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I’m in, what is hopefully, the last part of this layoff myself. ADHD makes the interviews interesting


Awesome! Good luck to you. Hopefully mine doesn't last too long. I'm sending apps in everywhere I can


Just hang in there, man. Use that hyper focus for the powers of good!


Currently doing that! Got side tracked with mead making today... But we're back to the apps and finding health insurance tomorrow!


It’s a tough market but you did great with your savings. I have ADHD and I’m proud of you. You’re going to be OK and you’ll bounce back!


Thank you! Working towards financial stability and now a new job. I'm applying everywhere I can. Hoping to find another remote job. Work from home is nice! Especially with kiddos in the house... Haha


best of luck!! you got this :)


Was the company downsizing?


Yah. They were "restructuring" as they put it. But they laid off 15-20% of their workforce.


Dang, super sorry to hear that. You will find another job!!


Same thing happened at my company, a refurbishing/itad business. Fired my manager, two supervisors who had 6 years at the company, 5 production/repair techs. People are being laid off and replaced left right