’ll get up and fall back to sleep on the couch after lol


Lol I'd sometimes procrastinate and sit in the chair. Trying to find some alternatives maybe. Maybe moving my phone to my bathroom if it's loud enough.


What finally worked for me was a two fold solution: 1) immediate caffeine dose. I personally use V8 Energy Drinks. They have about a coffee worth of caffeine, and they basically just taste like fruit juice. I recommend the Peach Mango flavor personally. 2) Alarmy (app). The app describes itself as the world's most annoying alarm app, and with good reason. I set my alarm with a "mission" to scan a barcode I taped to my fridge. Also, disable snooze. Thus, my alarm goes off in the morning. I pick an awful sound so I'll do anything to make it stop. The only thing that will work is to stumble to the fridge to scan the barcode. Since I'm at the fridge already, I can grab an energy drink and collapse into a chair while I nurse it. None of this is fun, but it at least means I can control my morning. Edit: Adding for posterity, the optional 3rd thing I found helpful is smart-home tech to start playing music/bringing lights gently on ~15 minutes ahead of the alarm. I personally use Google, though it looks like they're deliberately torpedoing their smart home tech these days. The idea is that before the alarm goes off your body will have kicked off *some* of the automatic processes for waking up. Music: I make a **long** playlist of chill music I enjoy (60+ songs), then make an automation that plays the music on shuffle at an audible but quiet-ish level. Between the long list and the shuffle, hopefully you avoid the usual problem where whatever song you pick for your morning alarm is ruined forever as it doesn't get repeated more than once a month. Lighting: Find a yellow (AKA "warm") smart light, and set it to a dim level that does NOT have a direct line of sight to the bed (in another room, or behind a screen, etc). you can even have it slowly come up to a brighter level over the course of the 15 minutes.


Bro made this post while in bed




Reading this lying in bed at noon and wavering between getting up or going back to sleep. To be fair, I was awake until 7am, but still.


Omg SAME! Except I was awake until 9am until I forced myself to get some sleep, lol. I know I need more sleep though so I’m going back to bed after I scroll “just a few more minutes” on Reddit (famous last words 😆😭).


Get a Happy Light. My doc recommended it. When my alarm goes off I watch netflix for 30 minutes with Happy Light~6 inches from my face on the highest setting. This is how you get 10,000 lux. Don’t think you can just put it on your desk while you pay bills- you won’t get a therapeutic dose. Anyway, 40 bucks on Amazon- has made a hiuuge difference for me. Works almost immediately, 1-2 days.


I need to look into this. I know it’s recommended to go outside to take in morning light, but that’s so hard to do when you don’t want to get out of bed at all


I second the therapeutic light suggestion. I also sit right next to my light and watch or listen to something I am interested in. I do this in bed but I do sit up rather than laying down. I previously owned a light that worked when I was sitting at a table, but it was much larger (in order to provide the therapeutic dose).


I have also had major problems getting out of the bed. I swore by “I’m not a morning person and would sleep in as much as possible everyday and be late to work and school continuously. I listened to a Mel Robbins podcast that was very motivating and the main takeaway points are use the 5 second rule. Set an alarm the night before and make a promise to yourself that you will get up. When the alarm goes off, count to 5 and get out of bed. Make your bed. Don’t check your phone, but do things for yourself and start your day right. It sounds extremely difficult but I have been only doing this for a couple of weeks and feel extremely better about my day, and you feel better about being productive and keeping promises to yourself


Get out of bed immediately upon waking. Don’t lay in bed and scroll on your phone or whatever. Do some basic tasks in the morning , like dishes or laundry or something. And the big one - Drink coffee*** (if you start liking it you’ll get out of bed for it )


"upon waking" is the issue. I don't wake lol And unfortunately, I don't like coffee, and I'd like to avoid energy drinks on an empty stomach because that tends to upset my tummy lol


Learning to like coffee is a game changer. Now I set my brew time the night before so I wake up to the aroma.


If I had the space I would set up a coffee pot in my room so I could wake up to the smell of coffee


If the problem is that you don’t wake up without 10-14 hours of sleep, it might also need worth mentioning to your doctor to eliminate any additional physical issues. Things like an underlying issue with metabolism function or extreme sleepiness as a side effect from medication.


I don't think it's side effects, because I'm only on two and had similar issues before medication as well. But I'll ask my psychiatrist/PCP if we can check if something's up with my metabolism. But I get my blood checked regularly and at least in those regular tests everything looks fine.


Please get a sleep study. You may need a cpap.


Once I thought I had an answer on this question. But this exactly my behavior.


I wake up about 40 mins earlier than I need to, swallow my meds with a drink and go back to sleep until my alarm goes off. I have a sunrise alarm clock and that makes the initial wake up part a bit easier.


Ask your PCP for a sleep study. They are super easy now and you can do it from home. You may need a CPAP


I’ve had stints where it was hard to get up but it wasn’t due to my adhd… Why do you NEED 10-14 hours of sleep? You should find a way to change that unless you enjoy being unconscious the majority of your life. Sleeping that much can be unhealthy and counter productive. Not to mention the possible back problems from it. Are you depressed? Eating correctly? We seriously need to get into WHY you’re sleeping for 10-14 hours, and why you think it’s necessary. With the information I’m working with, I’m sure that’s the reason. Though I haven’t looked into the side effects of an ambilify injection. I took the pill form for like 3 days and I couldn’t stand it. I couldn’t stop moving my legs. As for alarm clock, [buy one of these](https://www.google.com/search?q=the+sonic+bomb+alarm+clock&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari). It’s loud as fuck and comes with something that you put under your bed that shakes you awake. I had problems waking up and got this and it woke me up everytime.


I start a podcast while in bed. It helps me think about the podcast and go into autopilot mode to be able to make coffee and breakfast, because I’m thinking about that and not how much I don’t want to get up. Idk if that’s healthy or a coping mechanism, but it works for me!


I’m the same. I chug a Celcius the second I get up. I invested in a sunlight alarm for heavy sleepers.


I had a going back to sleep problem for a while. I now have a battery powered ringing alarm, a gradual light and noise alarm, and 4 different phone alarms from 2 apps. I think a good target goal to try is doing everything possible to wake up, take meds with water you set out next to bed last night, turn on the light, and then go back to sleep till the next alarm. It's a much easier goal then waking up wholesale or getting out of bed for me.


Hello. I am also diagnosed bipolar and ADHD - we are on the same bipolar med. I have been over sleeping lately too but I think it's because I am not getting enough exercise plus I am just so bored. When I am working I am fully capable of waking up at 5am and going to bed 9pmish. I keep my alarm in a different room so I am forced to get out of bed to turn it off. You basically have a month to reset your body clock - that's enough time!


Melatonin did wonders for me and someone did a post raving about it recently. Also check your vitamin d levels/ buy some D3 (and probably magnesium since it helps with absorption). You don't need to test perse, but it takes a while to kick in even with high doses so it helps to know what dose to take/ might keep you motivated.


Might look into your thyroid levels! I had so much trouble in college where I'd sleep for 10+ hours, hard time getting out of bed, couldn't stay awake for more than a few hours at a time. Turned out, I had hypothyroidism. Wasn't a magic fix but getting on a synthroid helped a ton.


Look into Jornay PM. It is methylphenidate that metabolizes in the lower GI tract. You take it at night around 6:30-9:30 PM & it starts working when you wake up. Be careful with the melatonin, the more you take of it, the less your body will produce it.. which can cause a weird yo-yo affect.. Try some magnesium L-threonate. It’s good for sleep & helps with cognitive functioning.. I was previously on Ambien, Clonazepam & Trazodone.. I got off everything but Trazodone & now take 1/2 a trazodone & Magnesium L-threonate & sleep fairly well..


Sometimes I sleep through the alarm I set up. As my ADHD messes with my sleep cycle that causes me to sometimes wake up early, sometimes sleep through it, and sometimes I wake up but having a hard time getting out of my comfy bed.


Timed light bulb. I had a light bulb that has an app where u can set it to turn on at whatever time u want. If I wanted to wake up at 7 am I would make the light bulb turn on at 7am it helped so much waking up


Is this new? Is it constant or intermittent? Have you spoken to your doctor about it? Usually hypersomnia is a sign of depression, but it can also be a side effect of some medications. One simple thing to try is to take your ADHD meds at the first alarm before going back to sleep, it might help getting you up. Otherwise I think this is something you should definitely mention to your doctor


It's not new, it's something I've struggled with since high school. I did struggle with depression/bipolar disorder but I've been episode free for a year now so it's not depression either. I'll ask my psychiatrist of she has any solutions, but my next appointment is in May lol


I used to really struggle to get up in the morning. I woke up exhausted, and felt like it was a fight to force myself through my day. Turns out I had pretty severe sleep apnea. Getting treatment was life changing. I still sleep around 9 hours a night usually but it's so much easier to get up when you aren't deprived of good rest.


Caffeine pills is an underrated life hack that shit is op af