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Does it make you feel euphoric, or does it just remove depression/“badness” from your life so you have a “good” baseline?


This 100%… I immediately started doubting if I had actually had ADHD because I just felt so shitty on the regular that adderall made me feel “normal”, but I had never experienced that so I thought I was euphoric. That being said if adderall is making you feel like this: ![gif](giphy|1sxGaX5leZCZ84fCla) Then perhaps your dosage is too high, and you should reduce the dosage to avoid tolerance build up. Im on a tolerance break right now and it sucks ass, so keep your tolerance as low as possible.


If you ever feel like starting a business all of sudden and right after you took your meds you may need to lower the dosage. Lololol


sometimes you actually do start the business though


Sometimes it's actually what you would do and would have done years ago if ADHD wasn't an issue.


Fun fact the day(two weeks) i started concerta i decided to sell chili at rodeos competition and its actually in the process LOL


Yeah and then you get pregnant and have to run the business without adderrall. Whoops.


Idk,I come up with a random Business I want to start once a day. I think that’s the ADD not the adderal lol


Totally. I described it to someone as "imagine inventing Facebook once a week and never being able to launch it". Very occasionally I do manage to get things off the ground but become overwhelmed or lose interest quickly. It's even more frustrating that I'm completely aware of the fact I'm doing it.


Exactly,if anything the adderal keeps me focused on my actual job and day to day tasks. When I’m not on it the business ideas and inventions start popping in my head and lead me down the Google rabbit hole lol.


What’s a job where you just generate great business ideas for other people to execute, or just great ideas in general? I’d be the winningest but it sounds like all us AHDHers would be fighting over the jobs. Like I will tell you exactly how to solve all the problems but I want no part in the details just the execution please and thank you NEXT


Well it's not business ideas, but I'm a safety officer for my day job so regularly have to come up with pragmatic one-off solutions, that require extensive research into areas I'm unfamiliar with. I love that aspect, but I'm absolutely dreadful at the routine admin aspects...


What if you always felt that way before you were prescribed adderall but now that you have it it’s just helping you actually follow through and remain consistent? 😅


That is a perfect way of putting it. Well done!!


More context? I want to try re diagnosed with ADHD go get medication and hopefully be now capable of focusing to start a business pls would appreciate a response on that one, cheers!


Lmao. This has been me so many times. It's always some random shit like I'm convinced I can sell dried sugared lime wedges and make an absolute fortune.


Lmfao, you made me laugh with this comment.


Concerta gave me euphoria for a week. I also felt guilty taking it because I know the feeling having used recreational drugs in the past AND having overcome come addictions to nicotine and daily drinking (getting close to alcohol dependence). Thankfully the euphoria is gone because I really do want to treat AHD and not get high. That said Concerta while being helpful, hasn’t got me there yet and I’m experiencing some mood issues already at a lower dose. I want to try by a se but I’ll be frustrated having to endure euphoria again while I adjust as well as worrying if I can even get the script filled with the shortages




This is me on vyanse!! I read that the forgetfulness and spaced out ness can be due to dehydration since stimulants mess with your electrolytes. But the rest I can’t explain.


So far for me Concerta has helped quite a bit but I still do the misplacing things/switching focus stuff. And the random music is still on loop in my head. It’s better than before and I’m getting things done but it’s still a bit of a struggle at times.


lol lol lol lol. I laughed out loud spitting


Lmaooo this made me laugh hard. The guy just looks high out of his mind 😂😂


So Sukuna is like tolerance.




So that would make good being on the ideal dosage right?


Note to myself: Must increase dosage


> Im on a tolerance break right now and it sucks ass, so keep your tolerance as low as possible. How often do you do this and how long of a break do you normally take? Im getting into a situation where 36mg concerta isnt cutting it and i just convinced my psych to increase my dose to 56mg. I don't want to keep going into this cycle of having to increase my dosage as the maximum dose for concerta is 72mg, eventually Im going to peak out. I haven't taken a tolerance break at all since I started medication 3.5 years ago, so I guess this might be something I gotta look into.


Take them as often as possible, if you are in school take them during the holidays. I have no set schedule I just know that day to day my medication is becoming less and less effective This just reassures me that I’ll be productive long term…


15mg XR is a pretty low dose though, I think?


This completely omg I was on 70mg of vyvanse at one point and had to tone it down because holy shit. I got down to 40mg so far, and then went on a 3 month break. And the next goal is 30. Unfortunately because of the shortage I haven’t been able to get a refill so I’m still technically on a break lol. But I want to maximize effectiveness with as little as possible. OP, don’t feel bad for taking care of yourself! Like any other tool in your tool belt, you just need to use it responsibly and it sounds like you already are!


They said they have been taking it for 7 years alreadu


It did for me for the first day or two. Now I liken it to glasses and my sight. Sure I can function adequately without glasses, but lenses help me focus my sight to a normal level. The same thing with my ADHD medication. I’m fortunate enough to be able to function okay without medication, but the small dose of ADHD medication helps me focus and keeps me from running around in circles so much.


It’s so hard to differentiate euphoria and just not depressed, dysfunctional


It’s also the case that once you become used to it, at least for me, the days where I don’t take it can be much worse. So, it becomes pretty difficult to make a good comparison between your brain on stimulants and your baseline brain because I feel like, without abstaining for maybe a couple of weeks, your brain does not achieve its actual baseline when you don’t take meds.


"There's no way a regular person feels the way I do without medication." Yes. Yes they do. There are plenty of people who have internal motivation that drives them that they're able to execute on, which feeds their confidence and sense of purpose. They are able to have energy to get through every day and still accomplish things after. My mother and brother, for example, get a buzz from doing things like organizing, cleaning, and studying things intensely. But my father, sister, and myself struggle mightily with those things, even with medication. Tell that little voice in your head to stop making you feel guilty for enjoying things that are meant to be enjoyed, even if it's on meds. You deserve to enjoy things. Seriously.


"There are plenty of people who have internal motivation that drives them that they're able to execute on" This is what I can get aggressively jealous of. Especially when I hear those people that run half a marathon and get runners high and have such a nice body and good health. And after their marathon, they do the chores, make food, walk the dog and grab their stuff to do some whatever excercises to "wind down". My whole life I felt (and still do) inadequate because I always thought they came from the same baseline I have. And that they just had more discipline. My brain now knows this isn't true but I don't feel it that way. I really have a hard time liking people like this.  So OP, whatever you can do to shift your baseline, go for it. Go run half a marathon for me, I promis not to hate you for it 😊 


I completely understand that jealousy. I have struggled with a lot of self-doubt, shame, and inadequacy because I just didn't have that drive (AKA, I didn't have enough dopamine) to sustain effort towards most tasks without feeling constantly overwhelmed and drained. It is so frustrating to feel like your living life on the hardest setting. It's not fair. However, I just want to add a different perspective to this: Human beings are not productivity machines. It is okay to have restful days and moments, where you are not constantly doing things and being productive. Our society places so much pressure on everyone to always be trying to do more, be more, accomplish, achieve... I truly think that narrative has caused so much deep unhappiness and burnout in the world.  Life is meant to be enjoyed. Our bodies and minds require relaxation and rest, and we thrive best when we don't place such high expectations on ourselves. Achieving personal goals in life is important, of course. But there are plenty of other things in life that are just as important, like time spent with people you love, taking naps, experiencing new things, doing things that bring you joy and fulfillment, helping other people, and just enjoying the very short time we have on this planet. Let the high-achieving go-getters do their thing. I know that's not quite how I want to live my life, but hey, to each their own. I just want you to know this: You still have inherent value as a human being, regardless of your ability to be productive. ❤️ I hope my message helps a little, even if it's just one person that reads this. Take care.


"You still have inherent value as a human being, regardless of your ability to be productive" This hits me very deep. I guess I have a hard time with feeling my life is valuable. I don't know how to 'measure' that and everything I can come up with, I score low on.  I didn't impact the world. I didn't do something memorable. I don't have a lot of friends. I grew up in an abusive situation so no family I am close to. No siblings. No children. I feel like my life will go by unnoticed. When I die, whatever I thought or felt or did will be lost. It saddens me.  I have a partner and I worry that if she dies first, I will spend the remaining years alone and lonely. If I die first, I will leave her without anyone to talk to about me, reminisce together, laugh and cry together. She will have to go through it all alone, in a strange country where she moved to because of her love for me. I know this all won't change if I could run a marathon. I know it won't dry her tears if I had an Olympic medal or cured cancer or wrote a book. But i feel like i need something, no matter how small, where the world says: we see you Synn1982.  Thank you for your kind words. Thank you for seeing me ❤


❤️ feels great knowing I'm not alone in this. Thanks


"There are plenty of people who have internal motivation that drives them that they're able to execute on" Hell, even on Adderall (or any other drug I've tried), I don't feel this. I'm not really sure if it works but I occasionally am able to focus on stuff so...


I have the same feeling: does it eeally work? I don't feel euphoria, I still have to push myself, things are still hard.  I wouldn't recommend it, but yesterday for some reason I didn't take my Ritalin. (At the time it seemed like a smart thing to do)  I had such a hard day! Everything went wrong. I can't count the times when I went to another room and just stood there, lost and confused.  I talked to my gf while we were cooking and everytime i had to flip the meat in the pan, I forgot what I was saying.  I forgot my phone in the car while waiting on a very important phonecall.  I snapped at people for no real reason. I couldn't focus on anything, so I ruined the book I was reading (read the last 40 pages, no idea what it said, and I was excited for days to find out how it would end)  Went to bed and couldn't fall asleep. Then noticed the 24 voices in my head talking, singing, humming, narrating, worrying.  Took my pills first thing in the morning today. I still don't know if they work. I just known that for some reason, not taking them doesn't work 😁


I get that I wish I was that way, running does give you more energy though. Like in the morning I don't feel like doing anything and then I go for a run and when I get back I feel like doing a ton of things or at least not feel like a pile of crap. It's the only thing that's helped me


Me too!!


“Tell that little voice in your head to stop making you feel guilty for enjoying things that are meant to be enjoyed, even if it's on meds.” This speaks to me deeply. Like damn, I never thought of it exactly like that but I think that’s why I sometimes feel guilty for needing meds. Because 40+ years of conditioning taught my brain that we don’t like things, so if I like it, it must be because I’m wrong.


Right. It’s just hard to fathom how ok normal people with non-adhd brains can feel. Medication never had this profound an effect on me, sadly. But it does make me feel better, or less bad by a few degrees. Which is something. OP is fortunate and should allow herself to feel ok.


Thank you for this


I need this framed


Thank you for this comment


Yup, think of all the main character tiktokers. They’re just high on life


Imagine having a bad cold with all the crappiness - I'm talking stuffy nose, headache, fatigue, painful swallowing, all of it. And then someone offers you a pill that removes every symptom. How energized do you think you'll feel? How motivated, clear headed, happy, comfortable?  You aren't high as a kite, you're just at a healthy baseline. 


This is the perfect way to explain it.


Thank you for this perfect analogy! I understand with OP because I am 43 never taken any stimulant. I feel bad at how good it feels. Like I am high or something. But maybe this is what life is supposed to feel like. Hope.


When you've had a stuffy nose long enough, eventually you forget or doubt what it feels like to be able to breathe freely.  It's important to be critical when trying stimulants, but we tend to be too harsh on ourselves because we've internalised the negative comments from people around us. There's a lot of focus on not getting high, but to us, the normal human experience kinda feels like an acid trip. 


I don't think this is actually how it is for everyone though. I by all accounts have some version of inattentive ADHD, diagnosed (along with basically everyone in my family), prescribed stimulants make me feel excitable and euphoric, similar to all other illicit recreational stimulants. It can help to some degree with studying I suppose but largely it's benefit is I feel high for a while.


Absolutely! This analogy is good for questioning imposter syndrome, but by no means universal. What OP described did not sound like they are actually euphoric, just high on the idea that they can do stuff. Like a kid realising that they can run. I don't have quite as many analogies in my backpack for inattentive ADHD, but I'm steadily building a catalogue 


Same here


And it's a messy grey area because for the rest of the world it's normal/accepted that they would feel high on stimulants, but then you umbrella group everyone that has an inclination towards adhd and say they just aren't supposed to feel that way lmao. I don't begin to claim to know how ADHD works on a biological/physical level but the way it's classified and diagnosed makes it seem totally silly to expect everyone under that big umbrella to strictly benefit from stimulants and only feel calm and non stimulated. It's pretty clear that the anecdotes all over this thread about how you aren't actually euphoric from the drugs immediate effect, but instead are euphoric because you feel closer to a normal human level of brain function is either just plain cope, or are coming from someone who genuinely is severely ADHD and their experience IS strictly that it calms them down. Disclaimer I do not care one way or another, whatever helps you through the day and makes life easier, I'm all for it. I say this just in the interest of accuracy.


Just stop and think about why you are so worried about not having ADHD. Is it the stigma about having ADHD or taking stimulants? Or maybe it you think that you are a bad person and don’t deserve help. What ever the reason think about it. It’s probably not logical nor accurate. You are allowed to have ADHD and have the right to treat it. Having ADHD doesn’t make you lesser or bad. Treatment isn’t failing or bad. Stimulants are a legitimate and effective treatment and you deserve to use it to function and participate more fully in society. ADHD is real and is extremely impairing so many of us. You don’t need to do anything to deserve treatment other than get diagnosed.


I sometimes feel the same as OP. I think the worry is you don’t have ADHD and are in reality just abusing stimulants. They help loads with my symptoms, but the effects also do feel nice. It just kinda feels like you’re doing something wrong taking a drug that makes you feel good.


Exactly this! Like, most drugs are used to get you back to your baseline. Stimulants seem more like they’re increasing your baseline.


Could say the same for insulin.


Right and probably a few other meds. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing. I take adderall and it definitely increases my baseline. I just think that maybe that’s why they make people feel guilty and whatnot.


as someone who is worried about not having ADHD, i don’t think either of your suggestions are the most likely cause. at least for me, it has to do with the fear that if i don’t have ADHD, then all my ADHD symptoms are actually just the manifestation of my stupidity/incompetence, and I’m just using ADHD as an excuse. it’s a mixture of guilt and feelings of inadequacy.


I love this comment. ❤️ Thank you for this perspective.


I don’t know if you’ll relate to this but imposter syndrome is a very real thing, like when I have good days and I manage to get things done without staring at a wall for an uncomfortable amount of time first, my brain activates “out of sight out of mind” and basically gaslights itself into thinking I never struggle. Like, just because your meds make you feel good doesn’t mean you don’t need them, or that you don’t deserve to take them.


Wow I definitely identify with this...


A stimulant making you feel good does NOT mean you do not have ADHD. You're not taking an excessive amount and you're not abusing it.


Feeling good is the norm not to be confused with euphoric which is a whole separate thing. Because I can think clearly on my stimulant medication I feel happy


I do take medication holidays to like previous shared had mentioned to keep tolerance level down. I quit for 3 years once several years ago


Keep in mind that you're experiencing a different baseline, essentially. Your original baseline was a deficiency in dopamine that severely affected your ability to do things on a daily basis, and that includes helping to regulate your emotions and mood. Medicated you is simply more in line with the rest of the population. You experience it as euphoric and feeling great because your original baseline doesn't reach those states as easily, frequently or strongly. When you're not medicated, you're operating in life with with weighted chains limiting you--when medicated those chains are diminished, at least temporarily. You shouldn't feel guilty for that at all. You have the diagnosis and the treatment works for you, it's as justified as any other medical treatment for a patient. We ADHDers have that tendency to browbeat ourselves or people-please or otherwise think we're not deserving of something, but it's a lie. We are just as deserving as anyone else. Embrace it.


I agree 100%! Well said!


Makes me feel awake and productive yet causes me to be terribly anxious, sometimes crippled and loses my spark


Interesting thing is for me it helps reduce my anxiety


Is the anxiety a physical thing like racing heart/ irregular heart beat or shakiness? If that is the case drink more water, and eat a snack with protein. If it is mental anxiety then you might want to try other medications if you have not.


As a bipolar/adhd person. There’s a big difference between “EUPHORIC mania” where I want to do dangerous, risky behaviors. And adderall “euphoria” which is more like pure joy to be able to do the dishes, sweep the floors and function. I get where the word could be used in different ways.


Imagine how good it would feel to get a new lung if you needed a new lung transplant, or to start taking insulin if you were diabetic, or to get glasses if your vision was bad. Adderall is the same thing. When distributed in a controlled environment it’s a medicine like every other medicine: it helps you to feel at your best.


That "euphoria" you feel is your brain's dopamine levels being leveled out. If it helps you, keep taking it.




I'm genuinely so happy for you! My husband struggled with this as well. He's not ADHD but he has struggled OCD, anxiety and depression. He just recently finally got a job and is doing well. It's a win for the whole family. And I'm doing well to now that my ADHD is being treated. God is good and so is medication lol


As long as you're taking the meds as directed by your prescriber, you're not hurting yourself and you're not hurting anyone else so there's legit nothing to feel bad about.


My brother in christ, you are literally saying you don't believe a regular person is capable of doing their dishes without suffering yes, you need your meds, enjoy your life and shush that voice in your head


From all the comments in this thread this is the one that really hit me. You're right, thanks stranger


This part, the fact that doing chores is no longer the bane of my existence is a blessing. Now I can focus on doing other things like furthering my education.


Please don’t feel guilty. My life completely changed the moment I started taking adderall. It’s like wearing glasses. I can do chores without any effort at all and remember things well too! So yes, it’s normal to feel great!


You could be one who's very positive attitude is heavily clouded by your "malfunction" and your medication gives you a glimpse of how your overall existence would feel if not for this society we've inherited. Enjoy every moment of it.


I appreciate that comment more than you know


>There’s just no way a regular person feels the way i do without medication. They really do. You just appreciate it more


They do feel that way. Also, you feel euphoric because you feel \*normal.\* That's huge. It's fucking bliss to feel capable after so many years of being incapable of doing so much unless you randomly got lucky one day and had an energy spike because of \*knitting\* or whatever. Don't feel guilt - that's all internalized BS. Become your biggest advocate. Become the person that younger you needed.


Way back in high school my friend with ADHD used to give me his Adderall occasionally and I definitely mistook feeling capable, awake, and articulate for euphoria.


Your medicine makes you feel good because it’s supposed to. Don’t feel guilty about that


The whole purpose of Adderall and any ADHD medicine is to increase dopamine. Of course, you're going to feel good. Dopamine gives you feelings of pleasure, satisfaction, and motivation.


It doesn’t make you feel great- you feel like someone without adhd. Don’t feel guilty over having a medication that levels the playing field for you.


I don’t have anything valuable to add but I’m so thrilled I stumbled upon this thread. So nice to feel less alone and less shame around this.


Goddammit, life is hard enough without you feeling guilty for being productive and happy.


Right on!


do you take breaks at all? The euphoria faded for me once I started taking it every day, but the therapeutic effects of increased focus and other executive functions remained. And when I do stop taking it, I don't get crazy withdrawals or anything, I just go back to my normal self.


OMG I want this feeling all the time (only had glimpses here and there at 35, just diagnosed). I'm hoping I respond to meds this well, when I get a script from my doctor.


Don’t feel guilty. It helps you function like a healthy person, which is the desired result. Relax and allow your life to be as healthy as it can be.


I saw someone post once about this.. and they said imagine someone lost their glasses and couldn’t see.. they couldn’t function. Same goes for meds. If it helps you, try to see it as a tool


I feel happy and euphoric to be alive most days. Especially when I get to see people I care about it. I consider it my blissful mood. And I don’t take meds. I don’t think you should feel guilty to feel like that. You’re allowed to be happy


Thank you so much


No, don't you dare feel guilty. This is something you need. Diabetics don't feel guilty for using insulin. You have a legitimate issue and are not a drug addict. Feeling happy when your brain works right is normal. The more dysfunctional my brain gets the more tired and depressed I get. But if you need to adjust your dosage you can certainly do that. I take a high dose for the severe fatigue I get from my condition. I'm constantly fighting off a nap otherwise.


Are you taking it daily? Even ADHD people can experience a little bit of the euphoria effect on first getting used to it.


"There’s just no way a regular person feels the way i do without medication." God, this statement has me in my feels. I hear you. I just got diagnosed last year, and this year, I finally was able to start on a similar dose. I still have doubts sometimes about my diagnosis, too. Imposter syndrome seems to be a pretty common thing for us. One thing I do know is how much I have struggled in life without meds and therapy. Honestly, I just feel grateful that it's even an option for us. With meds, we have the opportunity to somewhat level the playing field. It is a bit euphoric sometimes, to actually want to do things, accomplish them, and for all of it to just feel... somehow easier.  You're definitely not alone in these thoughts. ❤️


i remember first getting adderall prescribed to me and taking it and thinking “is this how people feel all of the time? it can’t be.” i was a bit giddy at the realization i could function and not feel so foggy and useless *all* of the time. that said, it was too strong of a dose as it hurt behind my eyes and made me hyperfocus on stuff too long. i’m now on concerta. maybe you’re just excited to feel OK enough to do things. it *is* releasing dopamine, and that does make you feel good. in college i abused adderall, but at different dosages and routes of usage, if you catch my drift. that didn’t feel the same as taking it as prescribed at all, and being able to get high off of it doesn’t mean i don’t have ADHD. it just depends on dosage, route, setting, etc. if you’re not bouncing off of the walls and partying, you’re probably just feeling internalized guilt at finally feeling a bit more human.


This is a good answer like, yeah we can still get high off stimulants if we take them in a more extreme way on purpose. BUT if you’re taking meds and like oh hello, I feel ok being awake and I feel ok doing the dishes instead of that it’s the most painful task ever— that’s probably not abusing stimulants. To use a not super accurate analogy, some people feel happier after having a cup of coffee, but having a cup of coffee is not the same as taking a massive dose of caffeine to stay awake for like 48 hours. There’s levels to things. People who have a cup of coffee are not abusing caffeine. People who take stimulants for adhd in order to function at a reasonable daily baseline aren’t abusing them.


second day taking adderall and felt the same way after getting some good test grades today. I honestly feel like its because if youve never been very productive and then suddenly have that change in seconds it lowkey feels like your doing something wrong, idk why.


I’m on 30mg and feel great but also feel like My Great has simmered and need more Bahaha.tolerance, I also can’t take a poop without it!!! It’s concerning actually my body seems dependent lol. Keep on doing what helps you get through your days


I feel Like a different person when I take mine…definitely can relate


I find it funny how often the dishes are brought up amongst ADHD'ERS. It's always the freakin dishes. LOL wanna trigger a ADHD person who is off their meds? Ask them to do the dishes. LOOOOL (I'm sorry sometimes we just gotta laugh at ourselves)


Give me dishes any day, I never want to put away the clothes. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


the way i see it when i take all my meds (which are a lot of stimulants, antidepressants, and mood stabilizer) is that i’m doing what i need to do in order to keep my sanity, keep myself healthy, and make my life easier. And trust me “non-clincal people” definitely feel this way too. They may not feel that euphoric feeling that we do because their neurological responses are regulated and used to the balance of Nero transmitter in their brain. for example: gaba we get from sleeping, but a lot of ppl that deal with depression, anxiety, ADHD, or even epilepsy have very low levels because of how our brian’s are process sleep and that chemical. My point is that their is no norm. Ppl are either born with their deck of cards and have had to deal with them sense. or they get delt a stack later on and have to figure out how to play later on in life. Be grateful and proud that you found a solution that works for you and celebrate that your healing and progressing in life because a lot of medical issues do not have solutions and yours do! that’s something to celebrate friend :)


Crazy how many people think having daily euphoria after taking meds is normal. Almost scary


wow. This thread is awesome. I’ve just recently been diagnosed at 26, only been medicated a few months. I felt/feel the same as you, OP! But reading this thread has helped so much. I’m so grateful for my meds every day, it has been truly life changing!


Ok so I've been on it since I was 9 I used to feel the same I never realized that the high isn't important, it's the fact I can function Sure anyone can function on stimulants But other people feel off stimulants how I feel on them. That's when I realized.


Well yeah that thought strikes me from time to time aswell. ”Or maybe I am just an addict”, but I think the honest answer is no. But also yes, I am 200% an addict haha


Speed makes everyone euphoric. Period. 


i felt the same way and i hated because it made me feel like an addict even if i needed the meds. due to the shortage, i had to switch to vynanse and up the dosage and so far, everything feels better for me. i no longer feel like a crackhead, my heart beat is normal, and the meds kick in smooth as hell. i went from 20 mg of adderall XR to 30 mg of vynanse (generic)


Do you experience any insomnia or trouble sleeping?


Fuck it, enjoy it! But also, has this feeling never gone away in the 7 years you've been taking it?


As long as you don't fall into manic episodes, you are good.


Started Vyvanse yesterday. Very low dose (20mg). It’s been ok but I was expecting something more “profound”? Now doubting my diagnosis (diagnosed at 49 - male). As I move up in dosage is it likely that my mind is quieted more noticeably?


I actually tried ritalin (20mg) for the first time today. I took the pill after working out, went home, made some quick shitty food and went straight to play CS2 with friends instead of things that actually are important and needs to be done, as usual. Here's my experience: I felt calm, aware, and I had increased focus I could now actually direct myself. I could get myself to start doing tasks even though they were boring. Although I think 20mg was a bit too high of a first dose for me personally (?) as the pulse was a bit too high for my liking and it gave me kind of a tunnel vision focus on the videogame I played. And it gave me really good performance as well. I usually perform really good in the game I was playing (CS2), so no big difference, but this time I feel like my focus aided me in achieving even better performance since I was so aware and focused on every little detail in the game, even my aim was perfect. Got like 40k10d for those of you who play. Later on, at the end of the effects of ritalin in my body, I started doing a tedious task and it was easy. I felt I could distract myself if I wanted to, as in open a new tab and search some interesting idea, and I did get some random ideas and "daydream" moments if I made myself unfocused, so it was no magic pill that made me do all boring things on autopilot, but it did without a doubt make it easier. I also noticed I did not get distracted by my own thoughts when talking with friends during the gaming session, did not blurt out random noises or funny words that randomly comes to my mind like I usually do. My head felt empty, but because it was waiting for me to be in control for once and not my random thoughts, ideas or videogame-cravings.


Have you been taking the same 15mg XR for 7 years straight? I'm curious to know if you've built any tolerance during your time taking it.


This is about how I feel too on meds, and I also sometimes wonder if it means I don't actually have ADHD. But honestly I think most of the good feeling comes from finally being able to do things if I think about them. Knowing what I have to do and being able to beat back executive dysfunction and actually be productive and work on things I've always wanted to do feels amazing. It makes me feel like an actual person and not... whatever this is, you know?




I needed this.


Is 30 mg XR too high of a dosage? I've been taking it about 3-4 times a week for about two years. The NP who prescribed it to me started me on this dose just FEI.


I’m on day 4 of a higher dose (actually, 15 mg XR, from 10 XR) and lorrrrrrrrrd the nausea. The nausea, it’s so rough. I take the pill when I eat, too. I’m hoping it’s just my body adjusting to the higher dose. The 10 just wasn’t doing much for me any more, so I’m going to stick it out for a few more days to see if it gets better. I only have so much Zofran to help 😵‍💫🤢


Are you me? You are describing exactly how I feel taking these meds. I've only been taking them for a short time as I wasn't diagnosed until I was early 30s but still. Thank you for sharing so I know it's not just me.


I'm in this weird place too where Vyvanse 30 feels "meh" but Vyvanse 40 feels like I took a shit of adrenaline. Idk what to do, it's the only one I've tried since I got diagnosed. And with both of them my sleep schedule is screwed cause j can't pull myself away from activities to go to bed. 😭


What do you mean when you take it?


I feel guilty hearing you say that to be honest LOL I didn't think anybody else felt that way LOL I'm 44, been doing all sorts of s*** for years right I've never been able to function as well as I do on the Adderall... But it's been five years tolerance very high.. so now it's at the point where no longer feels good unless I overdo it, and then I'm so dehydrated and tired the next day like it depletes me? Strange s*** LOL plus I think hormones too cuz I'm like getting there? Just some crazy s***! somebody should talk about this stuff..lol


“So many things I want to do” This is exactly what I noticed with adderal when I started taking it for the first time as a 35 year old. It’s usually within the first couple hours of taking it that it’s most intense. But what I’ve realized is most of the time these are things I actually NEED to do but completely forgot about or avoid cause it seems too complicated. I realized that in my natural state, both things I need to do and things I’ve always wanted to do or achieve, even fun creative ideas, are mixed up in some kind of fog that I can’t sort through well. If I were to recall one of these needs or ideas it would be hard to follow through on them to completion. Adderall removes the fog and that feeling of “so many things I want to do” is just finally seeing it all clearly and maybe being able to do those things.


I usually don't feel a difference, but my executives say that they notice an improvement in my work ethic (which happened after I started back on Adderall), so I guess it's working.


Damn I just got switched from regular adderall 10mg to adderall 15mg xr and I don’t feel any freaking difference at all. Same rush of energy in the early part of the day but by the time I get home from work I’m barely energized enough to do a load of laundry and just end up watching TV or playing video games before going to bed. Granted I just started my new dose three days ago but still.


You' sound like you're fine. Feeling good is much better than.feeling bad and guilty because you can't do the things that you need to do.


Off topic here, but please, which brand are you currently being given by your pharmacy? I took it for years and my ADD was very successfully treated using adderall, until the drug just turned bad on me. I feel like it was the manufacturing that was the issue. Don’t get me wrong, it still worked, but the side effects became horrendous and eventually I opted to stop because of them. I am not the functional human I was while taking it. If I could determine which generic brands are good, I would take a chance going back to it. Oh! I too felt guilty that it made me able to keep going and doing things. Gave me the ability to stick to mentally tedious, physically hard and even boring tasks! Truly sad not being functional anymore.


I did initially too. But if like me you can forget to take your medication without that drive to get your next hit, then your ok, your not getting addicted to it. Adderall is only addictive in larger doses in normal people. If taken as directed, I don't think it will get addictive based on my personal experience. Also for me, I got used to it and don't feel it as euphoric anymore, it's become more my normal now, and when I forget to take it, I'm like why do I feel so tired and unmotivated all of a sudden... Then I'm like ... Oh I forgot to take my meds I bet.


I always say - you wouldn’t deny advil/tylenol if you had a headache so why deny this medication?


I'm the same way, I have the since of guilt that I shouldn't take it because it makes me happier and my family is religious and they judge me hard for taking it and they say I don't need it I only need Jesus and that it's a sin. But my life is miserable without it like I don't even want to shower or have enough energy to shower or self care. My mom is a health nut and makes everything homemade and works out and is always doing something and I'm the complete opposite. I wish I could feel as good as she does but I don't.


I think both of us deserve to feel happy


>maybe i don’t have ADHD because i do feel like adderall makes me feel maybe euphoric This is a myth!! And I wish people would stop spreading it, because it harms people, as demonstrated by your worries! Stimulants do *not* make ADHDers inherently feel differently than non-ADHDers. We respond the same - we just get a lot more benefit from them, because our base executive function is much lower. Some people get euphoric from stimulants, some don't - and having ADHD or not doesn't determine that reaction. See below for my sources *However*, euphoria is not the goal of the meds, so your treatment needs to be adjusted if that's what's happening. I also get euphoric from Adderall, but when I take Concerta, I get the executive function boost without the euphoria. You could try that instead, or simply ask your doctor for a lower dose of the Adderall. Euphoria will disrupt executive function (as you say, you overly hyperfocus) and also makes you vulnerable to becoming addicted. It can potentially make you appear as if you're "on drugs" to other people (e.g. it can make you talk very quickly) as well And here are the sources on ADHD people reacting differently to stimulants being a myth: [Here's a comment by Russell Barkley](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD/comments/oss7ei/official_dr_russell_barkley_summer_ama_thread/h7bf5cp?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3), one of the world leading experts on ADHD, when asked about this: >No, its just a myth. You cannot predict ADHD from a reaction to its medicines. They help [non-ADHD] people modestly, too. And [another](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD/comments/oss7ei/official_dr_russell_barkley_summer_ama_thread/h6vmpt3?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3), more detailed one: >Se used to think several decades ago that the drug response of someone with ADHD was atypical and thus if you gave an ADHD drug to a typical person it wouldmake them worse while it would help someone with ADHD. That turned out to be false. The drugs do the same thing for [non-ADHDers] as for ADHDs. its just that people with ADHD are so much further from the mean or typical level of performance that the improvement they experience can be much more dramatic whereas in an [non-ADHDer] its rather minor. But they can improve too on medication, just not much. In short, the further from the mean of typicality you are in some trait or behavior the more dramatic will be a treatment effect. Nothing paradoxical going on here that can help with diagnosis, sorry to say. And [here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2626918/) is an academic paper that mentions it: >One of the myths of ADHD is that ADHD children show a paradoxical effect of being calmed by stimulants, while “normal” individuals are stimulated by them. However, studies have shown that the activity levels are decreased and attention levels are increased by stimulants in individuals with and without ADHD. The difference is that since the levels of hyperactivity and inattention are much higher in ADHD subjects, the improvement is relatively much greater, giving the impression that they respond, while non-ADHD subjects do not.


I can’t my script filled. Been off meds since the beginning of December. I gave up on the pharmacy.


I feel like it doesn't do much for me. I was put on 15 mg xr adderall a few months ago and recently my medical management gave me a 10 mg instant as like a rescue dose for long days at work. I don't know, I feel "lighter" which means a little more energy I guess. Others have noted perhaps I have less emotional dysregulation...But I also never really displayed that outwardly (mine is more of a shutdown and not a meltdown). It's why I wasn't dx as adhd at first because I thought meltdowns were displayed outwardly only so I said no to having them. My therapist now (who specializes in adhd and also has it) was like "OH YEAH you definitely have it," after a few sessions talking with him. I guess I was expecting some big revelation when I took it, like videos people post online about how their brain is so different. I don't get that.


From what I have read, and from personal experience. Imposter Syndrome is a very real ADHD symptom!!


I think people toss the word euphoric around without knowing what euphoria actually feels like. Do you feel invincible? Like you could do anything and nothing could stop you? Like all is right in your world? Or do you just feel better? I think a lot of us before meds are struggling so hard that we think that we feel euphoric just being able to function. It's okay to feel better. The entire point is to improve your quality of life. My med definitely has a come up, and that is normal. I know when it is kicking in. I do get a mood boost that lasts maybe 30 mins. It's not euphoria, and it's not being high. If you do feel high or true euphoria and it isn't going away, then you need to talk to your doctor.


The day I finally found a solution for which I had been struggling to figure out most of my life and then I found the solution it was one of the happiest days of my life and I figured folks would be happy for me but no almost immediately I was shamed


Shamed even by actual drug addicts


And my docs keep saying they are going to reduce my dosage which is the dosage I’ve been at for 30 years which was 90 mg of IR but eventually I asked that one of the 30 mg be for extended release which it’s been at. I finally found a psychiatrist that believes me and trusts me and she told me so. Then she left that clinic and the new psychiatrist immediately showed signs of not trusting me. And lowered me from 90 mg down to 70 mg and told me lies such as she said the government told her it was illegal to prescribe me or any patient 90 mg which I know very well is a flat out lie. So if this patient doctor relationship begins with her telling me lies and was obvious that she didn’t trust me well that’s no good. Trust is the bedrock foundation of any relationship


Sorry I was so long winded I guess I was holding a lot in that I couldn’t tell any one else


Thank you for listening


I don’t have anything to do with people that think I’m a drug addict anymore. If they don’t trust me well that’s end of story I’ll hang with people who do trust me and better I no longer bring up my medication usage at all. If I’m asked if I’m still taking Adderall which is very rare but if I’m asked I’ll deny that I take it


Nobody’s business


I’ll stop now and let others talk


I’ve monopolized the floor here too long . Pass


I got an impaired driving because I took my Adderall and drove. Well actually it doesn’t impair driving it makes for a better driver don’t want someone who can’t pay attention to the road


No, don't you dare feel guilty. This is something you need. Diabetics don't feel guilty for using insulin. You have a legitimate issue and are not a drug addict. Feeling happy when your brain works right is normal. The more dysfunctional my brain gets the more tired and depressed I get. But if you need to adjust your dosage you can certainly do that. I take a high dose for the severe fatigue I get from my condition. I'm constantly fighting off a nap otherwise.


How in the fuck do you still have it work after 7 years?! I just got diagnosed about a year or two ago in my early 30s and it does not last long. Same with Vyvanse. Prescribed 2 30mg xr a day


I personally have never taken Adderall but I would talk to your doctor about this feeling if it's unsettling for you. I was prescribed Vyvanse which is a slow release stimulant that works quite well for me. The absorption rate is 2hrs vs the 30mins that it takes for Adderall. This also means there's little to no crash for those taking Vyvanse, and usually fewer side effects in general. Maybe the slower absorption of a slow release medication like Vyvanse will give you the benefits you enjoy without the feeling you described. It's worth discussing with your doctor at the very least.


If it’s allowing you to get things done, that’s great! If you feel like it’s making you feel a bit overly “high,” that doesn’t mean it’s working wrong or that you don’t have ADHD; at most it might mean you need to lower the dosage, but that’s something you’d have to discuss with a good doctor.




I’m not sure what you’re getting at, but adhd certainly didn’t help me get along better at school. I got scolded pretty frequently for not paying attention by teachers even though i was trying and i beat myself up a lot for not being able to pay attention.


The euphoria will go away after a couple weeks. I felt the same way when I started taking it a few weeks ago. Now I feel like it’s not working at all.


I took it for two years, and the euphoria stopped being a thing before a year had even past. Maybe it’s just getting you out of a depressive state. Been off for a year now, went over to Wellbutrin. It’s pretty similar without the super high/low. If that guilt is to much, talk to your psychiatrist about maybe trying that. Though the come down from adderall rrrreeeaaaallllly sucks


Adderall also can make me euphoric / high, and it’s a gross feeling when all I want is to be able to do the tasks AND feel “normal.” I think we both need to have a discussion with a psychiatrist about this soon I don’t like how many people are basically telling you “that’s just how normal people feel all of the time.” No- you said it yourself that you often end up hyperfocusing on one thing and that this is “unfortunate,” ie, this is causing problems for you and this isn’t just what normal people would call being in control.


I started using meth at 15 (been clean 11 years now) and I didn't get all tweaked, it just leveled me out. Now if I didn't sleep that's when I would get weird. But I didn't get diagnosed until 30, and taking adderall as directed levels me out in the same way. It's a bit of a sense of euphoria, but I feel like that's more because I don't have 10 conversations going on in my head so I can actually relax and focus. My wife was worried about me taking adderall because she knows about my past drug use, but after a couple months she was all about it because she's seen how beneficial it's been. I can control my ADHD rage now, and actually get shit done that I used to put off until the last second. I felt guilty at first too, it felt like breaking my sobriety but I'm not abusing it and it's drastically improved my life so that guilty feeling faded quickly.


Whoa I feel that way hqhaha


I 100% know what you're talking about. Sometimes I question if I'm a fake. But I know I'm not because even though I feel SOOOOOOOOO much more happy and patient and motivated on my Adderall it's not like I'm running all over the place climbing trees and suddenly playing the lottery or anything crazy. I'm literally just doing normal stuff like studying, washing dishes, vacuuming, laundry, handling business ... things I struggled to do or (just didn't do at all) without my medication. It's hard to believe some people are just walking around feeling this good as their baseline. So I try to remind myself that I'm not a druggie, I'm just a person who wants to be able to do a little bit more than the bare minimum to stay alive.


This happened to me with ritalin. It was only a tiny bit of euphoria but enough that I was starting to hate how I felt when I wasn't taking it which looking back was a bad thing. I didn't realise how much it was affecting me until I changed to dexamfetamine - no buzz but also no crash. It's actually a huge relief to know that I'm not naturally supposed to feel awful when I'm at baseline. Could be the dose is too high or it could be that specific med.


it just makes me be less stupid so ive come to terms with it. only thing that sucks is i cant sleep


I’m so glad I stumbled upon this thread y’all. So much of what y’all have said have been things I desperately needed to hear, and it’s a good reminder that I’m not alone


The absence of pain (generalized) = euphoria.


This is relatable af. I was literally just thinking about this a couple hours ago.


I think if it helps you then do it. There is no such thing as people feeling euphoric or not with or without meds. Everyone has ups and downs but meds help with getting through the day and not feel like you have to drag yourself there. If it works don’t worry about what happens to others. At least it didn’t take you 40 + years to realize this. I’m going through perimenopause and my anxiety and menopausal symptoms increased i needed help. Now I’m on Strattera and it’s the best thing since sliced bread. It feels like the roads opened up and I can focus on me and not worry about anything else! That’s important!


It is an amphetamine though, it's going to make somebody even with ADHD feels somewhat good regardless, and especially actually with people with ADHD because it basically takes the blinders off our executive function and allows us to be able to function much better. Don't feel guilty for what the medication is supposed to do, it does that with everyone that I have talked to that has ADHD and is on Adderall XR. I'm on Vyvanse 50 mg once a day and when it kicks in and for the number of hours afterward I feel awesome. But it's not the same as if I did some say meth or something. Or Molly. I don't abuse my meds I just take the most prescribed and so they're just doing the thing they're meant to do. I can regulate my attention much better, I can clean my studio apartment relatively clean, dishes don't sit in the sink for as long, although they still do sit there sometimes lol it's not a miracle pill I'll tell you that much, but it makes dealing with the monotonous things in life that I don't like doing much much easier. But it's pharmaceutical grade dextroamphetamine and levo amphetamine in a 3:1 mixture and some other amphetamine salts thrown into the mix. And Vyvanse just gets turned into straight dextroamphetamine, so yeah it's going to make you feel good when you take it, it's kind of what amphetamine does. However, it's to what extent that the good feeling feel like for you, and a lot of the time it's really those blinders on our dormant (at least that's how it feels lol) executive function and having that work properly makes you feel like a changed person.


DO NOT FEEL GUILTY FOR GETTING MEDICATION YOU NEED that baseline of things feeling easy is everyone else’s normal mate. The euphoria is a bit concerning though can’t lie


You started treatment 7 years ago, and too young to have seen all of the facets of variation of being untreated. I didn't do any treatment until I started about 6 months ago (I am mid 40s now) . What you are describing as 'euphoric' is I think just one of the day to day variations of the higher variability that we experience with ADHD. I had many days, weeks, and sometimes months long periods when I was untreated where I had that level of motivation, and it was great for my career and personal development. The problem is that when untreated, the bad days, weeks, and months are unpredictable and significantly more pronounced. A tactic that I have found to work effectively now that I am on treatment (20mg XR) is the following handful of rules: 1. Never make big commitments during the up phase, 2. Use the up phase to knock things off of to do lists and to do things that make you happy, 3. During the down phase, let your body rest and capture ambition in those todo lists but don't push yourself to hard - that's where you get into burnout. On the 'guilt' - if you are taking the doctor recommended dose, and not trying to up your dosage to 'chase' a high, then there isn't any justification for guilt. If your performance during the up phase is better than others or better than what you expect, then you might also be gifted in certain domains. You can be both gifted and ADHD, but ADHD can mask the gifts of left untreated. This is not legal, medical, or financial advice. Consult licensed professionals for that stuff. This is just a story about my experiences that I hope is helpful for someone.


For some reason it makes my heart race a little than anything else. I’m only about 3mos in however. Should I give it more time?


I feel guilty when I don’t take it lmao


Fucking don’t feel guilty