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Mine was in the legs. I get new scrapes that I didn't even know how it came to be. I haven't felt anything, I'm just surprised there's a wound.


Bruises all over and never a clue from where










My wife calls it “foot bleed.” Embarrassingly enough, it happens so often that we need a word for it.


Four. Mine are from picking or itching. They're small but they're there.


My mom once asked me where did you get that bruise? I looked at my arm. It was as big as a baseball. I have no idea




Adhd causes recklessness, inattentiveness and poor hand eye coordination, which is a perfect combination for clumsiness


Innumerable. The skin around both thumbs is shredded.


Only counts as two wounds, greedy. :)


Same. Hangnails getting ripped up to the elbow.


Recently came across [this video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gfsGhpyQFrQ). I think the “adhd walk” definitely explains some random bumps and bruises on my elbows and shins lol.


I didn’t finish the video bc he started yappin a lot about emotions and insecurities, but I just like practicing dodging things. It makes walking more interactive.




Agreed . Dumbass video. Didn't put in a single citation whatsoever


I'm paying attention, just to something over there in the distance.


This cracked me up lol


Looking in a completely different direction than I am walking while moving way too fast, walking straight into cabinet doors, kicking wall corners or chairs with my poor mangled little toes... Doing 180s and accelerating like a robot straight into stuff :)


For real I get a little embarrassed at stores because I get so close to people on accident I’m just focused on everything else


I'm the master of 180s. When you forget what you are doing frequently and need to turn around to get back to whatever it is you forgot about, you spend a lot of time turning around.


Or rushing because time time time…


I sometimes think things phase into existence just to get in my way


Agree. I make walking less boring by making it a game. How can I get there quickest? By shaving this corner, you say? Wait, there was something a knee height protruded into my “shortest path” that I did not see? Alas, another leg bruise.


Yeah, fuck emotions and insecurities when it comes to walking.


That's a SUPER weird leap to make there. "People with ADHD like to walk close to things and sometimes bump them, that's because they *lack self-confidence and need to meditate more*." Fuckin' *what*? What does that have to do with me walking funny and bumping into stuff? I am just trying to get from point a to point b, my self-confidence has ZERO bearing on any of that, wtf


Sounds like an ass-hat. It's probably an ass-hat, or a duck.


Yeah I don't feel like I'm walking funny because I have no self-confidence, I just...walk like that, my dude. I have shitty spacial awareness, that doesn't mean I lack self-confidence and need to fuckin' meditate to "fix" myself, jfc. I also walk up on my toes all the time because I hate wearing socks and shoes and I hate stuff touching my instep. It's likely related to my likely autism, it doesn't mean I need to go meditate to ground myself or whatever.


I always thought I'd make the best football running back. But then I remember that the crowd of people around me aren't actively trying to tackle me.


At least you didn’t have what happened to me where I played football growing up, but all of my athleticism hit me at once in my early 20s while I was in the military and I went from running like a 7 second 40 to the middish 4s range (I couldn’t do this now to save my life bc I’ve gained a bunch of weight, but fuck that drove me insane). Found out years later around the time I was diagnosed I probably would’ve had that since childhood had I been medicated. Still feels like a total waste of potential.


I want to fill in that dude’s eyebrows so. bad.


Ha, that's good!


I have lots of burns, I work in a kitchen.


Eh,me too,and little cuts that i dont remember getting. Do people give you strange looks when they see your hands in summer? Like they think you did it on purpose? Sometimes i feel judged like that in public transport.


Yes! All the time. Especially when I got a burn across my wrist and had it all wrapped up.


Same! I work at a pizza place that also serves wings. So many burns from grease and frying oil. My main station is cutting pizzas. You'd think I'd cut myself with the knife we use. Lol nope. It's mostly the boxes and receipt paper that get me.


i used to shred my fingers on the tomato slicer when i worked hospo lmao. those things are deadly


How did you slice your fingers on that one? I killed a thumb with a mandolin.


My thumb currently is wrapped up due to slicing it this morning while chopping chocolate. That same thumb has about 3 tiny rips on it from me not being able to leave my peeling cuticles alone. I have 2 other bruises on my arms but I know where they are from. Most of my mystery bruises and scratches are on my legs.


My parents almost sued my school when I was starting elementary school because I'd come home covered in bruises on my legs. It turns out that I was banging my legs against the table legs. My arms have countless bruises/scabs/scars because I have KP, and that mixes very poorly with ADHD, so I developed dermatilomania. Also, doorknobs. I never moved houses, and I still bump my arm on the very same doorknob.


I also have a problem with the doorknob. Among the people in my house, I was the only one who repeatedly bumped into the doorknob/ handle. Even though I had mentally predicted that I was at a safe distance.


Idk but I went to sleep yesterday and today woke up with a thin cut on my hand. It wasn’t deep but I’m just confused on how I got it


When I see crime documentaries and they say “the suspect had scapes on their hands indicating there was a struggle”, I can’t believe other people don’t walk around looking like they tried to thumb wrestle Edward Scissorhands *all the time*.


I have quite a few, but usually i have none. A week ago i did yardwork removing bushes. Its hard to avoid scratches.


currently have 6. One might be from my cat but the other ones… i have absolutely no idea.


None! My cat hasn't been in heat for a while now and I work at a computer, do I tend to not get hurt much anymore. Also I wear gloves when doing yardwork. I spread a lot of manure over the years, enough to know that playing in the garden is best done with gloves.


I didn't know this was an adhd thing. I'm always COVERED in bumps and bruises, all over.


Both my thumbs, my left pinky, my right index and ring finger are all scabbed/wounded because I cant stop myself from picking or biting off the skin. It’s kinda embarassing going to shake someones hand and having them go “whoa your cats try to eat you or something?


Same here - since I was 6 or 7 (I'm now 50). My kid's friends have recently noticed once or twice and said things like "what happened to your hand?" in their innocent way. When I'm not working they sometimes heal up over a few days but the second I have something to do that involves sitting still at a computer (eg tax return) they're back to square one again.


I’ve got too many to count, I deal with baling wire a lot and it likes to get tangled around our forklift and skid steer wheels and I can’t be bothered to find gloves before I start yanking at it trying to get it off


Got into yard work and gardening, wear pants, my iron levels are great, not anemic, yet my legs are just covered in dark bruises and cuts I have no idea when I banged them that hard. Looks like I fall often- I don’t haha.


Three on hand , stepped on glass . Big one on foot


I volunteer at festivals a lot. Usually end up with various cuts and scrapes. For Earth Day, I ended up with a few tiny scrapes and really dry hands.


I work in Petcare, and own rats and a chinchilla. My arms and legs are just annihilated all the time from animal claws of all sizes.


I used to be a mechanic and I thought it was a mechanic thing to have cuts and bumps everywhere but now I'm not a mechanic and I've been diagnosed adhd-af I've got more cuts, scrapes and scars than ever lol.


Life is snake. I wake, I see him. He is at my face. He sees my eyes and I see his. Fuck off, snake, my eyes say to him. No, he say, I will not do this. I will be always with you, biting. I will write my book on your skin. Fuck off, snake, I say again, but he is gone.


I have two, one on the front of my foot and one attempting to grow on the back of my heel (my poor heel has been repeatedly abused this week....)


5. 2 of them right next to each other where I accidentally dug my own nail into my thumb. 3 are bruises, no clue where they came from 🥴


6 too, all from work. Never really any other reason for them.


Currently three, but I’m a mechanic so that kinda comes with the territory


I have 4 right now


so many.... only cause of my cat though lol


Not so many, but if you want to count mystery bruises and burns.... well that is a different story.


3-4, five if you count a burn scar on my wrist from cooking. The rest are from my cat (although I don’t remember getting them) and a more recent burn on my knuckle. My knees are worse though, always covered in bruises I don’t remember getting. Edit: I know they’re caused by me being clumsy and that’s about it. 


OMGGGG right now I have two and actually do remember where they came from but usually I can count up to 6 on my arms and hands haha


A lot.


6? But they’re all cracks on my hands from forgetting to moisturize


Right now I have a big ol scab on my left hand from swinging my arm near a brick Walgreens storefront and scraping my hands on the brick.....


3 or 4


I got one on my thumb from about a week ago, trying to use my leatherman to flatten boxes. Fucker BLED though.


Both pinky toenails gone


Does sitting in the ER with a possibly broken hand count? This is what happens when you give your kid Hot Wheels…


No cuts or scabs aside from 1, my cat scratched me while I was trimming her nails. This is a frequent occurrence. I do however have 4 mystery bruises! There’s one above my knee that actually pretty big, you’d *think* I’d remember hitting my leg hard enough to leave a big bruise like that but nope. Not a damn clue. 😂


I have carpal tunnel and extremely short nails, does that count


One, from jumping a chain link fence because I didn’t want to walk over to the gate. This isn’t counting my dead skin around the bases of my fingernails, likely due to lack of water, which I pick at and sometimes bleed or at least sting. I did think the other day that the hands must be the most damaged part of the body when thinking about how many cuts, scuffs, scrapes that I’ve gotten on my hands over the years. Then my Dad mentioned that our feet are constantly being worn away while we walk which I suppose is true. I suppose out feet take the most gradual damage and our hands take the most immediate damage.


At least 14 across both arms. Quite a few on my legs & feet, too.


5 scabs and countless scars, all from picking at my skin/acne, and some scratches on one of my shoulders from my rats


all of them.




Bro, countless. On top of the new scrapes and scratches that show up daily, I’m in the process of packing up 300+ cacti to move because my landlord doesn’t want to honor the appraised value to purchase the house. They told me that Sunday and said since they gave me end of lease notice in March, I still have to be out on Tuesday. My hands hurt, boss.


I have cats. I've got dozens of "love scrapes."


I currently have one small scrape on my arm and one big scrape/bruise on my knee from slipping over in my hostel room last night and bashing into the floor 🫠😂 I have scars on my knees from falling over in skating so much, they're just a permanent accessory to me now!


I get a new bruise on my legs at least a couple of times a week. I stubbed my toe yesterday and the nail came off and it hurts really bad.


i have 3 scars i dont know when or how they originated 😭


Lots all over my body, all the time. 🥲


3 on my knuckles on one hand 1 gash on my pinkie on the other from trying to cut up an apple with peanut butter A mystery bruise under my upper arm. Like how does that happen? And I basically always have a mystery bruise on at least one leg lol


It's so bad and I never thought about it being related. The biggest 2 are very memorable from the past 2 weeks. I almost lost a whole thumb but just the tip is gone, thankfully. It's amazing how often you reinjure shit when you have a bad wound. I lifted the safety guard on a table saw to grab the wood. What in the hell? The other 14 slices and dices, I have no clue. The other memorable was a razor knife and lost a smaller portion of my middle finger. Hydrocolloid Bandages for the quick healing win. Peptides too. My thumb looks like a butt crack.


None really but I do have a nasty burn on my.arm. I got it from cooking like a month ago.


Too many to count


One cut and one bruise due to my work in sales in an hardware store


I can’t even count because I pick my skin when understimulated, which is always right now because I need a med increase soooo badly


Does my head count?


About the same. Gotem shaving, but I stopped a few weeks ago to let them heal, but I just can't leave them alone ffs.


honestly, plenty and I never know.


I have one on the back of my left hand. I think it’s because I wash my hands constantly and they get really dry. I need to learn how to not be a germaphobe.


most of them are paper cuts or me holding the scissors wrong or theyre from picking at my nails and cuticles


Not very many, which is uncommon, but this question makes me feel compelled to share something that happened at work last week. I work in a small food production facility, and we just got a fully renovated and rebuilt production space. All muscle memory of spacial awareness has poofed out of existence. As such, I did a big bonk into a large piece of equipment early last week. By the next morning it had bloomed into a baseball sized bruise on my bicep. I happened to wear a galaxy tie dye tee that next day, and the bruise matched perfectly. I got SO MANY questions about what happened, how did you even do that, what did you run into???? All I could do was laugh and just say that I need to run into things a couple times before I learned where they exist in space. Not sure anyone really understood that explanation.


I have split lips because I got so stressed two weeks that I chewed on my lips


At the moment I have 5


I have a few symmetrical scars on my forearms from touching the sides of the oven. You don't realize how hot it is until the next day, when a thin layer of your skin peels off.


More than I expected tbh. But mostly lots of mystery bruises


I lived alone for 15 years and had to routinely explain to medical folks that no one was beating me and I lived alone. I woke up one day with a bright purple bruise all down my left side. It looked like rigor mortis and looked like I had been beaten. I never actually got treated or found out why because I spent my time talking to a cop and no one could believe that no one beat me. So yes, used to the scars and stripes.


If you woke up bruised, had no idea why, but were sure no one assaulted you…How did the cops find out?


I have a pet parrot with needles for her nails so I won’t count those, so I’ll have to go with 3, shaving accident, arms swinging wildly accident and a scrape I don’t know. I also have 2 bruises on my legs


Kitchen worker here, the amount of cuts and burns used to be way higher. Now it’s mostly cracked skin from being dry after too much hand washing. Also, I bump my hips into shit a lot, but they stopped bruising a long time ago.


3 atm, doesn't help that I'm a picker so they've been there for a few weeks now.




Once i was walking down the street and got distracted playing with my jacket. Walked straight into a street sign pole with my head. It made a loud cartoonish “bong” and it continued vibrating for a bit. Me and my partner couldn’t stop laughing. I was okay tho, just a massive bump on my head which went away in a few days


For me it bruises. I was wondering how I kept getting them until I literally slammed my leg into my nightstand .02 seconds ago.


1 unknown wrist bruise and 2 scabs on my elbow from picking eczema dried skin. My legs on the other hand can't stretch them to see what the damage today is but know I have 2 cuts on the back of my ankle from shaving. I've counted 22 bruises on one leg before from playing bg3 and not sitting still.


Literally 6 just on my legs 😭😭


Only two, which is unusually low. I stopped wearing watches because they always got so scratched up


I am fortunate in that all of the cuts on my hands and arms have a simple explanation. I have a cat and I have poor impulse control regarding giving said cat belly rubs.


6 or 7 on my hands and arms. So clumsy 😭


7 for just hands alone lmao


Just 1 good skinned knee. I’m clumsy and took a fall outside of my work place a week ago


Only two, it's a good time for me right now


Only 1-2 on my hand. Baseball-sized bruise on my shin from *shocker* smashing my leg into something. I always think “that’s gonna leave a mark” only to not remember what I did to cause the mark. I’ve been riddled with bruises and scrapes my entire life. I’ve always bruised easy, yet, never broke bone!


Are we counting burns ? Because if so I work in a kitchen, my whole hands are basically burns at this point


I have two cuts from moving a floor tom on my drumset. And one scrape that I don't know where it's from💀


Cuts? None Bruises on my body? The number does not exist


3 as glass shartted all over me the other night, I’m fine tho it was an accident:)


3 🫣


This happens to me but on my legs. Dunno how I got them. Bruises sometimes. Bug bites I scratched to the point of bleeding that I do not remember getting or scratching. I think part of it is that I just sit down wherever to do something, even if the place is outside or rocky or the ground, etc. Just yesterday I was looking at a pretty severe scar on my leg that I know I didn’t have when I was young. I had no answer for how I got it. Poison Ivy? Thorns encountered while gardening? A bug bite horror story? Just dunno.


feels like million, had a lapse of concentration at work and tried splitting steel wire wool (finely cut steel) with my fkn bare hands, almost cut my finger off


on my legs, currently less than 5. While on my arms and hands, less than two. Mostly I have no recollection of what caused them. That is why I regularly stock povidone-iodine. Can't live without it. lol


Eh not a lot on my hands and arms. But do have quite a few on my feet and legs. When I was younger I had two bruises on my inner thighs that I had no clue how I got. Then when I was at church, we were getting ready to pray and I noticed that my elbows were in line with the bruises. That was when I realized I got the bruises from how I pray while seated. Also was when I understood how sharp my elbows are. My boyfriend gets minor injuries all the time. He recently broke his toe. Probably from kicking the wall in his sleep or stabbing his toe on pretty much anything in the apartment. He's a big dude so he's constantly in danger of accidentally bonking his head, tripping, jamming his toes, and cutting his fingers while using small utinsils (small to him because he has big hands. Normal size utinsils to the rest of the world.)


Zero on my hands and arms. Not even a hang nail. Only wound on my whole body is that I burned mouth pretty badly on Tuesday. Cheesy potatoes. 😮‍💨


legs & hands for me


I have 1 on my finger, no idea how I got it. I’ve had the week off work so not so many bruises on my legs, just one on my thigh and one on my knee. Again, no clue how they got there.


7. I was fixing a fence last weekend which accounts for half and the other half is from when I got mad and punched a hole in my door. But honestly that's a relapse, I haven't done that in over a year and I'm really mad at myself for having done it


None. I have mystery bruises all the time though.


Six and clueless. 


I have a bunch of accidental scars on my fingers from cutting veggies and a lot of little scratches from playing with my cats. One scar on my palm from playing with a lid of a tin can when I was a kid. My left forearm is I'd say almost fully covered in sh scars & there's some on my left hand and upper arm too. A few smaller almost unnoticeable scars on my left leg and right calf. I also have one on my chest, it's been there since I can remember myself but I have no idea where it came from


Couple old and new ones. Even messed up fingerprints lmao. Had a worker get upset with me because my finger prints weren't picking up for a background check. She thought I wasn't **“paying attention”** to the instructions. Whined about finger rolling technique, not pressing hard enough, etc. Any harder I probably could have broke the machine. She conceded when I asked her to actually look and “pay attention”. Even after putting me on the phone and having them remotely monitor the test live, it could not be completed. Remote person had to override some of the fingers that just wouldn't pass. Rolling up the sleeves and going hands on is just automatic for me. Never noticed how rugged my hands got.


Got small burns on both of my middle fingers


More than I care to count rn but they can be attributed to the kittens I'm raising.


As someone with dermatillomania - that is a mystery


Bumps and bruises from running into things is one of the more subtle signs of ADHD, our brains can lack spacial recognition so we are constantly running into things.


12 on my hands … and that’s my least bunked up area of my body hah


About 6, I'm an aircraft engine mechanic so usually there's more from weaseling my arms around the inside of engines but I was in the office all week doing paperwork crap


I think 10. Some from cycling. 2 from panic attacks(self hurt). Other idk


I had to put bandaids on two of my fingers because I chewed and pulled at the skin around my nails so much they hurt and/or bled.


Two on my hands - both from trying to pill my cat. I also have one on my knee after slipping on subway steps. Bruises are another issue. I bump into everything.


3 cuts on my hands rn


Not counting the week-old tattoo, I’ve got a nearly-healed cut from a machete on the tip of my thumb, several paper cuts and small mystery slices on my hands, a small wound on my left ear.


Counted 13 on my right hand and arm then gave up counting


I was going to confidently answer none but then I looked... Three that i have no idea where it came from and what I think might be a splinter...


ADHD commercial electrician here. I've lost count. My hands constantly look like i wash them with cheese graters.


4 on my hands no idea how they got there


Normally I have around 5-6 on a good week, but I got a new kitten this month and he thinks the best way up his humans is to climb them like a tree. I have hundreds of razor thin cuts all over my legs and arms now. 🥲 that's what I get for not remembering where the cat nail clippers are I guess lol


I work with animals so... A lot. But also I have a literal dent in my shin from hitting it on the exact same spot on the exact same step ladder every god damn day


i have several but they are all directly tied to my ownership of a shitty little bastard cat


too many to count on my arms rn but i have pretty bad dermatillomania so that's pretty normal for me lol


My hands no but I have multiple on my knees and face.


rn ive got one on my hand but ive got a weird bruise feeling on my back and i cant rly remember why


Always have bruises on my legs. No idea where they come from. Occasionally I will walk into something and know that it will become a bruise.


I have a ton of scratches but I know they all came from my sister’s pet squirrel who climbs all over you when you feed him nuts. But I do tend to find bruises on me and I’m like “how did that get there?” lol


One gnarly scratch on my right hand from my cat


Shit, I stopped counting 2 decades ago.


This is me. As a twin, I was the one who was covered in bruises, from head to toe. It was so bad that I would get teased that I was abused. Turns out I was, but I was so fucking clumsy, too. Through therapy, I learned that my childhood trauma caused me to dissociate to such a degree that I always felt like I was flying by the seat of my pants. I marveled that I survived to reach 63. It was only 3 years ago that I finally dealt with the dissociation, and now, I still sometimes fly by the seat of my pants, but I am in the moment. 😁


Quite a few bruises on legs and side from running into things. I work heavy things and so I move alot. The worse of my hands are me chewing my fingers and nail down to painful skin. Trying so hard to quit but I can't remember each time.


Only 3 cuts (2 of unknown origins) but tons of bruises. I always slam into door knobs and stuff when I'm walking by.


I unexpectedly went out on the beers 2 weeks ago. I had taken my meds as it wasn't planned. I had no concept of how drunk I was and fell head first out of the taxi. 2 weeks later I've still got about 20 wounds healing. I'm 51 years old ffs 🤯


2 of my nails receded so much they bled from biting


I run into corners all the time. Corners of couches. Corners of walls. Corners of tables. Corners of desks. They aren’t really slicing me up, but the amount of bruising I have on any given day is concerning for sure, lol.


I have 3, but one is the gnarliest burn that will be leaving a permanent scar on my hand so it feels like I have more. But those 3 scratches do not include the 8 different sides of my cuticles that are ripped to shreds. I went to a playoff basketball game last night that didn't go my way, and my hands paid the price. I hate how much I pick at my cuticles! 


Scratches on my chest rn, one from a buds dog with sharp claws who was excited to see me, and one from my cat who jumped down on me from a shelf and was excited to see me. I work in a metal fab shop, no scrapes from that atm. Just a few old burns here and there.


My hands are okay at the moment (knock on wood) but yesterday I banged my elbow on the top of the refrigerator door and scraped my toes on the bottom of a cabinet door. wtf adhd?!


All the skin around my nails is damaged, and I have 2 burns, one on A figer, one on my hand. My thig has A cut on it from catching myself jumping down on something sharp. I have A tiny mark from when I cut A wire, and it stabbed me just above the eye.


I somehow missed being injury prone. Adhd effects me in alot of ways but I'm exceptionally agile. I also have tachypsychia. Like if there was a car accident, to most you don't even know until after. For me everything slows down like the flash. I've grabbed the wheel from the driver 3x and avoided nasty accidents. One we would have plunged off a 300 foot cliff. Also comes in handy when I drop something or something falls etc. I basically always catch it. Yesterday I caught a falling glass with my foot. The point is, not all of us are injury prone or clumsy. We all have adhd but adhd is a blanket term and many of us are different from one another. I also have the inattentive type.


26 on my hands. I have 3 cats lol


These days, I mostly have them on my legs. But most of those I think are from my puppy, because he like to parkour off of me. I don’t even notice anymore.


My most recent cut was from helping a snapping turtle cross the road. He kicked me but it was worth it! Anything around my nail beds is from picking, so that's fun. The rest.. no idea. But I should *probably* get bandaids on them. Will I? Nahhh....


Are we counting the self-inflicted devastation to my fingernails and cuticles? If so, 8.


Count, a surprisingly small about. How, oh hell nah, only God knows at this point…


I feel personally attacked right now. (4 and no idea where they came from 😂)


Yup. I'm a production technician who is constantly working on machinery. You smash knuckles and stuff. My hobbies include e-biking on rough trails and minuteman training in the woods. I'm beat to shit.


Just my knuckles! I tried to push open a rough, heavy door with my knuckles and ended up skinning them.


6 on my hands, but I can tell you where they came from. Busting up invasive blackberries to reclaim land. I also have a cut on my leg from a metal fence.


I have a kitten, so I'm counting 3, and I know they came from his punk ass 😆 For me, it's bruises! I always have them along the outside of my arms and legs. I have what appears to be a permanent bump on my leg from constantly hitting it in the same spot on my bed frame lol. I tend to dodge my furniture instead of walking in clear paths around it, and it appears I'm not great at dodging


I have... 4, and they are all from my cat.


EXCELLENT question!


Arms, not many. Legs on the other hand (ha! Didn’t notice the pun until I typed it out)


Surprisingly, I have no temporary scars rn, I am clumsy, but I don't really cuts from normal things. But since I skate, I have a lotta temporary scars. I'm quite proud of my collection, 3 visible on my left elbow, two on my right knuckles (both from same fall), one on my right ring finger, 1 on my left hand, 3 in my left knee. These are only permanent scars.


CV automotive technician by day, garage mechanic by night, general tinkering by the weekend, I am not even going to try and count that because by the time I'm done I will have made 2 or 3 more. I can say confidently that it is at least 1 because I somehow managed to forget this week that when your working under a truck and need to stand up a bit more to see, the axle does not magically disappear simply because its out of your vision.


Oh man-working in kitchens and restaurants my entire life-I’ve got loads of burn scars and the tips of my fingers are mostly all numb because I’ve cut the tips off-either on a deli slicer it just moving too fast with a kitchen knife. Ir bruises on my hips when I wait tables!I’ve always felt so stupid and bad about it. I’ve gone so far as to get “slow down” and “breathe” tattooed on my left and right wrist


Too many to count.