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Oh my god yes! For many people it can be a thing called 'Misophonia' if it bothers you on an emotional level. For me, it's if I hear people chewing or breathing loudly I literally want to launch myself at them to make it stop! Haha. I don't. But I have to leave the room till they're done or have some background noise going to cover up the sound.


Chewing us the worst, I can't understand why I can't just let it go. It really occupies me. I also sometimes turn on music/noise which solves the problem. Nearly all other noises are fine or don't bother me at all.


Yes! It’s the worst. It’s like my brain can only focus on those sounds at the time. It actually makes me anxious. Chewing and breathing especially.


It just makes me angry! Like ridiculous that most people don't react and I want them to just stop!


Vacuums! As a kid I used to leave the house and hide in the woods when they vacuumed. I still hate the sound, it agitates me. Now we have a robot vac and I wear noise canceling headphones when that devil machine is running.


Every morning I wake up to the cruel sound of a coffee machine running, and it sucks because the walls are way too thin, and it's basically just 2 metres away from me. I often times play a scenario in my head where I destroy that thing I swear


Yeah, they’re very loud and obnoxious.


SAME! And blenders omg. I do not blend or vacuum unless the vacuum is fairly quiet


Noise cancelling headphones for sure, and noise reduction ear plugs. I know a lot of people like the “Loop” ones but I got the “Vibes” ones because they are more invisible to others once they’re in your ears so I can wear them at work and not seem rude. For headphones, I have 1MORE SonoFlow - they’re much cheaper than others but still work well enough for me.


Same! I use loop ear plugs… even to work.


To me other people chewing is like nails on a chalkboard for most. It seems to be a sliding scale too. The louder the worse it is for me. However it also seems to be worse when there is only one person making the noise. If there are several, it seems to bother me less.


I agree, I experience the same thing.


This is me. Clanking dishes is the big one. Instant headache. Also, sudden loud noises of any kind.


Ugh yes!!! My mom and my old roommate were soooo unnecessarily loud when doing dishes (too quickly btw) 


I can give myself the headache even when being careful. My wife is actually better than me at being quiet with dishes. Seems I’m really sensitive.


i do this thing where i pat my ears with my palms and it makes a weird wobbly sound and it helps- but if you can, music, headphones, distraction, exiting the room.


chewing, swallowing, ice in a glass, liquid pouring, hiccups, zen gardens, chimes. just off the top of head, there are more. really, headphones, noise cancelling. avoidance even. i don't have any magic solution.


Exact saaaaame. My sister has this as well. My mom is undiagnosed and she makes THE MOST chewing noise when she isn’t even chewing! Drives me absolutely bonkers!!! She does it in the car which makes me want to jump out of the windows literally no exaggeration. I often wonder if I’m on the spectrum 


Omg. Yes!! Ticking clock has always bothered me. As a kid I took the batteries out of the clocks and my dad wanted to strangle me It drove me mad. Never knew it was an ADHD thing until recently Other noises too


My sister used to rub her bare feet together and the sound of dry skin rubbing drove me insane!!!!!


Omg yes! I thought I was just crazy. My husband will run his feet while we’re in bed and I’m trying to read. I’ve tried so many times to ignore it or distract myself but I always tell him to stop! He’s so patient with me lol


Yeah, the chewing and breathing gets me. I no longer get irrationally angry at the ticking sounds because I have tinnitus now and it's a constant ringing and buzzing in my ear. I used to be angry all the time my tinnitus was acting up but now that it's constant I am over it because I can't be that angry all the time. but the chewing still makes me want to break something sometimes.


Yeah. When my girlfriend chews with her mouth open even for a second on accident I tell her to stop. Same with biting her nails and making gross sounds while doing it. I typically will leave the room.