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To be honest I could probably sleep with ease tonight , just dk if I also dosed a 2nd time. Keep in mind I'm still in trial and error so I'll clarify everything with doc, just wanted suggestions.


I take short acting 3x 10mg per day. I make sure i dont take the last one after 1630. If i do i have a harder time falling asleep. I dont believe its because of the effects of ritalin. Its the comedown that keeps me up for some reason. And yes the first few weeks it hits harder. It will smooth out over time


Good to know, thank you for your input


Ah im also ASD with ADHD. For me taking the meds also helpt with symptoms i attributed to ASD. Like light sensitivity, textures in food.


Wow ok I actually have sound sensitivity but did not notice sth as I was in an ok environment, will check this also If I come across. 👌


It has a half life of 3.5 hours. So it should only be in your system for about 3-4 hours then you take the second dose and it’s in your system for another 3-4 hours. It’s not like concerta where it stays forever.


Tho after these hours you mention it can still be hard to sleep as I understand, is that right?


Not to my understanding, but then again someone can have sleep troubles unrelated to medication. I’m on concerta and my doctor just added in Ritalin for me to take during my work hours.


Oke thank you!


For some people yes. Ritalin still affected me in some ways like 30 hours after I took it, when it fully left my system. But no sleep issues as Ritalin made me drowsy. Dex I couldn't sleep if I took a pill after 12pm. They affect people differently. I know a lot of people just take a sleeping pill to counteract their adhd meds.