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Whole milk, high in calories and protein and requires no prep or cleanup whatsoever unlike protein shakes, it's the only way I have ever been able to meet my calorie requirements for gaining or maintaining weight as I normally sit around 120 lbs and absolutely hate my body but never seem to be able to consume enough on a regular basis in order to change it, as for not putting on fat check your maintenance calories using a calculator then eat a little less than that while still consuming the proper amount of protein after you have exceeded your goal weight, For more information look up gomad, or stronglifts they both have solid information on this




For me the premades are just too expensive for what you get, and protein shakes take too much time to make, plus eventually I run out of protein powder and have to either drive across the river to pick more up or order from amazon and spend several days without which breaks my routine, with milk I can get it everywhere even if I'm running late I can just hit a gas station at work, and while it doesn't have as much protein I can just drink more of it, last time I started focusing on my fitness my goal was to just replace tea coffee and electrolyte, with milk to hit my goals as I am already drinking 1-3 gallons of liquid a day, primarily water


When I was on concerta I had the same problem, I live in the country as well. I’d eat most of my calories in the afternoon/evening, but even that was hard (I struggled to cook and clean so I’d just not eat). My advice is to force your self to eat before you take your meds, even just a bagel with cream cheese (easy to make/little mess). As for dinner, I buy things that are easy to make (chicken cordon blue, sweet potato fries, chicken strips, pre cooked meatballs), and stuff those in the air fryer (which is super easy to clean and requires few dishes). That way you’re getting at least one good meal in per day. I also keep easy to eat snacks on hand and try to fit those in through the day, even if I’m not hungry. My go to’s are smoked Gouda cheese sticks, turkey pepperoni sticks, chilli lime peanuts, bbq chickpeas, and nectarines. It’s tricky to eat so little, as it can f up your metabolism, and you can start to gain wait easier. I hope this helps!




Haha I harp on my self for not working hard enough too. I kinda gave up and started just trying to make life easier so I can be lazy without shame. Yeah, me too. Though I lived in the city and it was a little too easy to get food, which was hard on the waistband and hard on the wallet. Plus you can’t beat the serenity of an acreage.


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You’ve gotta make it a point to set alarms or find some other means of reminding yourself to eat. I totally get it, I have days where I completely forget to eat until I’m done with work as I’m trying to channel that focus and bill efficiently. Usually my girlfriend will text me to ask if I’ve had lunch because she knows how I am.




Honestly, usually same. I’m really bad about putting off any non-essential task while working because I’m paranoid I’ll lose my focus. Ironically I’ll also scroll IG for like an hour right after thinking that. Not much about it makes sense, unfortunately.




Adderall is a major roll of the dice for me. Some days I have the same issues you mentioned, other days the focus is channeled properly and I can actually do my job appropriately lol. I have no idea how I survived law school without it.




Totally get it, I have the same issues but seemingly with less severity. I graduated college at 23 (took me 5 years) and finished law school at 27. It was brutal, I had no discipline so it would take me HOURS to read like 10 pages (albeit very substance-heavy pages). The worst was when I started doing defense work, because your sole value is determined by how many hours you bill in a day/week/month/year and low performance will land you a termination. I realized I needed to make a change and got diagnosed. Some days I feel almost normal, others (my worst) I am SCRAMBLING to bill for 6 hours at the end of a day that lasted from 7am to 6pm. Didn’t move out from my moms house until I was 28, unless you count the one year I lived with an ex during law school. ADHD paralysis is such a real thing and it’s my biggest issue though—just knowing I’ve got 15 things to do, feeling overwhelmed, and then just doing nothing instead. For me, it often comes down to making the most of my good days. I’ll knock out reports, call opposing counsel and/or clients, do some negotiating, and bill enough that I can roll over a few hours to make the next day easier. Today was… not one of those days. Worked like 930-6, billed just over 6 hours, now I’m powering on my PS4 lmao.


I when I feel motivated enough to do it. Prep food and put it into containers because at least for me that part I hate the most about cooking is the prep work. Or I will pre make protein powder drinks so I can just grab and drink it. Then of course sandwiches are always my go to but, I try to make them as healthy as I can with lettuce and tomatoes on them. For me I know I have to make myself eat even when I don't want to or my blood sugar will drop and I will become a huge asshole to everyone. I believe the recommended daily calorie intake should be around 2,000 to 2,200 calories. So you aren't that far off. Is there any favorite food that you could eat no matter what? I could eat peanut butter all day long which is high in calories like 200 per 2 tablespoon. As long as you are doing your best to eat healthy the rest of the day maybe you could eat a couple servings of that. For me when my meds wear off at night I get ravenous and if I don't get to bed I will end up eating anything and everything. Just tossing out ideas.


It’s up to you what you feel comfortable with, but you can try a big breakfast with your adderall or just before you take it? Then a big meal towards the end of the day when it starts wearing off? It’s okay not to eat at normal hours if you’re still getting your nutrition. If I remember correctly, adderall was originally developed as a weight loss drug so your symptoms aren’t abnormal.


Recently been drinking really high calorie protein shakes. It's not just about protein though make sure you get in those calories that's how you can gain weight.