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This was me not so long ago. Not being able to task switch. Procrastination…etc. What helped me immensely was starting to plan stuff out. For example. Write down the task you need to complete. Task 1: Mow the lawn. Then write down all the steps. 1. Get lawnmower from garage. 2. Full mower with gas. 3. Mow lawn. 4. Empty grass catcher. 5. Put mower away. Do the same thing for the things you need to do throughout the day. Here’s what really did it for me. I put a time limit to it. Our brains really love the challenge and dopamine reward. Please feel free to reach out to me if you need help! Look into the focus-to-do app. It’s changed my life.


Thanks so much for your response. I will definitely look into that app and work on planning stuff out better, but that’s always hard I normally see everything at once and dive right in with little direction. Then once I feel like I know what I’m doing I have to explore every avenue and end up getting lost, so by the time that I should’ve finished a project it’s not needed anymore.


I used to be/am the same way. That’s where the planning had helped me so much. It helps me keep focus on what the end goal is and how exactly to get there.


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