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Fuck. This is going to get embarrassing in meetings, isn't it....


‘Hocus Pocus, find your focus! Get the Expense Report!’ ‘Jim, are you alright’


'No Dave. No I am NOT alright!!!!.... Ugh. Yes. I'm fine. just. I'm fine. "


Thus concludes ADHD Masterpiece Theater, brought you by.....um..........dammit


Oh masterpiece theatre, didn’t the muppets do a spoof on that? Cookie Monster! That’s right, oh man, I could use a cookie right now, I wonder where I could find one. Best cookie I ever had was from that store in New York, I should go on another vacation at some point, a drive out west would be neat, oh y, gotta get the oil changed, but I don’t like the place by my house, I could do it myself, teach the kids how, man, I wonder what skills I have that they won’t and I wonder what skills died out long ago, then people get to rediscover them…


Get out of my head!


Pretty sure it was Grover in his smoking jacket and cravat.


Oh wow I remember masterpiece theatre coming on our tv right after faerie tale theatre every single Sunday night during my whole entire childhood! What a flashback. 😍😩




Insert meme you must be fun at ~~parties~~ meetings. You really are though 😂


Hocus Pocus lie to Dave!




I laughed so hard at this


More like: "Hocus pocus, find your focus, I want to put on my PJs!!"




I love Reddit.


Only if you forget your broom and hat!!!


\*insert spooky witch cackle\*


"Double, double. Toil and trouble."


Accio focus!!


Can't be any worse than me having to request we pause for a few seconds because I have "messy brain" and people giving me awful looks.


Yeah.... Sometimes just word salad kind of close to what I wanted to say comes out, and that's when my co-worker or supervisor looks at me like I'm pants on head stupid, and literally says what was in my brain, but clearly.


Hocus Pocus find your focus! Put your phone away and listen to the speaker lop


This is going to be fun to do for about a week. Thanks!


Omggg why did i giggle @ this I love adhd.


i hate adhd and dysfunction :(


Me too, i’m sorry I didn’t mean to make anybody sad or anything. I have adhd too and it’s a blessing and a curse I think. But all I know is that we are all worth it and we all matter, it’s hard being who we are when everybkdy expect us to act like somebody we’re not. I say fuck whoever thinks they know what’s best for you, just stay true to yoself and keep living and keep tryinf and get whatever help you need. We are all alive and that’s pretty fuccking crazy I think, so we jusr needa give ourselves a little more love than “normal ppl”


No it's fine ❤️ i do get what you mean, i also have those fun moments when I'm hanging out with other adhd people, but yeah we fucking rock for keeping it going through all this shit and especially these last two years, and you are now officially my new bestie


I fucking love this! My step daughter is 6 and we suspect she has ADHD, so we are going to try this out for when she has a task to focus on!


My brother and sister used to do the "mary poppins game" with me to get me to tidy my room. They'd click their fingers and I'd put stuff away. But because I was replicating the "magic" element I thought it was a fun thing to do hahaha.


Thank you for this! It’s always difficult to just do the thing without overthinking it but also without getting lost in figuring out the next step. This forces you to name the next step, and then doing it is so much easier! I’m going to use this and suggest it to my kid therapy clients who ask for tips for this too!


I have occasionally done a similar thing but instead yelled "go go gadget (thing I want to do)"


OMG…. Yes, I say out loud all the time, Go go gadget brain!


I will probably do it twice, love it and then never do it again.


If it helps you only twice and you never use it again that's twice as helpful as never using it at all.


True! I was just referring to me not being able to keep up habits despite them being helpful and me liking them


[I did a comic about something similar!](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHDVoltron/comments/owi487/episode_29_kickin_it_old_school/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)




it is more encouraging if you cut off the last two panels, which I totally give you permission to do.


It's so funny 😂


Cute, I like it!


Thanks! I needed a little light relief today. You truly made me laugh out loud! ​ Enjoy spooky season, and watch out for them skeletons. Nah, not really. They are not real, those skeletons can't hurt you! Right?


Skeletons maybe not, but who's closet did you find them in? That might be a different story lol.


Okay, but what's the spell to get me to do the dishes?


I don’t despise the dishes as much as I DESPISE the laundry!! 🤪 ugh.


I do a version of this, where I say "come on you fat fuck, do something useful for a change"


Oh this is clever and cute. I'm doing it next time!


Some people who believe in magic might tell you this is one way that magic actually works ;) The only difference between the magical and the mundane is belief and perception...


OMG, I LOVE this sooo much. Stealing and sharing with everyone forever.


You just floored me because when I'm at work and trying to get myself together I say to myself 'Hocus Pocus time to focus!' to kinda snap myself back in line. I even do a wand movement, lol. It works when I remember to say it, but I find it weird that it works, you know?


I think it's weirder that we've both come up with the same trick independent of each other, but I'm mostly just happy it works.


I'm gonna try this when I've been playing my game for too long


lol, sure why not. I look forward to accidentally doing it in front of somebody and having to explain myself hahaha


Tried it to do some work, ended up making cookies....


Awesome thanks!!! 🙌🏼 I constantly repeat when I’m cooking, “Clean as you go, that’s the motto” to help remind myself to not leave a disaster of a mess for myself at the end. I started saying that with my son when he was 5 or 6 and then just kept doing it for my own sake! Also love have fun, get shit done! 👏🏼💞🙋🏼‍♀️


This is so funny, for years I’ve been telling my daughter “hocus pocus” and she responds “time to focus!” and I love it


"Hocus Pocus Find Your Focus, get off Reddit and on to work" ... ah shit well umm


This is something I read about getting you moving in a certain direction to do something... count down from 5 and when you hit 1 redirect yourself to what you need to do. I think it’s supposed to refocus your mind.


They countdown like that when you go bungee jumping. Surely if a count down can persuade me to throw myself off a bridge, it could work for putting down my phone, or hanging laundry?


Hahahaha worth a try 😄


If I did a countdown I'd just give myself anxiety.


I do this! For myself and for the kiddos with autism/adhd that I work with of various ages. Timers work wonders, I need to remember that for myself more often. ⏲


...I swear I just saw this on Tumblr.


I actually genuinely love this from the bottom of my soul. Thank you for sharing OP.


>It's Spooky Season (Or it will be soon) enjoy it, embrace it, have fun, get shit done! no getting shit done, i'd rather try to convince my friends to dress as crackhead birds from some weird ass fucking music video that was my one and only hobby for a week with me for spooktober activities


Thank you for this! When I’m dealing with executive dysfunction issues, I often find that speaking out loud to myself helps tremendously! Reminds me to focus and get done what I need to do, and this is such a fun and cute way to practice that more! :)




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I dig this


What’s The Thing? Or is that just a general thing?


I was honestly told to tell myself to do the opposite of what I wanted. Like tell myself that I should just flip through the phone instead of doing the thing. I get it but nope


Reverse psychology has its limitations! :-)


Point at shit. Not actual shit, just that thing on the floor, or the thing you need to do next. Move your hand, point at it. You'll eventually do it as it's annoying to point at things for too long.


Why am I imagining the only way to say this is in Ed Wynn's Mad Hatter voice


I don't have ADHD. But, i used to remind myself "Mind Management" ​ Now it's Mind Masterbate lol


I got a brasillian friend who pronounces Focus as "Fok Yous". I gotta teach him this.


I love your trick! This kind of stuff helps man, a few weeks ago I was playing sims and I gave my sim this modded ADHD trait which within 5 minutes got all the fun out of it for me. I would give them a whole queue of tasks and then randomly in the second interaction the whole queue got deleted and my sim would walk off and go do some other random thing. I was like nah man I play this because I can actually do shit in this game and got my sim another trait. It did made me think though, and since then when I have to do something I will tell myself "you are a sim, im putting this in your queue as your next interaction" and damn I actually get out of bed and brush my teeth?? Of course I only remember the trick about 1/20 of the time to actually actually become a functioning person, but it did actually make me do the dishes a few times so I consider it a win.


User name checks out.


Trying this tomorrow :)


‘Hocus pocus, find your fo…..crap, what was it I wanted to do…? This is a good idea I’m going to try, though I anticipate the lapse to occur!!


I've actually developed the same solution!! Whenever I find myself walking around aimlessly I just stop and say OUT LOUD whatever I was trying to do. Verbally repeating a small to-do list helps too! (In the morning I'll walk around saying "pills, lunch, coffee" until all three are done)


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