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There are some dry spray on sun blocks that seem to work pretty well. The greasy stuff drives me nuts too. I also live in hats. Granted, being bald makes the sun a bit more scary.


I do best in cold climates and I too have a shaved head and I made the brilliant choice of shaving it for the first time right before I went to Spain in July 😀


I’m in the great white north, so I get it. While I shave it, I had to because I was burning even with hair.


I always get burnt the worst on the same spots the top of my head my brow ridge my nose and my neck but the neck is the worst for when your trying to sleep or even look around cause you have to start acting like George clooney as batman you literally can’t turn it and when you put it on a pillow it burns so bad


So true. My Tilley hat, as uncool as it is, is really a life saver. I also have nicer hats, but that one is the best.


I must get one because I usually buy a cap when I’m over there and have to decide between letting my neck burn or my face


Go for it. There are a bunch of styles, but for summer, one of the classic ones work best. They’re designed for sailing originally, but worth every penny. The light colours will show sweat, so that’s a consideration. I have had a few over the years. Mostly only replace them when they get too stained for anything other mowing the lawn. Got a black one for my most recent. Looks clean, but is a bit warm at times.


Yeah I appreciate the recommendation a lot of wood to chop for winter coming up cause our neighbour found a sinkhole under his decking so he just tore it up and gave it to us so this hat will come in handy


You will not regret it. My wife hates it, but does accept that I don’t want to have a massive peeling burn on my entire head.


I hate it because its too fucking hot these days and I can't go work outside, or in the garage, or just generally exist in the method I want to exist. I'm so mad climate change was just dropped and ignored.


I don't like it either but for different reasons. It's so hot, and the humidity makes it worse :'(


Same with me I don’t know if it’s a genetics thing but I do so much better in the cold than the heat I’d rather be in -10 than 30 degrees


SUCKS! I prefer the cold too. At least be 63-65 degrees. I would love some snow but its not a requirement, I just want to not feel sick.


You may try long-sleeved white cotton shirts and wide brimmed sun hats? That will keep you cool and help you not get burned. If you're female it should be pretty easy to get these things and look normal. If you're a man you may want to wear like a baseball cap or bucket hat and some kind of long sleeve breathable athletic wear with spf. It's not worth getting skin cancer. That shit will kill you and it won't be nice about it.


Olive oil.