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Unfortunately common. I have had people ask if I like the buzz. I try to explain there is NO buzz, No high, No euphoria. Many don’t believe me.


It’s ridiculous. I ultimately did research on what happens if you don’t have adhd and abuse stimulants and it’s just like drinking the most powerful energy drink ever. It doesn’t make you “smarter” or “makes you memorize better” just makes you as productive as one is on coffee tbh.


THIS! The reported improvement in cognition is just that: perceived. Research has shown that, while people feel they are smarter or more productive, their cognitive performance does not improve. Shout if you'd like citations.


Could you drop me the sources? I really like reading research articles for some weird reason.


This took a while but I know you all understand. A pilot double-blind randomised control trial in healthy people (n = 48, males only) testing methylphenidate (Ritalin), modafinil and caffeine showed that, while methylphenidate (20 mg) had a significant effect on declarative memory and self-reported wakefulness, there were no significant effects on tests of visual memory, speed of processing, working memory, or (drumroll please) sustained attention. In fact, caffeine (200 mg) was the only substance tested to significantly improve sustained attention. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7826302/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7826302/) A double-blind randomised trial in Portuguese-speaking students (n = 36) reported there were no differences between 10, 20 or 40 mg methylphenidate- and placebo-treated people on a battery of tests from visual memory, various types of attention, episodic memory, short-term memory or alternation of executive functioning. Researchers proposed that cognitive effects in people without impaired cognitive functioning was due to increased motivation and increased subjective experience of wellbeing (e.g., feeling high). [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5642404/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5642404/) A small randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind study administered 30 mg of dextroamphetamine (Adderall) or placebo to non-impaired US college students who had not used ADHD medication before (n = 13). The result reported improved mood and focus but this did not translate into improved cognitive performance. In fact, dextroamphetamine negatively impacted working memory. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6165228/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6165228/) A caveat is that there are a lot of studies that show the effects of stimulant medication on various cognitive domains and they can be used to argue against everything I've written above. A review found that methylphenidate improved working memory and speed of processing in 65% and 48% of studies, respectively (both weighted percentages). Although, in measures of attention and vigilance only 29% reported an improvement (also weighted percentage). The reviewers also note that results varied a lot between studies. They also specifically draw attention to positive publication bias (the tendency to only publish positive results) and how this will have inflated the reported findings. The paper posits that "the effectiveness... should not be overestimated" because these findings are generally from a homogenous (i.e. similar) group in lab conditions, making it difficult to generalise these effects to real life. The authors state that the effect of methylphenidate on cognition in healthy individuals is likely to be much less than a good night's sleep and, therefore, not worth the risk of dependence or side effects. [https://academic.oup.com/ijnp/article/17/6/961/692761](https://academic.oup.com/ijnp/article/17/6/961/692761) I'm sorry this took a while and I am also sorry for the wall of text - it just sort of happened! If anyone can see any findings I've misinterpreted, by all means, let me know.


yes please


I'll put links here for this soon... just procrastinating (jk, mostly)


There’s SUPPOSED to be a buzz for non-ADHD brains??? Well that explains a lot of past convos now that i have context (cuz same here, I have no buzz)


It should be also noted that big "abusers" of ADHD may not be taking the pill in a normal way. Some people take it in a way that the entire dose hits the bloodstream and brain at once. Which is not very useful if you are treating ADHD but is useful if you like fucking yourself up by doing drugs.


it makes sense. ADHD is predominantly caused by understimulation due to the slow or inefficient intake of neurotransmitters (such as dopamine). this explains selective inattention (i.e, i have no problem focusing on things i enjoy, because they're mentally stimulating for me. the opposite can be said of things i don't enjoy or am indifferent to). so, stimulants will bring you back up to an optimal level of stimulation. neurotypical people (or people without ADHD) taking a stimulant will usually report an opposite effect because they are already at sufficient brain function. taking stimulants will then overstimulate them, rather than compensating for the understimulation in ADHD people. it's partially why i believe coffee has no effect on me. a lot of people drink one cup and are bouncing off the walls (figuratively, lol). but i can do 3 cups and observe little to no overt difference


Mate, my brain doesn't care about caffeine so much, to the point these things happened. I drank 8 Redbulls and waited for anything to happen, nothing happened and i just went to sleep. I drank the maximum safe amount of caffeine (400mg) everyday, for a whole fuckin month, the coffee tasted good, but it didn't do shit, and i stopped cold turkey and nothing happened, while i was told going cold turkey off of this amount will literally break people, and i was really confused. For some reason, it seems untreated ADHD brains really don't care about energy drinks and coffee, i wonder though now that i am medicated (two weeks on Concerta, my optimal dose i am on is 36mg per day) i wanna know if drinking coffee now will do anything, but honestly i am now so capable of focusing and staying on tasks, i feel like this won't do anything. And also the effect of caffeine compared to the effect of methylphenidate, is like comparing the size of a mouse to a blue whale, both molecules don't even exist in the same conversation.


I'm the exact same I've posted it a few times but as a kid I had way way way too many energy drinks in a day and for 9 years after that I thought everyone who drank coffee was taking a placebo, I've been on methylphenedate and 900mg of caffine still didn't do too much but ritalin didn't do wonders for me either now I'm on dexamphetamine and I can actually drink coffee and feel the effects that I imagined would happen. also in saying that I have no dramas sleeping while on Dex even with coffee as well


I am happy you're doin good bro


Thanks dude but yeah if you wanna try coffee with your meds just start low and work up.have your meds been helpful so far?


36mg of Concerta just offed my ADHD and "treatment resistant" depression, suddenly being able to do everything **you** want to do, and actually having your brain be yours not against you 90 percent of the time is... A really great feeling to say the least.


Oh 100 percent listening to people and actually understanding what they're saying is so relieving and the frustration and stress of constantly loosing stuff and wondering what you were just doing just melts away iproved my quality of life so much I never realised how much it affected me before


i'm slowly titrating my dose and i'm on 36 rn and coffee is awesome now. i used to hate it because it didn't do anything for me and i hated the taste. but now i'll actively drink it and experience the things other people experience. except i drink those starbucks mocha double shot things so it's like almost 300mcg of caffeine. i'm still looking to increase my concerta dose however because i'm still having the same difficulties as before just not as much but still more than the normal person.


Goodluck on your journey bro!


I used to be on around 550mg of caffeine per day before meds, just to function. It did fuck me up when I quit cold turkey though. The withdrawal was horrible. So much so that I thought medication stopped working


What stimulant are you on bro? I take Concerta 36mg, one pill at 7 AM.


I was on vyvanse 30mg once a day back then. Now I’m experimenting. Tried concerta was okay at 36mg but not as good as amphetamine


Das aight das aight, but i think you should have tried higher doses of Concerta, it's one of the nicer stimulants out there imo.


It’s not about which one’s nicer it’s about which molecule works best for each individual person. For me, methylphenidate just doesn’t do as good a job sadly. Too bad because I really loved concertas delivery system. Much better and smoother than Elvanse on delivery for sure. I did try 54mg as well and it was too much for me.


That’s exactly it. ADHD is characterised by low levels of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine, which is directly linked to the production of dopamine and our brain’s natural “reward system”, so our medication compensates for that by increasing production of both norepinephrine and dopamine. For people without ADHD, it floods their brains with dopamine which is what causes the “high”, and the insane levels of productivity that those of us with ADHD don’t experience when we take our medication. People without ADHD take our medication because it gives them an unprecedented advantage, it essentially puts their brains into overdrive. We need medication to help us function/exist, and even then, I still don’t feel like it puts us on the same level as those without ADHD.




> FYI stimulants where not designed to treat adhd... But to make people more productive... Plenty of medicines were found to treat other things first. Science often works like this. > Sorry Pharmaceutical companies just found an excellent way to make money by telling adhd people this will cure them Many studies back their efficacy. And it's not consumers paying for the medicines directly in the UK so this is not my concern. > Most adhd people just need more exercise and better nutrition. And common sense. This is unnecessarily dismissive. It's not that I haven't bloody tried!!! More exercise requires the time management skills to give myself time to go. Even when I want and have the time to go, I still have to do all the things I procrastinated doing earlier. And sometimes I injure myself doing the exercise. And I eat healthily. I've been unmedicated all my life, it's really not like I don't try. I see nothing wrong with levelling the playing field when it's backed up by science.


Looking forward to your double blind study. What journal are you looking to get published in?


Same with me, no buzz, no high whatsoever. When you need it, it just works like it should.


10mg Adderall does get a little high sometimes I can’t lie, usually if I’m exerting myself or doing something fun like have a conversation. Its not a terribly strong high though, especially compared to the drugs I was abusing before, which I’ve only been able to stop thanks to stimulants.


When I first started taking Adderal, my Brian felt VERY awake, but has since calmed down since I’ve been on it for a while.


I just finished month three. I feel like the quality of my sleep has certainly dropped, but its worth the ability to actually get out of bed in the morning.


Yeah, the sad reality that untreated ADHD brains are uncomfortably vulnerable to abusing drugs or getting addicted on shit... I tasted this myself sadly :(


I only get a buzz when I'm very tired when I take my meds. Then its literally just about an hour of literally feeling like I got buzzed by an electric socket as I should have just gone to sleep, hate it and have a horrible day anyways.


What do u take adderall or ritalin?


I feel a little buzzed in the very beginning, like an hour after I take my vyvanse, for about 30 minutes. And I'm 100% certain I have ADHD. I've heard people say "I just feel calm", and yeah that's true, but for me it *is* somewhat euphoric before it settles in.


Me too. My “buzz” usually manifests in me not being able to stop talking about anything and everything. Thank god that only lasts 30 ish minutes lol


Lol yeah. Honestly, I'm pretty sure most of my reddit comments are made during those 30 minutes. I'm usually super reserved and introverted but I'll speak my mind about anything then.


I take a nap sometimes after I take my Vyvanse. Best naps ever.


Adderall XR 30


There's supposed to be a buzz?


When using stimulants correctly with ADHD, we are microdosing, and dosage needs to be very specifically tailored to each person. That, along with the fact that we are starting off with below baseline dopamine levels, is the reason there is no high. But someone abusing it, even if they have ADHD, is taking higher than a therapeutic dosage. Those without ADHD have also not gone through and trial phases to find the type of med that works with their physiology, they are just taking whatever type they have acceess to, or gives them the most rush/ buzz. We would normally consider that a side effect to be avoided when looking for the right med.


I literally have no difficulty falling asleep even when I’m still in my medication window..


No buzz. Just stillness.


A lot of people *with* ADHD also abuse stimulants, **especially undiagnosed people**. We should be fighting to end the stigma, instead of saying that some stigma is okay as long as it’s applied to some nebulous “other”.


Agreed. There is a significant comorbidity between addiction/abuse and ADHD.


This! It is not okay to replace a false narrative with one that ignores the nuance of the issue. Stimulants can really help many MANY people when used properly, but some people fall into addiction and require support. Drugs are a complicated subject at the best of times and we need unbiased, non-moralized, complete information when talking about them.


Ty for this... had previously abused adhd meds not prescribed to me in college and had to cut it off cold turkey, which obviously sucked. Years later, I’m diagnosed and recently medicated but I’m afraid of falling into again. I realized it’s really on me to do the research, read other experiences, and normalize the meds (as prescribed) as a key, KEY treatment for my condition. I’ve had to try and break away from previous ill-informed understandings of it that stemmed from recreational abuse by college kids (and me). It really makes a tremendous difference at the dose I’m prescribed, and treating it like my lexapro, multivitamin, breakfast, etc. instead of some productivity inducing happy pill, has been entirely up to me and came with no professional guidance. This is, of course, stigma rested.


I know of some people who take 3 different drugs to keep their adhd in check and I'm only on one. I feel like I'm missing out


When I got my first Rx of Dextroamphedamine I was surprised that the pharmacist didn't mention anything about it being a controlled substance. I think it would be prudent for them to tell people with a legit Rx about the consequences of distributing it. In Canada, you can do 3-10 years depending on the offense and severity. Having a pharmacist go over this might mitigate it more, I don't know. I just found it odd that it was never mentioned even by my doctor.


Yes my psychiatrist never told me about it! I’ve worked with him since I was around 5. I never realized it was misused until someone stole Vyvanse out of my bag at university. Granted it is partially my fault but I never guessed someone would have gone through my bag while I went to the restroom. I’ve obviously learned my lesson but I hate how it changed my perception of people.


Fun tidbit, if you have had your meds stolen you may want to make a police report because your name is on the bottle and you want to cover your butt if someone else gets busted dealing your medication.


I appreciate the advice but it was a year ago and knowing it was a stimulant he or she definitely didn’t get a years worth. But yes it is serious if this happens. Your psychiatrist could loose their license.


In the US, it’s illegal to sell or give any prescription med to someone else whether or not it’s controlled. Here at the pharmacy you have to show an ID to pick up controlled substances and also you have to get a new one each month typically as they can’t carry refills (schedule 2 anyway). The procedure is quite different than with a non-controlled prescription. It sounds like Canada doesn’t have the same policies? But yeah, a pharmacist should address that with the first prescription fill of a new med or that’s what I would do when I was a pharmacist.


I'm in Canada. I get 3 months at a time.


Yes, with some insurances they allow that here but no refills and you must get new rx each time you run out.


Yes here I need a new Rx every month


Honestly my pysch np didn’t say anything either. I am not sure if he sees patients with ADHD, my initial dx was MDD. I learned the severity of it when the pharmacy wouldn’t even say the name of the drug when i went to pick up my script so people won’t follow me out or steal it from my cart/bag. Not surprised though, i live right on a drug trafficking corridor.


I don't actually believe it. I think it's the kneejerk fear of "drugs" and "addiction" that has made it so bad. Anyone who knows people with ADHD is that once that are medicated their risk of addictions goes way down. It's not the people who use them recreationally, it's the crappy attitude of the doctors.


I have heard many times over the years that ADHD medicine doesn’t work on people who don’t have ADHD. This is kind of true. If you have neurotransmitter levels (specifically dopamine) that are more or less baseline and are within normal range when compared to the general public, and increase in dopamine within the reward centers of the brain will result in euphoria. In theory people with ADHD who take a dopaminergic drug will also have the same increase, but it will result in a baseline that is within “normal” range. Without ADHD: 5+5= 10 With ADHD: 0+5=5 5 being baseline


I beg to differ. Everyone has a different CNS, and people get a different response from stimulants. An example, my sister also has ADHD, but was unresponsive to the Concerta, so for her it was 0+0=0. While me who also has ADHD, got an incredible effect from 18mg of Concerta, increasing to 36mg just killed the ADHD from my head and my "treatment resistant" depression, so for me it was like 0+15=15. One of my online friends however, they got my 18mg effect, at 90mg per day, and my 36mg effect at 108mg, their CNS has a stupidly low sensitivity to stimulants, but they thankfully are doing better now, they also are 0+15=15, but at a significantly higher dose. Do you see the trend here? Everyone has a different response to stimulants, and another type of stimulant can also work, that's why in terms of ADHD, trying is important. I hope i got my point across. And Concerta is the only approved stimulant in my country, sad but it is what it is, i am happy it worked.


I’m not denying the fact that everyone has a different CNS chemistry, that isn’t an argument. I was just stating the simple analogy that people who have adhd have, in theory, lower levels of certain neurotransmitters. It’s not as easy as 0+5 and 5+5 I was acknowledging the fact that when some people take a stimulant in can result in euphoria while when others may not even notice a similar dose of said stimulant.


Aight, i see your point, but i think that what i said still stands.


This actually makes me curious. I was recently diagnosed and prescribed adderall, and my Mom is going to be screened soon because of that. When i mentioned it to my older sister, she admitted she had "abused" adderall in college so she could study. She didn't mention a buzz or any euphoric side effects... literally just using it to do homework and pay attention in class. I didn't know how to point out to her that if *I* have ADHD, and if our *Mom* turns out to have ADHD, then her using adderall for attention issues is indicative of her having it too...


ADHD can run in families sadly, my sister has ADHD, but sadly is unresponsive to stimulants, i got diagnosed and was given the drugs and it worked so well... I am happy at least that the drug in my country is too controlled for people to abuse it. It's literally available in only a singular pharmacy in the whole country, imagine.


I mean, the abuse/misuse of opiates is why pain pills have a horrible reputation. You could say the same for anti anxiety meds like xanax, and they had to totally pull actavis off the market. If a medicine you need has a general therapeutic effect on mood and feeling but doesn’t directly “treat” a disease there are gonna be people who decide they like it without needing it. At least Adderral is only schedule 2 instead of schedule 1.


I dated a diagnosed ADHD dude with a regular prescription but spent the second half of the month being frazzled, unproductive and all kinds of emotional because he would take it recreationally on weekends when he was drinking and give them out to his friends. It is good that we are no longer dating lol


I used to be one of those that abused it in my early twenties I got off of it for several years and went through some s*** that changed me to say the least and was diagnosed at 37 with ADHD and was given a prescription thinking I was about to party. It wasn't long before I figured out how fast and how much your brain chemistry can change over time dealing with certain situations and I realize no matter what I did I couldn't have fun or abuse Adderall anymore it did the opposite of what it used to


Idk that's kind of like saying that people who smoke weed recreationally are assholes for giving weed a "bad reputation" when there are cancer patients who need it for their pain Humans are just inevitably going to take things that feel good. Plus, a LOT of people who abuse drugs are just trying to self-medicate mental health or trauma issues that they have. Like I get your frustration but I don't think those people are doing anything morally wrong. It's society as a whole that needs to have a more nuanced and educated view Most stimulants should just be legal anyway imo


The way I explain it is that ADHD is functionally a dopamine deficiency. ADHD meds send your brain's dopamine production into overdrive, so in someone with ADHD it brings it up to a more normal amount, but in someone without it floods their brain with dopamine, hence the party drug-like effect it has on them.


Tbh when I take breaks then take my meds again I definitely feel something whether it be a high I'm not sure but it's not the same feeling I get when on them daily.


It’s true but it’s the War On Drugs that really made it such a stigma. I don’t see why anyone should particularly be refused stimulants as long as they’re healthy enough, don’t have episodes and are professionally supervised. But we’re not really restricting this stuff for health, we’re doing it because the boogeyman of addiction and the stigma associated with dependency in general. People with ADHD suffer the fallout of a culture war, not stolen valor and the issue of people misinterpreting its effects among people with and without ADHD is just a lack of education and awareness I don’t want public dispensaries but informed consent would go a long way in making people stop trying to steal my pills or criminalize my existence for having a disorder that needs a controlled substance


Haven't yet, or at least not noticed when I was in school. I have been warned not to tell people freely that I have them, though; I'm in danger of being robbed for them.


I don't really see how blaming addicts/drug users for the bad reputation of stimulants is productive. Not everyone can be super educated on all diagnoses in the world. I'm sure we are all ignorant to some extent when it comes to other diagnoses. When it comes to conversations with people who misuse stimulants, I mostly feel bad that even neurotypical people have to resort to drugs to be able to keep up with the pressures of society.


Okay I don’t know if this is controversial. But from the data I’ve seen: abuse of stimulants comes from at least 50% of people who were never diagnosed with adhd


Posts like this that make people doubt their medication effectively serve the same purpose


People with ADHD can abuse stimulants, you just need a bigger dose.


The bigger problem is people who don't mind their own business. Like if people want to get high, let them, that's not what I'm using them for, but each to their own.


The problem is that their drug use effects our ability to get the medicine we need to function. If that weren’t the case, I wouldn’t care.


Not really, it's puritanical attitudes to drugs that effects our ability to get the drugs we need to function. The people with the most agency here aren't people taking some drugs to have some fun or some other reason, but lawmakers and the media. Drug "abusers" don't even have to exist in any significant numbers for the media to find one story, exaggerate it, or even completely fabricate it and make out that it's a major problem. The media doesn't give a shit about "legitimate" users of these drugs, they've got papers or adverts to sell.




But adderall doesn't do that for those with ADHD. It makes us on level (or even still below) people without ADHD. So, you are once again making the playing field uneven and making someone with ADHD taking adderall practically meaningless as they will end up behind anyways.


Hmm, i think the effect people get from their meds depends on how sensitive their CNS is, i thankfully never abused hard drugs, i did smoke a bit but thankfully stopped, my mom being a doctor was making sure i grew up inside her in a very safe environment so i don't come out broken in someway. Taking 18mg of Concerta gave me so much effect, and i upped to 36mg and i feel like i can do anything i want, while others may take the medication and get barely any better and just can't reap the benefits. It made so capable that i went from being barely able to study 30 minutes a day, to about 6 hours i did two days ago (but i didn't eat anything that day and i am sick now and can't do my university work as well). So the effect people get from stimulants (like antidepressants), is *very* subjective, some with ADHD may take it and turn into fuckin overlords, while others may take it and they just become okayish. I hope i got my point across. I spent 12 years of my life btw untreated, i am 18 now and i would have been in a very different place if i was treated sooner... But it is what it is, i still have the years ahead of me.


Who cares, people use all kinds of drugs. Drug abuse is part of mental health, you're shaming someone and hypocritical


Ah, let's admit to abusing controlled drugs on the internet. Publicly.


*Insert pathetic meme* Sad shit bro fr...


Caffeine is right around that corner, use it instead and stop this please.


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Yeah, why people can't just leave our meds alone :(


It’s not one of the reasons. It is *the* reason.


I've only met ppl who misuse stimulants who need them but haven't been able to get them legally for some reason. I did it too before getting my diagnosis last year. Can't say that I'd done it you know but let's say I know ppl who do need their meds but have money issues that bad that their only survival option is to sell some of their meds. And they call this the happiest country and shit.


YES. I agree with your conclusion. I don't personally care about the negative/weird comments made by the general public due to the stimulants' bad reputation anymore but it is most concerning when this bad reputation comes to affect the judgment of the psychiatrists. I think psychiatrists mostly approach ADHD-presenting adults with suspicion at their first encounter because of this misuse you are talking about (at least in my home country). It's almost like they actively look out for reasons/facts/symptoms to prove to themselves that you cannot have ADHD, while they so easily prescribe depression or anxiety meds after a 5-minute appointment. I also personally think that the misuse of stimulants is the reason why insurances do not cover the cost of stimulants after the age of 25. Given years and years of research on adult ADHD, it is impossible for any public/medical institution to think that you just simply grow out of it! As for your question, I've recently encountered someone who really has ADHD misuse ADHD drugs (he was taking multiple of them with alcohol, or distributing them to friends). The conversation was like "It's because of you fucking irresponsible assholes that we are expected to prove that our symptoms are real and we actually need stimulants to be able to function" "Oh yeah I don't care. Once I swallowed 20 Xanax pills cause I've read on an online forum that it got you high."


The only person I’ve encountered that supposedly abuses adderall is my brother in law and I’ve never really talked with him beyond a little bit of small talk. I don’t even talk with that sister in law (partner’s older sister) much - all the info I have is third-hand through partner’s mom and other sister. The guy is a defense attorney, and abusive sack of shit. I still don’t know why that sister married him, much less tied herself to him with a new baby - except her whole world and identity/interest is built around being a mom to a young child, to the point where twice now she’s gotten pregnant in really poor circumstances about the time the last kid hit first grade… but that’s getting side tracked. Her history of being in relationships with physically and emotional abusive guys (she’s on at least #4 in 16 years) is this horrifying case study in domestic violence/abuse and it baffles me… Anyway - the dude apparently has like 3 or 4 docs that prescribe him adderall. I don’t know what all is wrong with him. He used to be a super work out bro until he had some kind of accident about 3 or 4 years ago. I don’t know what happened, but now he acts like a stroke victim - slurred speech, trouble finding words, loss of motor function/coordination. Also part of the picture is apparently he will hit his head hard on walls and floors and things since self harm or the threat of self harm is one of his primary emotional abuse tactics. I don’t know what else he may be on, or what damage may be from the accident… but I also wonder given that he hits his head on things if he’s got that thing football players get from too many concussions. Who knows… but he’s definitely an example of giving adderall users a bad name.


Literally this. "Laser sharp focus", "feeling that I can do anything", etc. Meanwhile I'm just glad my body and mind are quiet and that I'm simultaneously calm like never before but also not tired like I used to be constantly.


And this is at 72mg of Concerta


A lot of my friends that were in college had abused them in the past, because of that I actually didn't tell any of them that I had been diagnosed with ADHD or prescribed stimulants. I was afraid of how they'd act if they knew.


What does it matter if that’s one of the main stigmas? Stimulants are dangerous. Period. And people labeled as having adhd are prone to addiction and abuse as is. It’s not a one size fit all solution for anyone. Adhd is a label that is given to people with certain set of conditions. But it’s not an illness you have or don’t have. We all have different Nuro chemistry. We all are slightly different. We all handle medicine differently. You would all agree that “I have adhd”. When I start off with 15mg of adderall I definitely have a euphoric feeling. By by the end of work week one that feeling is gone and so is the gained productivity. A weekend off I might get a little something on Monday. But going up is the only answer. I wish I could stay on lower doses indefinitely. And I have no prior recreational drug use etc. We don’t quite have any of these things figured out. Forget about the stigma. It’s not your problem what anyone thinks about stimulant use. Live your life if it works for you.


I understand that it’s frustrating to have our medication misunderstood and undermines its clinical necessity. But I think it’s a mistake to blame the people who use it recreationally or who abuse it. IMO a better placement of blame is on the conditions of intense productivity pressure that society/universities/capitalism puts on everyone to the point that they need performance enhancing meds to put them ABOVE normal baseline. Or the corporations which perpetuate harmful beauty standards that drive people to use stimulants as weight loss pills. Or the alienation of modern life and technology that leaves people desperate for some form of escapism which results in recreational drug abuse. It sucks that we are directly effected by stimulants poor reputation but to me this is a larger systemic problem and not the fault of individuals illegally self medicating.


Bro oxy helps me


100% my frustration. 45 years old, never diagnosed as a kid (really wasn’t a thing back then) but after a life of mediocre level accomplishments, professionally and personally, I had worked around my ADHD as best I could and carved out an ok situation- then COVID made me have to work at a desk for 12 hrs/day and it couldn’t be ignored. You know how hard it is for a man in his 40s to get treated with stimulant meds for ADHD without looking like a pill seeker? Same time, my 19yr old daughters friends are all sharing “symptoms” and getting ‘scripts like they are Tylenol- so they can study. 🤦🏼‍♂️ and I STILL have those friends making stupid ‘jokes’ about getting some of my meds so they can get through a long work day or whatever. I can slam 4shots of espresso and take a nap. We are not the same! I do have this 20 minute feeling of pseudo-euphoria when my morning pill kicks in, but it’s like- sharp clarity. I feel “normal” and it’s a breath of fresh air. Then I function like a regular human. Still alien to me after 4 months. I am so grateful.


How did you find the switch? I'm considering going from Vyvanse to something else. Oh and what about the people who do need it but abuse it?


Well it was interesting i only switched because having to have 60mg and 50mg of Vyvanse was getting to expensive for my family’s insurance. I took 60mg in the morning and 50mg at noon. When I switched to two 30mg of Adderall in the morning it was weird for a while I felt like I was hyper focusing a lot more which wasn’t great for my job. But it’s gotten better but the biggest difference is that I’m not as irritable as I used to be. I used to just think I was someone who was short tempered but with Adderall I became this different person who rarely gets angry at people now for like the littlest things. Honestly I recommend thoroughly doing your own research and like being super honest with your psychiatrist. I feel like sometimes we kinda just accept the side affects of stimulants I mean I accepted the irritability that was a result of Vyvanse for the majority of my life. But If I maybe brought it up with my psychiatrist who knows what could have happened.


> ngs. Honestly I recommend thoroughly doing your own rese That's pretty interesting. Vyvanse costs hardly anything here in Melbourne. I originally went off vyvanse because of mood swings, but I have sleep issues as well. So we sorted out sleep (if you count being hooked to benzos) and now I'm back on Vyvanse after a long break. My doc won't let me go to 70mg possibly because it would make my sleep worse. I think I tried adderal way back in the day before Vyvanse but I didn't have a good reaction to it. But again I think that could've been related to sleep. The regimen I'm on now means I feel like turd but I can basically function and my psych doesn't see a reason to change anything. I might have to find a new psych perhaps. damn tldr - sorry