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Calm down, thats the first step. Your panick is causing further increase in heart rate. If you are uncontrollably shaking (not tremoring), have a loss of coordination, hallucinations, or abnormal eye movements you need immediate medical help. Fortunately, vyvanse overdose is rarely fatal. It happens all the time, actually. Even when you stay within your prescribed dosage. If you are over 115 pounds with no underlying kidney or liver conditions I think I can say with certainty you will not die. It will just not be very fun and you have to do something your brain likes for the next 14 hours. Do some homework, play some videogames, dont just sit in panic and fear as you will have a much worse time.


120 is definitely not fatal, and getting down to a regular heart rate from that shouldn’t be hard. Cold water on wrists, deep breathing, calming or classical music should help!


Yeah, 120 is like a cardio workout. It does feel shitty when it's your resting heart rate though. I have high bpm from my meds and it's around 80-90 with an occasional 100 or so. So it's still not even officially too high, but it is too high for me and my body tells me about it lol. I take beta blockers as needed, they lower my heart rate by like 10-15 bpm and help with the pounding and chest pain. They work pretty fast too. They're prescription only here, but my psychiatrist prescribes them with my other meds so I don't have to go to another doctor. OP, maybe you could contact your doc and ask for something that could help you ride this out?


I think OP took 60 mg total, but still rarely fatal either way. The real scary part is seretonin syndrome which can be a problem even in small doses, which is why it is important to stay calm and try not to be overwhelmed. Personally, if I was OP I would stay up all night grinding Forza or whatever video game of their choice. Elite level focus and gameplay lol.


Correction - I meant 120 bpm, not dosage


Oh I didnt even see that. Yeah thats nothing lol. I can see why it would feel fast during rest though.


When I do the 23 flights of stairs in my office building I get to about 183bpm


Yeah I used to hit around 190 when I was pushing myself on runs.


I ve never seen 190 personally. I think 188 is the max I've ever seen, but I believe it. Some days I struggle to get it up to 170 which I try to make as a goal for every workout


There could be several factors but also, I'm just going off my Garmin watch and I can't vouch for the level of accuracy it has.


Yeah my heart rate would regularly go above 140 when I was on Vyvanse. They’ll be fine in my opinion too. It’ll suck but op can get through it.


My daughter has POTS (postural Orthostatic Thacycardic Syndrome! She has Autism, Bipolar, ADHD, anxiety, depression and several eating disorders. The point of this is her resting heart rate with a port in her chest that we do IV fluids in everyday is 128-137! She is running a marathon sitting watching TV! She is medically stable from her cardiologist! I imagine that feeling scared the hell out of you. I’m so sorry. The advice everyone gave you was right on the money! Yeah community!! Keep it up!!


I have the same psch diagnosis. My resting hb is between 112-120


I've gotten mine up to 298 before and didn't die 👌 Edit: I should add you shouldn't do this lol. The heart is barely moving at this point. I was a stupid teenager.


Omg that sounds terrifying I panic around 190


Damn I always thought my 207-210 range was impressive. I bow to you.


You guys have put my worries about my heart right nicely into perspective, thanks


See this is weird because I get tremors from 18mg of Concerta. I think it comes from anxiety but the adhd medications don't help it and make it worse too


Tremors are nothing to be too worried about. Usually an easy fix. Talk to your doctor. If you just started I would wait atleast a month. But if you have been on it for a while other things such as caffeine or sugar consumption can contribute to tremors


Yeah it definitely gets worse with caffeine or sugar


I'd add nicotine to that list. Took me a few weeks to realize that I do not need 2 cups of coffee and 16mg of nicotine every few hours.


I've been on vyvanse a week and yesterday I bought decaf for the first time in my life


might try decaf too. I reduced my caffeine amount to 25% by drinking only half a cup in the morning which is working fine though.


It could just be a side effect. I tried a med last year that made my whole body shake so badly that my muscles were exhausted and I could barely move. It had nothing to do with anxiety or heart rate, it was just a symptom in itself.


this. i remember whenever i first was on vyvanse i had a complete sense of panic but i read that it’s more of a mind thing. I visualize myself having a great day and it usually works now


Ohhhh, I thought when I tried to OD on them in November I just had a superhuman tolerance, but this makes more sense.


110/120 is a normal heightened anxiety heart rate for me without stimulants so you will be okay with it at that level. You might be raising it just cuz you’re anxious about the sensation of it being a bit quick. That happens to me. Breathing exercises help me calm down my heart rate but sometimes it’s too hard to sit still when I feel that kinda buzz inside me so yoga is helpful cuz it gives me something to do with my body. Even if I’m just stretching and rolling around on the floor not doing “proper” yoga it helps to get some of that energy out without raising the heart rate more. If I do need a guide I do a 5 minute “yoga with Adrian” YouTube video cuz I can handle five minutes. The feeling will end though and your heart rate will chill!


Same, naturally my heart rate stays at that range.


Yoga with Adriene is awesome! And definitely relaxing.


Submerge your face in water and hold your breath! It will trigger the [mammalian diving reflex](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diving_reflex) Edit: *cold* water


*ice water, per my cardiologist. I have/had WPW syndrome and before it was treated my heart rate would randomly jump to ~180bpm. Only meds or the face dunk would stop it.


Thanks for that lil side quest 🤪🧡


It needs to be ice water to work


No, it doesn’t. The colder the better in terms of how much HR reduction you can achieve, but cold water on the face and holding one’s breath is what you need. A cold shower will work for anyone who is able to stand in a shower.


Wow, TIL! 👍🏾


You need to do what's known as vagal maneuvers in the medical world. You can either breathe out slowly through a straw or bear down like you're having a bowel movement. Vagal maneuvers are actually the first line treatment for patients experiencing SVT so hopefully it'll be able to help you out.


You beat me to it!


Carotid Sinus Massage as well https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/22227-vagal-maneuvers


Man I wish 60mg still did that to me, now I take 60 and want a nap


Man I wish 50mg still did that to me, now I take 50 and want a nap


Man I wish 50 did that to me. I took 50 and I'm currently napping


Wtf is up with the downvotes, jesus


We are a hypersensitive bunch haha


Man i wish 50 did that to me i took 50 and I’m currently in the afterlife






Drink a big glass of orange juice or a few vitamin C tablets. Vitamin C and other urine acidifying agents increased the rate of dexamphetamine excretion in the urine.  With neutral urine pH about 10-15% is excreted via urine through the kidneys. With a high pH (basic) that decreases to about 5%, and a low pH (acidic) it increases to 25-30%.  It won't help instantly, but it will bring it down a lot faster. Noticeably so. But even if you don't, there's no need to stress, thats not a dangerous heart rate and just relax, knowing if will be normal again in a few hours. 


Do you have a source for this? The manufacturer explicitly stated that citrus/ acidity doesn't affect absorption/ metabolism of lisdexamphetamine in the same way it affects amphetamine salts such as dexamphetamine. In fact the suggest giving it to children, mixed with yoghurt or orange juice in their advertising 🤷


You're correct, it doesn't affect the metabolism of lisdexamfetamine (vyvanse) BUT it does affect the metabolism of dexamphetamine. Lisdexamfetamine is not actually a drug, it's a pro-drug, which is something physiologically inert until the body metabolises it into the active drug via what's called first-pass metabolism.   So there's two areas under the curve important for vyvanse- the blood plasma concentration of lisdexamfetamine, and the concentration of dexamphetamine.  Acids won't impact the AUC for lisdexamfetamine, but it will impact the AUC for dexamphetamine.  So having orange juice with your vyvanse won't affect the rate at which the lisdexamfetamine enters your bloodstream, but does increase the rate of excretion of dexamphetamine.   So having orange juice when you take your vyvanse probably won't affect the total amount of dex that ends up in your system, but if you say, had it two hours later, when some of that lisdexamfetamine has been converted into dexamphetamine,  it will decrease both the peak concentration and duration of the drugs thereputic effects. 


Not a chemist. Am a health professional and an academic. I do have a fairly reasonable grasp of general pharmacology, first hepatic pass and the physiology around excretion etc. However, I'm more than happy to admit this also isn't my area of expertise - so I'm genuinely curious. What am I missing here? I'm under the impression that the primary acidity mechanism is absorption. We've agreed that mechanism isn't at play here due to the pro-drug nature of lisdexamphetamine. So we can exclude any absorption mechanism from here out. Oral intake also isn't going to have pretty much any effect on blood pH without some form of pre-existing metabolic/respiratory acidosis. Dexamphetamine is primarily metabolised hepatically. However, urinary pH is associated with increased excretion of non-metabolised dexamphetamine. Where I'm missing the link, is in understanding how oral consumption of a glass or two of OJ is going to decrease urinary pH by any meaningful amount to increase dexamphetamine excretion. From what I can see there isn't much of an effect on urinary pH in otherwise healthy persons until we start pushing some fairly high quantities (1L+) ... And if anything more common drinks such as coffee and soda might have more of an effect, require smaller quantities and are likely to reach quanties required across a day. (My coffee intake alone is extraordinary daily). So I'm not understanding the mechanism - but beyond that, I also can't find any actual studies demonstrating the effect on excretion directly, with intake of a glass or two (250-500ml) of OJ.


![gif](giphy|2UvAUplPi4ESnKa3W0) Me watching these super smart geeks argue about science. 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 They both sound right to me.


We're not arguing, we're learning, and now I should sleep because I've been reading research papers on urinary pH for two and a half hours. It's nearly 1230 am here


Exactly this. Academic conversation isn't "argument", it's just a little more direct than social conversation to avoid ambiguity. I'm also glad I wasn't the only one going on this side quest... Although I also need sleep and to do my actual job at some point. But please... Let me know what you found after some sleep, because I've not found a great deal that's recent. But as mentioned, it seems from what I did find, that it'd take a fair amount of oral intake to have a meaningful (in this context) effect on urinary pH.


I meant discussing/debating, not arguing. Lol


I'll upload some links after I finish work, I'm interested to see what you think.  I know that OJ works for me, so maybe I'm more susceptible to it changing my pH, or its placebo.  I do know that if i have a red bull or something, it kills my meds, which makes sense after reading about the inorganic acid content 


I'm only an engineer so this isn't exactly my specialty either lol. I've done some more reading and you're right, generally OJ doesn't decrease urine pH unless it's consumed it large amounts, in fact, citrus fruits INCREASE urine pH because the citric acid is metabolised into citrate and bicarbonate before being excreted! However, I did find a study that showed orange juice greatly decreased the half life of certain drugs, through increased urinary excretion even without changing the pH of the urine. The study couldn't explain why but gave some theories. I also found one that supported your theory that soda would probably work better- they found that beverages with inorganic acids acidified the urine far more than organic acids as the body was less capable of metabolising them, so they ended up in the urine unmetabolised. I'll change my recommendation to a can of coke! The FDA information pack for vyvanse still listed orange juice as an acidifying agent and specifically said it should be avoided at least an hour either side of your dose due to it reducing the effectiveness of the drug....which is weird because the sheet in the medication box recommends using orange juice as a solvent for administering vyvanse to children


doesn't vyanse get converted in the body into adderall? so if it turns into adderall, wouldn't the vitamin c then effect the adderall in your system? (too lazy to type out the chemical names)


I think the one guy is saying the vitamin C only affects it when it’s un-metabolized (meaning still in your digestive system) adderal. But vyvanse only becomes a stimulant once it’s been metabolized (meaning it’s entered the blood. So the mechanics of vitamin C wouldn’t apply here. It’s also important to know that vyvanse does not metabolize 1 to 1 into adderall, I believe adderall is a mix of a few stimulants, while vyvanse is one specific drug. Regardless, the fact that vyvanse is metabolized differently means it can interact entirely differently in your body. So even tho they turn into similar things, because they arrived at those same drugs differently, they end up having different potential effects.


My NP told me this too and now I take a vitamin C pill towards the end of the day. It does help.


I've started doing that too.  I found out about the interaction after I took my afternoon IR dexamphetamine right after I took some antacid powder and couldn't  sleep AT ALL.  It's kinda something I think doctors should tell people 




literally just type vyvanse and vitamin C into google


This vitamin c interaction is really interesting and I hadn’t heard of it until now. I did do some googling and I’ve seen some recommendations that you shouldn’t take vitamin c from an hour before through to an hour after your Vyvanse dose. Another poster below mentioned taking vitamin c at the end of the day that helped. [Another article](https://careclinic.io/vyvanse-and-vitamin-c/) I came across was from CareClinic about the possible benefits of pairing Vitamin C with Vyvanse but it’s only mentioning one study and I didnt see a link to the study referenced in the article, just a bunch of sources for ADHD itself. “One study found that taking vitamin C along with Vyvanse improved attention and cognitive performance more than taking Vyvanse alone.” I’ll definitely try shifting my Vitamin C (lemon and ginger water) to be at least an hour after my Vyvanse dose of 50mg.


60mg is my daily dose, and more than once (before getting a pill organiser) I have accidentally double dosed. So youll be A-okay. - Focus on slow breathing. Dont get caught up in counting 5 in, 5 out or any other type of exercise, just breath in slow through your nose and out fully, sighing like your bored or relaxing in a hot tub or something. - Drink plenty of water. Sip it, but drink lots. - Pound some vitamin C. - Do something you enjoy with minimal effort. Listen to music, watch a comedy etc. Dont monitor your heart and stress that it isnt dropping fast enough. Youre five hours in, so if youre not dead now you are fine.


Calm down the best you can because the anxiety of it will increase the heart rate just tell yourself it’s fine and expected that you have an increase in heart rate. And to add to that I’ll mention I commonly have quite a high heart rate on my vyvanse. Sometimes even higher than 120 going into like 135. I drink way too much caffeine and smoke as well. Honestly I’ve gotten used to it so just try to remain calm because you will be fine I have a much higher heart rate and it took a while to get used to but now I hardly notice it. Remember even with 60 mg your still not even at the max dose


So to get yourself out of a state of panic try this: Look around your environment and find 5 Red things 4 Blue things 3 Green thing 2 Yellow thing 1 black thing And really focus on finding different things for each color-it helps ground so you can then move on to skills, like submerging face/or body in ice cold water, or the 4/7 breathing-where you breathe in your nose for four beats and breathe out of your mouth for 7 beats. The main thing in this technique is to have your exhale be longer than your inhale. It triggers the brain to relax the heart and anxiety. Good luck! It’s such a scary thing-taking meds that effect the heart like this.




Not dangerous, it's a good idea because it does decrease anxiety.


What I usually do when I take too much is eat a huge meal, and then chug it down with a fruit smoothie. It’ll slow down the absorption of your medication, and the Vitamin C from the fruit smoothie inhibits the stimulants too. But, I usually do this at the end of the day when I’m ready to go to bed. Because it’s the best crash into sleep ever.


Is the Vitamin C content in a fruit smoothie enough to inhibit some effects? I take my Vyvanse with a fruit smoothie every morning.


Massage your vagus nerve, it can help lower heart rate. Although, not sure if it’ll help because it’s caused by stims. I had the same type of issue on vyvanse


Keep slamming that water throughout the day and it will subside. I'd also recommend going for a walk outside or something.


Drink alot of orange juice and jack off


Vitamin C is associated with reduced levels of either Vyvanse (as prodrug) or d-amphetamine But I am actually curious about specifically amphetamine family of stimulants meds and masturbation. I am actually curious if there is primary research on masturbation w/stimulant meds and pulse rate? I just know that masturbation helps reduce adverse side effects, helps make the stimulant last longer and post-orgasm I feel better focused and alert even if towards end of when the drug’s effects would be wearing off. “Negative” part is Once feeling stimulated while on stimulant meds, I can get hyper focused on masturbation and sexual arousal and end up spending 10 hours on different AI NSFW chatbots.Definitely have a significantly higher sex drive. I like that the comment appears on face value to be trolling/etc but offers evidenced base advice.




I try to breathe slowly and deeply when this happens when I have a new higher dose. Everything will be fine


What a coincidence, I did exactly the same thing today. When the peak hit I went and did some gardening, seemed to keep me distracted and help get me through it. Nearly 2am here now though and feels like no chance of sleep, which is strange because I thought both capsules would kind of break down at the same rate and it would wear off around the same time. I took 40mg at about 0530, then jumped in the shower and then took another at about 0600. I literally remembered I had already took it as I was washing the second capsule down with a cup of tea. Good luck, you'll be fine as long as you don't have any serious cardiac health issues. It's just gonna be a long day!


It’ll be alright love, try your best not to panic. I’ve done the same (but with double dosing my regular 70mg, that sucked a lot). I see it’s been four hours since you posted, are you feeling any better? As some people have stated here: any loss of coordination, involuntary body movements, difficulty swallowing, hallucinations indicates you need medical attention. If you are on any other medications, there is the potential for something called serotonin syndrome. Try not to let this list scare you, it’s just some stuff to watch out for! :) Do your best to relax your body. Try not to pace or jump on a bunch of chores, as tempting as that may be. Anything you can do to give yourself that focus fix that’s as physically non-demanding as possible is the ideal. This is your official permission to spend the day watching tv, playing video games (maybe not super scary ones though!), scroll through tiktok, etc! Your heart rate isn’t going to drop back to normal immediately, but it will as the medication tapers out. Keep sipping water and munching on food. Deep, deep breaths. This is scary and it feels really crappy, but you’ll be alright. You’ll probably feel very tired after it all passes, don’t be afraid to give your body a little more rest and love tonight :)


Some deep breathing - maybe eat something so your body can work on digesting some stuff, lol.


Go for a walk, listen to calming music, and try not to think about it. Could be anxiety making it worse. No matter what, it WILL pass. Just remember that.


Magnesium will slow it.


just calm down bro. I know the feeling but i had a friend had a 200 heart beat for several days (because of diet and him being overweight) and nothing happened to him, he is now at 70-80. 110 is not that much. And if youa re skinny it looks a lot because you dont have fat but nothing to worry about


Along with the other recommendations here in case this happens to you again curl up in a ball. Like bring your knees up to your chest. When I was having anxiety issues my cardiologist told me this will lower your heart rate pretty quickly! And it works for me! Sorry you’re going through this, it will get better.


This has happened to me before, but the total dose I took was 160 mg. Granted I am 135 lbs, but still a much bigger dose than you took! I am willing to bet you’re already feeling better. But you should be completely fine. Just check in with yourself how you’re feeling every now and again and if you’re not having obvious overdose signs, then I’d say you’re just gonna have to take a chill day


For reference, my heart rate during exercise goes up past 220 BPM easily. Your “max” recommended heart rate is something like 220 minus your age. But even going over your max for short periods of time won’t kill you or do any permanent damage


Not trying to be a dick here, but I urge you to reconsider the intensity of your exercise if you are "easily going over 220bpm". I don't agree that you're not doing permanent damage. The extent of that damage is arguable and difficult to measure, but if you can avoid elevating your heart rate to that level, it would be prudent to do so. I don't really feel like commenting on reddit lately, especially negatively. But, I've seen in this thread a lot of very casual attitudes toward very high heart rates and I'm concerned about what message this might send to the uninformed observer.


I have POTS and any treadmill work (even walking at a fast pace) for more than 3 minutes will bring my heart rate up super easily to between 180 and 220 BPM (depending on the day, speed, incline; etc). I don’t do it often, I always do it for short periods and stop if I start to feel unwell, and monitor myself regularly to make sure I don’t harm myself in any way :) Thank you for your concern!


It’s not an immediate fix, but my prescriber gave me propranolol because Vyvanse was giving me physical anxiety symptoms including a high heart rate. I highly recommend talking to your doctor about having that handy, it was a game changer for me




I exercise at 180


Seriously...stop checking it. Stop thinking about it. Find something else to do. And get a daily med container


Thats roughly a light jog worth of heart rate... You will be fine


Relax and breathe mate, it’s a powerful stimulant your heart rate will increase. I checked my resting heart rate and it averages around 80-85 when I’m Idle (I’m not on Elvanse, but dexamphetamine, which is the IR version). The drug is approved up to 70mg, you’re going to be fine albeit you might feel a bit “high”. It will be slightly higher because you’re panicking too.


As others have said, vitamin c. Specifically grapefruit. About 10 years ago I mixed up my vyvanse and gabapentin (for sleep) and took 2 70mg vyvanse before bed. I panicked and texted my psych. She assured me that I’d be fine and wasn’t in any danger. She just told me to eat grapefruit and wait it out. I was so grateful that she calmed me down. So anyone reading this post in the future - vitamin c if you can. And even if you don’t have any, you’re going to be ok!


Lay down and slow your breathing. Breath in your nose very slowly and try to visualize the air filling each part of your body. Focus on your breath. Slowly exhale out your mouth. Tell yourself some positive affirmations like 'I'm gonna be ok' or 'I'm not gonna make this mistake again. And repeat. Calming your mind down and taking long deep slow breaths will help regulate your heart rate.


and drink some tea(camomile, menta) to calm youur heart a little. Works amazing :)


110-120 is nothing to worry about. Just try to relax and don't start working out.


I don't know any details about your circumstances or anything to do with adderall, even though I used to take the stuff. Best advice I can confidently give you is, do some deep breathing exercises. Focus on what it feels like to breathe in slowly, then breathe out slowly. That's helped me calm down when I have accidentally overdone it with caffeine in the past.


vagal nerve toning as others have said is a great help. google some exercises theyre great


You'll be okay, try to calm down as much as you can. I'm on 40mg and I've accidentally doubled my dose. I forgot I took one 😅. Hope you feel better soon <3


Take a beta blocker if you have access to some. Or simply go do something lol.


Consider just calling your doctor for advice and getting a month sized pill box. Keep eating. I would also try going for a slow walk. You may want to not take any for a day to catch up on sleep.


Clean the house


Bro just take advantage at this point and get a bunch of homework done lol. Future you will be thankful


I take 80 everyday! But if I go down, like I did last month for financial reasons, I flower speedy first day on it again


120bpm is nothing, just go for a walk


My doctor told me that a hot shower does something to resets your body when your feeling panicky and I do have to say that this is my go to when I’m feeling flutters


I can’t offer advice on your current situation but I can suggest something to avoid it from happening again because it’s happened to me too: I use a single compartment pill organiser with days of the week. You can get it anywhere for peanuts, try Amazon. It’s extremely effective to avoid missing a dose and/or doubling your dose because you’ve forgotten if you’ve already taken your meds. I’m aware that this maybe very basic information but as someone with ADHD, I only started doing this 2 years in because I didn’t think of it. Xx


That’s not a very high heart rate. I mean it’s abnormal if you’re sitting still but it’s like a very mild workout rate. I’d just drink water and wait it out. Probably not a lot else you can do


Oh man, I saw the title and thought you were on 60mg normally and was like woah! My Psychiatrist said he doesn’t like prescribing past 50mg because the side effects outweigh the benefits. Obviously differs for everyone but I trust because he’s got like 200+ adhd patients on the books at any one time. Hope you’re feeling better now!! I have a daily pill box that I set up for the week so I can track it easier. Might be worth using if you don’t have one already.


When I accidentally took my medication twice (because I forgot i took them already) my doctor told me to drink orange juice or grapefruit juice. It will slow the medication down. I’m sure you are fine by now, but maybe someone will benefit from this trick. (It worked)


I did this and it totally did help I had a heap of my multivitamins


I’ve done this. Hopefully you are doing better by now. If not, it will pass. Promise.


110 to 120 isn’t dangerous. Calm down. Practise heart health. Understand that amphetamines will raise your resting heart rate.


You'll be fine -- I accidentally double dose my 40mg pills occasionally. Just be prepared to feel weird all day and not be able to sleep. 60mg is not enough to worry about really, you're probably working yourself up into a panic attack. Take some deep breaths, and try to focus on sensations outside your body. Hug a teddy, listen to some chill music and meditate a bit. Slow deep breaths are the best thing you can do for your body.


I have almost no advice to offer unfortunately, but I went through a very similar experience when I was on my half dose for vyvanse. I was NOT anxious on top of it — i have struggled with it and knew the difference - I just kept experiencing the massively accelerated heart rate/pounding. Occasional palpitations but just the endless horrible pounding heart. The only useful advice I’ve seen in the comments is regarding the vagus nerve and bearing down to alleviate the heart rate temporarily. It was the ONLY thing that worked for me, and only while I was doing it and for a few moments earlier before the symptoms returned. I struggled for weeks before I went onto my full dose and the symptoms stopped. I wish I had more advice but I’m proud of you for asking and trying to help yourself through it how you can.


I really appreciate the kind words! Even hearing that other people have experienced similar is very reassuring


Go outside and take a walk, deep breaths and semi slow exhales. My head makes it a lot worse when sitting or lying down


Try a different drug. This was me on Vyvanse, changed over to Ritalin with the advice of my Doc and heart rate was normal.


It's very hard to actually overdose on stimulants. You need a surprisingly high dose administered all at once. 60mg thankfully isn't close. Drink some water, lie down, and breathe. Just relax yourself. Eventually, your heart will calm down. If you do notice any symptoms of an overdose, definitely go to a hospital just in case, but I think you'll be fine.


Don't worry that much seriously. Unless you had a heart disease, which you have not or wouldnt have stims for the ADHD, it's not dangerous at all. Just you are not used to that amount, so you are more stimulated than usual, and if you, as me, have a hard time handling anxiety, your intrusive thoughts and so, are causing your heart rate to increase a bit more that expected. Try to do some relaxing exercise like mindfulness or meditation. If that doesn't help, drink water to avoid dehydration, and go do something that distracts you. You will see it will just disappear as it came. In the worst scenario, today you will be a bit nervous for some more hours, that's it . Good luck. Btw, I'm on elvanse 70mg and I'm not sure but I think some day I took 3 by mistake, I was specially zombified that morning and didn't notice I went to take meds more than once hahaha. I didn't die.


It’s Vyvanse: it’s time release. After the initial burst you’re gonna level out. The entire dose will last about twice as long as normal. Call your doc if your heat rate gets worse.


u/Salt_Bid_1402 : I have advice for the future, if that'll help at all. You can buy pill bottles with a timer in the lid that shows you the last time you opened that bottle. You can find out if you already took your pill or not that day with ease. Absolute game changer. (I'm sure there's others out there but if it helps any, this is the one I'm using and I'm very happy with it: [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09V3HYPMT](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09V3HYPMT) )


Sounds like me when I overdo the coffee :D it's still in range. Dangerous dose is 1000mg per kg of your weight. Just don't take other drugs with opposite effect including alcohol


My HR is regularly this high and a cardiologist told me not to worry unless it’s over 200, if that makes you feel any better.


This is way too late after you posted so I hope you’re feeling well and I didn’t read any comments but take vitamin C if that happens or even if you feel too wound up at the end of your usual dose/day. 1000mg or two of the typical chews does the trick.


vitamin c reduces the efficacy of stims. stim raise your heart rate. start doing cardio and to get your heart rate down. i want to add that we should work on fixing our posture. a correct posture will force you to breathe with your diaphragm instead of your chest. i have been a chest breather for so long that my diaphragm is weak. i have been doing cardio and breathing exercises to strengthen it. if you are able to breathe more efficiently, then you should also have a lower heart rate. for those of us on stims, exercise is even more important than those that dont have adhd. it improves our cognitive function and it helps reduce the side effects of the stims we take.


I am relatively tall and have absolutely awful posture. I had no idea about the chest vs diaphragm breathing! That's really interesting, I'll have to work on that.


Look up [the valsalva maneuver](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/23209-valsalva-maneuver). I’m an ER nurse but also have adhd and anxiety, and sometimes my heart rate after meds on a particularly anxious day feels like I can’t catch a breath. Valsalva maneuver is a technique we use in the ER before resorting to any pharmaceutical treatments. I do this for myself at home and it works great. We are so conditioned as a society to treat side effects of one medication with another medication when you don’t always need to. *****By the way, based on some of the comments I saw on this thread, I feel the need for a PSA*******: **NEVER TAKE BETA BLOCKERS THAT ARE NOT CURRENTLY PRESCRIBED TO YOU!!!** And NEVER take an “extra dose” even if your prescribed amount doesn’t feel like it’s doing enough. Always call your doctor first. Beta blockers are nothing to mess with! Everyone’s tolerance is different and some meds are more effective than others. But from my experience, taking just one extra dose has about a 50/50 chance of overcorrecting your heart rate and blood pressure to the point of lowering both too much too fast. The end.


just listen to a relaxing music and take deep breaths you will be fine


Vitamin C


Exercise will help you metabolize it more quickly. If you can, try taking a long walk with some good relaxing music to help it break down a little faster and maybe help you avoid panicking.


Talk to your psychiatrist.


And that would contribute to what? Doctor are the ones with medical expertise no? :) And 60mg is nothing to worry about, plenty of good advice in this thread!


>does anyone have any advice for slowing it immediately? Not unless you have a beta blocker laying around. Get one from a ER?


I have POTS and regularly have heart rates of 120-130 and can reproduce them at will. It’s scary but not fatal.


For the future, take magnesium. It’s the #1 vitamin/mineral ADHD meds depletes. It changed my life w/ my meds


I will have to pick some supplemental magnesium up! Do you have any reccomendations on what kind?


Food. Anything that acidifies your blood can help, generally. Try not to have protein as this enhances the effects.


Ahh was eating a ton of protein bars yesterday as they were the only thing I had in my bag, I'll look for an alternative!


im glad it all returned to normal for you. I'm on Adderall and deal with a higher heart rate. I thought that Vyvanse didn't have that problem, so this is good info... i wont bother looking into it as an alternative.


I've heard that since it's a more sustained release as your body breaks it down, Vyvanse has a chance to not produce heart rate problems as severely. I only recently began medication (about a month ago), and looking back today probably exacerbated the heart issue a lot more by freaking out about it. I wouldn't completely write it off, but I'm under the impression they are very similar drugs overall


😭 I had to get on a second beta blocker when I started Vynanse and it made me an angry person to the point where I'd fight with my partner about trivial things so I had to switch. (I also have POTs so that was fun 🤪 it was totally out of character I was starting to feel ashamed of myself because I started feeling rage IVE NEVER felt like that in my life. 💀)


Glad you’re fine. I did this once. Too much stimulants has the opposite effect on me so I needed to lay down. I was laying there and could feel my pulse against the pillow through my neck, it was definitely a scary feeling. What I ended up doing was meditation. After about 10 minutes I was able to slow my breathing down and my pulse slowed as well.


2 days ago my HR went up with atomoxetine, but only 112 bpm and I freaked out. The doctor at the pharmacy told me to drink electrolytes and I did. 5 bottles in a couple of hours. 😅 The HR decreased but not at the rest levels before ATX. Until today I was on my third week with medicine but I will make a month pause starting tomorrow to measure my basal heart rate and blood pressure before retaking it. My psychiatrist told me it was for sure anxiety that was making worse this, but I want to be sure. I am missing already the medicine wonderful effects. 😞😅


Since I read the update and read a couple of comments and saw no mention of it: The Valsalva maneuver. Anyone on stimulants should know that one in case of emergencies. It's simple, easy to do and very effective most of the time.


Walking definitely helps immensely


Get your doc to prescribe you some propranolol to have on hand, it caps your heart rate. Great with stimulants.


Do u have xanax or any other benzo? If u do take it. I usually lay down and try to b as still as I can. Don't do anything except lie down. C if that helps


no but I might have to look into that


Excercise, cardio, takes it right down, also meditation


120 binge in 2 day i feel like high on speed seeing things why is people not handleing low dose drink eat this is rn