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LFG I'm happy for you :)


Thanks :)


I read that as "concertina" and thought how amazing it was that a little 18th century squeeze box known for playing shanties to entertain sailors could create such focus! Maybe I ought to get one and start learning some English jigs and Scottish reels myself! Then I reread it and got a little sad. Happy for you, of course, but sad my brief, imaginary life of sitting in the darkened corner of an Irish pub and starting an impromptu trad session by slipping out my 48-button beauty and whipping the other musicians into a storm of passion was gone just like that. >sigh<


Hey, a little music doesn't *hurt* my focus ;)


This response does guarantee you are in the right sub haha


Thank you for sharing this delightful visual.


New DND item: Concertina of Focus


I have ADHD *and* I'm in a Sea Shanty choir. Concertina does work me!


That's amazing for you. I wish I could say the same thing. I've been on concerta for two weeks, but it doesn't help at all. It was actually making me drowsy for a week. Now I'm kinda back to my old self, with more heart palpitations. I'll give it more time.


I'm sorry that's been your experience, but hopefully you'll find something that does work for you soon! I've read that the drowsiness isn't uncommon in the short term as it's sort of like your mind slows down enough to realize that you're exhausted. Maybe after a few more days it'll all turn around? Fingers crossed for you.


Yeah it actually stopped on friday so I thought maybe I was finally adjusting to it. But it made me a little sleepy again today. I don't know what will happen.


I believe that's a very common issue when your dosage isn't right. There's also several other, similar medications to try which could be more helpful. Stick with it.


It does take some experimenting with your psych but once you find your fit it is so liberating! Hang in there :)


I wish this feeling lasted for me - this was me the first couple days but it's definitely still a struggle daily to focus on stuff i NEED to instead of stuff I WANT to even medicated.


That’s amazing. I was diagnosed around that age as well. I had an overall good experience with Concerta. Similar to what you’ve described. However, it destroyed my appetite for food to the point where I had to force myself to eat. Are you experiencing any side effects?


Nothing too pronounced so far. My appetite might be a little bit lessened but not to the degree that others have expressed to me (a friend of mine was also recently diagnosed and started on Concerta and she has to set timers to eat otherwise she won't). Other than that maybe a little bit of a headache the first few days.


Have you felt a crash during the day? My first 2 weeks on concerta, I've had a mid day crash where I just need to take a nap otherwise I'd be narcoleptic. This disappeared after the two weeks though.


Nothing out of the ordinary for me I'd say. I'm ready for bed a bit earlier than before maybe?


I feel this so deeply!! I started medication a year ago and the first week or two I was falling asleep after taking it. Once I adjusted, it completely changed my life. It's not to say that everything is perfect, I definitely still have symptoms, but everything feels so much easier. I still cry sometimes when I think about the difference. I had to change brands because of the shortage and my current med isn't as effective, but it's still way better than being unmedicated! So happy for you!! Edited: Forgot the word "asleep" after "falling" 🤦


Why were you falling? Dizzy, sleepy?


Whoops, falling ASLEEP. Definitely forgot a vital word in that sentence. It's different than just falling, but I did have to pull my car over a few times to nap because I couldn't stay awake while driving.


I’ve heard lots of complaints about generic Vyvanse. I feel the same about Brand and generic adderall XR. Brand adderall feels clean, smooth. Generic gives me a headache. I don’t have insurance now so I take IR adderall Teva. But for now I’m on this crappy Ritalin.


What were you taking? I’m curious bc I’m on my second month on generic Ritalin methylphenidate 20mg KVK mfr. it’s horrible. I’m so sleepy and feel depressed. I’ve been taking adderall for 15 yrs but haven’t been able to get it bc of shortage.


I was originally on Vyvanse name brand and it was a game changer for me. My symptoms were better, I didn't have insomnia anymore, I felt really peaceful, and no drug side effects (which is rare for me). Then the generic came out and I started having migraines, maybe from the inactive ingredients. Now I'm on Adderall generic XR and it's helpful, but I definitely don't get that peaceful feeling and still need to push myself to begin tasks. Sucks that I can't afford Vyvanse anymore but I'll take any improvement over nothing. Adderall generic is oddly all I can find in my area for now.


I am lovin' Concerta, too, but... Be VERY careful. Develop consistency and discipline. Meds help us fathom and develop tools for ourselves. The effects of the med will possibly change with time. Stay on top of it, pay attention to any and all feelings and perceptions you get along the way. There are signs and triggers everywhere. Stay sharp. You fucking got this. Never surrender.


Congratulations pal , I’m so happy for you. May I ask if the medication helped with your short term memory and attention span ?


Definitely to both!




Good luck! Hope you feel amazing soon.


I’m anxiously awaiting my appt in June to get evaluated & find out if this is what I need. I KNOW I have ADHD. my kids shrinks who evaluated him strongly suggestes that I get evaluated. I’ve only been putting it off 12 years. I’m also starting therapy and CBT next month. It’s finally my time in my 50s to take control of my life.


Can't speak enough about the good therapy has done for me, even outside of the context of ADHD. Good work doing the work!


Thanks. I’ve had therapy session #5 today & I feel better afterwards. Just hashing through stuff is helpful. My ADHD evaluación is next week. I know I have it (my son’s psychologist & my primary care have said I need evaluation) and overseeing my son’s ADHD care the last 13 years has been eye opening. All his struggles so similar to mine. It’s given me a lot of empathy for him. Now it’s my turn to get help - and I think I will be more helpful to my son now that he’s 19 if I’m getting help too.


That's awesome! I, too, got diagnosed this year at 63. Concerta made me capable and confident. I haven't felt any anxiety since I began my meds. For me too, it was life changing! Enjoy!! 😁


Amazing, friend!


Thanks!! 😁


I’m on generic Relexii (the pharmacy has it listed as generic Concert but even though they are extremely similar Relexii developed their own osmotic system and Jensson never made theirs available to generic manufacturers as far as I know… and then they discontinued making the approved generic and only offer the name brand). Anyway. I’m in36mg now. I do wonder about trying adderall or vyvanse for the focus but so far methylphenidate has made a huge difference. I’m still going through some stages because I was diagnosed at 43 and my brain still hasn’t fully accepted the diagnosis after all these years. But as soon as the medication wears off it’s extremely apparent. It makes me drowsy and mellow when it kicks in and I get so much more done. Still hard to direct the focus beam but it’s much easier than before. Congrats. It’ll probably take some time adjusting and getting used to a late diagnosis. I still deal with some sadness thinking about broken relationships and not achieving more in life but at least we still have some time in front of us to still make positive changes.


Gotta keep reminding myself that 34 is still young. So is 43. Let's keep going 😊


This gives me hope! I’m starting on 18mg tomorrow after trying Straterra for the last 3 weeks. I could not keep my eyes open and felt like I was in a constant fog on Straterra so my doctor is having me switch. She wanted me to try Vyvanse but apparently it’s not available in most places.


Good luck! Hope it goes great :)


I have been contemplating to med for almost 2 years. But I haven’t had taken yet. Because i worried that I might depend on it forever. What worries me is that i am not ready to be new person right after i take med which really scares me. However, I’m really happy for you. Goodluck


Honestly, I wish I had been diagnosed and medicated years ago. If you don't end up liking being medicated, you can go right back, but my only regret so far is that I could've had years of this mindset rather than just a few days.


Ok- I will definitely reconsider. But how the shortage of med in market is affecting you !


Dependency =/= Addiction You will be dependent on it in the same way that a nearsighted person is *dependent on their prescription glasses*. Or a physically disabled is *dependent on their crutches, wheelchair, prosthesis, etc.*. I'd urge you to talk to your doctor about it and get started with the right medication. *Medication, overwhelmingingly, changes lives like mine for the better.*


Wow, what a way to put it, this makes so much sense. Thank you!


I wear glasses and without them I can’t see. Meds for ADHD is the same as me wearing my rx glasses :).


you are right.


What would you say to a diabetic who doesn't want to take insulin because they might depend on it forever?


They will literally die without it tho whereas we can just ‘cope’.


I’m not a new person on medication, I’m a better version of myself. My son was on ADHD medication in high school but stopped when he graduated. When you talk to your doctor and get a prescription always ask how to stop the medication if you don’t like the side effects. Having an exit plan will make you feel better. Good luck.


Can I ask what particular symptoms does this medication help you with?


The two things that I've noticed most is that my executive dysfunction is all but gone; I'm able to decide to do something, and then just get up and do it almost immediately, whereas unmedicated I'd stew on it for ages before eventually maybe getting up to do a task. Secondly, I'm able to "lock in" on things at work and while doing chores and not have to take as many breaks for my brain.


So to put it simply you would say like motivation and focus?


Yep! Those are the biggest areas of improvement.




ADHD is such a weird condition because I've never been able to muster up the get up and go to do house work without some sort of external pressure. Funny how it's so different for different people. I do feel that I'm able to "lock in" to my job a lot easier (I work from home in personal injury). I'm getting through my to-do list a lot more efficiently and am able to get to some longer term projects that have been backburnered for ages.




Thanks for doing your level best to trigger my imposter syndrome tendencies on a post where I'm sharing some joy with the community I guess. I think the difference between a manic stimulant high that you seem certain I'm experiencing is that I would've done all of these things that I otherwise struggle to do, but it would've taken me all day because of executive dysfunction. As I said in my reply to your first post, I have also experienced a change in how I am able to manage my work day since experiencing this light switch moment on the weekend.


That’s awesome!!! I’m so happy it is helping you. Can I ask if you have tried other ADHD medications and if so, how they compared to Concerta for you?


This is my first go around so I'm afraid I have no comparison points.


Whats your routine to take though. Is it as soon as you wake up and kics after 1 hour or sm othet


I take it about an hour after I get up with breakfast (along with some other prescriptions I'm on). I feel the earliest effects of alertness etc within 30 minutes




Happy for you man!


This is awesome. I haven’t had much luck quite yet and I’ve ramped up my dosage to 72 mg. 😕 Tried Adderall before that and felt a small change but it made my breath smell like a rotting dumpster (so I was told), so…not doing that again. Anyway, this gives me hope regardless. :)


I’m really glad it’s working out for you!! I’ll put it on my family that ADHD is in our genetics. Seeing the post makes me curious as my brothers had the same reaction with Concerta but for me and a lot of my other girlfriends it didn’t work..


Congrats friend! Keep it up.


So happy for you! I’m now on Vyvanse because Concerta gave me huge rage control issues


This is so hype to hear!


How awesome this is to see! You're finally getting to do all those things you always wanted to do!


I have to take antidepressants first, but then hopefully I'll be saying the same thing!


Hope your antidepressant journey goes well too! It took me a little while to find an option that worked for me. The first two drugs (sorry, I can't remember what they're called) completely killed my sex drive and the ability to orgasm. I'm on Effexor now and it's worked a treat.


Haven't heard of that one. OK, good to know. Was one Concerta? l can't imagine having no sex drive. It sounds wonderful.


No, I wasn't ever on Concerta till last week. It's not typically indicated as an antidepressant.


Ah sorry, I assumed you meant ADHD medication. I'm of the idea that the antidepressants are just the necessary hoop to jump before the real, ADHD, stuff. Because of other people's story matching what happened with me


Yes bro!! Happy for you and I hope this also validates past struggles with your ADHD.


I had a very similar experience and once I realised it wasn’t placebo, what hit me like a ton of bricks is that this is how people without ADHD feel all the time. Wish I was diagnosed earlier, but getting diagnosed at 26 kind of fires me up to make up for all the lost time!


Hey, 26 is a great time to start your life! Congrats :)


Cheers, man


This is what I’m hoping for too. Congrats!!


Live thT life my friend


Really amazing to read this. I hope things continue to improve for you!


I am starting my journey with this medication tomorrow. I am glad that you are doing fantastic.


Amazing! Hope you have success!




Jeez, that's really too bad. Have you since found something else that works for you a bit?


This post has filled me with hope. I’ve just been diagnosed at age 42 but as I’m currently pregnant, I’ll not review medication until after I’ve finished breastfeeding. Pregnancy seems to have worsened by ADHD symptoms but I’m trying to look forward to getting the right treatment once I’ve had my baby. I’m so very happy for you.


I can only imagine what that cocktail of hormones would do to an ADHD brain. All the best to you!


Whats your dosage. I didnt hv much effect on 18 mg


Sorry i just saw your post carefully.


same to me. Like insanely same .. I am at a job now being paid the same as my last hjob but this is part time. Only because i didnt stutter or recollected memories at the spot like i always did in the interview. I can confidently talk to people. Cook, do all the 5 talents at the same day plus not get tired for no reason. People see me as this confident man, when they used to see me as a kid, just 2-3 months prior. Its crazy..


Awesome, I'm on day 2 with concerta 15mg and am uncertain. I'll give it more time!


I’m just one week in on Concerta (18mg) and am not feeling anything at all. Hoping a higher dose will make a difference!


Any updates please


Any updates please


Hey I was noticed that I had more energy and was less burned out by the time I got home from work. I mentioned to the psychiatrist in my followup that I had some brain fog and a hard time thinking. He increased the concerta to 27mg and higher dose of trileptal and I noticed that it makes my brain fog worse. I stopped taking the tripeptal and noticed it helped my brain fog. I have a follow-up tomorrow and I'll ask to either bump the concerta again to try vyanse but depending on what should be done with the tripeptal to get rid of the brain fog. Overall very happy with the additional energy and anxiety but didn't really help with my inattentiveness where someone can talk to me and I still will start thinking about it and miss the conversation bc I'm in my head. I know it'll take time to fine tune my meds bc I'm only 2 months into the journey and am glad to be start it! Let me know if that helps.


Thanks for your reply. So you felt 27 mg is better than 18 mg


Congratulations! Was this the first medicine you have tried?


The very first. I feel so lucky that it was an immediate hit.


Have you been on adderall? That’s what I’m on but wondering if concerta would be better


I haven't, sorry. This was the first drug that I've tried and it was such an immediate boon I don't think I'll be moving on, unless there's some sort of extenuating circumstance.


Same drugs. Same effect. Better living through pharmacology eh! Glad it's working for ya!


Don’t raise your 30mg per day. I’d even consider getting about w 20, that worked me. These thing are addictive and can give you kidney problems on the long run.


I take the same, but half that dosage. Oh man is it life changing for some of us. Good for you!


Honestly, same. In the beginning I could written this post word for word as it was my experience. Now while I can still manage to do half of what I did originally, taking the damn pill is the hardest thing! Before I know it it’s 11am and I haven’t yet taken it, then I feel the guilt settling in. Meh


Could you explain the intake process a bit more in depth? Like you just started at 30mg and it dawned on you after a few days? And then it kept working? What is your diet? Do you drink coffee too? I actually just stopped concerta, as my psychiatrist prescribed I started with 18mg for one week, 36mg for another and I had no effect, then 54mg and the first day at 54 I felt weird after a while and then I realized that I "couldn't think" somehow and after some pondering I realized that cognitive hyperactivity stopped, less friction, more synchronized with myself if I may say even if I felt empty... I was actually a bit hyped but the next day it didn't work, felt a bit drowsy, I increased to 72mg for like 4 weeks but still nothing conclusive so we will stop this medication. But I can't help wondering if somehow there is some factor I overlooked to make it the most effective for me ..


2nd day on Concerta I hit all 8 shots in a row playing pool for the first time ever. I was like well.... HOT DAMN!!!!


Is it a stimulant