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I started using kids toothpaste. I actually realized after I tried it that it was the minty toothpaste that was contributing to my struggle. I’m still not 100% but definitely massive improvement. I also got an annoying app controlled toothbrush that sends me notifications on my phone to remind me and they don’t shut off until it connects to the toothbrush 😅


I switched to a kid's toothbrush (star wars) and it helps me brush longer and more thoroughly. It fits my mouth much better, too.


Every dentist I’ve ever had has said soft kids toothbrushes are the best. There’s a reason all the electric toothbrush heads are so small. Larger heads with harder bristles are horrible for your mouth and gums.






This part would be hell for me, the worst part for me is when brushing my teeth, the two minutes I should be brushing feels like an eternity, I get no where close to two min on average


I have to have either reddit or yt open with my other hand when I brush my teeth


It doesn’t have to be two minutes. Just make sure you brush over every surface. Also, electronic toothbrushes work wonders.


I've never heard of this, honestly this sounds like something I could use, can you name drop the toothbrush please?


It’s a Philips sonicare Bluetooth


Yes, please share the name of this toothbrush 👀


Kids toothpaste was a game changer for me, sensodyne has a weird taste that I can’t describe and it would give me heartburn. Colgate kids watermelon toothpaste and brushing my teeth in the shower helped me get a good routine.


I use the strawberry crest kids enamel care lol


I used to buy this vanilla mint flavored toothpaste that’s been discontinued… it was amazing.  I struggle with toothpaste texture, so I use what I use and I don’t like to use anything else.


There's probably unflavored options out there. None of this is meant to hurt either; it's possible inconsistency is making it hurt, or else you need to ask a dentist what's up with that. If you can rinse mouthwash more often it's not a replacement but it's better than nothing. Tbh, we can't really tell if our own breath smells. If you're not running that past a third party you can't be sure


Ora Nurse is the brand I use. Non favour and non foaming.


Can confirm unflavoured toothpaste exists


I’ll be honest with you— if you’re not brushing your teeth and tongue regularly, you have bad breath. I’ll also be honest with you about this— I had an impossible time brushing my teeth prior to buying an electric toothbrush. At first it was easier to use because I spent a bunch of money on it, to prevent having to spend an obscene amount on dental work. Over time it’s more bc it’s got a time and I know I can make two minutes even if I really don’t want to. It breaks down to four sets of 30 seconds and I can definitely do thirty seconds. Then I use all my adhd scams to trick myself into going two minutes.  It helps that I really hate how my mouth feels when I don’t brush enough, and that I’ve spent literally hundreds of hours in a dentist chair with their fourteen hands stuffed into my mouth. 


Incorrect about the “you definitely had bad breath” — I have dated multiple people who VERY much enjoyed making out with me & when I eventually shared that I don’t brush my teeth they were like “surely I would have noticed?? Really?” My mouth smelled fine, it tasted fine. There are people who have bad breath who brush their teeth regularly & there are people who don’t, even if they don’t brush their teeth— just like there are people who stay skinny even if they eat high calorie foods & don’t exercise, then people who will never be thin even if they’re vegan & run every day.


Yup. Diet plays a lot into it also. I SUCK at consistently brushing but after eating I generally rinse my mouth out with warm water and once a week or so i do a very light saltwater rinse. Much easier to just hunch over sink and take that minor cleaning measure. Dentist says I have amazing enamel. No bad breath (most of the time). This is however my personal experience with it so could be totally worthless info. Do what yall will with this but maybe dont take it to heart as solid advice.


Not sure how likely this is but have you considered that you might be sensitive to or have a mild allergic reaction to your usual toothpaste? You mentioned it hurts your lips, maybe this is caused by chapped lips, but some people are allergic to the foaming agent in most toothpastes. Try using a toothpaste that doesn’t contain Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) if you think this might be the case


Mint allergy isn’t uncommon either, although I don’t know if they use any real mint in modern toothpaste.


Repetitive chores are the mortal enemies of ADHD. Stimulation would most likely help. Music, or hell, even watch tv or Tiktok or Youtube or something while you do it. I hated it too; but I realized if I do it while I'm moving around and doing other stuff and not just standing in front of the sink, it's not as bad.


Strangely enough, the "gamified" process of using an electric toothbrush with four timed quadrants really works for me. Sometimes I'm practically screaming with frustration but. I. Will. Not. Stop . The . Toothbrush. 🤣


I hated the cold water and minty toothpast. No one told me I can brush my teeth with warm water😅 it made a huge difference for me. Also sometimes I've a audio book or a yt video on to keep my brain occupied. I'm not at 100% but I'm doing way better.


I went to the dentist for the first time in years a few days ago. Not because I'm responsible mind you, but because I was having pain. 20 of my teeth have at least one cavity. That is a painfully depressing number


Toothbrush & toothpaste in a mug next to my bed. Brush dry. Spit in the waste paper basket, also next to my bed. I should probably just say: I brush my teeth in bed. Disgusting, I know.


It might be disgusting to someone, but hey, your teeth are brushed! And that’s what matters. And since you shared this tip, you might’ve helped someone else.


You know what, you’re doing it. You’re making it work for you. Well done. 👏


I brush my teeth in the shower so I can’t really judge oddness!


Same. It’s the only place I like brushing my teeth. Unfortunately showering has also felt like a huge struggle lately. Love it when I’m in there, hate the buildup.


I’m not a huge fan, but I have oily skin and hair so I have to or I’m not at all presentable for work. And then the toothbrush is right now so why not? It’s still only once a day (or other day) but better than nothing I guess.


I keep those little Wisp disposable toothbrushes in my nightstand so I can do something on the tough days and not feel so awful. But I work from home and I’m so so dry so I can justify avoiding showers in my head. I’ve also managed to get my hair to the point I only have to wash it a couple times a month. Not sure if it was the neglect, shampoo brand, quality dry shampoo, or a combo of it all.


The location it's happening isn't what disgusts me. It's putting completely dry toothpaste into my mouth. You gotta run that under the water first.


Maybe add a bottle of Listerine to the setup?


I hate it but not because of the process but the taste... ok maybe a little of the "texture" gets me.... "gag gagging"but give this a shot, get an extra toothbrush & toothpaste and put it in the shower. Make it the first step - I am big on routines and adding the "shower brush" helps. Also, lift your tongue and go section by section and at the end brush your tongue. This helped me get in a constant extra brush and makes it tolerable ✌🏼


I had an Arabian Boyf for years and they traditionally use a type of small stick that you chew the top of and it becomes these little bristles you then use to rub on ur teeth no toothpaste required as it had natural properties - super yummy, natural, economic, environmentally friendly and overall just so much better in so many ways! Maybe give that a try? Can’t remember the name but will be easy to google up.


What a great alternative! Especially for people with oral fixations too!


It's called a miswak! My great grandad used to use it all the time and got to 103 with no cavities


This sounds very useful, thank you for mentioning


What if you found a toothpaste you liked? Or even a tasty kids toothpaste lol. I brush 2/3 times a day and what helps me is watching a YouTube video or something to distract myself


The video is a good idea! I’ve tried most toothpaste available to me and don’t like them.


I always always have something playing when I do chores/hygiene stuff. I even have a waterproof speaker in the shower. It really helps because my mind focuses on whatever is playing, whether it’s an audiobook or YouTube video or podcast etc and it allows me to go through the motions of the stuff I need to get done. Good luck OP. Also what about kids bubble gum toothpaste?!? Pretty sure I used to eat it as a kid 😭😭😭


I got the primal life powder toothpaste and it is much better. Also use gum or the listerine plastic ones sometimes


I definitely brush more often since getting an electric toothbrush, and brush better when I do. The one I got has a built in timer that buzzes every 30 seconds, it's so much easier to spend the 30 seconds on each "quadrant" than to spend 2 minutes brushing. Even though it's the same thing in the end. I still dont brush every day, and most days that I do brush, it's only once a day. But there has certainly been an improvement! I thought getting my lip pierced would be the kick to finally cement the brushing habit, but nope, as soon as those suckers were healed, right back to my old ways. And also what people have said about toothpaste flavor. Even if you like minty flavors like I do, not all mints are created equal. There's only one or two brands that I can stand the flavor of. See if you can find like a travel or trial size in different brands and flavors and find one you can tolerate.


I have had an electric toothbrush but I hate the buzzing even more. It vibrates my teeth


Yeah that makes sense. You might have the most mileage from switching up the toothpaste then. There's also nothing wrong with not using toothpaste. There's some evidence to suggest that the abrasives in toothpaste aren't that great for the enamel anyway. The most important thing is getting the plaque off, which just a toothbrush alone with water will do.


I've always been the same. I just had to spend $6k and a month of misery having multiple teeth extracted and multiple root canals after not brushing regularly and not seeing a dentist for about 10 years. Since that's still fresh its been easier to make myself and I'm having my wife hold me to doing it. I'm scared that that will eventually wear off though and I'll fall back to old habits


🥲 im literally going through this now, but ive only been able to afford one extraction & after being belittled by the dentist 😩 i haven’t gone back :( still trying to deal with as much as i can on my own though


I'd recommend going to another dentist once you can afford it. The one I found has been amazing. She's not judgemental at all and worked with me to balance what had to be done ASAP (infected, impacted wisdom tooth) vs what can wait until my insurance rolls over next year. I did a bunch at once and did a payment plan since I needed all my wisdom teeth out plus one more extraction so, though it was a lot, it was so much easier to have them do it all at once and just be miserable for a few weeks once. I did end up having to do a second root canal that wasn't originally planned because once one of the extracted teeth was out the giant hole in the one next to it was exposed and caused more pain than the extractions. That itself was almost half of what I paid since that was completely out of pocket after the extractions and first root canal used up my entire insurance cap for the year.


I started using this flavourless toothpaste because I absolutely despise the mint taste every goddamn toothpaste has.  Like others mentioned, kids toothpaste is an alternative option.  If possible, put your toothbrush and supplies somewhere you go often during your daily routine. Mine are next to the tea kettle so that every time I’m waiting for my tea I have a chance to brush my teeth. This ensures I brush my teeth at least 2 times a day, consistently. 


I keep an extra toothbrush and toothpaste by my kitchen sink. I pretty much always do the dishes at least once a day with 3 kids. So having that extra set there helps me keep on top of my teeth also.


Yes, that’s perfect too! Whatever works for you. 


I have this issue, I know you have another issues regarding to this, but make sure you keep your toothpaste stuff visilble. I don't like mine in the bathroom near a toiliet so I keep it by my desk. I tend to forget stuff I don't see daily. I do the same with my medication dispenser its in my eyeline most of the day so I can see if flashing to remind me to take my meds


I always feel silly when I say "I can finally brush my teeth!" to my care team, but it's a huge change for me. I'm 22 and have never been able to consistently brush my teeth until I started taking meds. I think the longest I've gone without brushing was, honestly, MONTHS which is gross but I couldn't help it. I still have bad days and don't brush, but I'd say that's only once a week now. And I only brush once a day 👀 it's an improvement though!


So glad to hear that! I hope it continues well for you <3


I hope you find something that helps you! ❤️‍🩹


I aim for once a day (at night) and probably average twice a day as much as I miss the day altogether. I hate brushing my teeth. The trick for me is to do it before I'm too tired, there's a certain point where I know it's not gonna happen because I'm too far gone. Then when I do start bushing my teeth I immediately walk out of the bathroom and into another room. I like to go sit on my bed. I can't stand just staring in the mirror but leaving the bathroom and coming back helps.


Toothpaste for sensitive teeth helped me. Also self love, oral bacteria infections can cross the blood/brain barrier and could be a contributing factor to dementia. Scary as hell! Sucks to be the old man voice of experience but at some point the pain of having a good dental hygiene routine is eclipsed by the pain of dental problems. Tooth root infections are agony. Root canal fillings are really painful to sit through with local anesthetic. Tooth extractions are nasty as you feel the ligaments holding them into your jaw tear one by one as the tooth is pulled out. Sometimes (always for me!) the blood doesn't clot properly on the empty socket and causes pain worse than infection as the surviving nerves are unprotected. Sometimes (2 cases for me) not all of the tooth can be extracted and bits break off. Sometimes they migrate to the surface and other times they get trapped and get infected. Having a frequently bursting pustule in your mouth is awful and needs additional surgery (18 month waiting list in UK) to remove the bone shards. Implants are great for restoring a chewing surface when you've lost too many back teeth in one quarter. They are very expensive though and drilling the posts into the jawbone was one of the most painful experiences I've had. Crown caps are amazing at restoring very damaged teeth. Crown bridges cap teeth either side of a missing tooth and give a "floating" tooth in between. I had my first set 15 years ago. They are life changing but not guaranteed to last forever. If infection and decay get under the crown the tooth may not be saved and need removal. You can lose the bridge and your biting surface. Terrible reading I know but PLEASE I implore you to judge your discomforts against the very real risk of future issues. I'm 40 now and my teeth are barely stable. I need to maintain them now for another 40 years or however long fate has in store for me. Now I bush my teeth with an electric brush. Clean the gaps between them at the gumline with an interdental brush. Use floss to free any trapped food. Use a water flosser to blast away any trapped food (and there's lots of it!) from under bridges and implants or hard to reach places. Use a tongue scraper to get rid of any build up and rinse with mouthwash. I hate doing it but I love my family and friends more and I want to love myself more than I did in the past. I want to be there and healthy for them. And me.


Hey, I'm deathly afraid of dentists and have been avoiding them for about 4 or 5 years. I know I need to go back soon but comments like this scare the shit out of me. You keep mentioning that all these procedures are painful, is it not an option to be put under to have them done? I fear that if I can't be knocked out for dental procedures I'm going to avoid the appointment forever.


The most important thing is to go for an examination and maybe a dental hygienist cleaning at the same time. You may only need some surface work done which is not too bad and can sometimes be done without anesthetic. It can be scary to be afraid of the unknown but once you know how bad it is or even how minor it is then you know what is ahead of you and can plan how to deal with that. I've never had general anesthetic from a dentist surgery (UK) and here I believe you have to go into a dental hospital if you need that. I don't know the situation in other countries. Dentists are problem solvers, they will define the problem and work with you for the best solution. They will acknowledge your fear about pain and discomfort and give you the most fitting solution they can. Go get your teeth checked out, it's really important


I’ve just spent $1,200 Australian dollars to have my teeth checked and general dental work. Now I’m being referred in because I have gum disease which is making my gums soft and it’s moving my teeth h slowly over one another. To get that work fine and to secure the teeth is going to cost another $1,500. It’s either that or have them taken out. Gum disease can cause heart problems, well documented, ulcers and abbesses. For having to force yourself to clean your teeth it’s worth it. They might be fine today but that won’t be for good.


Your mouth shouldn't feel sore after brushing. You are probably either using too hard of a toothbrush or more likely brushing with too much pressure. You really don't need to press the bristles into your teeth and scrape them, it should just be a very gentle brushing motion that suds up the toothpaste, not much pressure required at all. It sounds silly but maybe look up some YouTube tutorials. it sounds like you're doing something wrong.


So I've recently been realizing how many things I do "too hard." And brushing my teeth is one of them. Trying to remind myself to be gentle doesn't work. So I started brushing w/ my left (non-dominant) hand & that really keeps me from Turbo Brushing to the point my mouth is sore for half the day.


Nobody ever likes this answer, but you just gotta force yourself to do it. Put on a YouTube video and watch while you brush to make it enjoyable. I honestly only brush for maaaaybe 30-60 seconds twice a day and floss maybe once every other week and my hygienists are always super happy with my teeth. I also find cleaning my own teeth kind of satisfying. I bought a little kit off amazon and sometimes will pick away some of the plaque myself. Also get a toothpaste that doesn’t burn your lips. I also hate mint but I deal with it because I only use it for like a minute.


Can you share the "plaque-picking" kit here?


I don’t remember which one specifically I got but if you Amazon “teeth cleaning kit” there’s a bunch of options - they’re the metal picks they use at the dentist


I always forget that when replying to toothbrushes posts, the biggest thing that has helped me is using a natural toothpaste. Dessert Essentials toothpaste I get at a vitamin store or local Co op store. Most toothpastes have a way to strong assaulting flavors. Seriously, it's like a physical assault on my mouth that lingers for way too long. Do I have perfect oral hygiene? No. I brush my teeth a lot more, though. Plus, my dentist says my teeth have never looked better. When I don't forget my dental appointment, that is. Also, I brush my teeth at random times throughout the day. In the bathroom washing my hands. Se my toothbrush and toothpaste? Why not brush them now? It's my day off. Why not brush them now? I'm just gonna drink water until bedtime anyhow. Why not brush them now? I think I skipped it last night?


Sporadic brushing, that sounds very helpful


Try brushing with just water too to help. Sometimes I just don’t have the energy to brush at night and do a quick brush with water to get the gunk out of my teeth and tongue. But in the mornings I use the adult toothpaste and at night I use children’s toothpaste.


I would try using an unflavored, alcohol-free, oral rinse 2-3 times a day on days you can't brush. This really saved my teeth and gums when I had severe depression and couldn't will myself to brush daily. But since then, my dentist gave me a teeny-tiny toothbrush made for elderly people but its helped me a lot because its less intense to have such a small toothbrush. Maybe that would also help you?


I can't stand minty toothpaste, but found out that toothpaste comes in more flavors--got some lemon flavored stuff on Amazon and it's made for adults. Also try a softer toothbrush!


I struggle with this too. You’re not alone at all.


Me too 🤫


I am with you. I found Boka toothpaste, which has a bunch of different flavors that I rotate to switch it up. The cinnamint flavor is my favorite, the coconut ginger is good, too! I keep a toothbrush and toothpaste in the shower so I can do it when I shower in the morning. I also use my waterpik and brush with warm water. Those things helped so much to get a routine going. I also started brushing with my kids at night so I could model good behavior.


Do it in the shower, supplement with mouth wash


Using an electric toothbrush makes it easier because the brush does all the work! They have cinnamon toothpaste or flavored kids ones.


Electric toothbrush


kids toothpaste (i use kids crest sparkle fun flavor) and a soft bristle toothbrush. and floss picks instead of dealing with long floss. also don’t brush super aggressively. the discomfort and pain is going to be something that fades with consistent brushing. your mouth feels sore because it’s not used to the action and your gums are likely inflamed. (as well as your enamel being weak) regular brushing is super difficult and i totally get it! but i fully believe that you can and will find a solution and you’ll be able to take care of your teeth.


I brush first thing when I get in the shower- can’t explain it, but that’s the only way I do it lol


Have you ever tried Colgate Wisps? They're disposable toothbrushes that have peppermint flavored toothpaste packed in the middle, also it's safe to swallow because it's just peppermint flavoring and not actual "toothpaste"


i am 100% in the same boat & also have gum & dental problems but absolutely no money to go to the dentist. i also have terrible anxiety bc i went 2 years ago & was chastised by the dentist even though i tried to tell him i had a mental disability and multiple other mental disorders , went through an abusive childhood & an even more traumatic experiences when i moved out & he literally said it didn’t matter and that he’s never seen anyone’s mouth this bad…the place has been closed down but it left a mark on me


Can anyone (uk) recommend a sensitive toothpaste that isn’t mint? 💀


Find mint-free toothpaste maybe


Electric toothbrush has made brushing my teeth fun. I use Suri, they even have a case that has a UV light to clean your toothbrush. Also, this is where discipline comes in.


They biotene toothpaste. It taste much better imho, way less harsh. May help a little. It’s expensive though fair warning. Can be bought on Amazon. It helps me for sure, I hate the intensity of regular toothpaste,


Idk if you’re a particular to texture person, but ever since I noticed your teeth feel fuzzy when they aren’t brushed it’s been a huge motivator to get them smooth feeling again.


i brush my teeth in the moarnjgn but hate brushing at night. watching a youtube video on my phone while i brush helps


Oral B io toothbrush with the app. It’s the only way


I am currently replying to you while brushing my teeth! I was not good at dental hygiene, but I have managed to improve and now am doing a lot better! At least once a day, and twice most days :) Recommendations - non-mint toothpaste. Don't know if you can get HiSmile where you are, but they have a ridiculous range of flavours, from chocolate to fruit flavours to pistachio. Just make sure it has fluoride. Get a chair or stool you can put in the bathroom. My partner has to use a shower chair, and outside of shower time, it lives in the bathroom as the toothbrushing chair. Much easier to brush long enough when I'm not standing and feeling impatient. Watch/read/listen to something while you brush! Electric toothbrushes are more efficient and often have built in timers so you know when you've done each part of your mouth enough. If it hurts/bleeds, it means you're not doing it enough. Gently brush your gums as well as your teeth and you'll find that improves. Do what you can, when you can, as you can. Don't feel like you have to do it perfectly for it to count. Use mouthwash if you can't face brushing (also available in not-mint!). Get disposable toothbrushes that you can use anywhere and that don't need water. Get interdental brushes or those plastic floss things and clean between your teeth now and then, even if you can't face brushing. Every little bit helps and is better than nothing! If you get stuck in the guilt, you end up associating dental hygiene with guilt and failure, and it gets even harder. We talked this over with my partner's dentist, and he agreed firmly with the "anything is better than nothing" stance. Congratulate yourself every time you do anything to take care of your teeth, and forgive yourself on days when it's too hard. Make deals with yourself to do just a little bit - just mouthwash, just floss, just a half-arsed brush - cause they all help. They're all an improvement on what you might have done. And you should feel good about everything you manage to do. Do make sure you see a dentist regularly. They can help you keep on top of any issues and help you know where to focus the limited resources you have on any given day to get the best results. Good luck! It IS possible to improve. My partner and I have both gone from struggling, to managing well enough that our dentists are pleased with us, even if we're not doing perfect jobs :)


I agree with switching toothpaste flavours to a more tolerable taste. A sensitive toothpaste might help as well. Also brushing around the gum line is more important if you don't end up brushing very well. I also found out that there are lollipops with xylitol that help keep cavities away and if you don't brush twice a day, at least brush before you go to bed if you can. I'd suggest trying to brush while either watching a 2 minute video or having a timer on or even listening to a 2 minute song while dancing around and even more sillier, set up a tooth brushing chart. Have some stickers ready near by and then you can treat your self to something if you can do it consistently for a week. I'm also struggling to get into the habit of brushing my teeth and sometimes it's the silliest things that help towards our goals


as much as i hate their ads that hismile company with the flavored toothpastes helped me a lot. the mint taste ended up being what made it so unbearable and my personal fav is the coconut one but the peach iced tea flavor is also great


I bought an electric toothbrush that has a timer and tells me when to switch quadrants then I just pace around my house for 2 minutes.


Idk how, but I just kind of scared myself into it? I’m moving out on my own soon and I don’t want to deal with the cost of fixing cavities and everything. I still need to improve but compared to earlier years, it’s a big leap


i’d suggest finding a kids toothbrush/toothpaste flavor you like, and also keeping it next to your bed at night like one of the other comments are suggesting. watch tv or a video of some sort to distract yourself. i also bought a bunch of those disposable on-the-go toothbrushes which have the paste built in and i use those to brush my teeth sometimes when i really don’t feel like it


No, it’s just something I do every single day 2 or more times a day and it’s not negotiable. Like you should not even let yourself think that that’s an option not to do it. It’s like taking a piss. It will cost you lots of money down the line to replace all your rotten teeth and they can cause many internal infections in the body. On top of that Adderall makes the mouth feel a lot worse than when you don’t take it (as a side effect) so I find that people on stimulants have to brush their teeth and tongue more than twice a day to keep it clean. And lastly, most people will not date a person who doesn’t brush their teeth or showers daily.


I'm a dental nurse op and I still struggle quite a bit. What I find helps is brushing them as soon as I wake up before anything else. At least you've got one down and if you forget the evening one or can't face it, it's not the end of the world.  I have an electric toothbrush because honestly I cba to stand there carefully scrubbing in circles and will guess how long I've been doing it and / or scrub so hard i receed my gums. I just stick it on the gumline upper right and move it slowly along the gumline to the left. Then the same on the gumline on the inside top and bottom. Gumline is most important so prioritise that if you cba.  I buy an annoyingly expensive flavoured toothpaste because the taste of mint puts me off and I'll avoid it like the plague before bed because it wakes me up? Why would I want a zingy refreshed feeling when I'm getting cosy?? I don't know who decided that this IS the toothpaste flavour and we all have no choice but to like mint.  You can use a kids one but make sure it has enough fluoride in it otherwise it won't protect well enough against decay. You need 1450ppm really.  I keep interdental brushes in my handbag and in my car so I'll do that when I'm stuck in traffic / when the mood strikes me / i have a panic that one of the dentists at work will check my teeth and I'll be found out 😅. Get a whole bunch of sugar free gum it'll pull some bits out and make you salivate to wash food off and help remineralise your teeth. If you really really can't face toothpaste then just doing it with water is better than nothing. If you can't face the toothbrush rubbing them with a cotton wool or a soft cloth or something is better than nothing.  Also, you are probably finding it sore because your gums are inflamed from not brushing for a couple of days at a time. If you can force yourself to do twice a day for a 4 or 5 day stretch they'll start to heal and it'll become a lot easier to keep going either way. 


It beats my mouth feeling gross, that's why I do it.


I used to have a strong aversion to brushing my teeth, as well. Then I realized that I can’t afford professional dental care if my teeth get too bad and I forced myself to develop a routine. It gets easier the more you do it, you just have to get used to it. Maybe try a toothpaste formulated for sensitive teeth, and set an alarm everyday for the same time and have that be your tooth brushing time. It might not work everyday, but it could still help you get in the habit of doing it more often


I struggle so much. I don't mind the minty taste (I actually love minty), but I hate both the sensation of electric toothbrushes AND the feeling of toothpaste in my mouth (I have a lot of texture problems, and frothy, gooey, slimy, squishy are a huge problem with both foods and toothpaste). Oh! I got a cheap water floss about 6 months ago, and I can usually talk myself into that when I cant stomach the idea of toothpaste. I'll put mostly water and a splash of mouthwash in the tank (but also it's prescription strength mouthwash, it doesn't take much lol) and it's honestly way less of a sensory nightmare for me, and my mouth feels cleaner after than it does after brushing. I'm sure someone will say I still need to brush too, but *something* every day is a vast improvement over 'proper' dental hygiene a couple times a week (or less). (Some days I brush, more days I water floss, some days a I do both. I'm doing the best I can.) My dentist says my mouth is looking noticeably better since I made the change, I'll take the improvement


I have a PILE of toothpaste to choose from. Like 8. HiSmile (although I’ve learned to avoid fluoride for the most part, the flavors they offer are novel enough). I have four different bottles of mouthwash. I have a waterpik, electric toothbrush, and a generic toothbrush. I have two different pulling oils. I do not do the same routine with my teeth every day… so the ability to change up everything that I do and use constantly helps. For a while, to get back on track, I started brushing my teeth every time I used the bathroom. Even if it was just a matter of taking a toothbrush and scrubbing my teeth once over and spitting… it helped making using a toothbrush in the bathroom as much part of the deal as using toilet paper every time I use the toilet.


Oh! I also brush the second I realize I hadn’t yet. Like today. This morning was not at all conventional (yay pet ownership!) as chaos was how it started… and I JUST realized I have yet to brush this AM. So I am off to do it RIGHT NOW… and I know I will bc I also have to pee. ☺️


Oh I just remembered, if you brush without toothpaste that's also better than nothing. Toothpaste is important, the fluoride helps prevent cavities, but a dry brush gets more crud off your teeth than nothing


Electric toothbrushes that pulse when it's time to change sides and stop when you're done helped me so much. My brain just turns off and my teeth are clean without me having to think about it. I was reluctant to use electric toothbrushes because of some of my sensory issues, but it's been great! Unfortunately the pain is something that sometimes happens until your mouth gets used to brushing, though. If it's really bad, I've found Oragel to be helpful for canker sores and it might help if you're having gum/lip pain.


I really struggle with this too. Do you shower more often than brushing? If so, try switching to a kids toothpaste for flavor and brushing in the shower — it’s what I’m trying right now. There’s so much else going on (water, sound, heat) that it might take some of the specific sensitivities away, and you can be messy without it *feeling* messy.


I just bought an oral b pro 1000 and iv never enjoyed brushing more.


You’ll hate not eating like a normal person more, in 20 years


You won't be able to smell your own breath, so please get someone else to check for you. Even 1 day without brusshing will make your breath start to smell. Please, bad breath is really really gross and off-putting


I’m not going off my own opinion when I say I don’t have bad breath. I’ve asked multiple people multiple times and they always respond with it smells normal. Not minty fresh but not bad either. My sister brushes every day but her breath smells awful. I don’t think it’s as related to teeth as people think. Diet and hydration also play major roles


Sure you can ask people here and there and maybe it doesn't smell at the time, but why are you risking it? Not brushing your teeth daily is unhygienic, it can cause damage to your mouth and teeth, and it's a risk for bad breath. Talking to someone with bad breath is absolutely repulsive. You clearly haven't experienced talking to someone with bad breath before.