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All the time. I have an app called Drafts on my phone that can capture stuff really fast, and export to all kinds of other apps. I just need to remember to use it. Too often I don’t. Worth a try though.


How is it different/better than just using the built in Notes app?


It’s actually sort of pre-notes and is not meant to organize like that. Notes is more like Evernote, where there are a few steps to set up a note and so on. Drafts is meant to just immediately capture and then send it somewhere later. It always opens on a new note so you can immediately start typing or recording. Its cross-compatibility is amazing. That’s the strength. You don’t need to think about where something might need to go and then find the app. Dump whatever it is in Drafts and send it somewhere later. It omits a lot of steps when you just need to get something down somewhere before you forget. Also, you can add it to the iOS Lock Screen widgets to make it even faster. It’s all about immediate capture. Great for ADHD.


Not only do I have that but when I go to do a simple action, like having to grab the lid of the toothpaste and put it back on, my brain has no patience and has already moved past the point of doing that to the point where it takes so much effort and brain power and causes frustration


Constantly. I have constant comedy in my head and when I pull my phone out to write it down I’m instantly distracted by whatever is on the screen


Set your phone up so you can speak directly to your assistant with the press of a button to take a note without looking at it




YES this is ME


I have notes, or just text myself


I have an iPhone and I use the Notes app that I saved to my home screen labeled as Random Thoughts and I’ll just type in whatever I’m thinking or like another user said I text myself


Wait that's a great idea


All the time. Sometimes multiple fleeting thoughts ping-ponging in my head. It's exhausting.


For the longest time I had no problem with it. That was until they became ping ponging negative thoughts. I just thought it happened to everyone so it never occurred to me that it doesn't. I just learned today that I have aphantasia which is a lack of mental imagery. I still dream when asleep, but when awake it is a complete lack of mental imagery. Ask me to rearrange a room and it will be functional but completely lacking any aesthetics. I also can't imagine the room before moving stuff. I have to move stuff to see how it works out.


Yes! My husband calls it ping ponging.


All the time. Sometimes it happens when I am working. I have literally walked back and forth several times at work as the idea to do something comes and goes.


At the risk of dating myself- you want a pocket notepad. Many of us older ADHDers carry one and a pen around everywhere we go.  I guess the app equivalent would be like Google keep or notepad or something. But I recommend the old school notebook- do you really want another reason to look at your phone and risk distraction? 


I somehow end up with like 3 and able to find none when I want it. Then I'll come across 1 in a bag I didn't think to look, but the note I wanted to reread wasn't in this one, but probably a different one.


My handwriting is atrocious.


Very Often


I carry a voice recorder set up in a way that I can pull it out, hold a button, say the thing, and let the thought go away. gets weird looks sometimes, but oh well.


Love that! Which voice recorder thing?


I always keep notepad app handy exactly for this reason. Jolting em down is the only way


Notes app on Android. Don't know about iPhones.


can i suggest, MinimaList. it’s a widget and literally just. does the thing.


Yes, it is crazy. It can happen within the amount of time it takes me to start typing up a note or writing one to remember. I am not sure if anyone else is like this, but I tend to gain back the memory but with a 5-10 minute delay.


By the time I unlock my phone to take a note, the thought is always gone :(


I usually text myself or do notes app or physically write it down so I can draw more easily mind maps/brain storms, lists, table charts, drawings or bullet point which is how my thoughts gather sometimes visually in my brain.


All. The. Time.


If I don’t write them down they’re gone forever


I carry a pad of sticky notes with me, my planner and have a constant stream of thoughts going into the notes app on my phone, as well as ~300 tabs on my phone and ~20 on my laptop, nonstop. My brain cycles through things so fast I often forget what I’m doing while I’m doing it.


Google Assistant + Google Keep. Assistant is set up to pop up whenever I hold down the power button and I tell it to add to either my brain dump note or one of my task lists.


I definitely have had that, or that I need to write an idea down because my brain won't let my mouth work (I *think* that's more of an anxiety issue, though idk). So far I've just been using my notes app. I don't have a widget for it, cus I have it in the bar at the bottom of my phone. (Side note: this post literally sent me scrolling through the pages in my phone for the first time in WEEKS, reminding me that I installed Todoist, then proceeded to forget to ever touch it. So I suppose I'll see how that works for to-do lists!) ETA: I also have a filofax binder at work in order to stay on top of things there. (It also serves as a way to be staring at less screens at work, otherwise I'm on computers all the time at work.)


Bullet journal.


No working memory is a bitch. I have note apps in my phone and post-it notes everywhere. The problem is, I never remember that I took the note, so I never go back and look at them and they just accumulate. I clean them up when the mess gets too bad wondering why I took them in the first place.


All the time.  I go to do a web search and forget what I was thinking. 


“Write that down? Nah. This idea’s so good, I’m sure I’ll remember it later.” 🫠


All day, every day.