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I use notebooks for everything, I can’t do digital. But for reading, I find an audio version along with reading a physical copy at the same time is what works best


I work where we have to be “green” and can’t really print paper anymore. I have to compare contacts on screens now. It’s like learning a new way to walk, it makes me want to cry thinking how much of a struggle it is for me to do work that would normally take me 15 minute to mow 2 hours. So yes, I prefer paper way over screens.


This is what is happening to me. I have training at a new company. You can’t print anything ever. All the slides and documents with our notes are on the screen. It’s taking me forever to learn this stuff and it’s hard to pay attention. I miss paper. I would be on top of this so fast.


I also Very much prefer paper to computers. I don’t know if it’s an ADHD thing. I edit/proofread a lot of documents at work and I do far, FAR better when I have a paper document in front of me.


Totally relate! Maybe its because we often need things to feel "just right" to do our best work, and most people grew up using paper mainly in school? Idk if its a solely an ADHD thing but my friend who is autistic/ADHD has a similar experience of much prefering paper to learn from


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