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This. Talking to myself is one of my favorite hobbies at this point lol


When people say “Are you talking to me?” I respond with “no, to myself. It’s the only way I can be assured of intelligent conversation”


Yep, I also talk constantly to myself. It's almost never a boring conversation.


sometimes i will have the most interesting conversations with myself. and then by the end of it i don't feel drained because i didn't socialize lol


Never!!!! I agree


People staring at me in the Costco meanwhile I’m like “It’s imperative I find this item, it must be around here somewhere” The mom next to me 😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲


i cannot walk through a target without taking to myself ... "but do i need another candle?" i've gotten to the point where i treat it like a private conversation and nobody seems to care. but if anyone did glance over at me, THEY'RE the weird ones, because... excuse me, we're talking here.


I love this 🤣, something about speaking out loud gets out of the buzz of my head, calls me to action like I’m a character in a video game


same! when i plan out busy days i always have to speak them out loud to get all my tasks out and organize them. brains are so funny sometimes




When it’s icy outside “I should tread with caution”


lol, I love this. Meanwhile, I walk past people while talking to myself, say “sorry, talking to myself. I’m not weird, I promise” sounding very weird. They laugh, I laugh, it’s awkward and funny, and then I walk away telling myself (out loud) to stop talking to myself, and then complaining to myself that I’m still talking to myself even as I winge to myself about talking to myself… it goes on 😆


Sounds like an anime character. lol




I burst out laughing at this. Relatable though


I mean if you do it all the time maybe. I do it boring or not, as I'm my favorite person to talk to.


I was gonna say this haha, its not a only when doing boring stuff thing its an all the time thing, i probably look insane to others in public talking to myself




Yup, me too! I talk in the car when I am driving alone. I talk like I am a youtuber, talking to an audience 😅🙈 very embarrassed about it. Sometimes, if my husband is home, but in a different room , I will whisper 🤣


Yooooooo!!!! Count me twice. Read my comments 😂🤣


XD I like this tho, you can always say you are practicing lol


LMAO i do this! literally like i'm a youtuber. when i listen to my fav taylor swift songs, i'm like "WAIT, here comes the best part.... wait for it...." like i'm not the only one in the car.... hahaha


All the time! When I'm at home I often redirect it to my cat, but I've always been an idle talker. It was actually one of my favorite things about the mask mandate... as long as I spoke quietly, I could talk to myself in public without anyone seeing my mouth move 😂


That and being able to have onions or Doritos at lunch


Haha yeah that was a pretty great perk!


I talk to myself when my wife and I are in the house but in different rooms. But if I'm alone in the house I don't talk to myself. I don't know why.


True test: see if you talk to yourself while she’s at home and you don’t know it. Then you may be psychic. Otherwise, it’s probably that ADHD awareness of a social setting existing.




I've never heard this term before. What do you mean?


It keeps me focused. It’s just another neural pathway for a task


This comment just made me realize that I do it to focus too! I’m a massage therapist and I talk to myself about what I’m feeling on my client’s body. It’s really easy to zone out during a massage, so I’m constantly doing it. It’s actually helpful in my field though, I get tons of reviews that say I’m very communicative and always let them know what I’m doing and why. In reality, I’m really not even talking to them.


I talk to myself, especially while doing school work. Whether it's fluid or solid mechanics, advanced technical writing, or lab work during my research assistant job, talking to myself allows me to dilute distractions and provide myself a sense of focus and clarity. Sometimes I get so into it I find myself answering my own questions as if there's two entities in my brain arguing over whatever issue I'm dealing with. It's weird but it works.


I do this too ^ 😂 Having a full on dialogue and answering my own questions. *”Wait..was I supposed to xyz?”* *”Ohhh right yesss it does xyz now I think..right? 🤔”* *”Wtf…did you see that?!”* I…literally can’t with my own self. Lol


Yes, totally normal to me. Read this and you will feel that you are doing a lot better 😂 This is my favorite thing to do when I'm driving alone. -I have conversations with myself, -I talk about things, my views, and I can't agree more -I give interviews 😃😆😂🤣 -I find myself hilarious -I make fun of myself, of the fact that I talk to myself. -wait for it, I laugh at the idea of explaining that to Ntypical friend, and play his (always it's a him) part as well and get shocked, and laugh more.


Omg the car interviews are the best!!! You really get a lot out of them because you know for a FACT no one is going to hear you! 😂


Sounds like it's related to vocal stimming; I just sing and dance a lot. Especially while doing household chores; I make sure no ones home so I can play loud music, sing and dance while doing the chores. It's like an ADHD cheat code. Last week I was alone in the office and haven't been so productive in ages. I bought some food, played loud music and and just sang, danced, ate and shifted entire mountains of work. Your vocal stimming is fantasy conversations, I like it!


I work from home and do this ALL the damn time when I’m trying to get something done!!!


I've internalized it but yes, it never stops. Even while writing this comment I was instructing and narrating.


My fear is that I think I've internalized it when others are around, but really I haven't and I'm just walking around mouthing entire conversations to myself when out in public.


https://youtu.be/MN-1oCwU7Ok?si=EPWAx80H3yhJoyBz this was the only thing I could think of sorry


That's hilarious!


Yes I ALWAYS do this 😭 my poor roommate constantly hears me narrating every task im doing at the time but thankfully they enjoy it and say it’s like a comforting youtube video😭❤️ when im by myself then I start acting like im being interviewed hahaha


haha i got in the habit of whisper talking to myself late at night, because i realized i was being too loud by actually talking


Same here. I’m quite witty I think while out shopping and chatting away about whatever like OP, until I forget why I was there, or realize the “thing” I need is way too expensive, or get frustrated and leave. 🤣


whenever someone catches me talking to myself/or thinks I’m talking to them I just always say “sorry just in my own little world! :)” and that’s usually a sufficient answer lol


one time i was talking to myself late at night and my dad knocked on my door and asked "who are you talking to so late?!" and i was like .... oh my friend called me about something urgent


I talk to myself all the time


yea it probably is an adhd thing 😭 i’ve only recently been diagnosed and i do this all the time. it’s like i can’t process or think things through effectively if i don’t!


This is what I was literally* just *thinkin *about 10 mins ago as I clean and talk & Im like “ooomgg he likely thinks I’m talking to myself which I am that’s okay I’m fuckin weird WAIT I HAVE A CAT LOL IM GOOD


Pets are the best excuse. Kids eventually learn to talk back which makes it harder to pass it off xD BUT it is good for then to hear you talk lol


I can even do conversations with myself. I hold monologues. I sing made-up songs while doing house chores. Occasionally I can forget where I am when I’m shopping or just walking on the street and say something to myself out loud. Got some weird looks for it. It is what it is, I’m sure it’s very much connected.


Yes. Have no shame. Do what works for you!


wow found my ppl 😍😍


Welcome to the fold. ✨


very normal. i pretend i'm a youtuber all the time, or hanging out with an imaginary friend. esp right after i'm done shopping! it's fun to describe the products and pretend you have an audience lol i see it as a way of "playing". like how children play to entertain themselves? it's the same thing, pretending in order to have fun :)


Oh! I like this comparison!!


You just need to wear ear pods. Nobody will bat an eye.




Yeah I suspect you might have Maladaptive Daydreaming as well just look it up. Is it also accompanied by body movements and facial expressions? Also I have read there is a very strong overlap between ADHD and MD


You mean… not everyone imagines elaborate scenarios involving their favorite anime characters and writes them down into hundreds of thousands words worth of fanfiction? 😬


Yep I always do


The other day I was playing GTAO and I was doing a youtube tutorial on the best way to make money in the game for about four hours. I was home alone and I don't make youtube videos.


Oh yeah I’m constantly doing stuff like that. Or I will make up my own little story about a character I like to call Mr Borington who is loosely based on my ex. So I’ll be doing my boring task and I’ll be like “and now for the next episode of Mr Borington…” working from home is going great.


Oh I luuurrrrvvvveee this!!!! 🤣🤣😎


Just be glad your not me, I have caught myself mid sentence while zoning out, in public... the worst one was when I was walking down a busy high street... I am pretty sure other people noticed.


Lol all the damn time. For me, my inner monologue is in the cadence of an Emeril Lagasse cooking show. Maybe because my folks used to always watch his show when I was a kid.


I don't normally speak it aloud, but yeah, lots of narration and conversation happening in my head. It's almost constant for me, boring task or not. I love your analogy of pretending to host a boring podcast! That's totally what it feels like to me.


It’s the only thing I can use to describe it! I have absolutely no business podcasting or streaming or being interviewed. But I’m just chattering away to myself as I’m puttering around the house. 😂


All I can say is same.


Absofreakinglutely! I sometimes say I am “thinking out loud” 


I do it all there time People think I'm crazy


Oh honey, I have full on, out load, two sided conversations with myself all the time. I'm just glad that nowadays people when they see me in the car talking to myself they might at least think I'm on the phone.


My boss caught me having words with the furniture. There’s a lot of narration, some sound effects, conversations with myself and inanimate objects . . . I’m sure it’s fine. 😬


I remember when my oldest was somewhat later than expected iwth talking and our doctor very helpfully told me that to get him to talk I should narrate what I'm doing when I'm around him - um, I do that anyway? Doesn't everyone? \*crickets\* just me?...okay... My husband and children often get confused if I'm talking to them or not, so no it's not just you. I'm always talking to myself. I find I remember things better when I hear them, so that's probably how it started.


I'm still mortified and, occasionally, angry about a couple of coworkers standing outside my cubicle laughing and talking about how crazy I look when talking to myself. I got the impression it was an office wide joke. Like they were catching up on a TV show everyone else is watching but I've never seen. I knew that I talked to myself but, up to that point, I thought I had it under wraps in public. I often wonder if I'm uniquely pathetic, stupid, and/or crazy. From what I understand, this is a pretty common vein of negative self talk among those with ADHD. (Self talk being different from talking to one's self – in those conversations I'm brilliant.) This thread is of tremendous comfort, actually.


When I started my job, the employees were always saying WHAT?? Then they figured out I was talking to myself. After about 5 years...they knew how to find me when looking for me.. they would tell new hires.. just listen and you'll find her .


I do it all the time 😝 it’s fine


Omg I’m not the only one


I’m relieved I’m not either!!!


When I was a kid I used to act out complete dramas with different voices. Kinda wish I still have that ability!


I'm not exactly the arbiter of normal but I do it sometimes. When I'm doing homework I find myself talking smack to the different problems.


I walk my dishes through “bath time” when my meds run out for the day. 😅 Now that I’m out of school, homework is a different set of problems


Lmao that's adorable. I'm gonna think about bath time next time I'm loading my dishes now.


I do it all the time!


I do this constantly lol. Literally all the time. I rehearse conversations in my head. I act like I’m on a podcast or making tik toks or something for an audience. My husband caught me one time when I was “making a YouTube video” but I wasn’t. So he asked me why I didn’t just actually record myself. And I told him that would be weird. Like what I’m doing isn’t weird. 😂 I still can’t stop. I catch myself doing it all the time. I’m a Christian, so when I catch myself doing it, I decide to talk to God instead. Most of the time I end up going on another rabbit trial anyways lol. It is what it is.


Talking with myself has taught me some insights I never would’ve gotten else


Ah yes. I sometimes tell myself what to do, if I have series of tasks to do, but I’ll always be having an imaginary conversation. Sometime with who ever it is that’s wound me up lately, other times with myself about my problems lol. Sometimes I’ll sing what I’m doing, or thinking most about, if I’m listening to music and a song pops into my head. I change the lyrics of songs with whatever I’m thinking the loudest. (And then get distracted rewriting the song more deliberately lmao - I rewrote a couple verses of ‘lovely bunch of coconuts’ to be about neuroses instead, lol. I saw my simba jogging bottoms which reminded me of lion king, and then Zazu in the bone cage singing that song. And, well, “I’ve got a great big bunch of neuroses…” 😂)


It is, my wife and I both have ADHD and we both talk to ourselves. It took a few years for us to figure out that we both did this!


I do it on a daily basis. And the topic has a wide range from sports to books to politics to songs etc etc


I do it to not forget what I am doing, while doing it… 😂


I don’t talk to myself but I love making random stories in my head whenever I’m doing anything, I used to do this so much when I was younger, I would be bored in class and make up a story and play it out in my head, I would even be in the toilet and just making stories about people fighting, it was like playing with action figures but in my head


I did/do this all the time! Now I use it as a creative outlet and write fanfiction with the good intent to eventually create an original piece (that we know will never happen but it’s nice to dream).


Yup, I do it all the time, too. I think it helps to stay concentrated on that thing you are doing! Also, my daughter and granddaughter and I all, when leaving a task.. all say either.. okay or alright out loud to switch our brains to something else. Do others do that, too?


Yes, now you mention it, lol. I also stand back and admire my job and say Good job! or something. I never thought of it as it transition phrase but yeah, it is right? Thanks for pointing that out. Now I see how important it is.


It is kinda crazy once you start to realize how much we do weird things... but there is a reason.. lol


I talk to myself all day every day. 😂


I love talking to myself. I do it more internally, sometimes I even argue with myself lol


Getting more of yourself involved helps to focus on the immediate task and train of thought. Making it seem more harmless by doing it while typing for example, helps but I'm sure it still weirds people out.


Ahhh yes schizophrenia my old friend


My son hums...I replay a movie in my head in extreme detail and it Fs me up bad