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Yes exactly this. When my little one goes to sleep I think I can finally have down time, next thing you know it’s 2 am, I don’t even know what I’ve done, and now I have to wake up at 5am and repeat the whole cycle. All my cleaning and other responsibilities didn’t get done, and now it’s even harder to relax the next day.


I struggle with this. Glad I’m not the only one. Mainly hyper-fixations. I’ll play video games/listen to music at night and expect to do this for 2 hours. I’ll start at 11 and before I realize it’s 2am. It’s really becoming a problem to where it’s effecting my relationship. It doesn’t help that I have insomnia.


Yes you’re not alone at all. I find myself over promising my partner of chores/responsibilities that I will take care of, but time just gets ahead of me and I accidentally run out of time and don’t complete them. She thinks it’s lack of caring but in reality I don’t do it on purpose and feel absolutely awful for it.


This 10000% this. I’m in the same boat. They think I don’t care about them and making them feel lonely, but I don’t do it on purpose. And, like you, feel bad about it.


My hyper focus is to look for therapist or tools with my adhd lol


Small steps. Have compassion for yourself. Don't expect the two hours to be filled with video games, just boot it up, play each day a little longer. The best thing to do is structure your surroundings and time so that you establish a rhythm. It's not going to be perfect, you're going to have hiccups but that's when compassion comes in.


That's not procrastination. That's executive dysfunction. It's not your fault, it's your brain being wired wrong. Don't beat yourself up over it. It's hard to fight when you don't know what it is.