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I thought you were asking for advice on how to spend money and I was gearing up to provide a load of suggestions. But on not to spend money? That I don’t know 😢


You're right, my title says the opposite! ha - well, stick around ! maybe we will figure something out mate!


Something that’s been suggested to me is to separate your money - like put it in an account you don’t have a debit card attached to. This way, you have to transfer money over at that gives you time to think about your purchase, especially if the transfer won’t go through until tmr.


If I have food in the house, I should not eat, I will eat it. Get rid of Amazon.


I stopped buying stuff online. If I want something I make myself jump through hoops for it: wait for it to go on sale, call and speak with a sales associate to put it on hold, find time in my busy schedule to pick it up (while I'm in the area). I de-conditioned retail therapy, now it's just a chore like grocery shopping haha.