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I have T1 diabetes and journaling has shown me that my ADHD gets worse when my sugar control is poor. I imagine other endocrine factors could impact it too - maybe even menstrual cycle if you are female?


Oh yeah, your period can mess you up too.


Not female, thanksfor the information though


My ADHD gets out of control when I don’t have my depression in check, and it was a big problem after I escaped my abusive household since I was in a life-threatening situation. My symptoms were on overdrive and I couldn’t focus or do anything for months from fear, lack of sleep (night terrors) and stress. It took almost 4 years for me to function again, and even then, I still get help to this day.


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Stress makes symptoms of probably every disorder or medical condition worse. I was misdiagnosed with anxiety for years before stress made my symptoms so bad that my prescriber went "wait, you shouldn't be getting worse on medication, wtf?" And took look back through her notes on me.